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TOPIC | Any newbie guide?
Hello there! As you can see I'm new here and I was wondering if there is any guide for me to get through the website?
So I can easy know what are the dailies, what is the easiest money and so one.

If you could help me it would be very much appreciated!
Hello there! As you can see I'm new here and I was wondering if there is any guide for me to get through the website?
So I can easy know what are the dailies, what is the easiest money and so one.

If you could help me it would be very much appreciated!
@raikuin welcome to FR! you picked a great time to join, the Lightning Flight elemental festival is starting today at 6:00 FR time.
there absolutely is a guide! Uru's Starter's Guide should have everything you need!
also, for dailies you can always check the Which Waystone, since it shows which dailies you haven't done yet for the day.
@raikuin welcome to FR! you picked a great time to join, the Lightning Flight elemental festival is starting today at 6:00 FR time.
there absolutely is a guide! Uru's Starter's Guide should have everything you need!
also, for dailies you can always check the Which Waystone, since it shows which dailies you haven't done yet for the day.
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