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TOPIC | [FIXED] Sprite Error in Coliseum
Was working fine until now. Same party members were able to fight an hour ago with no changes. Only one sprite error for me each time that only occurs after selecting a location.
Was working fine until now. Same party members were able to fight an hour ago with no changes. Only one sprite error for me each time that only occurs after selecting a location.
Having the same problem... can change my party and view stats, but can't battle. Hope this is fixed soon! The loot from battles is how I get food for my dragons!
Having the same problem... can change my party and view stats, but can't battle. Hope this is fixed soon! The loot from battles is how I get food for my dragons!
We made some recent changes with hopes to alleviate this error -- can anyone confirm for me? :)
We made some recent changes with hopes to alleviate this error -- can anyone confirm for me? :)
Flight Rising Developer
Project Management | Engineering Team Cheerleader | UI Designer
Update: I can now load the coliseum and rearrange the party, however trying to load any battleground I still encounter the error, even with completely different dragons in the group.
I still receive an error notification for all three dragons in the group.
Update: I can now load the coliseum and rearrange the party, however trying to load any battleground I still encounter the error, even with completely different dragons in the group.
I still receive an error notification for all three dragons in the group.
Shining Light Store Selling dragons. Closed for now.
i just started getting this error too. :c
i just started getting this error too. :c
I've just started having this problem as well.
I've just started having this problem as well.
Started having this under an hour ago. played all cant enter battle areas.
Started having this under an hour ago. played all cant enter battle areas.
earlier i couldn't access the organize party section of the coli, but i could still use the other tabs and i could still battle.

now i can't get in to the coli at all. right before the bar fills, i get:

Error loading sprite: rendern/coliseum/battlesprites/676/67557.png

i cleared my cache twice, restarted my browser, all that jazz, and still no dice. i'm on firefox, it if makes any difference.
earlier i couldn't access the organize party section of the coli, but i could still use the other tabs and i could still battle.

now i can't get in to the coli at all. right before the bar fills, i get:

Error loading sprite: rendern/coliseum/battlesprites/676/67557.png

i cleared my cache twice, restarted my browser, all that jazz, and still no dice. i'm on firefox, it if makes any difference.
I used to be able to get to the regular coliseum screen, but now I can't even get to that :( I haven't been able to access it all day.
I used to be able to get to the regular coliseum screen, but now I can't even get to that :( I haven't been able to access it all day.
Like the others, I can now open the Organize Party screen fine, but attempting to enter a battle (after selecting the area in which to fight) pops 3 errors.
Like the others, I can now open the Organize Party screen fine, but attempting to enter a battle (after selecting the area in which to fight) pops 3 errors.