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TOPIC | Accent: Calico Ferberus
Hey there! I just noticed I got this accent here in coli [item=Accent: Calico Ferberus] and wanted to sell it, but there are no listings on the AH rn and the database entry only has two comments, one of which just says it's "quite expensive", but that was back in 2022 and no actual price was mentioned. Searching the item sales and auctions forums for the skin ID unfortunately wasn't super helpful either, since the latest posts are from 2021 (auctions forum) and 2022 (item sales forum) @.@ Especially since the prices vary quite a bit (the most was 2500g, I've also seen 800g and 2000g) oof Does anyone know how much the accent is really worth?
Hey there!

I just noticed I got this accent here in coli
Accent: Calico Ferberus

and wanted to sell it, but there are no listings on the AH rn and the database entry only has two comments, one of which just says it's "quite expensive", but that was back in 2022 and no actual price was mentioned.

Searching the item sales and auctions forums for the skin ID unfortunately wasn't super helpful either, since the latest posts are from 2021 (auctions forum) and 2022 (item sales forum) @.@
Especially since the prices vary quite a bit (the most was 2500g, I've also seen 800g and 2000g) oof

Does anyone know how much the accent is really worth?

That's all the price information available for this accent. Ultimately it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

If you're not sure, you can start high and gradually lower the price until it sells. I'd start at the 2500 gems price.

That's all the price information available for this accent. Ultimately it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

If you're not sure, you can start high and gradually lower the price until it sells. I'd start at the 2500 gems price.

ah damn, that's unfortunate ): but true, yeah!

I'll definetly do that, thank you for the answer! :D

ah damn, that's unfortunate ): but true, yeah!

I'll definetly do that, thank you for the answer! :D