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Hi, everyone! This is my progenitor: [url=][img][/img][/url] He is a double by chance! An XYY! I had no idea that he was special for a while and I even regretted choosing a repeated colour for it because I forgot the tertiary was random! ^^' I'm considering transforming him completely and realised that he'd make an amazing robot: [morphology=3707554] But Sandsurges ain't good enough to be my progenitor in my opinion. A double mecha Baphomet would be better: [morphology=3764141] But I, also, can't say I like Aberrations better than Mirrors. My favourite breed is Gaoler and I like Veilspuns, too, but I didn't like any scrys with TITILLAT as either of them and I don't really care for any other breed. So, what do you guys think? Should I do it anyway and make him an Aberration? Or should I wait for more genes which will certainly take a very long time as Abby's just got an expansion, Gaolers and Veils already had theirs, too... I'm not sure about Sarcophagus... That's why he has no secondary... It's the one I like better, but not that much... [center][emoji=mirror sad size=2][emoji=sandsurge confused size=2][emoji=aberration confused size=2][emoji=gaoler confused size=2][emoji=veilspun confused size=2][emoji=mirror confused size=2][/center]
Hi, everyone! This is my progenitor:


He is a double by chance! An XYY! I had no idea that he was special for a while and I even regretted choosing a repeated colour for it because I forgot the tertiary was random! ^^'

I'm considering transforming him completely and realised that he'd make an amazing robot:


But Sandsurges ain't good enough to be my progenitor in my opinion.
A double mecha Baphomet would be better:

Double Mecha Baphomet

But I, also, can't say I like Aberrations better than Mirrors. My favourite breed is Gaoler and I like Veilspuns, too, but I didn't like any scrys with TITILLAT as either of them and I don't really care for any other breed.

So, what do you guys think? Should I do it anyway and make him an Aberration? Or should I wait for more genes which will certainly take a very long time as Abby's just got an expansion, Gaolers and Veils already had theirs, too... I'm not sure about Sarcophagus... That's why he has no secondary... It's the one I like better, but not that much...
Oh he's an AMAZING robot! And abbies are my fave so I might not be the best person to ask but I think you should go for it!
Oh he's an AMAZING robot! And abbies are my fave so I might not be the best person to ask but I think you should go for it!
Hello, again! Almost ten months later, I have a different scry for him. I don't like those in the first post anymore. I'd like to make a robotic dragon out of him, but I still can't say that I like Aberrations or Sandsurges enough to turn my progen into one of them. I had trouble with Crystal before because it makes no sense, much less on a hairy breed, but, now I think that I can see it, not as turning his body into a crystal, but rather as making his hair very glossy and specks of magical light (better than those of the Sparkle gene) come out of him. I love the Flair secondary, but Aqua Flair just isn't the best. Now, I think that it's the best alternative to make his mane work with the rest by making it match the specks of light and adding a nice starry night touch to him while still living some Aqua to go with the tertiary. I love what Runes does to the horn and paws and, even though the runes themselves are barely visible here, I don't like any other tertiary better with Crystal and Flair. Besides, just like Flair, it's one of my favourite genes (as gets clear, if you as much as come near my lair or HibDen) and my progen should sport my favourite genes! [emoji=gaoler tongue size=1] [img][/img] Does anyone out there think I won't regret it or can help me see some mistake here before I make it?
Hello, again!

Almost ten months later, I have a different scry for him.

I don't like those in the first post anymore. I'd like to make a robotic dragon out of him, but I still can't say that I like Aberrations or Sandsurges enough to turn my progen into one of them.

I had trouble with Crystal before because it makes no sense, much less on a hairy breed, but, now I think that I can see it, not as turning his body into a crystal, but rather as making his hair very glossy and specks of magical light (better than those of the Sparkle gene) come out of him.

I love the Flair secondary, but Aqua Flair just isn't the best. Now, I think that it's the best alternative to make his mane work with the rest by making it match the specks of light and adding a nice starry night touch to him while still living some Aqua to go with the tertiary.

I love what Runes does to the horn and paws and, even though the runes themselves are barely visible here, I don't like any other tertiary better with Crystal and Flair. Besides, just like Flair, it's one of my favourite genes (as gets clear, if you as much as come near my lair or HibDen) and my progen should sport my favourite genes!


Does anyone out there think I won't regret it or can help me see some mistake here before I make it?
I'm very partial to Aberrations and think that scry in the first post looks amazing, but I think you should follow your heart. That said, there is an Aether skin that would probably work perfectly here that you may want to consider: [center][item=Accent: Fabricator Drone][/center] I'd be happy to make a scry with it if you'd be interested in an Aether. Though for Gaolers there are a few robotic site skins I could try to scry around: [center][item=Accent: Spire Hunter][item=Accent: Gamer Girl][/center] And this is of course just an offer, if you like the existing scry you should go for it!
I'm very partial to Aberrations and think that scry in the first post looks amazing, but I think you should follow your heart. That said, there is an Aether skin that would probably work perfectly here that you may want to consider:
Accent: Fabricator Drone

I'd be happy to make a scry with it if you'd be interested in an Aether.

Though for Gaolers there are a few robotic site skins I could try to scry around:
Accent: Spire Hunter Accent: Gamer Girl

And this is of course just an offer, if you like the existing scry you should go for it!
63R1biD.png x f9f5sun.png x xxFree Dragons!
xxfandragons: lair | hibden | plans
[quote name="@RiverRacer" date="2024-06-23 19:24:39" ] I'm very partial to Aberrations and think that scry in the first post looks amazing, but I think you should follow your heart. That said, there is an Aether skin that would probably work perfectly here that you may want to consider: [center][item=Accent: Fabricator Drone][/center] I'd be happy to make a scry with it if you'd be interested in an Aether. Though for Gaolers there are a few robotic site skins I could try to scry around: [center][item=Accent: Spire Hunter][item=Accent: Gamer Girl][/center] And this is of course just an offer, if you like the existing scry you should go for it! [/quote] Of course! A scry wouldn't hurt and it'd be lovely to see someone else playing around with my boi. Just keep in mind that I've scried him enough for the past 3 years and only liked what I posted. ; ) Aethers are funny and my Flight's Ancient, but hardly TITILLAT material. Though it would be funny, also, because the random progen I got with him is an Aether, now. ^^
@RiverRacer wrote on 2024-06-23 19:24:39:
I'm very partial to Aberrations and think that scry in the first post looks amazing, but I think you should follow your heart. That said, there is an Aether skin that would probably work perfectly here that you may want to consider:
Accent: Fabricator Drone

I'd be happy to make a scry with it if you'd be interested in an Aether.

Though for Gaolers there are a few robotic site skins I could try to scry around:
Accent: Spire Hunter Accent: Gamer Girl

And this is of course just an offer, if you like the existing scry you should go for it!

Of course! A scry wouldn't hurt and it'd be lovely to see someone else playing around with my boi. Just keep in mind that I've scried him enough for the past 3 years and only liked what I posted. ; )

Aethers are funny and my Flight's Ancient, but hardly TITILLAT material. Though it would be funny, also, because the random progen I got with him is an Aether, now. ^^
I honestly love your progen as he is!
I honestly love your progen as he is!
[quote name="@Coolangel533" date="2024-06-23 20:59:51" ] I honestly love your progen as he is! [/quote] He thanks you for that! ^^ I do, too. Though I feel bad that his wings are basic still... and I like Gaolers more and more each day...
@Coolangel533 wrote on 2024-06-23 20:59:51:
I honestly love your progen as he is!

He thanks you for that! ^^

I do, too. Though I feel bad that his wings are basic still... and I like Gaolers more and more each day...
If you like the Gaoler scry, I'd say go for it. The great thing about gene and breed scrolls is you can get more of them if you change your mind down the line. He won't be permanently stuck in his new form any more than he's stuck as a Mirror now.
If you like the Gaoler scry, I'd say go for it. The great thing about gene and breed scrolls is you can get more of them if you change your mind down the line. He won't be permanently stuck in his new form any more than he's stuck as a Mirror now.
rolling a double for your progen is excellent luck, congrats! (and happy recent 3rd birthday) :D i am a huge fan of revamps & glowups and such, but i gotta say, i think i prefer your progen in current Mirror form! that outfit is just so good. so much character. and there's nothing wrong with sticking with an old classic breed/pose! mirrors are awesome. your ancient designs are all pretty cool too, though - maybe you could just also get more dragons in the same/similar colors as your progen, instead of doing a full rehaul? it's not an exact match, but this g1 from the AH is grey/robin/splash and even Arcane like your progen :) [url=][img][/img][/url]
rolling a double for your progen is excellent luck, congrats! (and happy recent 3rd birthday) :D

i am a huge fan of revamps & glowups and such, but i gotta say, i think i prefer your progen in current Mirror form! that outfit is just so good. so much character. and there's nothing wrong with sticking with an old classic breed/pose! mirrors are awesome.

your ancient designs are all pretty cool too, though - maybe you could just also get more dragons in the same/similar colors as your progen, instead of doing a full rehaul?

it's not an exact match, but this g1 from the AH is grey/robin/splash and even Arcane like your progen :)

[quote name="@sky09" date="2024-06-23 22:42:58" ] If you like the Gaoler scry, I'd say go for it. The great thing about gene and breed scrolls is you can get more of them if you change your mind down the line. He won't be permanently stuck in his new form any more than he's stuck as a Mirror now. [/quote] Sure and that's the problem. Sometimes I think I love it and sometimes I think it just works. And he would be stuck to it, if I used a gem scroll. That's why I didn't put Sarcophagus on him when it, also, just worked.
@sky09 wrote on 2024-06-23 22:42:58:
If you like the Gaoler scry, I'd say go for it. The great thing about gene and breed scrolls is you can get more of them if you change your mind down the line. He won't be permanently stuck in his new form any more than he's stuck as a Mirror now.

Sure and that's the problem. Sometimes I think I love it and sometimes I think it just works. And he would be stuck to it, if I used a gem scroll. That's why I didn't put Sarcophagus on him when it, also, just worked.
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