

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | IC, Arc I. // There Will Come Soft Rains
[center] [img][/img] [font=Franklin Gothic] [size=6][b]there will come soft rains[/b][/size] [b][size=4] [url=]Out of Character.[/url] | [url=]Character Sheets[/url][/size][/b] [b]The Main Storyline.[/b] nothing so far.

there will come soft rains
Out of Character. | Character Sheets

The Main Storyline.
nothing so far.
[center][img][/img] [font=Franklin Gothic] [b][size=6]ARC I: Seeds of Hope[/size][/b] with the inception of the Viridus Project, hope blooms anew.[/center]

ARC I: Seeds of Hope
with the inception of the Viridus Project, hope blooms anew.
[center][img][/img] [font=Franklin Gothic][b][size=6]Scene 1 - Fore Genesis[/size] [size=1][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/size] [size=4]Project Viridus Handler, W. Moran[/size] 12 October 2097 | Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma[/b] [rule] [font=Franklin Gothic]A military aircraft cuts through the skies, moving silently above the cloud cover and looping along the boundaries of known Catastrophe nests in an effort to avoid detection. The only disturbance it makes is when it lands, racing along an empty runway as its tires screech down asphalt covered in dust, cracks, and animal litter. W. Moran, a former CIA agent turned handler for the Viridus Project team, strides off board with the operatives. She turns, dark eyes glancing around in a silent survey of the facility. Once the home of cutting-edge technology, it’s now become a place of derelict. Proud white hangers have since crumbled, now home to neglected aircraft and the possibility of Catastrophes, and sparse, yellowed plants, struggling for life amidst a habitat of ruined soil and starving animals, dot the fields in place of manicured grass well-maintained roads. [b][color=cc362d]“Everyone off,”[/b] she calls, waving the team by. In her hand, she holds a pair of keycards, handing them to two of the passing members. [b][color=cc362d]“And remember, protect the items you’re retrieving at all costs, but be careful with yourselves. I’d rather not have to fill out accident forms for the first mission. To that end, I'd be pleased seeing all of you return, in as few pieces as possible.”[/b] With that, the team begins their first operation, the details of their mission having been covered in the debriefing during their travels. Inside of the base, behind the waiting Catastrophes and an encoded lock is a vault, containing enough seeds to kickstart the Arboretum’s attempts at agriculture—a chance at providing food for the growing city for decades to come. Stepping in through the doors, or making use of the crumbling holes in the wall, reveals a winding hallway. At the entrance, a swarm of wasps grown to the size of a hand hover around a slumbering Catastrophe that's blocking off the path, with only a small gap between its body and the roof. It’s a mutated Brown Bat about the size of a plane itself, covered in a layer of thick, green scales and possessing overgrown claws alongside its wings and feet that seem more akin to swords than claws, at least in terms of size.[/center]

Scene 1 - Fore Genesis
Project Viridus Handler, W. Moran
12 October 2097 | Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma

A military aircraft cuts through the skies, moving silently above the cloud cover and looping along the boundaries of known Catastrophe nests in an effort to avoid detection. The only disturbance it makes is when it lands, racing along an empty runway as its tires screech down asphalt covered in dust, cracks, and animal litter. W. Moran, a former CIA agent turned handler for the Viridus Project team, strides off board with the operatives. She turns, dark eyes glancing around in a silent survey of the facility.

Once the home of cutting-edge technology, it’s now become a place of derelict. Proud white hangers have since crumbled, now home to neglected aircraft and the possibility of Catastrophes, and sparse, yellowed plants, struggling for life amidst a habitat of ruined soil and starving animals, dot the fields in place of manicured grass well-maintained roads.

“Everyone off,” she calls, waving the team by. In her hand, she holds a pair of keycards, handing them to two of the passing members. “And remember, protect the items you’re retrieving at all costs, but be careful with yourselves. I’d rather not have to fill out accident forms for the first mission. To that end, I'd be pleased seeing all of you return, in as few pieces as possible.”

With that, the team begins their first operation, the details of their mission having been covered in the debriefing during their travels. Inside of the base, behind the waiting Catastrophes and an encoded lock is a vault, containing enough seeds to kickstart the Arboretum’s attempts at agriculture—a chance at providing food for the growing city for decades to come.

Stepping in through the doors, or making use of the crumbling holes in the wall, reveals a winding hallway. At the entrance, a swarm of wasps grown to the size of a hand hover around a slumbering Catastrophe that's blocking off the path, with only a small gap between its body and the roof. It’s a mutated Brown Bat about the size of a plane itself, covered in a layer of thick, green scales and possessing overgrown claws alongside its wings and feet that seem more akin to swords than claws, at least in terms of size.
Maia jumped down lightly, her feet touching down with the ground and planting themselves for a brief moment as she glanced back to make sure everyone was getting off safely. Crimson was slung across her back haphazardly, and she quickly returned it to her hands as she noticed the enormous bat, her eyes narrowing slightly as she analyzed the creature.

She took one of the keycards as they were handed out and tucked it into her shirt pocket, buttoning the top flap to ensure its security.
Maia jumped down lightly, her feet touching down with the ground and planting themselves for a brief moment as she glanced back to make sure everyone was getting off safely. Crimson was slung across her back haphazardly, and she quickly returned it to her hands as she noticed the enormous bat, her eyes narrowing slightly as she analyzed the creature.

She took one of the keycards as they were handed out and tucked it into her shirt pocket, buttoning the top flap to ensure its security.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
Eris carefully walked off the aircraft, nervously clutching her staff. Although offered a keycard, she politely refused it.
"I think... I think someone better should take it."
As she surveyed her surroundings, the giant bat caught her eyes.
Her grip on her staff grew tighter, and, instinctively, she deployed a light blue barrier surrounding all of her nearby allies. A soft, tinkling sound of bells could be heard by everyone.
Eris carefully walked off the aircraft, nervously clutching her staff. Although offered a keycard, she politely refused it.
"I think... I think someone better should take it."
As she surveyed her surroundings, the giant bat caught her eyes.
Her grip on her staff grew tighter, and, instinctively, she deployed a light blue barrier surrounding all of her nearby allies. A soft, tinkling sound of bells could be heard by everyone.
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down
"You alright?"

Maia turned to face the white-haired girl with a neutral expression, her voice low and quiet. A weird shudder passed through her body as the barrier was deployed and she glanced down, planting Crimson on the ground momentarily to steady herself, then hoisting it back up before the vines covering it could attach themselves to the ground.

The windchime-esque tinkling sound caught her off guard and she glanced around, trying to find the source of the noise, but could not. Maia's unyielding expression faltered briefly into confusion before she quickly regained her composure, her grip on Crimson tightening ever so slightly as she looked back over at the mutated Brown Bat.

"What's the battle plan?"

She turned to ask the rest of them the question, scanning over the features of her acquaintances as she shifted her bostaff into a guarded position.
"You alright?"

Maia turned to face the white-haired girl with a neutral expression, her voice low and quiet. A weird shudder passed through her body as the barrier was deployed and she glanced down, planting Crimson on the ground momentarily to steady herself, then hoisting it back up before the vines covering it could attach themselves to the ground.

The windchime-esque tinkling sound caught her off guard and she glanced around, trying to find the source of the noise, but could not. Maia's unyielding expression faltered briefly into confusion before she quickly regained her composure, her grip on Crimson tightening ever so slightly as she looked back over at the mutated Brown Bat.

"What's the battle plan?"

She turned to ask the rest of them the question, scanning over the features of her acquaintances as she shifted her bostaff into a guarded position.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#870F06]ULRYCH DIOCARA[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]The scent of leather and mildew filled the veteran's nose. Regret and envy squeezed his chest. Every bump of turbulence sent a thrill up his spine. Ulrych longed for open skies and the steering wheel in his hands. But that was his old life, empty and forgotten. Crossing one leg over the other, Ulrych leaned against the cool metal wall of the aircraft, wishing desperately for a window just to catch another glimpse of what was out there. He ran a hand over his bad eye, pressing his palm firmly into the socket. The persistent throbbing eased with the pressure. It was easy to ignore the other passengers aboard despite his growing curiosity. There would be time to socialize later, but for now, his mind was on the mission. After he retired from the military, he'd lost his identity and craved direction. He knew better than to think he was a free man during his service, but at least he had a purpose. His heart lurched as the aircraft landed, the familiar sound of the wheels deploying easing his nerves. Yawning, his ears popping against the pressure. He rose to his feet and stretched. His eyes flicked to Moran, her midnight hair gleaming blue under the fluorescent lights. She gestured for the passenger to exist. Ulrych obliged. As he passed her, his gaze lingered on hers for a moment but they didn't speak. There was nothing to say. He took the key card and exited. As he filed into the breezeway, Ulrych noticed the creatures blocking the exit. The buzzing of the wasps roared in his ears. For a moment, Ulrych thought the slumbering Catastrophe would wake at the sound, but after a few beats of silence, the monster grumbled and flipped over in its sleep. Instinctively, Ulrych lifted his hand. The electricity in the air cracked, eager to please its master. It would have been easy to destroy the Catastrophe and the wasps, but the veteran remembered where he was. He couldn't guarantee the safety of his comrades and he wasn't in charge here. Exhaling, he let the spark dissipate. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Maia got to the question first. [color=#e30959][b]“What's the battle plan?”[/b][/color] She asked the group. Ulrych thought for a moment. Anything they did to the wasps would wake the Catastrophe or vice versa. They needed to split up and target both enemies at once. But how should they team up? [color=#870F06][b]“We need to attack the wasps and the Catastrophe simultaneously. Do you have any ideas?”[/b][/color] Ulrych added, surveying the group. He wasn't sure who was built for short-range attacks or long-range. As long as they stayed quiet, they should have enough time to formulate a plan. [/font][/size][/center]

Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, open


The scent of leather and mildew filled the veteran's nose. Regret and envy squeezed his chest. Every bump of turbulence sent a thrill up his spine. Ulrych longed for open skies and the steering wheel in his hands. But that was his old life, empty and forgotten.
Crossing one leg over the other, Ulrych leaned against the cool metal wall of the aircraft, wishing desperately for a window just to catch another glimpse of what was out there. He ran a hand over his bad eye, pressing his palm firmly into the socket. The persistent throbbing eased with the pressure.
It was easy to ignore the other passengers aboard despite his growing curiosity. There would be time to socialize later, but for now, his mind was on the mission. After he retired from the military, he'd lost his identity and craved direction. He knew better than to think he was a free man during his service, but at least he had a purpose.
His heart lurched as the aircraft landed, the familiar sound of the wheels deploying easing his nerves. Yawning, his ears popping against the pressure. He rose to his feet and stretched. His eyes flicked to Moran, her midnight hair gleaming blue under the fluorescent lights. She gestured for the passenger to exist. Ulrych obliged. As he passed her, his gaze lingered on hers for a moment but they didn't speak. There was nothing to say. He took the key card and exited.
As he filed into the breezeway, Ulrych noticed the creatures blocking the exit. The buzzing of the wasps roared in his ears. For a moment, Ulrych thought the slumbering Catastrophe would wake at the sound, but after a few beats of silence, the monster grumbled and flipped over in its sleep.
Instinctively, Ulrych lifted his hand. The electricity in the air cracked, eager to please its master. It would have been easy to destroy the Catastrophe and the wasps, but the veteran remembered where he was. He couldn't guarantee the safety of his comrades and he wasn't in charge here. Exhaling, he let the spark dissipate. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Maia got to the question first.
“What's the battle plan?” She asked the group.
Ulrych thought for a moment. Anything they did to the wasps would wake the Catastrophe or vice versa. They needed to split up and target both enemies at once. But how should they team up?
“We need to attack the wasps and the Catastrophe simultaneously. Do you have any ideas?” Ulrych added, surveying the group. He wasn't sure who was built for short-range attacks or long-range. As long as they stayed quiet, they should have enough time to formulate a plan.
Maia thought for a moment, pondering Ulrych's response. Eventually, she spoke up, untying her usual twin ponytails and twisting them into a simple, thick braid down her back-- the way she always did when she needed to be mobile.

"We don't exactly have any weapons that can target insects that tiny," she began carefully, her eyes narrowed in deep thought as she stared off into space for a moment, then refocused on the Catastrophe.

"We could gas out the wasps-- smoke would do, though that might take a while to set up. Perhaps Eris could go with one person to protect them while they start a fire-- maybe Kona or Annie, since they're both quick and could get that friction going more easily-- and when the Catastrophe wakes up, the rest of us attack?

Maia spoke a bit slowly, as if she was planning things out as she suggested then, which was a bit rare for her, since she usually had everything planned beforehand. But the Catastrophe would be unpredictable, so she needed to stay on her toes.

"We'll all need to be quick with it-- the bat has size and the wasps have a lack thereof, that's for sure. If we can drive out the wasps, then we'll have strength in numbers. Being able to surround it would be nice." she added, stepping out of the way so that everyone else could get off the aircraft and back onto solid ground, which to her, was always preferable.
Maia thought for a moment, pondering Ulrych's response. Eventually, she spoke up, untying her usual twin ponytails and twisting them into a simple, thick braid down her back-- the way she always did when she needed to be mobile.

"We don't exactly have any weapons that can target insects that tiny," she began carefully, her eyes narrowed in deep thought as she stared off into space for a moment, then refocused on the Catastrophe.

"We could gas out the wasps-- smoke would do, though that might take a while to set up. Perhaps Eris could go with one person to protect them while they start a fire-- maybe Kona or Annie, since they're both quick and could get that friction going more easily-- and when the Catastrophe wakes up, the rest of us attack?

Maia spoke a bit slowly, as if she was planning things out as she suggested then, which was a bit rare for her, since she usually had everything planned beforehand. But the Catastrophe would be unpredictable, so she needed to stay on her toes.

"We'll all need to be quick with it-- the bat has size and the wasps have a lack thereof, that's for sure. If we can drive out the wasps, then we'll have strength in numbers. Being able to surround it would be nice." she added, stepping out of the way so that everyone else could get off the aircraft and back onto solid ground, which to her, was always preferable.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
Hakuren Homura
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, Ulrych, Eris, open

Hakuren ignores most people on the aircraft, and pointedly ignoring the way that Annie is snoring away beside him. Her hat covering her face from view as she practically melts into her chair. It's completely normal for her when she has absolutely nothing to do and she is easily able to ignore it in favor of his needlework. Most of the others were doing much the same as he was. Staying in their own little worlds as he lets his -currently mottled blue- fingers guide the needle to form a stag on the small handkerchief.

As the aircraft begins to make its descent, Hakuren begins the process of preparing for the mission at hand. Carefully tying of his knots and stowing away his tools into one of the multiple pockets hidden alongside the inside of his shirt. Afterwards he begins the process of waking up his seat partner. Annie wakes up with a jolt, hands flaring out in surprise from where they had been crossed over her chest and causing the pinch front hat to fall and reveal startled eyes as she coughed and hacked. She'd probably been playing with a bullet before she'd fallen asleep, and is proven right when said projectile is launched across the floor of the aircraft.

"Wake up Roadrunner. Mission time." She nods, hands going up to simultaneously rub at her throat and place the hat back onto its rightful place. Hakuren slipping on Egret's Talons over his hands, flexing to make sure that the rings and hooks were properly aligned with his fingers. Once the check was done he began felt that familiar pinch in his knuckles as he readied his string. The slight pink hue of it gleaming under the lights as he made it thin and durable enough to be useful in combat. It was only when others started to disembark that he got up, following in the shadows of Annie's jingling steps.

Hands carefully hidden within the pockets of his jacket, he allowed his eyes to flicker over their surroundings. Beneath the veil his nose crinkled slightly as he took in the derelict state of it all before focusing on the buzzing of the wasps and the low snores of the bat beast. If they fought them, he wouldn't mind taking a few wings and scales as a reference material for some later project. Just to make sure he got the colors and shapes right.

The plan of his fellow Splice was a good one. Maia had a good idea with the fire. The only downside of it was the time it would take could result in the beast waking up from either the nose or from the smell of the smoke itself. Speed and stealth was an important factor.

"I could send some wires out over the bat creature to possibly pin it down or entangle it. Though it probably won't work for long considering those claws and how large it is. Would probably work on the wasps as well if they fly into the wires." Despite how much stronger he could make his threads so that they could be considered similar to razor wire in some instances, that didn't stop the fact that the creature was covered in sturdy looking scales and had the equivalent of swords attached to its wings and feet. The poor condition of the environment would also mean that any anchors could easily be ripped free from their moors.

Annie "Calamity" Hart
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, Ulrych, Eris, open

Annie wakes up with a start, choking on the bullet that she had been playing with in her mouth as she sharply inhaled. Sleeping position not helping at all as it gets stuck in the back of her throat until she can sit up and actually cough it up.

"Wake up Roadrunner. Mission time." Is what reaches her ears as she turns her startled and still slightly sleepy gaze over to meet Hakurens colder one. She nods as she rubs at her irritated throat and fixes her hat back into place on her head. Once that is done she gives herself a quick look over, making sure everything is in place, and then following after everyone as they depart the aircraft.

Stretching her legs has never felt so good before, and she inhales the air almost greedily as she did a full body stretch. A small pop escaping her spine as she stopped to stand near Ulrych, as he was her fellow bad arm body. He had a bad left arm and she had a bad right so together they made a pair of functioning arms! She grinned at the thought, and missed practically everything that was said until Maia said her name. Visibly perking up at the sound as she heard the plan and then Hakurens input of his own abilities.

"I mean starting a fire ain't a problem, just give me enough space to run and I can get Firebreaker going up on the fringe. Though if we need it later it won't be an option. If anything I can just take aim and shoot the big vermin from here. Got the bulge on 'em since he's slumbering away like he's halfa seas over. Get that all over and done with so that all thats left is those little critters." Her left hand moving to rest against the grip of Lone Star while the other flipped in the air level with her shoulders. Green eyes focusing on the massive beast and already taking into account just where she would have to aim to put it down. Its ears were probably the best place, especially that very sensitive part where it met the skull.

Wouldn't be a lot of armor, generally the skull would be weaker, and had the added bonus of being a easier target to aim for. Picking off the wasps would be easy after that. She could probably just run around, pluck their wings, and then leave the others to finish them off.

"Though any means of surprise would be up the spout. Bullets ain't quiet, and my girl ain't equipped with a silencer."
Hakuren Homura
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, Ulrych, Eris, open

Hakuren ignores most people on the aircraft, and pointedly ignoring the way that Annie is snoring away beside him. Her hat covering her face from view as she practically melts into her chair. It's completely normal for her when she has absolutely nothing to do and she is easily able to ignore it in favor of his needlework. Most of the others were doing much the same as he was. Staying in their own little worlds as he lets his -currently mottled blue- fingers guide the needle to form a stag on the small handkerchief.

As the aircraft begins to make its descent, Hakuren begins the process of preparing for the mission at hand. Carefully tying of his knots and stowing away his tools into one of the multiple pockets hidden alongside the inside of his shirt. Afterwards he begins the process of waking up his seat partner. Annie wakes up with a jolt, hands flaring out in surprise from where they had been crossed over her chest and causing the pinch front hat to fall and reveal startled eyes as she coughed and hacked. She'd probably been playing with a bullet before she'd fallen asleep, and is proven right when said projectile is launched across the floor of the aircraft.

"Wake up Roadrunner. Mission time." She nods, hands going up to simultaneously rub at her throat and place the hat back onto its rightful place. Hakuren slipping on Egret's Talons over his hands, flexing to make sure that the rings and hooks were properly aligned with his fingers. Once the check was done he began felt that familiar pinch in his knuckles as he readied his string. The slight pink hue of it gleaming under the lights as he made it thin and durable enough to be useful in combat. It was only when others started to disembark that he got up, following in the shadows of Annie's jingling steps.

Hands carefully hidden within the pockets of his jacket, he allowed his eyes to flicker over their surroundings. Beneath the veil his nose crinkled slightly as he took in the derelict state of it all before focusing on the buzzing of the wasps and the low snores of the bat beast. If they fought them, he wouldn't mind taking a few wings and scales as a reference material for some later project. Just to make sure he got the colors and shapes right.

The plan of his fellow Splice was a good one. Maia had a good idea with the fire. The only downside of it was the time it would take could result in the beast waking up from either the nose or from the smell of the smoke itself. Speed and stealth was an important factor.

"I could send some wires out over the bat creature to possibly pin it down or entangle it. Though it probably won't work for long considering those claws and how large it is. Would probably work on the wasps as well if they fly into the wires." Despite how much stronger he could make his threads so that they could be considered similar to razor wire in some instances, that didn't stop the fact that the creature was covered in sturdy looking scales and had the equivalent of swords attached to its wings and feet. The poor condition of the environment would also mean that any anchors could easily be ripped free from their moors.

Annie "Calamity" Hart
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, Ulrych, Eris, open

Annie wakes up with a start, choking on the bullet that she had been playing with in her mouth as she sharply inhaled. Sleeping position not helping at all as it gets stuck in the back of her throat until she can sit up and actually cough it up.

"Wake up Roadrunner. Mission time." Is what reaches her ears as she turns her startled and still slightly sleepy gaze over to meet Hakurens colder one. She nods as she rubs at her irritated throat and fixes her hat back into place on her head. Once that is done she gives herself a quick look over, making sure everything is in place, and then following after everyone as they depart the aircraft.

Stretching her legs has never felt so good before, and she inhales the air almost greedily as she did a full body stretch. A small pop escaping her spine as she stopped to stand near Ulrych, as he was her fellow bad arm body. He had a bad left arm and she had a bad right so together they made a pair of functioning arms! She grinned at the thought, and missed practically everything that was said until Maia said her name. Visibly perking up at the sound as she heard the plan and then Hakurens input of his own abilities.

"I mean starting a fire ain't a problem, just give me enough space to run and I can get Firebreaker going up on the fringe. Though if we need it later it won't be an option. If anything I can just take aim and shoot the big vermin from here. Got the bulge on 'em since he's slumbering away like he's halfa seas over. Get that all over and done with so that all thats left is those little critters." Her left hand moving to rest against the grip of Lone Star while the other flipped in the air level with her shoulders. Green eyes focusing on the massive beast and already taking into account just where she would have to aim to put it down. Its ears were probably the best place, especially that very sensitive part where it met the skull.

Wouldn't be a lot of armor, generally the skull would be weaker, and had the added bonus of being a easier target to aim for. Picking off the wasps would be easy after that. She could probably just run around, pluck their wings, and then leave the others to finish them off.

"Though any means of surprise would be up the spout. Bullets ain't quiet, and my girl ain't equipped with a silencer."
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Eris listened silently as they talked. Maia had mentioned her name, which had given her quite the fright, other than that, their plan seemed like a good one, but it seemed like they were having trouble figuring out a way to gather the tiny pests. She softly spoke up. "Uhm-" but no one seemed to hear her. Gathering up her courage, she raised her voice.
"UHM! I think, rather than protecting someone into the building, I could trap the calamities within a small barrier, if I can get my plants in there. And perhaps we could burn them within the barrier?" The words escaped her mouth like a bullet train, before she trailed off. She hunched her body and tried to make herself as small as possible. She wasn't used to being surrounded by this many people.
Eris listened silently as they talked. Maia had mentioned her name, which had given her quite the fright, other than that, their plan seemed like a good one, but it seemed like they were having trouble figuring out a way to gather the tiny pests. She softly spoke up. "Uhm-" but no one seemed to hear her. Gathering up her courage, she raised her voice.
"UHM! I think, rather than protecting someone into the building, I could trap the calamities within a small barrier, if I can get my plants in there. And perhaps we could burn them within the barrier?" The words escaped her mouth like a bullet train, before she trailed off. She hunched her body and tried to make herself as small as possible. She wasn't used to being surrounded by this many people.
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down