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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
It seemed even still nobody wanted a contract with the Coatl. Resigned to continue being not helpful, pitch went inside to make himself some tea
Pitch votes for Camelia
It seemed even still nobody wanted a contract with the Coatl. Resigned to continue being not helpful, pitch went inside to make himself some tea
Pitch votes for Camelia
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=Georgia][color=#9ACD32] DIADEM [emoji=peacock feather size=1] HE/HIM[/color][/font][/center] [center][font=Georgia][color=#9ACD32]Interacting With: Corpse Crew, specifically Xari (@Storia)[/color][/font][/center] [rule] After the burial was done, Diadem took a moment to huff out a ragged breath, sticking his shovel harshly into the earth and curling around it immediately to lay himself to a brief rest. The spiral sighs, raising a claw to tilt his hat above his eyes, suddenly the sun was just [i]far[/i] too bright.. He nods to Xari as she nods to him, watching as she asks for everyone’s alibis. He tried to carefully observe as everyone answered, duly noting in his mind that some weren’t present to give their proof of innocence. His suspicion immediately turned towards those dragons, but conveniently decides to ignore how Yula was one of them. The spiral ends up giving up on trying to analyze everyone after a few replies. He immediately forgot what the first one said, and barely remembers the second and third, shoot dang. He’ll just keep an eye on those who weren’t here. “Was restin’, knocked out like a Psywurm on a book, couldn’t have seen nothin’.” He says briefly, moving his hat to make eye contact with Xari. He quickly moves his hat back over his eyes however, to hide the tears beading his eyes. [rule] Diadem votes for [b]Pitch[/b]
Interacting With: Corpse Crew, specifically Xari (@Storia)

After the burial was done, Diadem took a moment to huff out a ragged breath, sticking his shovel harshly into the earth and curling around it immediately to lay himself to a brief rest. The spiral sighs, raising a claw to tilt his hat above his eyes, suddenly the sun was just far too bright..

He nods to Xari as she nods to him, watching as she asks for everyone’s alibis. He tried to carefully observe as everyone answered, duly noting in his mind that some weren’t present to give their proof of innocence. His suspicion immediately turned towards those dragons, but conveniently decides to ignore how Yula was one of them.

The spiral ends up giving up on trying to analyze everyone after a few replies. He immediately forgot what the first one said, and barely remembers the second and third, shoot dang. He’ll just keep an eye on those who weren’t here.

“Was restin’, knocked out like a Psywurm on a book, couldn’t have seen nothin’.” He says briefly, moving his hat to make eye contact with Xari. He quickly moves his hat back over his eyes however, to hide the tears beading his eyes.

Diadem votes for Pitch
PDT/UTC -7 Timezone
Interacting with: no one

Vitello sat there, in his cave. After everything that had happened, he didn’t want to come out. Everything was so, so wrong. And.. despite him being this meat creature, who most would be terrified of.. he himself was terrified.

Vitello votes for Camelia
Interacting with: no one

Vitello sat there, in his cave. After everything that had happened, he didn’t want to come out. Everything was so, so wrong. And.. despite him being this meat creature, who most would be terrified of.. he himself was terrified.

Vitello votes for Camelia
Furry Halfbody Commisons!!
Voting is now closed, please standby for the exile.
Voting is now closed, please standby for the exile.
xxxxx32302.png xxxxxxxxxxx star | she/her | fr +15
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxdisplay dragon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkillers in the clan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxfamiliar trading hub
[center][size=6][b][u][emoji=sun]The Evening[emoji=sun][/u][/b][/size][/center] [quote=The Exile] [center][emoji=torch] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=torch][/center] Xari sighs quietly as she counts the votes once more, double-checking them to make sure she didn’t throw out the wrong dragon. She didn’t enjoy this, not in the slightest. In fact, she hated this- this entire situation; throwing dragons out of her Sanctuary, the place she promised safety and a home for all. And now not only was she throwing dragons out, but someone was [i]murdering[/i] her wards. They were desecrating this place, and she hated it. This safe haven was being warped into a place of fear and betrayal, and she was helpless to stop it. Her mind conjured up an image of poor Summer’s body, and she hastily shoved it away, not wanting to break down once more. She grounded herself by taking in Magenta’s constant presence by her side, which she was forever grateful for. She cast a worried glance in the direction Selkirk disappeared in before taking a deep breath to steel herself, and then looked over at Camelia. “Camelia,” She started, dread pooling in her stomach, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to please gather your things.” Camelia startled, her head drawing back in shock and building indignation. “[i]Excuse me?![/i] All I’ve done was try and get answers! Why am I being punished for trying to help?!” She snarled angrily, taking a step back from the dragons around her, Volcano chittering anxiously from her bag. Xari frowned, heart hammering in her chest as she took a step forward, wings flaring slightly as she tensed for a potential fight, “Camelia, [i]please.[/i] Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” She warned. Camelia gaped at Xari, rage and betrayal swirling viciously in her chest. “Fine. Fine!” She snapped after a moment, tail lashing as she turned to head back into the caves to retrieve her fossils and pack up her research station. Once that was done and she stomped back out to the gathered dragons, she glared at all of them, “I really [i]do[/i] hope you catch the killer.” She snarled, genuine despite the venom coating her words. She turned and took a running leap off the cliff, spreading her wings to catch a current that allowed her to carry herself and Volcano far away from a Sanctuary only in name. [/quote] [emoji=ping][b]Those who help are often the most misunderstood…[/b] [u]Camelia was the Seer.[/u] [i]This exile was written by IsleTheDracon.[/i] [emoji=comment]The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable. And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so [url=]here[/url]! [emoji=subscription update] @pinglist-26208 [quote=Current Allegiances] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1] [b]Sanctuary Guardian (Leader):[/b] Xari | She/Her | Imperial | Storia | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Posie | She/Her | [gamedb item=50634][/i] [i]Polly | She/Her | [gamedb item=52280][/i] [emoji=silver crown size=1] [b]Assistant (Second-in-Command):[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=question mark size=1] Selkirk | He/Him | Mirror | AutumnFall123 | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Sabre | He/Him | [gamedb item=53056][/i] [i]Foo | She/It | [gamedb item=11147][/i] [emoji=scroll size=1] [b]Architect:[/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Melo | He/Him | Imperial | ShinyDecidueye | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Elo | It/Its | [gamedb item=28767][/i] [i]Wifom | It/Its | Caterpillar on [gamedb item= 45489][/i] [emoji=mystery bag size=1] [b]Doll-Eyed Doctor:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Beanbag | Any (He/Him, It/Its, Doll/Dolls) | Sapient-For-Totally-Normal-Reasons Aether Plushie | KungFuCutBug | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Hackeysack | It/Its | [gamedb item= 28770][/i] [emoji=silhouette size=1] [b]Enslaved Butler:[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] Pitch | He/Him | Coatl | Ozeatetsor | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=palette size=1] [b]Craftsdragon:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Aeon | He/Him | Auraboa | swiftystarss | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Eien | They/Them | [gamedb item=26287][/i] [emoji=magnifying glass size=1] [b]Independent Researcher:[/b] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Yula | He/Him, She/Her | Pearlcatcher | Relics | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Kar | It/Its | [gamedb item=37358][/i] [emoji=wing size=1] [b]Wild Adventurer:[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] Diadem | He/Him | Spiral | AmethystGrove | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Scout | They/Them | [gamedb item=20158][/i] [emoji=ceramic jar size=1] [b]Archaeologist:[/b] [s][emoji=ice rune size=1] Camelia | She/Her | Wildclaw | Slairisk | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Volcano | He/Him | [gamedb item=42759][/i][/s] [emoji=left wing size=1] [b]Plague Guardian:[/b] [emoji=plague rune size=1] Alison | She/Her | "Gaoler" | Strangeflesh | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Cancer | He/Him | [gamedb item=601][/i] [emoji=music notes size=1] [b]Bard:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Keiran | He/They | Guardian-Shaped Dragon | pandakitty1 | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=red money bag size=1] [b]Travelling Salesdragon:[/b] [emoji=plague rune size=1] Vitello | He/They/It | Bogsneak (Meat Dragon) | SunClassic | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=apparel helm size=1] [b]Night Patrol:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Magenta | She/Her/It | Sandsurge-shaped Glass Candle | WyvernTales | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=blacksmith anvil size=1] [b]Stonemason:[/b] [s][emoji=earth rune size=1] Indiana | He/Him | Auraboa | TrueTerror | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Flute | She/Her | [gamedb item=26205][/i][/s] [emoji=plant size=1] [b]Gardener:[/b] [s][emoji=nature rune size=1] Summer | He/Him | Guardian | natsinabucket | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [i]Mr Honeywhiskers | He/Him | [gamedb item=51929][/i] ----- [emoji=familiar heart size=1][b]Relations:[/b] ? x ? -> Diadem, Yula [s]Indiana[/s] x Vitello -> ? Magenta x Xari -> Selkirk ----- [ 12 dragons remaining ] [/quote]
The Evening
The Exile wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Xari sighs quietly as she counts the votes once more, double-checking them to make sure she didn’t throw out the wrong dragon. She didn’t enjoy this, not in the slightest. In fact, she hated this- this entire situation; throwing dragons out of her Sanctuary, the place she promised safety and a home for all. And now not only was she throwing dragons out, but someone was murdering her wards. They were desecrating this place, and she hated it.

This safe haven was being warped into a place of fear and betrayal, and she was helpless to stop it.

Her mind conjured up an image of poor Summer’s body, and she hastily shoved it away, not wanting to break down once more. She grounded herself by taking in Magenta’s constant presence by her side, which she was forever grateful for. She cast a worried glance in the direction Selkirk disappeared in before taking a deep breath to steel herself, and then looked over at Camelia.

“Camelia,” She started, dread pooling in her stomach, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to please gather your things.” Camelia startled, her head drawing back in shock and building indignation. “Excuse me?! All I’ve done was try and get answers! Why am I being punished for trying to help?!” She snarled angrily, taking a step back from the dragons around her, Volcano chittering anxiously from her bag.

Xari frowned, heart hammering in her chest as she took a step forward, wings flaring slightly as she tensed for a potential fight, “Camelia, please. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” She warned.

Camelia gaped at Xari, rage and betrayal swirling viciously in her chest. “Fine. Fine!” She snapped after a moment, tail lashing as she turned to head back into the caves to retrieve her fossils and pack up her research station. Once that was done and she stomped back out to the gathered dragons, she glared at all of them, “I really do hope you catch the killer.” She snarled, genuine despite the venom coating her words. She turned and took a running leap off the cliff, spreading her wings to catch a current that allowed her to carry herself and Volcano far away from a Sanctuary only in name.

Those who help are often the most misunderstood…
Camelia was the Seer.
This exile was written by IsleTheDracon.

The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable.
And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so here!


Current Allegiances wrote:

Sanctuary Guardian (Leader):
Xari | She/Her | Imperial | Storia | Link
Posie | She/Her | Kingfish
Polly | She/Her | Perching Scarlet Macaw

Assistant (Second-in-Command):
Selkirk | He/Him | Mirror | AutumnFall123 | Link
Sabre | He/Him | Sabrespine Prowler
Foo | She/It | Tigerblood Foo

Melo | He/Him | Imperial | ShinyDecidueye | Link
Elo | It/Its | Melon Squirmscoot
Wifom | It/Its | Caterpillar on Cartographer

Doll-Eyed Doctor:
Beanbag | Any (He/Him, It/Its, Doll/Dolls) | Sapient-For-Totally-Normal-Reasons Aether Plushie | KungFuCutBug | Link
Hackeysack | It/Its | Pinpush Mirror Doll

Enslaved Butler:
Pitch | He/Him | Coatl | Ozeatetsor | Link

Aeon | He/Him | Auraboa | swiftystarss | Link
Eien | They/Them | Charoite Burrower

Independent Researcher:
Yula | He/Him, She/Her | Pearlcatcher | Relics | Link
Kar | It/Its | Encouraging Quill

Wild Adventurer:
Diadem | He/Him | Spiral | AmethystGrove | Link
Scout | They/Them | Tradewinds Gull

Camelia | She/Her | Wildclaw | Slairisk | Link
Volcano | He/Him | Sunrise Troodo

Plague Guardian:
Alison | She/Her | "Gaoler" | Strangeflesh | Link
Cancer | He/Him | Red-Winged Owlcat

Keiran | He/They | Guardian-Shaped Dragon | pandakitty1 | Link

Travelling Salesdragon:
Vitello | He/They/It | Bogsneak (Meat Dragon) | SunClassic | Link

Night Patrol:
Magenta | She/Her/It | Sandsurge-shaped Glass Candle | WyvernTales | Link

Indiana | He/Him | Auraboa | TrueTerror | Link
Flute | She/Her | Phoenix

Summer | He/Him | Guardian | natsinabucket | Link
Mr Honeywhiskers | He/Him | Blue Hamble


? x ?
-> Diadem, Yula

Indiana x Vitello
-> ?

Magenta x Xari
-> Selkirk

[ 12 dragons remaining ]
xxxxx32302.png xxxxxxxxxxx star | she/her | fr +15
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxdisplay dragon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkillers in the clan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxfamiliar trading hub
[center][size=6][emoji=crescent moon 2][b][u]The Nighttime[/u][/b][emoji=crescent moon 2][/size][/center] [quote=The Revive] [center][emoji=rose] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=rose][/center] Indiana sighs from where he’s curled around Flute for warmth, keeping an eye on the entrance to the cave they’ve taken shelter in for the night. He’s unable to sleep, thoughts swirling heavily around the clan he was forced to leave behind. [i]‘I hope Vitello and everyone else is okay…’[/i] He sighs deeply, letting his eyes finally close in an effort to get some sleep. Barely a few seconds later he’s startled upright by the sound of hurried claws on stone scrabbling towards him, flaring his wings open and staring with wide eyes at- “Oh my Earthshaker- Vitello, what are you [i]doing[/i] here?!” He gapes, concern swirling in his chest, “Don’t tell me they threw [i]you[/i] out too!” Vitello hurriedly shakes his head, panting from the exertion of catching up so quickly to Indiana and Flute. “No! No, I came here on my own!” He confesses, taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders, “It wasn’t fair what they did, throwing you out after you saved me!” He says, eyes flashing in anger for a moment at the memory, “So I- I came to get you and Flute, whether you or anyone else likes it or not!” He says, looking up at Indiana in determination, almost daring him to protest. Indiana stares at Vitello, jaw hanging open in shock. Something undeniably warm and soft builds in his chest, and he feels a stupid grin tug at his mouth. He can’t stop the giggle that spills out of him, ducking his head in embarrassment, “You’re so silly… of [i]course[/i] I’ll come back with you.” He says fondly. The wide, delighted grin Vitello gives him in response makes the warmth in his chest bloom into something that wraps snugly around his ribcage. Indiana uncurls from around Flute to slide over to Vitello, leaning down to press their foreheads together, “I’ll keep you safe, Vitello. I promise.” He swears. Vitello chuckles warmly in response, leaning up into the other, “I know you will.” He hums, warmth settling into his chest. Flute chitters and coos happily between the two, hopping up and down in obvious delight at this development. Even in times of darkness, love still finds a way to bloom. Sadly, it wouldn’t last… [/quote] [quote=The Kill] [center][emoji=skull] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=skull][/center] … for Vitello isn’t the only sanctuary resident with plans tonight. A while after Vitello had already returned to his den and went to sleep, the killer arrives once more. “Help me, Vitello, help me.” The killer calls into the depths of Vitello’s den once more, but in a higher pitched voice. Vitello is awoken by the call, but suspicion quickly fills his mind. The last time he answered a call like that, he was seconds away from becoming a Vitello pancake. He quietly and cautiously creeps towards the entrance of his den. He checks left, right and above for any suspicious looking rocks or whatsoever. Just as he is mere metres from the entrance, he thinks he sees a figure pressed against the wall, holding something in its claws. Vitello did not have time to react before something flat and metallic hits his skull with a horrifying noise. The Bogsneak crumples to the ground in an instant, his lips forming what seemed to be the beginnings of Indiana’s name. The killer steps forward from the wall and hits Vitello again just to make sure he’s done for. Then, they quickly drop the spade and flee without looking back. [center]~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/center] Vitello would be found near his cave entrance, having suffered two hits of blunt trauma to the head. A spade would be found next to him. [/quote] [emoji=ping][b]Shortest relationship in history…[/b] [u]Vitello was the Magist.[/u] [i]The Revive was written by IsleTheDracon, the kill was written by Starwindrider.[/i] [tl;dr: The killer stole a spade, then lured Vitello out of his den by calling for help. They hid in the shadows at the wall near the entrance, and hit Vitello on the head with the spade when he noticed them. After the Bogsneak collapsed, they hit him again, dropped the spade and fled. ] [emoji=comment]The Voting starts now, put in your post who you would vote to exile as the Killer. You may also discuss or put in your assumptions/facts [url=]here[/url] until The Voting ends. And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so [url=]here[/url]! [emoji=subscription update] @pinglist-26208 [quote=Current Allegiances] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1] [b]Sanctuary Guardian (Leader):[/b] Xari | She/Her | Imperial | Storia | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Posie | She/Her | [gamedb item=50634][/i] [i]Polly | She/Her | [gamedb item=52280][/i] [emoji=silver crown size=1] [b]Assistant (Second-in-Command):[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=question mark size=1] Selkirk | He/Him | Mirror | AutumnFall123 | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Sabre | He/Him | [gamedb item=53056][/i] [i]Foo | She/It | [gamedb item=11147][/i] [emoji=scroll size=1] [b]Architect:[/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Melo | He/Him | Imperial | ShinyDecidueye | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Elo | It/Its | [gamedb item=28767][/i] [i]Wifom | It/Its | Caterpillar on [gamedb item= 45489][/i] [emoji=mystery bag size=1] [b]Doll-Eyed Doctor:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Beanbag | Any (He/Him, It/Its, Doll/Dolls) | Sapient-For-Totally-Normal-Reasons Aether Plushie | KungFuCutBug | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Hackeysack | It/Its | [gamedb item= 28770][/i] [emoji=silhouette size=1] [b]Enslaved Butler:[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] Pitch | He/Him | Coatl | Ozeatetsor | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=palette size=1] [b]Craftsdragon:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Aeon | He/Him | Auraboa | swiftystarss | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Eien | They/Them | [gamedb item=26287][/i] [emoji=magnifying glass size=1] [b]Independent Researcher:[/b] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Yula | He/Him, She/Her | Pearlcatcher | Relics | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Kar | It/Its | [gamedb item=37358][/i] [emoji=wing size=1] [b]Wild Adventurer:[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] Diadem | He/Him | Spiral | AmethystGrove | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Scout | They/Them | [gamedb item=20158][/i] [emoji=ceramic jar size=1] [b]Archaeologist:[/b] [s][emoji=ice rune size=1] Camelia | She/Her | Wildclaw | Slairisk | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Volcano | He/Him | [gamedb item=42759][/i][/s] [emoji=left wing size=1] [b]Plague Guardian:[/b] [emoji=plague rune size=1] Alison | She/Her | "Gaoler" | Strangeflesh | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Cancer | He/Him | [gamedb item=601][/i] [emoji=music notes size=1] [b]Bard:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Keiran | He/They | Guardian-Shaped Dragon | pandakitty1 | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=red money bag size=1] [b]Travelling Salesdragon:[/b] [s][emoji=plague rune size=1] Vitello | He/They/It | Bogsneak (Meat Dragon) | SunClassic | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [emoji=apparel helm size=1] [b]Night Patrol:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Magenta | She/Her/It | Sandsurge-shaped Glass Candle | WyvernTales | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=blacksmith anvil size=1] [b]Stonemason:[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1] Indiana | He/Him | Auraboa | TrueTerror | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Flute | She/Her | [gamedb item=26205][/i] [emoji=plant size=1] [b]Gardener:[/b] [s][emoji=nature rune size=1] Summer | He/Him | Guardian | natsinabucket | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [i]Mr Honeywhiskers | He/Him | [gamedb item=51929][/i] ----- [emoji=familiar heart size=1][b]Relations:[/b] ? x ? -> Diadem, Yula Indiana x [s]Vitello[/s] -> ? Magenta x Xari -> Selkirk ----- [ 12 dragons remaining ] [/quote]
The Nighttime
The Revive wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Indiana sighs from where he’s curled around Flute for warmth, keeping an eye on the entrance to the cave they’ve taken shelter in for the night. He’s unable to sleep, thoughts swirling heavily around the clan he was forced to leave behind. ‘I hope Vitello and everyone else is okay…’ He sighs deeply, letting his eyes finally close in an effort to get some sleep.

Barely a few seconds later he’s startled upright by the sound of hurried claws on stone scrabbling towards him, flaring his wings open and staring with wide eyes at- “Oh my Earthshaker- Vitello, what are you doing here?!” He gapes, concern swirling in his chest, “Don’t tell me they threw you out too!”

Vitello hurriedly shakes his head, panting from the exertion of catching up so quickly to Indiana and Flute. “No! No, I came here on my own!” He confesses, taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders, “It wasn’t fair what they did, throwing you out after you saved me!” He says, eyes flashing in anger for a moment at the memory, “So I- I came to get you and Flute, whether you or anyone else likes it or not!” He says, looking up at Indiana in determination, almost daring him to protest.

Indiana stares at Vitello, jaw hanging open in shock. Something undeniably warm and soft builds in his chest, and he feels a stupid grin tug at his mouth. He can’t stop the giggle that spills out of him, ducking his head in embarrassment, “You’re so silly… of course I’ll come back with you.” He says fondly. The wide, delighted grin Vitello gives him in response makes the warmth in his chest bloom into something that wraps snugly around his ribcage.

Indiana uncurls from around Flute to slide over to Vitello, leaning down to press their foreheads together, “I’ll keep you safe, Vitello. I promise.” He swears. Vitello chuckles warmly in response, leaning up into the other, “I know you will.” He hums, warmth settling into his chest. Flute chitters and coos happily between the two, hopping up and down in obvious delight at this development.

Even in times of darkness, love still finds a way to bloom.

Sadly, it wouldn’t last…
The Kill wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

… for Vitello isn’t the only sanctuary resident with plans tonight. A while after Vitello had already returned to his den and went to sleep, the killer arrives once more.

“Help me, Vitello, help me.” The killer calls into the depths of Vitello’s den once more, but in a higher pitched voice. Vitello is awoken by the call, but suspicion quickly fills his mind. The last time he answered a call like that, he was seconds away from becoming a Vitello pancake.

He quietly and cautiously creeps towards the entrance of his den. He checks left, right and above for any suspicious looking rocks or whatsoever. Just as he is mere metres from the entrance, he thinks he sees a figure pressed against the wall, holding something in its claws.

Vitello did not have time to react before something flat and metallic hits his skull with a horrifying noise. The Bogsneak crumples to the ground in an instant, his lips forming what seemed to be the beginnings of Indiana’s name.

The killer steps forward from the wall and hits Vitello again just to make sure he’s done for. Then, they quickly drop the spade and flee without looking back.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Vitello would be found near his cave entrance, having suffered two hits of blunt trauma to the head. A spade would be found next to him.

Shortest relationship in history…
Vitello was the Magist.
The Revive was written by IsleTheDracon, the kill was written by Starwindrider.

[tl;dr: The killer stole a spade, then lured Vitello out of his den by calling for help. They hid in the shadows at the wall near the entrance, and hit Vitello on the head with the spade when he noticed them. After the Bogsneak collapsed, they hit him again, dropped the spade and fled. ]

The Voting starts now, put in your post who you would vote to exile as the Killer. You may also discuss or put in your assumptions/facts here until The Voting ends.
And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so here!


Current Allegiances wrote:

Sanctuary Guardian (Leader):
Xari | She/Her | Imperial | Storia | Link
Posie | She/Her | Kingfish
Polly | She/Her | Perching Scarlet Macaw

Assistant (Second-in-Command):
Selkirk | He/Him | Mirror | AutumnFall123 | Link
Sabre | He/Him | Sabrespine Prowler
Foo | She/It | Tigerblood Foo

Melo | He/Him | Imperial | ShinyDecidueye | Link
Elo | It/Its | Melon Squirmscoot
Wifom | It/Its | Caterpillar on Cartographer

Doll-Eyed Doctor:
Beanbag | Any (He/Him, It/Its, Doll/Dolls) | Sapient-For-Totally-Normal-Reasons Aether Plushie | KungFuCutBug | Link
Hackeysack | It/Its | Pinpush Mirror Doll

Enslaved Butler:
Pitch | He/Him | Coatl | Ozeatetsor | Link

Aeon | He/Him | Auraboa | swiftystarss | Link
Eien | They/Them | Charoite Burrower

Independent Researcher:
Yula | He/Him, She/Her | Pearlcatcher | Relics | Link
Kar | It/Its | Encouraging Quill

Wild Adventurer:
Diadem | He/Him | Spiral | AmethystGrove | Link
Scout | They/Them | Tradewinds Gull

Camelia | She/Her | Wildclaw | Slairisk | Link
Volcano | He/Him | Sunrise Troodo

Plague Guardian:
Alison | She/Her | "Gaoler" | Strangeflesh | Link
Cancer | He/Him | Red-Winged Owlcat

Keiran | He/They | Guardian-Shaped Dragon | pandakitty1 | Link

Travelling Salesdragon:
Vitello | He/They/It | Bogsneak (Meat Dragon) | SunClassic | Link

Night Patrol:
Magenta | She/Her/It | Sandsurge-shaped Glass Candle | WyvernTales | Link

Indiana | He/Him | Auraboa | TrueTerror | Link
Flute | She/Her | Phoenix

Summer | He/Him | Guardian | natsinabucket | Link
Mr Honeywhiskers | He/Him | Blue Hamble


? x ?
-> Diadem, Yula

Indiana x Vitello
-> ?

Magenta x Xari
-> Selkirk

[ 12 dragons remaining ]
xxxxx32302.png xxxxxxxxxxx star | she/her | fr +15
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxdisplay dragon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkillers in the clan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxfamiliar trading hub
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] Interacting with: A palpable sadness [rule][/center] Last night was one of the best nights Indiana had ever had. Also a pretty long one. Indiana was so weary from bliss and exhaustion that he collapsed upon merely seeing his former bed. Waking up on the floor told him that he had missed the pillow by a considerable margin, and that he was going to have a terrible crick in his neck for the morning, but the serpent paid it no heed. The warm, buzzing sensation hadn't left him since he saw Vitello under the stars. It energized him, seeping like putty into his bones. He couldn't wait to see everyone again, even if he didn't know them all too well. Oh, Summer! He could go say hi to Summer, and to their host, and that funny candle! A brief worry crossed his mind- what if they didn't want him back? They threw him out before, they'd surely be upset to know he came back. They might not want him here. But Vitello would. Indiana allowed himself a gentle smile before reverting back to his excited grin and booking it out of the inn. He ran his hand against the door handles as he passed, happy giggles mixing with the clatter of tiles. The sun smiled down at the earth, and little seedlings scrambled for water and sunlight, or at least as much as plants could scramble. Indiana looked to his right and saw a bird. It was one of the best mornings, maybe ever. He clambered up to where he knew Vitello was staying. It smelled like a butcher's shop, in sll the best ways. And there he was! Although it was pretty odd to be sleeping right next to the door. And with some random shovel. Bloodstained shovel. A foul-tasting lump crawled up his throat as Indiana bent down, praying that the dragon in front of him was still breathing. One tap. Two taps. A check for a pulse. Another. A bout of shaking. Vitello laid there, still, unmoving, as tears welled up in the other dragon's eyes. No, it- it couldn't be! Indiana [i]promised[/i]. He [i]promised[/i]! But here was his promise, shattered, broken, and thrust back at his feet while the cruel irony laughed at him, mocked him. Like a coward, Indiana turned tail and fled. Hie eyes stung something fierce, and he was having trouble keeping the outrageous amount of snot in his face and not down his front. He needed an adult. A more adulty-adult than himself. Who- Who would help? The gardner would. Summer would help. But the vast gardens were silent. Indiana combed them over thoroughly, and found nothing and nobody except for a fresh spot of worked earth. He collapsed near the sole flower acting as a marker for his friend and bit back a sob. And another one. Huge waves of emotion rocked him from the inside out. His tongue felt oh so bitter, even through the salt of his tears. All he could feel was his own shame, his own guilt. [i] It's all your fault. It's all your fault. You lrt them die. You did this.[/i] Whatever was holding back his sobs shattered, and Indiana coiled in on himself with a pained wail.

Interacting with: A palpable sadness

Last night was one of the best nights Indiana had ever had. Also a pretty long one. Indiana was so weary from bliss and exhaustion that he collapsed upon merely seeing his former bed.

Waking up on the floor told him that he had missed the pillow by a considerable margin, and that he was going to have a terrible crick in his neck for the morning, but the serpent paid it no heed. The warm, buzzing sensation hadn't left him since he saw Vitello under the stars. It energized him, seeping like putty into his bones. He couldn't wait to see everyone again, even if he didn't know them all too well. Oh, Summer! He could go say hi to Summer, and to their host, and that funny candle! A brief worry crossed his mind- what if they didn't want him back? They threw him out before, they'd surely be upset to know he came back. They might not want him here.

But Vitello would. Indiana allowed himself a gentle smile before reverting back to his excited grin and booking it out of the inn. He ran his hand against the door handles as he passed, happy giggles mixing with the clatter of tiles. The sun smiled down at the earth, and little seedlings scrambled for water and sunlight, or at least as much as plants could scramble. Indiana looked to his right and saw a bird. It was one of the best mornings, maybe ever.

He clambered up to where he knew Vitello was staying. It smelled like a butcher's shop, in sll the best ways. And there he was! Although it was pretty odd to be sleeping right next to the door. And with some random shovel. Bloodstained shovel. A foul-tasting lump crawled up his throat as Indiana bent down, praying that the dragon in front of him was still breathing.

One tap. Two taps. A check for a pulse. Another. A bout of shaking. Vitello laid there, still, unmoving, as tears welled up in the other dragon's eyes. No, it- it couldn't be! Indiana promised. He promised! But here was his promise, shattered, broken, and thrust back at his feet while the cruel irony laughed at him, mocked him.

Like a coward, Indiana turned tail and fled. Hie eyes stung something fierce, and he was having trouble keeping the outrageous amount of snot in his face and not down his front. He needed an adult. A more adulty-adult than himself. Who- Who would help? The gardner would. Summer would help.

But the vast gardens were silent. Indiana combed them over thoroughly, and found nothing and nobody except for a fresh spot of worked earth. He collapsed near the sole flower acting as a marker for his friend and bit back a sob. And another one. Huge waves of emotion rocked him from the inside out. His tongue felt oh so bitter, even through the salt of his tears. All he could feel was his own shame, his own guilt.

It's all your fault. It's all your fault. You lrt them die. You did this.

Whatever was holding back his sobs shattered, and Indiana coiled in on himself with a pained wail.
Wishlist -->Untitled1133-20231107165239.png
[center][img][/img] [b]Selkirk[/b] He/him [i]Interacting: [u]..alone..[/u][/i] [/center] Selkirk was alone. Completely and utterly alone. He awoke on the same rock that he fell asleep on the night prior, in the center of a flower field, in that moment between the last drop of night and the first drop of dawn when all was in half-light. Eerily silent. Flower buds were wrapped tightly shut. The air was still. Opening his eyes introduced him to a world that was devoid of all color and life. Selkirk achily stood, checking his surroundings in a numb state, before nearly jumping out of his scales. The book!! His dads!!! Surely they'd help him, or tell him what to do, or tell him that everything would be okay- if they had responded. Every page was blank save for the ones he had already written and gotten responses on. Why didn't they respond? Were they hurt? Or... were they dealing with their own issues? It had to be important for them to completely ignore him especially when he needs them most... The feeling drained out of his limbs as he returned the book to its place on his person. He was alive. The killer didn't hurt [i]him[/i]... So they must have targeted someone else. Someone he didn't protect. He was shaking as he took to the air, strangely cold despite the sun creeping over the horizon. It felt as if the world itself was waiting for Selkirk to discover the body, holding its breath. Selkirk wasn't sure if he felt completely terrified or nothing at all. An hour of flying passes. Selkirk can't tell the time, but he comes to himself again upon seeing the sanctuary in the distance, lit by the rising sun. He has a feeling that he should check up on Vitello again - to make sure he's okay, to remind himself that the killer can be stopped. A little bit of hope would be nice. From somewhere outside of his own mind, he reminisced about his optimism and excitement. How foolish. Just as he neared the meat-like dragon's cave, he spotted a pile of various shades of red, a tool lying next to it... He didn't realize he was falling until he was about to hit the ground. Selkirk's breath was knocked out of him. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but stare into the caved-in skull and dull eyes of the former merchant Vitello. His wing and one of his hind legs hurt as if the Earthshaker had stomped on it himself, but he seemed to be alive. Probably didn't sustain more than a few nasty bruises other than his wing and leg. Would it matter much if he truly [i]had[/i] died from the fall? ................ Yes. It probably would. He had creatures who loved him. Creatures who depended on him. He had to protect them as much as he could. ... after a short rest. ---- Selkirk votes [b]Keiran[/b].
Interacting: ..alone..

Selkirk was alone.
Completely and utterly alone.

He awoke on the same rock that he fell asleep on the night prior, in the center of a flower field, in that moment between the last drop of night and the first drop of dawn when all was in half-light. Eerily silent. Flower buds were wrapped tightly shut. The air was still.

Opening his eyes introduced him to a world that was devoid of all color and life.

Selkirk achily stood, checking his surroundings in a numb state, before nearly jumping out of his scales. The book!! His dads!!! Surely they'd help him, or tell him what to do, or tell him that everything would be okay- if they had responded. Every page was blank save for the ones he had already written and gotten responses on. Why didn't they respond? Were they hurt? Or... were they dealing with their own issues? It had to be important for them to completely ignore him especially when he needs them most...

The feeling drained out of his limbs as he returned the book to its place on his person. He was alive. The killer didn't hurt him... So they must have targeted someone else. Someone he didn't protect.

He was shaking as he took to the air, strangely cold despite the sun creeping over the horizon. It felt as if the world itself was waiting for Selkirk to discover the body, holding its breath. Selkirk wasn't sure if he felt completely terrified or nothing at all.

An hour of flying passes. Selkirk can't tell the time, but he comes to himself again upon seeing the sanctuary in the distance, lit by the rising sun. He has a feeling that he should check up on Vitello again - to make sure he's okay, to remind himself that the killer can be stopped. A little bit of hope would be nice.

From somewhere outside of his own mind, he reminisced about his optimism and excitement. How foolish.

Just as he neared the meat-like dragon's cave, he spotted a pile of various shades of red, a tool lying next to it...

He didn't realize he was falling until he was about to hit the ground.

Selkirk's breath was knocked out of him. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but stare into the caved-in skull and dull eyes of the former merchant Vitello. His wing and one of his hind legs hurt as if the Earthshaker had stomped on it himself, but he seemed to be alive. Probably didn't sustain more than a few nasty bruises other than his wing and leg. Would it matter much if he truly had died from the fall?


Yes. It probably would. He had creatures who loved him. Creatures who depended on him. He had to protect them as much as he could.

... after a short rest.

Selkirk votes Keiran.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=century][color=#eb7997][size=5]MELO [emoji=scroll 2 size=1] He/Him[/size][/color] [font=century][color=#62963f][size=4]Interacting With: Selkirk @Autumnfall123[/size][/color][/center] ----- [font=century][size=3]Oh. Yikes. That was... certainly a scene. Both the Bogsneak and the Mirror were lying down in the ground, and the Bogsneak looked rather dead. The Mirror, on the other hand... Melo quickly landed and walked up to the Mirror, then bent down and checked on him. He was breathing rather quickly (at least he wasn't dead). Yikes. Melo quickly made a small medicinal plant grow out of the ground and waved it in front of the Mirror's nose so hopefully he was conscious and lucid again. "Are you okay?" he asked gently, trying not to startle him.
Interacting With: Selkirk @Autumnfall123

Oh. Yikes. That was... certainly a scene. Both the Bogsneak and the Mirror were lying down in the ground, and the Bogsneak looked rather dead. The Mirror, on the other hand...

Melo quickly landed and walked up to the Mirror, then bent down and checked on him. He was breathing rather quickly (at least he wasn't dead). Yikes. Melo quickly made a small medicinal plant grow out of the ground and waved it in front of the Mirror's nose so hopefully he was conscious and lucid again.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, trying not to startle him.
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
[center][img][/img] [b]Selkirk[/b] He/him [i]Interacting: [u]Melo (@ShinyDecidueye)[/u][/i] [/center] Selkirk looked up at Melo, snapping back to reality. He hadn't had a good morning, but honestly, he felt a little better now that he let himself feel his emotions and reminded himself that he's here for a reason. "Oh, u-um, hi! Yeah, I'm o-okay, as okay as anyone probably could in this situation.. oh, thank you. Should- should I eat it, or?" Selkirk stayed still on the ground except to look at the rather large imperial. It was easier and less painful to stay still. This was what reminded him that maybe he should explain what happened so no assumptions were made. "Oh, uh, by the way, I'm here like this because I fell out of the sky... Uh... Yeah... Heh..." Embarrassment mixed with revulsion as he saw the corpse next to him again. Probably better not to look at that right now. Instead he kept the eyes on one side of his head focused on Melo. It was kind of him to help Selkirk out, even though Selkirk hadn't seen him since he showed him to his cave.
Interacting: Melo (@ShinyDecidueye)

Selkirk looked up at Melo, snapping back to reality. He hadn't had a good morning, but honestly, he felt a little better now that he let himself feel his emotions and reminded himself that he's here for a reason.

"Oh, u-um, hi! Yeah, I'm o-okay, as okay as anyone probably could in this situation.. oh, thank you. Should- should I eat it, or?" Selkirk stayed still on the ground except to look at the rather large imperial. It was easier and less painful to stay still. This was what reminded him that maybe he should explain what happened so no assumptions were made.

"Oh, uh, by the way, I'm here like this because I fell out of the sky... Uh... Yeah... Heh..." Embarrassment mixed with revulsion as he saw the corpse next to him again. Probably better not to look at that right now. Instead he kept the eyes on one side of his head focused on Melo. It was kind of him to help Selkirk out, even though Selkirk hadn't seen him since he showed him to his cave.