
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Types of FR players as breeds
I am a mix of Ridgeback and Spiral. When I am not trying to earn more funds, I tie myselft to knots.
I am a mix of Ridgeback and Spiral. When I am not trying to earn more funds, I tie myselft to knots.
[s]Ehh, I was gonna do a full recap of this 70 pg thread but I got to page and realized that is a colossal waste of my time. So, up to pg 16:[/s] Nevermind, here's a recap of all the input by breed up to this point, plus some input from me. Some of the suggestions are contradictory, but I wanted to just collect, not filter too much. If I missed yours, feel free to ping me and I'll add it next time I'm online. [size=4][b][u]Moderns:[/u][/b][/size] [b]Bogsneak[/b] [quote name="Lizzycorn" date="2021-01-19 12:31:51" ] Experimental, loves to learn new things and always is helpful, kind[/quote] [quote name="goblinsect" date="2021-01-25 09:10:23" ] Doesn't touch any of the social aspects of the game (forums, crossroads, etc.)...visibly, at least. Chronic lurker on the forums if they're there at all. Prone to periods of inactivity interrupted by sudden bouts of renewed interest in the game.[/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] These are players who are fascinated by the creepier, darker aspects of the site. They love Halloween and Riot of Rot and are obsessed with making their dragons look as icky, oozy, and monstrous as possible. Most likely Shadow or Plague because they got into the site while they were 'going through a phase' and six years later, they're still not out of it. Have at least three skins with pustules and you'd make their life if you ever gifted them a rotclaw.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems to be roughly that Bogsneak players are semi-casual, longterm players that will pop by with something helpful or interesting and then disappear for months.[/b] In my opinion, Bogsneaks are different from Tundras because they don't tend to fully disappear when they hiatus, and don't get quite as into it when they are playing. Very chill overall, and not concerned by changing their lair to match who they are now instead of who they were last time they were into the game.[/quote] [b]Coatl[/b] [quote name="Oakhearted" date="2021-01-19 05:12:16"] Coatls: Too generous for their own good, They also watch the auction house like a hawk so they can get cheap dragons to give to newer people of the game or just anyone they see-[/quote] [quote name="PandaOverlord" date="2021-01-22 10:43:33" ] [quote name="@Mothman12" date="2021-01-22 07:38:22" ] So, what type of dragon is the player who rarely checks forums or discord, has too many gene projects, maxes fairgrounds and grinds coli sometimes but hates it, and doesnt wanna exalt their dragons because someone might want them? Someone assign me please[/quote] Coatl, I bet. Very kind dragons who hate confrontation (not wanting to exalt), and don’t speak the normal language as their first language (lack of forum activity) [/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] These are players who are most active on Flight Rising adjacent sites. They spend a lot of time on the Flight Rising tumblr tag and have collected a decent amount of FR communities on their Discord. They don't use the forums too often, but they are social butterflies in the 'general' chat of their Flight's chatroom. They probably have a bunch of interesting dragons that were gifted to them by friends of theirs.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems to be that Coatl players have a bit of a tendency to over-commit. It's okay guys, it's just a game, and your dragons won't be mad at you if you take a break. Yes even your pretty special ones your friend gave you, and your friend won't be mad either.[/b] In my opinion, Coatls are very social, but slow to form bonds and easily embarrassed by a 'messy' lair. A Coatl player will take a long time working on their lair before they get involved in social activities, but once established may have hundreds of friends or take on organizational volunteer positions. They just have to be careful not to burn out.[/quote] [b]Fae[/b] [quote name="DragonQueenHi" date="2022-04-24 08:55:30" ] Fae: organised. Always on the next lore, next project because they get finished so darn quick. and if something doesn't work out, they quit, cos they can't deal with that. They're normally passionate about a lot of stuff, but can come across as rude on the forums because they speak what they think. And they never, ever, impulse buy.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]For some reason, there hasn't been a lot of input on Fae players.[/b] I posit that Fae players are Flight Rising's coders and layout artists. Fae dragons are social - within their own communities, where non-verbal indicators are important for emotional communication - and are particularly adept a channeling ley-line magic. A Fae player might drop a link to a spreadsheet or program worth months of work in a semi-obscure forum thread, be a frequent skin/accent artist, or have a stockpile of customized headers, footers, line breaks, and other design pieces. I think they also have a tendency towards particularly difficult breeding projects. [/quote] [quote name="Saethuryx" date="2024-06-02 22:23:21" ] maybe some part of being a fae could be staying within a set comfort zone that you get very used to (and perhaps become very good at, even if nobody else really cares much) referencing the lore section on them about it being a poor choice to face them on elementally-charged terrain of their choosing. it seems to pair pretty well with the previously mentioned idea of faes being lurkers outside of their own communities but very social amongst their own. [/quote] [b]Guardian[/b] [quote name="Oakhearted" date="2021-01-19 05:12:16" ] Guardians: Helpers of flight rising, they help new users out and guide them around with the right resources and.[/quote] [quote name="Madarakita" date="2021-01-26 23:02:29" ] The super-hoarder. Your lair is maxed and always nearly full, your den is maxed and always nearly full, all five nests are opened up and always occupied, and you hoard e v e r y t h i n g because let's be honest, anything could be that special charge you're searching for (though you've totally got that one item you're known for shoving into your vault and never getting rid of). Much like Galore though, when you do have anything to clean out, it's typically an event.[/quote] [quote name="GloriousFlarea" date="2021-02-26 09:12:52" ] Caring and charismatic, Guardians are the kind of players who will go out of their way to help out other players, strangers or not. They are the type who would REFUSE to leave their beginning flight, even if it meant achieving the colors they so desire. They will stick to their beginning plans and that is FINAL! They are sentimentally attached to their flight, their dragons, and their lore and wouldn't change or move anything unless absolutely necessary. They have hundreds of projects and goals in mind that they could pursue, doing their best to do just one at a time when it comes to breeding. They keep all their first special eye types and their triple colored genes (that aren't basic) because then they have a memento of baby's first achievement. They keep their progens smack dab in the front of their lair, or keep them out of the Hibden no matter what. They would rather rely on others for the nest types and are not against asking for others to babysit. They are normally conflicted on the multiple views of exalting dragons, so if they do exalt they are the ones to always name them first. Exalting a baby dragon is a boundary they won't ever cross unless utterly desperate for space. They probably have multiple outfit widgets they want to achieve for each dragon, but don't actively complete them one at a time, and They would rather focus on the dragons themselves first. As long as they get their job done in the end, they will take their time and never tire out. Just because they don't obsess over their work as aggressively, that doesn't mean it's not always in the back of their mind, always working away on what they need to accomplish next in case an oppurtunity arrives.[/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] Guardians: These are players who live and breathe breeding pairs. All of their dragons have a perfectly matched mate and every single one of their offspring has a name. Though the babies are sold to keep up their expensive habit of going on the Auction House everyday and having no self-control, Guardians are always checking up on their 'grand-babies' and get very upset if they see an exaltation anywhere in their lineages.[/quote] [quote name="Bantymom" date="2023-04-04 09:07:01" ] No Guardian? I imagine a hoarder of treasure, but maybe I missed something?[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems to be Guardian players need to have a lair theme. If they don't, everything gets full and messy as they search for one - if they do, they will still accumulate excess but be able to prune as needed. They may have a sentimental tab, especially if they have made the hard decision to change lair theme/plan once or twice. Socially, Guardian players are friendly, loyal, and very generous, but firm about their limitations and boundaries. Exalts probably make them sad, even if they never say anything about it.[/b][/quote] [b]Imperial[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]in it to win it. And by win it, an Imperial would normally understand collecting all the familiars, or getting their lil talons on that specific KS item they obsess over. These are typically players who have been around for a long time (maybe long enough to have a G1 Imp) and have kind of 'been there, done that' with most elements of the game. The only way for them to still set a challenge is to try and obtain the rarest of items. Will often trade for off-site currency.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Mirror[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]fodder breeder and exalter. Has like ~20 permas that get all the love and coin made from the fodder ventures, while the rest of the lair fluctuates in size dramatically due to waves of mass exaltation and acquisition/breeding. Loves to participate in chaotic meme forum posts.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Nocturne[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]like the mirror but slightly more 'sophisticated'. Rather than doing any fodder breeding themselves, they are prone to snipe fodder and make a quick buck while their permas are very well dressed and a lot of them have fancy skins too. Has very strong feelings about people who are anti-exalt; this kind of bothers them because that is just their preferred playstyle. Probably has 'this is an exalting lair' plastered all over their bio.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Obelisk[/b] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] Can you say lore nerd? Obelisks are players whose entire lair has a story. Everybody is connected is a way and every bio is perfectly decked out with each dragon's entire extended family, their life goals, personalities, even the origin of their name! They definitely have a lore directory with extended chapters on the birthplace of their pro-gen (who is, of course, fully dressed with each apparel piece having its own meaning.)[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] I disagree with lokisaurus here as their decription seems more Auraboa to me. Obelisks are literally newbies, by lore. The little we have on their developing culture is that they are an embodiment of hope, throw themselves into just about anything with zeal, and have the ability to conserve energy and observe surroundings silently by turning to statue form. Perhaps as Obelisk lore develops, this will change, but for now I think Obelisks are shy but enthusiastic learners, lurking in the forums and then disappearing until they come back to a lair years later that has been fully fed by the site as a welcome-back gift.[/quote] [b]Pearlcatcher[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]a e s t h e t i c. While other playstyles also concern having well-crafted dragon dressups, to the Pearlcatcher, appearance is everything. I am talking well thought-out tabs and even within those tabs, the dragons are ordered by color or 'vibe'. To these players, the arrival of hibden was a godsent because now they could hide all their 'ugly' unfinished dragons and hatchlings. Often shows their dragons in Dragon Share and always asks to 'ignore my hibden please'[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Ridgeback[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]Are there still players who max out their fairground daily, anyway? Yes there are, and they're the Ridgebacks! These guys know how to w o r k, and the idea of working for your money is not a letdown for them, but rather exciting! They tend to be more casual players normally, but whenever there is an event or elemental festival coming, the Ridgies rear their pointy snoot. They are the players who often gather the most fest currency, and less than 100 noc eggs during NotN? UNTIHINKABLE.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Skydancer[/b] [quote name="Oakhearted" date="2021-01-19 05:12:16" ] Skydancers: They are hugely active amongst the forums, they 'sky-dance' there way in. [/quote] [quote name="figura" date="2021-04-24 09:05:38" ] Do you think there's a "skydancer" type? I could see those being the people who mainly engage in FR through the art community![/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] Skydancer: G1 lair! G1 lair! Skydancers love the challenge of designing a new G1 from scratch. They delight in scatter projects and are always on top of new genes and skins to decorate their ever-growing hoard of randomly-generated babies. Skydancers tend not to participate too much in the social aspects of the site, but you will occasionally see them flipping their first-gen Stained Wildclaw with lore and art for more money than you can ever imagi- oh my lord, somebody bought it already?![/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems to be that Skydancers are social aesthetes that work on a few dramatic projects at a time. It's not necessarily about the dragons themselves, it's about what other people think (and fan art). They live on praise posted to their profile and may get slightly jealous of players who they notice attracting more attention than them, though they're typically polite enough to turn that into praise on the other player's profile.[/b][/quote] [b]Snapper[/b] [quote name="Oakhearted" date="2021-01-19 05:12:16" ] Snappers: People who dont engage or really socialise in forums but play in the games overall[/quote] [quote name="Recherche" date="2021-02-04 10:56:03" ] I have 90+ permadragons, most of whom have lore or ideas for lore, I'm not terribly active anymore but I've been around since late 2014 (good gosh I feel old...), never cared much for dominance, don't do coli things, don't bother buying gems or sniping anything, sometimes breed fodder to sell, I feel like Snapper would be a good fit but not sure. Highly casual but also in it for the long haul with a massive lair of permadragons.[/quote] [quote name="Dragonfruiteen" date="2021-04-21 09:22:32" ] [quote name="cloudfilledskies" date="2021-04-20 01:44:24" ] Possible Snapper description (which is also just Me, lol): has been around at least a couple years, has probably changed flights several times too (gotta migrate) Not the most active socially or competitively, but has a ton of sprawling lore that they've invented and reinvented a bajillion times. No Project Is Ever Finished. 100+ saved scries and outfits that they can't even remember what they were going to do with in the first place. Goes at a slow pace, prefers the process of projects to actually finishing them. Very prone to "grass is always greener on the other side" type thinking which can get in their way, but change does keep things interesting. (so,,, a spiral's grandpa)[/quote] I would also be a Snapper, I support this. I also have a hopefully somewhat impressive memory when it comes to certain aspects of lore and I very much enjoy the delicate blending of canon and my own ideas. Not quite a historian, but close enough that it counts?[/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] These are players who don't seem to sleep. Flight Rising is their entire life. They live and die on their dragons. They max out their Fairgrounds bonus everyday and then keep playing. Glimmer and Gloom til the internet cuts out, ba-by! They are always the most upset by site maintenance - you mean I need to do something else that isn't dragons?[/quote] [quote name="Gryphling" date="2022-09-01 19:20:13" ] Snappers aren't up there, but I think they most represent what I am: long time casual player. I do all my daily stuff, but rarely do I visit the coli, max out the fairgrounds, or even breed my dragons anymore. I just collect any dragons/familiars/apparel I like, and I make my own fun by rescuing and re-homing old dergs or helping out new players.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]There doesn't seem to be a consensus about Snapper players.[/b] I'll just throw my hat in the ring. I think Snapper players are long-haul players who rarely have hiatuses. They know all the canon lore and if they have clan lore it's all connected to canon. They may not have a theme or goal they are working towards, but one often emerges over time. The accumulated rare crap in a Snapper's hoard can make Imperial players go a little crazy, but most of the time if you ask, the Snapper player is happy for the thing they kinda picked up by accident to go to someone who wants it. You just have to find out the player exists first.[/quote] [b]Spiral[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]chaotic. Their lair is always In Progress (TM). They have goals that they want to achieve, they Just. Never. Get. There. Has probably given all their dragons lore in their heads but writing it down seems like to much work. Most dragons only wear a couple of apparel pieces. Very prone to impulse buy.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Tundra[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]They are usually players who joined not too long ago or are very casual players. FR is a place they like to return to when their schedule allows it or when they manage to remember the site exists ;) They have either a lot or few dragons, but there is usually no real discernable theme among them, they just get whatever dragon they like at that point when they login after a hiatus. They are usually very attached to their progens because they are the only consistent thing throughout their FR journey.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Wildclaw[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]Did you know Gordon Ramsay is a dragon?! Well, maybe I just made that up, but if he was a dragon... He'd definitely be a Wildclaw. These players are INTENSE in everything they do, especially their coliseum habits. Active in EACH part of the game, they are not only all over the coli but also the forum and discords. They are the kind of player to type all caps replies to forum topics, and also, do pinkerlockes. They are merciless when it comes to exalting dragons that have fallen out of favor, but would DIE a virtual death to protect their beloved permas. Have probably at some hoardsold an egg and made a forum topic about it just to trigger people.[/b][/quote] [quote name="reotheleo" date="2021-01-22 02:23:08" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote]
Ehh, I was gonna do a full recap of this 70 pg thread but I got to page and realized that is a colossal waste of my time. So, up to pg 16:
Nevermind, here's a recap of all the input by breed up to this point, plus some input from me. Some of the suggestions are contradictory, but I wanted to just collect, not filter too much. If I missed yours, feel free to ping me and I'll add it next time I'm online.


Lizzycorn wrote on 2021-01-19 12:31:51:
Experimental, loves to learn new things and always is helpful, kind
goblinsect wrote on 2021-01-25 09:10:23:
Doesn't touch any of the social aspects of the game (forums, crossroads, etc.)...visibly, at least. Chronic lurker on the forums if they're there at all. Prone to periods of inactivity interrupted by sudden bouts of renewed interest in the game.
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
These are players who are fascinated by the creepier, darker aspects of the site. They love Halloween and Riot of Rot and are obsessed with making their dragons look as icky, oozy, and monstrous as possible. Most likely Shadow or Plague because they got into the site while they were 'going through a phase' and six years later, they're still not out of it. Have at least three skins with pustules and you'd make their life if you ever gifted them a rotclaw.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems to be roughly that Bogsneak players are semi-casual, longterm players that will pop by with something helpful or interesting and then disappear for months.
In my opinion, Bogsneaks are different from Tundras because they don't tend to fully disappear when they hiatus, and don't get quite as into it when they are playing. Very chill overall, and not concerned by changing their lair to match who they are now instead of who they were last time they were into the game.

Oakhearted wrote on 2021-01-19 05:12:16:
Coatls: Too generous for their own good, They also watch the auction house like a hawk so they can get cheap dragons to give to newer people of the game or just anyone they see-
PandaOverlord wrote on 2021-01-22 10:43:33:
@Mothman12 wrote on 2021-01-22 07:38:22:
So, what type of dragon is the player who rarely checks forums or discord, has too many gene projects, maxes fairgrounds and grinds coli sometimes but hates it, and doesnt wanna exalt their dragons because someone might want them? Someone assign me please
Coatl, I bet. Very kind dragons who hate confrontation (not wanting to exalt), and don’t speak the normal language as their first language (lack of forum activity)
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
These are players who are most active on Flight Rising adjacent sites. They spend a lot of time on the Flight Rising tumblr tag and have collected a decent amount of FR communities on their Discord. They don't use the forums too often, but they are social butterflies in the 'general' chat of their Flight's chatroom. They probably have a bunch of interesting dragons that were gifted to them by friends of theirs.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems to be that Coatl players have a bit of a tendency to over-commit. It's okay guys, it's just a game, and your dragons won't be mad at you if you take a break. Yes even your pretty special ones your friend gave you, and your friend won't be mad either.
In my opinion, Coatls are very social, but slow to form bonds and easily embarrassed by a 'messy' lair. A Coatl player will take a long time working on their lair before they get involved in social activities, but once established may have hundreds of friends or take on organizational volunteer positions. They just have to be careful not to burn out.

DragonQueenHi wrote on 2022-04-24 08:55:30:
Fae: organised. Always on the next lore, next project because they get finished so darn quick. and if something doesn't work out, they quit, cos they can't deal with that. They're normally passionate about a lot of stuff, but can come across as rude on the forums because they speak what they think. And they never, ever, impulse buy.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
For some reason, there hasn't been a lot of input on Fae players. I posit that Fae players are Flight Rising's coders and layout artists. Fae dragons are social - within their own communities, where non-verbal indicators are important for emotional communication - and are particularly adept a channeling ley-line magic. A Fae player might drop a link to a spreadsheet or program worth months of work in a semi-obscure forum thread, be a frequent skin/accent artist, or have a stockpile of customized headers, footers, line breaks, and other design pieces. I think they also have a tendency towards particularly difficult breeding projects.
Saethuryx wrote on 2024-06-02 22:23:21:
maybe some part of being a fae could be staying within a set comfort zone that you get very used to (and perhaps become very good at, even if nobody else really cares much) referencing the lore section on them about it being a poor choice to face them on elementally-charged terrain of their choosing. it seems to pair pretty well with the previously mentioned idea of faes being lurkers outside of their own communities but very social amongst their own.

Oakhearted wrote on 2021-01-19 05:12:16:
Guardians: Helpers of flight rising, they help new users out and guide them around with the right resources and.
Madarakita wrote on 2021-01-26 23:02:29:
The super-hoarder. Your lair is maxed and always nearly full, your den is maxed and always nearly full, all five nests are opened up and always occupied, and you hoard e v e r y t h i n g because let's be honest, anything could be that special charge you're searching for (though you've totally got that one item you're known for shoving into your vault and never getting rid of). Much like Galore though, when you do have anything to clean out, it's typically an event.
GloriousFlarea wrote on 2021-02-26 09:12:52:
Caring and charismatic, Guardians are the kind of players who will go out of their way to help out other players, strangers or not. They are the type who would REFUSE to leave their beginning flight, even if it meant achieving the colors they so desire. They will stick to their beginning plans and that is FINAL! They are sentimentally attached to their flight, their dragons, and their lore and wouldn't change or move anything unless absolutely necessary. They have hundreds of projects and goals in mind that they could pursue, doing their best to do just one at a time when it comes to breeding. They keep all their first special eye types and their triple colored genes (that aren't basic) because then they have a memento of baby's first achievement. They keep their progens smack dab in the front of their lair, or keep them out of the Hibden no matter what. They would rather rely on others for the nest types and are not against asking for others to babysit. They are normally conflicted on the multiple views of exalting dragons, so if they do exalt they are the ones to always name them first. Exalting a baby dragon is a boundary they won't ever cross unless utterly desperate for space. They probably have multiple outfit widgets they want to achieve for each dragon, but don't actively complete them one at a time, and They would rather focus on the dragons themselves first. As long as they get their job done in the end, they will take their time and never tire out. Just because they don't obsess over their work as aggressively, that doesn't mean it's not always in the back of their mind, always working away on what they need to accomplish next in case an oppurtunity arrives.
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
Guardians: These are players who live and breathe breeding pairs. All of their dragons have a perfectly matched mate and every single one of their offspring has a name. Though the babies are sold to keep up their expensive habit of going on the Auction House everyday and having no self-control, Guardians are always checking up on their 'grand-babies' and get very upset if they see an exaltation anywhere in their lineages.
Bantymom wrote on 2023-04-04 09:07:01:
No Guardian? I imagine a hoarder of treasure, but maybe I missed something?
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems to be Guardian players need to have a lair theme. If they don't, everything gets full and messy as they search for one - if they do, they will still accumulate excess but be able to prune as needed. They may have a sentimental tab, especially if they have made the hard decision to change lair theme/plan once or twice. Socially, Guardian players are friendly, loyal, and very generous, but firm about their limitations and boundaries. Exalts probably make them sad, even if they never say anything about it.

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
in it to win it. And by win it, an Imperial would normally understand collecting all the familiars, or getting their lil talons on that specific KS item they obsess over. These are typically players who have been around for a long time (maybe long enough to have a G1 Imp) and have kind of 'been there, done that' with most elements of the game. The only way for them to still set a challenge is to try and obtain the rarest of items. Will often trade for off-site currency.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
fodder breeder and exalter. Has like ~20 permas that get all the love and coin made from the fodder ventures, while the rest of the lair fluctuates in size dramatically due to waves of mass exaltation and acquisition/breeding. Loves to participate in chaotic meme forum posts.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
like the mirror but slightly more 'sophisticated'. Rather than doing any fodder breeding themselves, they are prone to snipe fodder and make a quick buck while their permas are very well dressed and a lot of them have fancy skins too. Has very strong feelings about people who are anti-exalt; this kind of bothers them because that is just their preferred playstyle. Probably has 'this is an exalting lair' plastered all over their bio.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
Can you say lore nerd? Obelisks are players whose entire lair has a story. Everybody is connected is a way and every bio is perfectly decked out with each dragon's entire extended family, their life goals, personalities, even the origin of their name! They definitely have a lore directory with extended chapters on the birthplace of their pro-gen (who is, of course, fully dressed with each apparel piece having its own meaning.)
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
I disagree with lokisaurus here as their decription seems more Auraboa to me. Obelisks are literally newbies, by lore. The little we have on their developing culture is that they are an embodiment of hope, throw themselves into just about anything with zeal, and have the ability to conserve energy and observe surroundings silently by turning to statue form. Perhaps as Obelisk lore develops, this will change, but for now I think Obelisks are shy but enthusiastic learners, lurking in the forums and then disappearing until they come back to a lair years later that has been fully fed by the site as a welcome-back gift.

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
a e s t h e t i c. While other playstyles also concern having well-crafted dragon dressups, to the Pearlcatcher, appearance is everything. I am talking well thought-out tabs and even within those tabs, the dragons are ordered by color or 'vibe'. To these players, the arrival of hibden was a godsent because now they could hide all their 'ugly' unfinished dragons and hatchlings. Often shows their dragons in Dragon Share and always asks to 'ignore my hibden please'
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
Are there still players who max out their fairground daily, anyway? Yes there are, and they're the Ridgebacks! These guys know how to w o r k, and the idea of working for your money is not a letdown for them, but rather exciting! They tend to be more casual players normally, but whenever there is an event or elemental festival coming, the Ridgies rear their pointy snoot. They are the players who often gather the most fest currency, and less than 100 noc eggs during NotN? UNTIHINKABLE.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Oakhearted wrote on 2021-01-19 05:12:16:
Skydancers: They are hugely active amongst the forums, they 'sky-dance' there way in.
figura wrote on 2021-04-24 09:05:38:
Do you think there's a "skydancer" type?
I could see those being the people who mainly engage in FR through the art community!
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
Skydancer: G1 lair! G1 lair! Skydancers love the challenge of designing a new G1 from scratch. They delight in scatter projects and are always on top of new genes and skins to decorate their ever-growing hoard of randomly-generated babies. Skydancers tend not to participate too much in the social aspects of the site, but you will occasionally see them flipping their first-gen Stained Wildclaw with lore and art for more money than you can ever imagi- oh my lord, somebody bought it already?!
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems to be that Skydancers are social aesthetes that work on a few dramatic projects at a time. It's not necessarily about the dragons themselves, it's about what other people think (and fan art). They live on praise posted to their profile and may get slightly jealous of players who they notice attracting more attention than them, though they're typically polite enough to turn that into praise on the other player's profile.

Oakhearted wrote on 2021-01-19 05:12:16:
Snappers: People who dont engage or really socialise in forums but play in the games overall
Recherche wrote on 2021-02-04 10:56:03:
I have 90+ permadragons, most of whom have lore or ideas for lore, I'm not terribly active anymore but I've been around since late 2014 (good gosh I feel old...), never cared much for dominance, don't do coli things, don't bother buying gems or sniping anything, sometimes breed fodder to sell, I feel like Snapper would be a good fit but not sure. Highly casual but also in it for the long haul with a massive lair of permadragons.
Dragonfruiteen wrote on 2021-04-21 09:22:32:
cloudfilledskies wrote on 2021-04-20 01:44:24:
Possible Snapper description (which is also just Me, lol): has been around at least a couple years, has probably changed flights several times too (gotta migrate) Not the most active socially or competitively, but has a ton of sprawling lore that they've invented and reinvented a bajillion times. No Project Is Ever Finished. 100+ saved scries and outfits that they can't even remember what they were going to do with in the first place. Goes at a slow pace, prefers the process of projects to actually finishing them. Very prone to "grass is always greener on the other side" type thinking which can get in their way, but change does keep things interesting.

(so,,, a spiral's grandpa)
I would also be a Snapper, I support this. I also have a hopefully somewhat impressive memory when it comes to certain aspects of lore and I very much enjoy the delicate blending of canon and my own ideas. Not quite a historian, but close enough that it counts?
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
These are players who don't seem to sleep. Flight Rising is their entire life. They live and die on their dragons. They max out their Fairgrounds bonus everyday and then keep playing. Glimmer and Gloom til the internet cuts out, ba-by! They are always the most upset by site maintenance - you mean I need to do something else that isn't dragons?
Gryphling wrote on 2022-09-01 19:20:13:
Snappers aren't up there, but I think they most represent what I am: long time casual player. I do all my daily stuff, but rarely do I visit the coli, max out the fairgrounds, or even breed my dragons anymore. I just collect any dragons/familiars/apparel I like, and I make my own fun by rescuing and re-homing old dergs or helping out new players.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
There doesn't seem to be a consensus about Snapper players. I'll just throw my hat in the ring. I think Snapper players are long-haul players who rarely have hiatuses. They know all the canon lore and if they have clan lore it's all connected to canon. They may not have a theme or goal they are working towards, but one often emerges over time. The accumulated rare crap in a Snapper's hoard can make Imperial players go a little crazy, but most of the time if you ask, the Snapper player is happy for the thing they kinda picked up by accident to go to someone who wants it. You just have to find out the player exists first.

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
chaotic. Their lair is always In Progress (TM). They have goals that they want to achieve, they Just. Never. Get. There. Has probably given all their dragons lore in their heads but writing it down seems like to much work. Most dragons only wear a couple of apparel pieces. Very prone to impulse buy.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
They are usually players who joined not too long ago or are very casual players. FR is a place they like to return to when their schedule allows it or when they manage to remember the site exists ;) They have either a lot or few dragons, but there is usually no real discernable theme among them, they just get whatever dragon they like at that point when they login after a hiatus. They are usually very attached to their progens because they are the only consistent thing throughout their FR journey.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
Did you know Gordon Ramsay is a dragon?! Well, maybe I just made that up, but if he was a dragon... He'd definitely be a Wildclaw. These players are INTENSE in everything they do, especially their coliseum habits. Active in EACH part of the game, they are not only all over the coli but also the forum and discords. They are the kind of player to type all caps replies to forum topics, and also, do pinkerlockes. They are merciless when it comes to exalting dragons that have fallen out of favor, but would DIE a virtual death to protect their beloved permas. Have probably at some hoardsold an egg and made a forum topic about it just to trigger people.
reotheleo wrote on 2021-01-22 02:23:08:
[size=4][u][b]Ancients:[/b][/u][/size] [b]Aberration[/b] [quote name="shiennrean" date="2023-12-11 13:12:11" ] So, as I think since the very start of my lair, I'm an Aberration. All this is so familiar.... I turn my progens (Guardian and Mirror) to Aberration and most of my dragons are strange, also I have few versions of fan-dragon based on one particular character... And all of them immediately need a suitable pair according to my OTP... So... My Lair in constant rebuilding. I try to organize, buy a Lair expansion... And then I go to AH for another mad idea of a perfect colours/genes/breed combo (in my opinion, but not others, bc dragons I want almost always just don't exist on the site even in the "exalted" tab)... And leave there all of my treasure and gems for having another strange and very specific project... So, just like me for now. [quote name="Okida25" date="2022-04-03 09:01:23" ] Aberration: A mix of multiple breeds, but often has some Spiral in there somewhere, Aberrations are chaotic. Catch them on IKTR, then impatiently checking their alchemy, then "-wHAT DO YOU MEAN I ALREADY MAXED OUT FAIRGROUNDS I NEED MY G&G SO I CAN GET TREASURE BECAUSE I NEED THAT SKIN FOR MY DERGON THAT'S STILL IN THE WORKS BECAUSE I HAVE THE PLANS BUT I NEED THE GENES AND A BREED-CHANGE BECAUSE YES I'M MAKING THAT DERG INTO AN ABERRATION BECAUSE THE COLOR COMBO SUCKS EVEN THOUGH I BELIEVE THAT ANY DERG CAN BE SAVED WITH THE RIGHT GENES, SKINS, AND APPAREL YES I KNOW I NEED MORE LAIR SPACE BUT THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT" [/quote] [quote name="AnacronicCobra" date="2022-11-29 20:41:08" ] (Self callout) Aberrations: Your lair is about 50% whatever breed/concept/aesthetic you're currently hyperfixated on and 50% a mishmash of 40 other dragons that each got left over from different lair hyperfixations because you got attached. There's no lore in your lair because every dragon USED to have lore, but that was BEFORE your 32nd lair purge and you're too attached to the lore you DID have so you can't change it. It's like if someone glued newspaper clippings into a scrapbook and called it a novel because it's all in one book. [/quote] [/quote] [quote name="SmolderingFlame" date="2022-05-24 13:05:22" ] Aberration: both chaotic and orderly, in and of themselves both sides of the coin. You're both intense and chill on the forums, and in any other feature of Flight Rising. Sometimes it feels as though you've got two personalities, though it's really you the entire freakin time. [/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems to be that Aberration players commit to a theme and a plan for a while, and then have a better idea. Unlike Spirals, they do actually accomplish things, and somehow that makes everything fit together less. They change like a strike-slip faultline; everything is stable until everything is really not. It's not two personalities - you're just ruled by a hyperfixation/boredom cycle. The best results of every idea will conglomerate into the best idea ever once you're done having ideas, right?[/b][/quote] [b]Aether[/b] [quote name="TheEnforcer" date="2023-04-04 07:53:53" ] Aether - Exists on literally every petsite, as far as you can tell. Probably also involved in other indie web things. Does a lot of cross-site trading and likely to, like the Undertide, have at least one OC who exists in some form on every site they're on. When they make sales threads, they specify at least 5 different currencies that they accept.[/quote] [quote name="CeriothOfCinders" date="2024-05-01 11:35:57" ] Also I think Aethers would be lore nerds, so I am that too, whoo Aethers![/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"] Not much here yet, so my thoughts: Aethers have so many projects, and I agree with TheEnforcer that many of them are on other petsites as well. They are not afraid to reach out to random people to borrow a mate for a breeding project, offer a trade, or ask to buy, but they might not be online for the next few weeks when the other person gets back to them. Aethers don't usually try to make an over-arching theme or plan beyond "my guys in my lair!," although individual dragon projects can be incredibly difficult or complex. Also I'm sorry but there's a decent chance Homestuck was formative for you at one point and you still accidentally refer to common things by their troll name on occasion. It's in the Aether lore, I'm so sorry.[/quote] [b]Auraboa[/b] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] Too new for anyone else to have said anything, so it's all me! An Auraboa player keeps a carefully cultivated lore lair of exact lineage records and mating pairs. The lore is inherently build on Flight Rising lore, because otherwise there would be Inconsistencies, which are the Shade and must be destroyed. For the sake of their lairs and lore, Auraboas are often reluctant grinders, and some of them may even remember to sell excess stuff on the AH. Auraboas prefer to focus on their own projects, but can be coaxed into sociability with roleplay and art trades.[/quote] [b]Banescale[/b] [quote name="Almach123" date="2021-01-19 01:57:01" ] [quote name="Recallback" date="2021-01-19 01:16:22" ] Well, I'm none of these, I'm a very chatty lore-focused lair who spends most of their time doing projects, writing lore, or interacting on the forums. I'm trying to figure out what that'd be, but can't say I got much..... [/quote] So, a Banescale?[/quote] [quote name="GloriousFlarea" date="2021-02-26 09:12:52" ] Other dragons may be obsessed with their dragons, their currency, or their special items, but to the Banescale spreading their songs across the virtual continent is their calling. Many of these banescales simply fill their hoard and dens so it doesn't feel so empty before attacking the forums in a sky dive. These players are most likely using their dragons just to get into fun little clubs and groups, or to use in the excessive amounts of roleplays they have joined in on all at once. They love the forums more than the actual game, but will still give a little attention to their lair. Despite being so aggressive about making friends and being heard, they are some of the most chill players out there, and do what they feel is right for their lair in the moment. They are also probably running low on food quite often and don't do every daily check in.[/quote] [quote name="SabotageTheAce" date="2021-07-20 05:31:23" ] Banescales are your lore clans. Not just any lore clans, the BIG lore ones. Most of their dragons probably are unfinished projects, bit their lore, art, music, everything is a whole different story. When they're on the forums, they're doing something like "revolt of the aliens rp" or "your clan leader reacts to above clan leader dying" chances are out of fe they read a lot, roleplay a lot, tend to seek out interisting films over popular ones, and more. (I'd probably be one of these players)[/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51" ] These are players who got into Flight Rising because they saw a cool dragon picture on tumblr and followed the link back here. They are serious artistes and you'll often see them in 'Draw The Dragon Above You' threads, just knocking it out of the park. They make adoptables and take requests off the Art Sales board all day long. Most of their dragons are either triple-basics or decked-out masterpieces and there is no in between.[/quote] [quote name="JadeJester22" date="2022-11-30 17:00:03" ] Banescale: SOMETHING is the bane of yoir existance. Whether its your currency supply, your amount of apparel, not enough gathering turns, running out of lair space, there is at least ONE mechanic that’s really in your face.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14 16:49"] [b]Consensus seems pretty clear here; a Banescale player's lair often appears sparse until you look at literally any part they could fill with words. The dream is to get everything they want for their lore by participating in social events instead of grinding, and some even accomplish that.[/b][/quote] [b]Dusthide[/b] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]Dusthide players are here for a good time. They gravitate towards forum competitions and timed activities - anything that gives them a little thrill - and will try to make up new challenges for themselves and their friends if they can't find any they think they have a chance in. They don't have any tolerance for people they think are being unfair or unkind, though, and can come across as dismissive at times. They are also prone to sprawling lineage 'projects' which are actually just what happened when they didn't want to exalt any of their progen's babies and decided they could keep them if they made up a lore justification. That ever-expanding lore is always changing to include new babies, partners, and elaborations, so different dragon bios often sport inconsistencies. They are actually making lore, though, and that's what matters.[/quote] [b]Gaoler[/b] [quote name="Fauconne" date="2021-01-19 00:46:27"] [b]"nothing comes in, nothing goes out" is a saying you abide by... Halfway. Plenty of things enter your lair but; none shall leave. EVER. You are a Hoarder(tm), and especially when it comes to dragons, once you get your crooked talons on them, you'll never find a valid reason to let them go. Hoardselling? But what if you accidentally throw away an item that might come in handy later?! Probably collects/takes in unwanted old dragons as well. Not terribly active on the forums, mostly on 'serious' topics such as 'Old Dragon Collectors' etc.[/b][/quote] [quote name="Carnie" date="2021-04-08 13:39:28" ] suggestion to Gaolers; 'Tries to get into fodder training/exalting. Keeps 90% of fodder bought.'[/quote] [quote name="Variable" date="2021-05-12 13:27:38" ] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/quote] [b]Sandsurge[/b] [quote name="TagonDramer" date="2023-08-14 05:13:25" ] Sandsurges must be the people with an endless number of projects that they absolutely have to do on their own, as well as organized dom volunteers[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"] Sandsurges have their entire lair laid out in an updated spreadsheet with a breeding project schedule. Excess babies are likely exalted, because it just feels tidier than letting them float around the site to potentially get in the way if they resurface on the Auction House. Sandsurge players tend not to be very social except to organize other players for Dominance pushes or to talk about better methods for lair management and optimization with other Sandsurge players. Why are you playing this like a resource management strategy game? (Because it is.)[/quote] [b]Undertide[/b] [quote name="Kiln" date="2023-01-08 16:23:16" ] [quote name="GuyFromLoathing" date="2023-01-08 12:35:04" ] I don't fit into any of these. My diagnosis: lore writer who plays for lore and basically only lore, so no dragons are gonna get exalted except maybe my spiral because the old ones are eating her. Also I'm kind of a hoarder.[/quote] Clearly this is the Undertide archetype[/quote] [quote name="TheEnforcer" date="2023-04-04 07:53:53" ] Undertide - They're more invested in FR as a base for their OCs than the dragons themselves. If they have lore, it's either so drenched in headcanons that it ceases to be Sornieth or they're explicitly stating that their dragons are in another world and/or not dragons. If their lore is remotely Sornieth-related, they have at least one dragon whose familiar is the one who gets all the attention or otherwise a Beastclan rep.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"] [b]Consensus seems to be that Undertide players are invested in lore, but not Flight Rising lore. Their lairs are really a collection of individual lore groups with a handful of crossovers.[/b] In my opinion, Undertide players are often outspoken lovers of 'ugly' dragons - every dragon can be beautiful with the right apparel, genes, or skin. They tend to have a pile of scries that never go anywhere. Despite how much they love their dragons, they're actually a pretty casual player.[/quote] [b]Veilspun[/b] [quote name="Bxy26" date="2021-01-19 09:48:53" ] Veilspun: stalks around and follows a bunch of threads without replying, then posts without warning. Every dragon in the lair is either fodder or has a fancy UMA. May or may not have an art/lore shop.[/quote] [quote name="GloriousFlarea" date="2021-02-26 09:12:52" ] Veilspuns are creatures who normally only play games if others are included or they've suggested the game to them, but then find out that the game is a lot more fun than expected. Normally those who suggested this game to them have at least three months of experience, normally having been playing for at least four years. Veilspuns, although they will have their own independence in the game, will most likely fall upon others for advice and tips and tricks to know how the game works before going ahead with their plans. They fall on the help forums and guide forums quite a bit, and only really interact with their desired friend group, or a couple of other players that they feel connected to or know personally. They are the kind to help out those they know personally, and will hold dragons and items for others, most likely their siblings. Although quiet players, they will sometimes pipe up in a suggestion forum or two when the disagree with something or have a helpful idea, but very rarely. They're just here to relax and humor their friend's interest to make them happy.[/quote] [quote name="SabotageTheAce" date="2021-07-20 05:31:23" ] Veilspun: Veilspun are your thinkers. Not the same way as a number-crunching ridgeie, nor the emotional, expressive bones always. They tend to post FR conspiracies like "the Icelanders is jealous of the tide lord and hired the gaolers to kidnap him, but they got away and the shade decided to help the tide lord out once and for all." These theories can.vary from dead serious lore speculation to full on jokes (such as Maria being a deranged ridgeback).[/quote] [quote name="lokisaurus" date="2021-12-02 05:47:51"] These are players who joined Flight Rising because their friends are into FR. They thrive on the social aspects of the site and are most active in Forum Games and General Discussion. Permadergs? Roundsey? They have no idea what those terms mean and frankly, they don't really care. They have a small lair of a few dragons they think are cute or cool that they bought off the fodder floor without really knowing what that term means.[/quote] [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"] [b]Consensus is clear: Veilspun players are just here to hang with their friends. Socialization here isn't about the forum, but about direct communication and trades with people they know. Like Aethers, their lairs are usually just "guys I like,"[/b] but projects are rare, and, once committed to, actually completed in full. A network of Veilspun players will usually go in and out of hiatus more or less together, and can swarm a forum thread for better or for worse, especially since [b]Veilspun are kind of shit disturbers. The information a Veilspun player knows about the mechanics and lore of the site is entirely reliant upon whether someone in their network has come across it by chance.[/b][/quote]

shiennrean wrote on 2023-12-11 13:12:11:
So, as I think since the very start of my lair, I'm an Aberration.
All this is so familiar....

I turn my progens (Guardian and Mirror) to Aberration and most of my dragons are strange, also I have few versions of fan-dragon based on one particular character... And all of them immediately need a suitable pair according to my OTP... So... My Lair in constant rebuilding. I try to organize, buy a Lair expansion...

And then I go to AH for another mad idea of a perfect colours/genes/breed combo (in my opinion, but not others, bc dragons I want almost always just don't exist on the site even in the "exalted" tab)...
And leave there all of my treasure and gems for having another strange and very specific project...

So, just like me for now.
Okida25 wrote on 2022-04-03 09:01:23:
AnacronicCobra wrote on 2022-11-29 20:41:08:
(Self callout) Aberrations: Your lair is about 50% whatever breed/concept/aesthetic you're currently hyperfixated on and 50% a mishmash of 40 other dragons that each got left over from different lair hyperfixations because you got attached. There's no lore in your lair because every dragon USED to have lore, but that was BEFORE your 32nd lair purge and you're too attached to the lore you DID have so you can't change it. It's like if someone glued newspaper clippings into a scrapbook and called it a novel because it's all in one book.
SmolderingFlame wrote on 2022-05-24 13:05:22:
Aberration: both chaotic and orderly, in and of themselves both sides of the coin. You're both intense and chill on the forums, and in any other feature of Flight Rising. Sometimes it feels as though you've got two personalities, though it's really you the entire freakin time.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems to be that Aberration players commit to a theme and a plan for a while, and then have a better idea. Unlike Spirals, they do actually accomplish things, and somehow that makes everything fit together less. They change like a strike-slip faultline; everything is stable until everything is really not. It's not two personalities - you're just ruled by a hyperfixation/boredom cycle. The best results of every idea will conglomerate into the best idea ever once you're done having ideas, right?

TheEnforcer wrote on 2023-04-04 07:53:53:
Aether - Exists on literally every petsite, as far as you can tell. Probably also involved in other indie web things. Does a lot of cross-site trading and likely to, like the Undertide, have at least one OC who exists in some form on every site they're on. When they make sales threads, they specify at least 5 different currencies that they accept.
CeriothOfCinders wrote on 2024-05-01 11:35:57:
Also I think Aethers would be lore nerds, so I am that too, whoo Aethers!
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
Not much here yet, so my thoughts: Aethers have so many projects, and I agree with TheEnforcer that many of them are on other petsites as well. They are not afraid to reach out to random people to borrow a mate for a breeding project, offer a trade, or ask to buy, but they might not be online for the next few weeks when the other person gets back to them. Aethers don't usually try to make an over-arching theme or plan beyond "my guys in my lair!," although individual dragon projects can be incredibly difficult or complex. Also I'm sorry but there's a decent chance Homestuck was formative for you at one point and you still accidentally refer to common things by their troll name on occasion. It's in the Aether lore, I'm so sorry.

bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Too new for anyone else to have said anything, so it's all me! An Auraboa player keeps a carefully cultivated lore lair of exact lineage records and mating pairs. The lore is inherently build on Flight Rising lore, because otherwise there would be Inconsistencies, which are the Shade and must be destroyed. For the sake of their lairs and lore, Auraboas are often reluctant grinders, and some of them may even remember to sell excess stuff on the AH. Auraboas prefer to focus on their own projects, but can be coaxed into sociability with roleplay and art trades.

Almach123 wrote on 2021-01-19 01:57:01:
Recallback wrote on 2021-01-19 01:16:22:
Well, I'm none of these, I'm a very chatty lore-focused lair who spends most of their time doing projects, writing lore, or interacting on the forums.
I'm trying to figure out what that'd be, but can't say I got much.....
So, a Banescale?
GloriousFlarea wrote on 2021-02-26 09:12:52:
Other dragons may be obsessed with their dragons, their currency, or their special items, but to the Banescale spreading their songs across the virtual continent is their calling. Many of these banescales simply fill their hoard and dens so it doesn't feel so empty before attacking the forums in a sky dive. These players are most likely using their dragons just to get into fun little clubs and groups, or to use in the excessive amounts of roleplays they have joined in on all at once. They love the forums more than the actual game, but will still give a little attention to their lair. Despite being so aggressive about making friends and being heard, they are some of the most chill players out there, and do what they feel is right for their lair in the moment. They are also probably running low on food quite often and don't do every daily check in.
SabotageTheAce wrote on 2021-07-20 05:31:23:
Banescales are your lore clans. Not just any lore clans, the BIG lore ones. Most of their dragons probably are unfinished projects, bit their lore, art, music, everything is a whole different story. When they're on the forums, they're doing something like "revolt of the aliens rp" or "your clan leader reacts to above clan leader dying" chances are out of fe they read a lot, roleplay a lot, tend to seek out interisting films over popular ones, and more. (I'd probably be one of these players)
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
These are players who got into Flight Rising because they saw a cool dragon picture on tumblr and followed the link back here. They are serious artistes and you'll often see them in 'Draw The Dragon Above You' threads, just knocking it out of the park. They make adoptables and take requests off the Art Sales board all day long. Most of their dragons are either triple-basics or decked-out masterpieces and there is no in between.
JadeJester22 wrote on 2022-11-30 17:00:03:
Banescale: SOMETHING is the bane of yoir existance. Whether its your currency supply, your amount of apparel, not enough gathering turns, running out of lair space, there is at least ONE mechanic that’s really in your face.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14 16:49:
Consensus seems pretty clear here; a Banescale player's lair often appears sparse until you look at literally any part they could fill with words. The dream is to get everything they want for their lore by participating in social events instead of grinding, and some even accomplish that.

bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
Dusthide players are here for a good time. They gravitate towards forum competitions and timed activities - anything that gives them a little thrill - and will try to make up new challenges for themselves and their friends if they can't find any they think they have a chance in. They don't have any tolerance for people they think are being unfair or unkind, though, and can come across as dismissive at times. They are also prone to sprawling lineage 'projects' which are actually just what happened when they didn't want to exalt any of their progen's babies and decided they could keep them if they made up a lore justification. That ever-expanding lore is always changing to include new babies, partners, and elaborations, so different dragon bios often sport inconsistencies. They are actually making lore, though, and that's what matters.

Fauconne wrote on 2021-01-19 00:46:27:
"nothing comes in, nothing goes out" is a saying you abide by... Halfway. Plenty of things enter your lair but; none shall leave. EVER. You are a Hoarder(tm), and especially when it comes to dragons, once you get your crooked talons on them, you'll never find a valid reason to let them go. Hoardselling? But what if you accidentally throw away an item that might come in handy later?! Probably collects/takes in unwanted old dragons as well. Not terribly active on the forums, mostly on 'serious' topics such as 'Old Dragon Collectors' etc.
Carnie wrote on 2021-04-08 13:39:28:
suggestion to Gaolers; 'Tries to get into fodder training/exalting. Keeps 90% of fodder bought.'
Variable wrote on 2021-05-12 13:27:38:

TagonDramer wrote on 2023-08-14 05:13:25:
Sandsurges must be the people with an endless number of projects that they absolutely have to do on their own, as well as organized dom volunteers
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
Sandsurges have their entire lair laid out in an updated spreadsheet with a breeding project schedule. Excess babies are likely exalted, because it just feels tidier than letting them float around the site to potentially get in the way if they resurface on the Auction House. Sandsurge players tend not to be very social except to organize other players for Dominance pushes or to talk about better methods for lair management and optimization with other Sandsurge players. Why are you playing this like a resource management strategy game? (Because it is.)

Kiln wrote on 2023-01-08 16:23:16:
GuyFromLoathing wrote on 2023-01-08 12:35:04:
I don't fit into any of these.
My diagnosis: lore writer who plays for lore and basically only lore, so no dragons are gonna get exalted except maybe my spiral because the old ones are eating her.
Also I'm kind of a hoarder.
Clearly this is the Undertide archetype
TheEnforcer wrote on 2023-04-04 07:53:53:
Undertide - They're more invested in FR as a base for their OCs than the dragons themselves. If they have lore, it's either so drenched in headcanons that it ceases to be Sornieth or they're explicitly stating that their dragons are in another world and/or not dragons. If their lore is remotely Sornieth-related, they have at least one dragon whose familiar is the one who gets all the attention or otherwise a Beastclan rep.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
Consensus seems to be that Undertide players are invested in lore, but not Flight Rising lore. Their lairs are really a collection of individual lore groups with a handful of crossovers.
In my opinion, Undertide players are often outspoken lovers of 'ugly' dragons - every dragon can be beautiful with the right apparel, genes, or skin. They tend to have a pile of scries that never go anywhere. Despite how much they love their dragons, they're actually a pretty casual player.

Bxy26 wrote on 2021-01-19 09:48:53:
Veilspun: stalks around and follows a bunch of threads without replying, then posts without warning. Every dragon in the lair is either fodder or has a fancy UMA. May or may not have an art/lore shop.
GloriousFlarea wrote on 2021-02-26 09:12:52:
Veilspuns are creatures who normally only play games if others are included or they've suggested the game to them, but then find out that the game is a lot more fun than expected. Normally those who suggested this game to them have at least three months of experience, normally having been playing for at least four years. Veilspuns, although they will have their own independence in the game, will most likely fall upon others for advice and tips and tricks to know how the game works before going ahead with their plans. They fall on the help forums and guide forums quite a bit, and only really interact with their desired friend group, or a couple of other players that they feel connected to or know personally. They are the kind to help out those they know personally, and will hold dragons and items for others, most likely their siblings. Although quiet players, they will sometimes pipe up in a suggestion forum or two when the disagree with something or have a helpful idea, but very rarely. They're just here to relax and humor their friend's interest to make them happy.
SabotageTheAce wrote on 2021-07-20 05:31:23:
Veilspun: Veilspun are your thinkers. Not the same way as a number-crunching ridgeie, nor the emotional, expressive bones always. They tend to post FR conspiracies like "the Icelanders is jealous of the tide lord and hired the gaolers to kidnap him, but they got away and the shade decided to help the tide lord out once and for all." These theories can.vary from dead serious lore speculation to full on jokes (such as Maria being a deranged ridgeback).
lokisaurus wrote on 2021-12-02 05:47:51:
These are players who joined Flight Rising because their friends are into FR. They thrive on the social aspects of the site and are most active in Forum Games and General Discussion. Permadergs? Roundsey? They have no idea what those terms mean and frankly, they don't really care. They have a small lair of a few dragons they think are cute or cool that they bought off the fodder floor without really knowing what that term means.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
Consensus is clear: Veilspun players are just here to hang with their friends. Socialization here isn't about the forum, but about direct communication and trades with people they know. Like Aethers, their lairs are usually just "guys I like," but projects are rare, and, once committed to, actually completed in full. A network of Veilspun players will usually go in and out of hiatus more or less together, and can swarm a forum thread for better or for worse, especially since Veilspun are kind of **** disturbers. The information a Veilspun player knows about the mechanics and lore of the site is entirely reliant upon whether someone in their network has come across it by chance.
[size=4][u][b]Unfulfilled Niches:[/b][/u][/size] [quote name="PeacefulPyro" date="2021-01-19 01:42:50" ] I don’t fit any of these :( I’m a lore writer, drawer and often flips between exalting lair and perma lair on any given moment XD Also loves to participate in forums and especially meme threads! If there’s a thread asking something about players’ dragons, you can bet i’ll be there chatting away about my own permas. [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO this person is a Skydancer[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Gemmi" date="2021-01-19 02:53:47" ] How about very lore-heavy layers? Like, every perma has a story,no exceptions? (Hopefully me one day dbfbfbgj) [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO this description is vague enough to fit multiple dragons, though the 'no exceptions' attitude is more Auraboa, Imperial, or Pearlcatcher to me.[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Changelin" date="2021-01-19 02:44:31" ] Mmh, and what breed would be someone who participates only moderately in the forums, grinds a bit, sells a bit, enjoys the dressing room, has a few projects but is chill about it, and sometimes goes on hiatus/comes back only for the fests for a while? [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, Bogsneak[/quote] also: - people who want new genes/breeds immediately but don't want to snipe lol [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO this is a behaviour common to Snappers, though many other playstyles are this way.[/quote] - only a handful of permas [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, multiple options. If it's a defining fact, maybe a Banescale.[/quote] - suddenly E G G S but this is an outlier lol - wind too chaotic, scary. Chaos not cool. Chaos is anxiety. [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO this attitude is common for Sandsurge players and Bogsneaks for opposite reasons.[/quote][/quote] [quote name="ThanosBottomText" date="2021-11-22 10:53:02" ] wheres the "collects specific dragons and ONLY those dragons" dragon [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, probably Auraboa, Sandsurge, Dusthide, or Skydancer, depending on why the player is doing that.[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Gabbiani" date="2021-02-02 12:13:07" ] Now I'm wondering what breed would be the player whose lair is primarily a fandragon lair who keeps their non-fandergs in the hibden [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, Undertide[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Vampirate" date="2021-02-23 16:24:01" ] Where is the diagnosis for those who are obsessed with lineage projects? Like I have found my compulsion to make many lineage projects (with all the lore) lately... [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, Dusthide or Auraboa. Maybe certain Guardians.[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Lineko" date="2021-06-18 21:10:34" ] I guess I'm a mix of Spiral and Pearlcatcher? I have. Vague lore, and a few of my dragons even have decent bios, but it's just... ugh too much work. Besides I'm waiting on the Arcane ancient bc I feel like it would benefit the overall story of my lair. I went with a school theme for my lair bc whenever I dress up a dragon and idk what to do with it? I just go. STUDENT. and throw it into that tab to look pretty and take up space. I work really hard on my dragon looks, sometimes working on breeding projects for over a year or stalking the AH for years to find the perfect dragon. I gotta dress them all and they have to have the matchiest genes possible. So yeah aesthetic to the max, but also kind of all over the place. I also am sort of Ridgeback too. Whenever I do decide to coli I GRIND HARD.[quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, probably Aberration, maybe an Aether?[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Silvermoonshadow" date="2021-11-25 16:01:17" ] I'm...none of these! I think I'm that one person who views my clan as a "story" and never exalts or sells any dragons because of that. I like to keep them all and have this huge plot thingy. [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"] IMO probably Auraboa. Maybe Undertide, Dusthide, or Gaoler.[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Astroasis" date="2021-11-29 23:12:01" ] Okay :D But needs a Familiar Hoarder/Bonder breed XD [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO Imperials kind of fill this niche[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Vampirate" date="2022-01-22 11:02:21" ] Nothing explains by breeding obsession. I need to make more pure dragon lineages bigger. [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, Auraboa[/quote][/quote] [quote name="APiratesLife" date="2022-06-13 17:16:05" ] What about someone who is a casual player but has a specific themed lair? Like, someone who doesn’t take the game too seriously but is dead sure about their lair theme(s)? Then again I am a noob so I may grow into one of these breeds [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, you're either a baby Guardian or a Bogsneak in waiting[/quote][/quote] [quote name="Islet" date="2022-06-24 08:39:22" ] Don't think I fit any dragon: I don't hoard, but I buy a lot of g1s. I'm fine with exalting, yet I almost never do: too many projects, too little fodder. My lair has no theme and I own no fancy skins. I also rarely play the fairgrounds and joined about a year ago. And then I am too addicted to forget to log in... [quote name="bandedironically" date="2024-05-14"]IMO, Bogsneak, Aether, or Obelisk.[/quote][/quote]
Unfulfilled Niches:
PeacefulPyro wrote on 2021-01-19 01:42:50:
I don’t fit any of these :(

I’m a lore writer, drawer and often flips between exalting lair and perma lair on any given moment XD

Also loves to participate in forums and especially meme threads! If there’s a thread asking something about players’ dragons, you can bet i’ll be there chatting away about my own permas.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO this person is a Skydancer
Gemmi wrote on 2021-01-19 02:53:47:
How about very lore-heavy layers? Like, every perma has a story,no exceptions? (Hopefully me one day dbfbfbgj)
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO this description is vague enough to fit multiple dragons, though the 'no exceptions' attitude is more Auraboa, Imperial, or Pearlcatcher to me.
Changelin wrote on 2021-01-19 02:44:31:
Mmh, and what breed would be someone who participates only moderately in the forums, grinds a bit, sells a bit, enjoys the dressing room, has a few projects but is chill about it, and sometimes goes on hiatus/comes back only for the fests for a while?
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, Bogsneak


- people who want new genes/breeds immediately but don't want to snipe lol
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO this is a behaviour common to Snappers, though many other playstyles are this way.
- only a handful of permas
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, multiple options. If it's a defining fact, maybe a Banescale.
- suddenly E G G S but this is an outlier lol
- wind too chaotic, scary. Chaos not cool. Chaos is anxiety.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO this attitude is common for Sandsurge players and Bogsneaks for opposite reasons.
ThanosBottomText wrote on 2021-11-22 10:53:02:
wheres the "collects specific dragons and ONLY those dragons" dragon
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, probably Auraboa, Sandsurge, Dusthide, or Skydancer, depending on why the player is doing that.
Gabbiani wrote on 2021-02-02 12:13:07:
Now I'm wondering what breed would be the player whose lair is primarily a fandragon lair who keeps their non-fandergs in the hibden
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, Undertide
Vampirate wrote on 2021-02-23 16:24:01:
Where is the diagnosis for those who are obsessed with lineage projects? Like I have found my compulsion to make many lineage projects (with all the lore) lately...
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, Dusthide or Auraboa. Maybe certain Guardians.
Lineko wrote on 2021-06-18 21:10:34:
I guess I'm a mix of Spiral and Pearlcatcher? I have. Vague lore, and a few of my dragons even have decent bios, but it's just... ugh too much work. Besides I'm waiting on the Arcane ancient bc I feel like it would benefit the overall story of my lair.

I went with a school theme for my lair bc whenever I dress up a dragon and idk what to do with it? I just go. STUDENT. and throw it into that tab to look pretty and take up space.

I work really hard on my dragon looks, sometimes working on breeding projects for over a year or stalking the AH for years to find the perfect dragon. I gotta dress them all and they have to have the matchiest genes possible. So yeah aesthetic to the max, but also kind of all over the place.

I also am sort of Ridgeback too. Whenever I do decide to coli I GRIND HARD.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, probably Aberration, maybe an Aether?
Silvermoonshadow wrote on 2021-11-25 16:01:17:
I'm...none of these!

I think I'm that one person who views my clan as a "story" and never exalts or sells any dragons because of that. I like to keep them all and have this huge plot thingy.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO probably Auraboa. Maybe Undertide, Dusthide, or Gaoler.
Astroasis wrote on 2021-11-29 23:12:01:
Okay :D But needs a Familiar Hoarder/Bonder breed XD
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO Imperials kind of fill this niche
Vampirate wrote on 2022-01-22 11:02:21:
Nothing explains by breeding obsession. I need to make more pure dragon lineages bigger.
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, Auraboa
APiratesLife wrote on 2022-06-13 17:16:05:
What about someone who is a casual player but has a specific themed lair? Like, someone who doesn’t take the game too seriously but is dead sure about their lair theme(s)?

Then again I am a noob so I may grow into one of these breeds
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, you're either a baby Guardian or a Bogsneak in waiting
Islet wrote on 2022-06-24 08:39:22:
Don't think I fit any dragon: I don't hoard, but I buy a lot of g1s. I'm fine with exalting, yet I almost never do: too many projects, too little fodder. My lair has no theme and I own no fancy skins. I also rarely play the fairgrounds and joined about a year ago. And then I am too addicted to forget to log in...
bandedironically wrote on 2024-05-14:
IMO, Bogsneak, Aether, or Obelisk.
How do I add these to my signature?
I’ve tried everything and it won’t work
FYI I’m on mobile
How do I add these to my signature?
I’ve tried everything and it won’t work
FYI I’m on mobile
z3FSuck.png DxCICZ1.png 3M48cU6.pngYg0l6jE.png dgUrrMv.pngHhpzPA3.png 4FNpOz3.png eDLYAd0.png R1dejfm.png cCDlMNJ.png She/Her (Aroace flag)
I love it every time I stumble on this concept of FlightRising players as a breed of dragon, and I find that nearly every time I think about it (which, granted, is only once a year give or take), I've changed what breed I'd most likely be.

Right now, I'm somewhere between spiral and what I envision a snapper would be... Since I'm on a semi-hiatus (no lair expansion, no new dragons, slow training to level 25 of current dragons and slowly reconstructing lore, writing and training services paused, no dom participation, mostly casual participation and chatting in forums) and couldn't match the energy of a spiral dragon, I'd say I'm most like a snapper. (Very) slow and steady in my lair development, reliably online but casual participation, existing and enjoying and generally vibing.
I love it every time I stumble on this concept of FlightRising players as a breed of dragon, and I find that nearly every time I think about it (which, granted, is only once a year give or take), I've changed what breed I'd most likely be.

Right now, I'm somewhere between spiral and what I envision a snapper would be... Since I'm on a semi-hiatus (no lair expansion, no new dragons, slow training to level 25 of current dragons and slowly reconstructing lore, writing and training services paused, no dom participation, mostly casual participation and chatting in forums) and couldn't match the energy of a spiral dragon, I'd say I'm most like a snapper. (Very) slow and steady in my lair development, reliably online but casual participation, existing and enjoying and generally vibing.
i've known you for forever and a day . . .
Ugh. I think I'm somewhere between Pearlcatcher and Ridgeback? I don't know, this zodiac kinda things always confuse me. I don't know who I am or where I am!
I love to dress dragons. I did lore for some of my dragons, but I have plenty with blank bio. I play Coli constantly to grind for my projects (well, I have almost done with my permas, there is one dragon left, and I don't know what I'll be doing then) and I write in forums from time to time to entertain. But not every day. And instead of exalting dragons, I level them to 25lvl and sell.

So, gameplay wise, I'm just what you got when you breed two different breeds. Or even more! Who knows, maybe my grandma was a spiral!
Also, I'd love to know what type of player would be Coatles since it's my favorite breed!
Ugh. I think I'm somewhere between Pearlcatcher and Ridgeback? I don't know, this zodiac kinda things always confuse me. I don't know who I am or where I am!
I love to dress dragons. I did lore for some of my dragons, but I have plenty with blank bio. I play Coli constantly to grind for my projects (well, I have almost done with my permas, there is one dragon left, and I don't know what I'll be doing then) and I write in forums from time to time to entertain. But not every day. And instead of exalting dragons, I level them to 25lvl and sell.

So, gameplay wise, I'm just what you got when you breed two different breeds. Or even more! Who knows, maybe my grandma was a spiral!
Also, I'd love to know what type of player would be Coatles since it's my favorite breed!
im probably wildclaw and spiral
im probably wildclaw and spiral
I’m definitely spiral/pearlcatcher hybrid lolll
I’m definitely spiral/pearlcatcher hybrid lolll
iceshieldl.png FObX7rS.png

[quote name="LadySkysword" date="2024-05-25 06:06:23" ] How do I add these to my signature? I’ve tried everything and it won’t work FYI I’m on mobile [/quote] Right now, your signature uses the url tag twice and doesn't have the whole url you need. I suspect you're having a hard time scrolling the code blocks because you're on mobile, so I'm going to avoid using them by making my example tags with {} brackets. Please replace them with [] brackets when typing your own code. The url tag works like this: [b][color=blue]{url=destination-url}[/color][color=red]display this[/color][color=blue]{/url}[/color][/b] OR, if there is no [color=blue]=website[/color] inside the first tag: [b][color=blue]{url}[/color][color=red]destination-url[/color][color=blue]{/url}[/color][/b] Or if you paste text that is clearly a url in the forums, FR will automatically turn it into a link (much to my annoyance lol). If you just want the image, just put the image url between img tags: [b][color=red]{img}image-url{/img}[/color][/b] To make it a clickable image, put the image url between img tags between url tags with the destination url inside them: [b][color=blue]{url=destination-url}[/color][color=red]{img}image-source{/img}[/color][color=blue]{/url}[/color][/b] [b]Here are the urls in plain text instead of a code block: [color=blue]Destination URL (this thread):[/b] [url][/color][/url] [color=red][b]Imperial:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Mirror:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Nocturne:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Pearlcatcher:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Ridgeback:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Spiral:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Tundra:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Wildclaw:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [color=red][b]Gaoler:[/b][/color] [url][/url] [b]And if you want to be extra nice, you can add a link with the artist credit:[/b] [size=2](Sadly, {user=#} does not seem to work in signatures)[/size] [b][color=purple]reotheleo:[/b][/color] [i]Imperial, Mirror, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Ridgeback, Spiral, Tundra, Wildclaw[/i] [color=purple][b]Variable:[/b][/color] [i]Gaoler[/i]
LadySkysword wrote on 2024-05-25 06:06:23:
How do I add these to my signature?
I’ve tried everything and it won’t work
FYI I’m on mobile

Right now, your signature uses the url tag twice and doesn't have the whole url you need. I suspect you're having a hard time scrolling the code blocks because you're on mobile, so I'm going to avoid using them by making my example tags with {} brackets. Please replace them with [] brackets when typing your own code.

The url tag works like this:
{url=destination-url}display this{/url}
OR, if there is no =website inside the first tag:
Or if you paste text that is clearly a url in the forums, FR will automatically turn it into a link (much to my annoyance lol).

If you just want the image, just put the image url between img tags:

To make it a clickable image, put the image url between img tags between url tags with the destination url inside them:

Here are the urls in plain text instead of a code block:
Destination URL (this thread):

And if you want to be extra nice, you can add a link with the artist credit:
(Sadly, {user=#} does not seem to work in signatures)
Imperial, Mirror, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Ridgeback, Spiral, Tundra, Wildclaw