

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Encounter (open RP)
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Traveling to the Plaguelands was probably not the best of ideas, but Ophelia had never seen the broken territory, and with a hatchling on the way she made the best of her time gathering while her mate watched the egg. She was busy scratching at the ground, hoping to dig up any form of food or item when a shadow cast itself over her. The fae's first instinct was to duck for cover, but upon further inspection she spotted a Tundra who seemed focused on something.

Letting curiosity get the better of her she crawled along the ground to whatever fus was being made, and to her surprise quite the crowd had gathered.

"Well, you don't see this everyday." The silver female cooed, white eyes scanning the scene before her, and her ears even twitched to the young fae's cries.

Traveling to the Plaguelands was probably not the best of ideas, but Ophelia had never seen the broken territory, and with a hatchling on the way she made the best of her time gathering while her mate watched the egg. She was busy scratching at the ground, hoping to dig up any form of food or item when a shadow cast itself over her. The fae's first instinct was to duck for cover, but upon further inspection she spotted a Tundra who seemed focused on something.

Letting curiosity get the better of her she crawled along the ground to whatever fus was being made, and to her surprise quite the crowd had gathered.

"Well, you don't see this everyday." The silver female cooed, white eyes scanning the scene before her, and her ears even twitched to the young fae's cries.

Micheletto turned to observe the two newcomers; it was odd enough finding one unfamiliar dragon in the depths of the Plaguelands, but this young one's distress seemed to have drawn quite a crowd.

He stretched his neck absentmindedly and shook his head, "The boy had a run in with a vicious plant," Micheletto said dryly.

He eyed the Tundra and the Fae whose curiosities had gotten the best of them, "You both seem to be strangers here as well."

((@cheetor @monkeypantsflash @naimeria ))
Micheletto turned to observe the two newcomers; it was odd enough finding one unfamiliar dragon in the depths of the Plaguelands, but this young one's distress seemed to have drawn quite a crowd.

He stretched his neck absentmindedly and shook his head, "The boy had a run in with a vicious plant," Micheletto said dryly.

He eyed the Tundra and the Fae whose curiosities had gotten the best of them, "You both seem to be strangers here as well."

((@cheetor @monkeypantsflash @naimeria ))
Avatar Dragon
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you can call me roach
they / them / their(s) | FR time +0
Corinth wasn't the type of dragon to ignore a call for help, even if it was from someone far from his flight. He swooped down, landing easily on padded feet before the trapped Fae. "Don't worry, I've seen worse in my travels," he said with an easy smile, trying to calm the young dragon. He gave a nod to the other two, conveying his greetings.

"I'm called Corinth. I don't mean to intrude." He knew he was out of his territory, and he didn't want to many anyone defensive. "Can you move our wing at all?" He asked the little Fae.

(( Hello there!
@PrinceCorpse ))
Corinth wasn't the type of dragon to ignore a call for help, even if it was from someone far from his flight. He swooped down, landing easily on padded feet before the trapped Fae. "Don't worry, I've seen worse in my travels," he said with an easy smile, trying to calm the young dragon. He gave a nod to the other two, conveying his greetings.

"I'm called Corinth. I don't mean to intrude." He knew he was out of his territory, and he didn't want to many anyone defensive. "Can you move our wing at all?" He asked the little Fae.

(( Hello there!
@PrinceCorpse ))
((@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @Cheetor))

"N-no..." He muttered, dramatically twitching. It really did hurt, badly even, but he knew that most were rather unwilling to accept him anywhere, so he tried to emphasize his injury. It would help his chances at getting assistance. He continued to struggle around in pain, some made up, but a lot real. "I-I don't think I can fly home. What do I do?" He wasn't as concerned about getting home as much as others would, what with clans to feed and eggs to care for, but he had a small amount of treasure that he was sure a wanderer would take happily. He just hoped he could get home before something like that would happen.
((@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @Cheetor))

"N-no..." He muttered, dramatically twitching. It really did hurt, badly even, but he knew that most were rather unwilling to accept him anywhere, so he tried to emphasize his injury. It would help his chances at getting assistance. He continued to struggle around in pain, some made up, but a lot real. "I-I don't think I can fly home. What do I do?" He wasn't as concerned about getting home as much as others would, what with clans to feed and eggs to care for, but he had a small amount of treasure that he was sure a wanderer would take happily. He just hoped he could get home before something like that would happen.
Ophelia's tail curled loosely around her feet, with a tilted head and flared headfins she continued to just observe the young male. Without flight his journey home would be difficult, but she was unsure if she could escort seeing as how Trion would be getting worried over her long absence.

Looking at the bigger dragons her fins being to perk up even more. "Maybe one of you could give him a ride? If he does not mind clinging to that of a bigger dragon." Not her attention was on the smaller male, watching to see if he would oppose the idea.

(@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @MonkeyPantsFlash)
Ophelia's tail curled loosely around her feet, with a tilted head and flared headfins she continued to just observe the young male. Without flight his journey home would be difficult, but she was unsure if she could escort seeing as how Trion would be getting worried over her long absence.

Looking at the bigger dragons her fins being to perk up even more. "Maybe one of you could give him a ride? If he does not mind clinging to that of a bigger dragon." Not her attention was on the smaller male, watching to see if he would oppose the idea.

(@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @MonkeyPantsFlash)
Micheletto narrowed his eyes, "M'lady, I've my own pups to care for, far be it for me to take responsibility for one that fell into my lap."

He turned to eye the distressed Fae while addressing the group, "The boy doesn't seem too grievously hurt, I smell more fear on him than injury. The Plaguelands tend to exacerbate fear."

The irritated Mirror turned towards Cornith and the Fae who'd spoken earlier, "What drew you good samaritans this far out into the Wastes?"

@cheetor @naimeria @monkeypantsflash
Micheletto narrowed his eyes, "M'lady, I've my own pups to care for, far be it for me to take responsibility for one that fell into my lap."

He turned to eye the distressed Fae while addressing the group, "The boy doesn't seem too grievously hurt, I smell more fear on him than injury. The Plaguelands tend to exacerbate fear."

The irritated Mirror turned towards Cornith and the Fae who'd spoken earlier, "What drew you good samaritans this far out into the Wastes?"

@cheetor @naimeria @monkeypantsflash
Avatar Dragon
Signature Pixel Credit
you can call me roach
they / them / their(s) | FR time +0
((I am sorry to inform everyone that I am going on a trip tomorrow. I will only be on to feed and care for my eggs so I will be be replying anytime soon. I am sorry and have fun!))
(@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @MonkeyPantsFlash)
((I am sorry to inform everyone that I am going on a trip tomorrow. I will only be on to feed and care for my eggs so I will be be replying anytime soon. I am sorry and have fun!))
(@naimeria @PrinceCorpse @MonkeyPantsFlash)
((S'okay. Have fun yourself! @Cheetor))
((S'okay. Have fun yourself! @Cheetor))
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