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TOPIC | Another Whatever [Door Game.. sorta]
@Tacocado4801 that cursed owl on the right <>
@Tacocado4801 that cursed owl on the right <>
@Tacocado4801 The door on my left please. I guess I have a spark for spotting things that are usually hard to miss ^^
@Tacocado4801 The door on my left please. I guess I have a spark for spotting things that are usually hard to miss ^^
[b]You open the door to find..[/b] [size=5]@TimeShadow012- The Center Door[/size] Confident, You swing open the oak door. As you do so, you're faced with a variable feast of greenery and fresh fish! Marvelous, you think to yourself, snatching up everything you can carry and returning home satisfied. Certainly, any plant or seafood eating dragon you know will be quite pleased with this outcome. On your way out, you also notice some little crickets stowing away in the ivy! [Item= Ivy] x10 [Item= Fragrant Orchid] x20 [Item= Bountiful fishnet] x10 [item= zebra cricket]x10 [size=5]@Duckvack- The Right Door[/size] Not quite wanting to disturb whatever it is you hear singing, you slowly push open the door with the image of the owl. However, it seems you've disturbed the singer anyway, as you're now face to face with a young skydancer. Their mouth closes as soon as they lay eyes upon you, with a somewhat judgemental and peeved expression.. and you get the feeling.. You won't be leaving this room alone. [url=][img][/img][/url] (Congratulations!) [size=5]@NoNeTo- The Left Door[/size] Thinking you've discovered something never quite seen before, you push open the stone door on your left. Inside rests a Dryad, speaking in soft, unfamiliar words to the Owl that rests upon their wrist. Their attention turns you as you disturb the conversation, and they stand. "Greetings. I've been expecting company for a while now. You would not mind if my companion and I accompany you to whatever land you hail from, would you?" [Item= Dryad] [item=Wildwood Owl] ----- Congrats to all of you! Prizes will be on the way shortly!
You open the door to find..

@TimeShadow012- The Center Door

Confident, You swing open the oak door. As you do so, you're faced with a variable feast of greenery and fresh fish! Marvelous, you think to yourself, snatching up everything you can carry and returning home satisfied. Certainly, any plant or seafood eating dragon you know will be quite pleased with this outcome. On your way out, you also notice some little crickets stowing away in the ivy!

Ivy x10 Fragrant Orchid x20 Bountiful Fishnet x10 Zebra Cricket x10

@Duckvack- The Right Door

Not quite wanting to disturb whatever it is you hear singing, you slowly push open the door with the image of the owl. However, it seems you've disturbed the singer anyway, as you're now face to face with a young skydancer. Their mouth closes as soon as they lay eyes upon you, with a somewhat judgemental and peeved expression.. and you get the feeling.. You won't be leaving this room alone.



@NoNeTo- The Left Door

Thinking you've discovered something never quite seen before, you push open the stone door on your left. Inside rests a Dryad, speaking in soft, unfamiliar words to the Owl that rests upon their wrist. Their attention turns you as you disturb the conversation, and they stand.

"Greetings. I've been expecting company for a while now. You would not mind if my companion and I accompany you to whatever land you hail from, would you?"

Dryad Wildwood Owl

Congrats to all of you! Prizes will be on the way shortly!

PWYW Lore at Moonmere!
[Click Here!]
(minor TW for bugs, rot, and bad smells)

This isn't a dream. At least you don't think it is. Don't think it could be. Could dreams be quite this vilely vivid? You've smelt decay before, of course you have. But you've never had the stench of it so vividly smeared across every sense that you gag on your own breath; never sat with it's pungent taste - that wretched blend of bile and salt - so strong in your maw that you half feared your own tongue rotting away. You've smelt decay before but you've never felt the scent crawl, wet and clawing, into your skull to slip deep into the pit of your stomach as a diseased nausea.

You've smelled decay before...

Perhaps this is a dream...

You are hopelessly lost in this dark, pestilent place, the twisted, pulsating mockery of plant life that surrounds you so dencely overgrown and thriving that its gently writhing mass envelopes you with ease, leaving you to wander aimlessly through the living maze it has formed.

Off to the Left is a narrow pathway through the tainted plants, a strange slimy residue leaves several snail like trails down this path.

Ahead of you is a wider opening and pathway, it seems almost intentional, a dragonmade route, and listening closely you can hear a faint and distant sound like rustling paper.

To your Right is another seemingly intentional pathway cut through the contaminated plantlife with a faint and sickly green glow emanating from somewhere down that path.
(minor TW for bugs, rot, and bad smells)

This isn't a dream. At least you don't think it is. Don't think it could be. Could dreams be quite this vilely vivid? You've smelt decay before, of course you have. But you've never had the stench of it so vividly smeared across every sense that you gag on your own breath; never sat with it's pungent taste - that wretched blend of bile and salt - so strong in your maw that you half feared your own tongue rotting away. You've smelt decay before but you've never felt the scent crawl, wet and clawing, into your skull to slip deep into the pit of your stomach as a diseased nausea.

You've smelled decay before...

Perhaps this is a dream...

You are hopelessly lost in this dark, pestilent place, the twisted, pulsating mockery of plant life that surrounds you so dencely overgrown and thriving that its gently writhing mass envelopes you with ease, leaving you to wander aimlessly through the living maze it has formed.

Off to the Left is a narrow pathway through the tainted plants, a strange slimy residue leaves several snail like trails down this path.

Ahead of you is a wider opening and pathway, it seems almost intentional, a dragonmade route, and listening closely you can hear a faint and distant sound like rustling paper.

To your Right is another seemingly intentional pathway cut through the contaminated plantlife with a faint and sickly green glow emanating from somewhere down that path.
I'll take the path to the right!
I'll take the path to the right!
I'll go to the left!
I'll go to the left!
@duckvack ahead!
@duckvack ahead!
Featherback Pelt Sandstone
@abeeinshoes You squeeze yourself through the narrow tunnel, the living walls pulsating around you interrupted occasionally by sharp, strangely warm stone. At first you try not to touch too much of the strange slime but it coats the walls unavoidably in some places and by the time you eventually drag your form out the other side of that squeezing pathway and into wide open freedom you are covered in a thin layer of that strange slime. [item=Sentient Alloy] [item=Shiny Residue] @Lynz You follow the sound for only a brief while down this well trodden path, it growing louder as you go and somehow seems to get more indistinct and... alive with every step, untill the path opens up suddenly to a vast chamber piled high with mounds of filth and half eaten carcasses. Every surface of this chamber writhes with swarming insect life and pests and after a moment you recognize the sound you had mistaken for rustling paper as hundreds and thousands of tiny, hard bodies and limbs rubbing together. [item=Aged Carcass] x10 [item=Craig Fly] x10 [item=Infestation Maggot]x10 [item=Dung Beetle]x10 @WICKEDisgood818 This tunnel opens to the dimly lit camber, the only source of light the shallow green pools. Between some of these pools are strange bowl like shrines of hollowed tree stumps and rotting flesh. It takes you a moment to realize you've stumbled across a plague nest, and glancing around you spot it's single, unguarded occupant regarding you with unnerving interest. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@abeeinshoes You squeeze yourself through the narrow tunnel, the living walls pulsating around you interrupted occasionally by sharp, strangely warm stone. At first you try not to touch too much of the strange slime but it coats the walls unavoidably in some places and by the time you eventually drag your form out the other side of that squeezing pathway and into wide open freedom you are covered in a thin layer of that strange slime.
Sentient Alloy Shiny Residue

@Lynz You follow the sound for only a brief while down this well trodden path, it growing louder as you go and somehow seems to get more indistinct and... alive with every step, untill the path opens up suddenly to a vast chamber piled high with mounds of filth and half eaten carcasses. Every surface of this chamber writhes with swarming insect life and pests and after a moment you recognize the sound you had mistaken for rustling paper as hundreds and thousands of tiny, hard bodies and limbs rubbing together.
Aged Carcass x10 Craig Fly x10 Infestation Maggot x10 Dung Beetle x10

@WICKEDisgood818 This tunnel opens to the dimly lit camber, the only source of light the shallow green pools. Between some of these pools are strange bowl like shrines of hollowed tree stumps and rotting flesh. It takes you a moment to realize you've stumbled across a plague nest, and glancing around you spot it's single, unguarded occupant regarding you with unnerving interest.
Well, this has been quiet for a... year. I suppose it needs a jump start. Okay, here it goes. What do you mean I've done this before?! Oh... I have. Oh well, it's still fun. [emoji=coatl tongue size=1] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] As you make your way to your destination you stumble upon a small sign that reads: This way to learn your future. Curiosity bids you forward, so you make your way down a narrow path until you come across a small wagon. Above the door hangs a sign with Pearl's Fortune Telling scribbled across it. Perhaps a quick look might be interesting, if nothing else it might be worth a laugh. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] A Pearlcatcher greets you at the door. "Welcome, dear paying customer. Welcome!" After quickly brushing dust away from a table's top she shows you to a seat. Once comfortable she scoots closer and places in the middle of the table her own pearl. "Well now, I'm sure you know how this works?" she proceeds to explain without waiting for an answer, "you give me the coins, or the gems if you are feeling generous, and then ask your questions. At which point I will divine the future for you. I warn you though, not all of my predictions satisfy what the patron wishes to hear." She gives a moment for the understanding to sink in then continues. "If you are ready, we can begin." The Pearlcatcher motions for a jar at the side of the table. Pearl only has three chairs around her table and so will only take three drakes at a time. The teller, and her jar, sit in wait of the seeker's questions... and coins! ([b]I'll take one question each, along with however much you wish to pay the young seer for your vision. --but please don't actually send me any monies, just tell me how much you put in the jar. What you get will be based on your characters and your questions.[/b]) Customer One: collar's [b]Aeo[/b] Customer Two: Nighthydra's [b]Eclipse[/b] Customer Three: ViolentViolet77's [b]Matir[/b] The divination has begun. Please bear with our seer as she calls forth the spirits.
Well, this has been quiet for a... year. I suppose it needs a jump start. Okay, here it goes. What do you mean I've done this before?! Oh... I have. Oh well, it's still fun.
As you make your way to your destination you stumble upon a small sign that reads: This way to learn your future. Curiosity bids you forward, so you make your way down a narrow path until you come across a small wagon. Above the door hangs a sign with Pearl's Fortune Telling scribbled across it. Perhaps a quick look might be interesting, if nothing else it might be worth a laugh.

A Pearlcatcher greets you at the door. "Welcome, dear paying customer. Welcome!" After quickly brushing dust away from a table's top she shows you to a seat. Once comfortable she scoots closer and places in the middle of the table her own pearl. "Well now, I'm sure you know how this works?" she proceeds to explain without waiting for an answer, "you give me the coins, or the gems if you are feeling generous, and then ask your questions. At which point I will divine the future for you. I warn you though, not all of my predictions satisfy what the patron wishes to hear." She gives a moment for the understanding to sink in then continues. "If you are ready, we can begin." The Pearlcatcher motions for a jar at the side of the table.

Pearl only has three chairs around her table and so will only take three drakes at a time. The teller, and her jar, sit in wait of the seeker's questions... and coins!

(I'll take one question each, along with however much you wish to pay the young seer for your vision. --but please don't actually send me any monies, just tell me how much you put in the jar. What you get will be based on your characters and your questions.)

Customer One: collar's Aeo
Customer Two: Nighthydra's Eclipse
Customer Three: ViolentViolet77's Matir

The divination has begun. Please bear with our seer as she calls forth the spirits.

buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
buffer text
@azurenight [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] - the young immortal god stared at the pearlcatcher, his wide eyes filled with curiosity. he tossed her the remains of his money in a pouch, [b]exactly 561 coins,[/b] eagerly. he had no regard for money, and prefered to live his life as adventurous as possible. "i love fortune tellers! unfortunately, they are rather scarce back home." he grinned at her, scooting his chair in closer, his long tail curling over and intertwining the legs of the chair. "i am aeo. i do not wish to discuss who or what i am, but i hope that you'll understand nonetheless." he placed his paws on the table, now looking at the pearl. "i have many questions for you, but alas, i'll have to settle on just one for today." he inched even closer, his faceted eyes sparkling with mischief. [b]"if i die, will it be a painful death?"[/b] he murmured ever so softly, gazing at the pearlcatcher with patience in his eyes. [/center]


the young immortal god stared at the pearlcatcher, his wide eyes filled with curiosity. he tossed her the remains of his money in a pouch, exactly 561 coins, eagerly. he had no regard for money, and prefered to live his life as adventurous as possible. "i love fortune tellers! unfortunately, they are rather scarce back home." he grinned at her, scooting his chair in closer, his long tail curling over and intertwining the legs of the chair.

"i am aeo. i do not wish to discuss who or what i am, but i hope that you'll understand nonetheless." he placed his paws on the table, now looking at the pearl. "i have many questions for you, but alas, i'll have to settle on just one for today." he inched even closer, his faceted eyes sparkling with mischief. "if i die, will it be a painful death?" he murmured ever so softly, gazing at the pearlcatcher with patience in his eyes.

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