
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Culinary Artists
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nova was initially invited as an ambassador between Fire clans and his new Arcane home, but when he saw how his new family was eating (mostly raw ingredients) he decided that was going to stop and he declared himself the clan's chef. The biggest hurdle after that was figuring out what his fae customers wanted, but Mercury quickly stepped in to translate their monotone requests for him.


Nova was initially invited as an ambassador between Fire clans and his new Arcane home, but when he saw how his new family was eating (mostly raw ingredients) he decided that was going to stop and he declared himself the clan's chef.

The biggest hurdle after that was figuring out what his fae customers wanted, but Mercury quickly stepped in to translate their monotone requests for him.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rancor, clan chef. Well, sort of. No one really eats his food. Maybe because it usually ends up squirming off the plate before they get the chance to. [url=][img],396,32996,531,32998,32994,32997,32995,32993,27997,27994,27996,27998,27999&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] Outfit is still a wip, but here's Ivan, a pastry chef and part of the Mad Tea Party area of my lair!


Rancor, clan chef. Well, sort of. No one really eats his food. Maybe because it usually ends up squirming off the plate before they get the chance to.


Outfit is still a wip, but here's Ivan, a pastry chef and part of the Mad Tea Party area of my lair!
Buying Maroon Tert G1s
Tarot Shop
Clan Lore
This is my boy Pickles! He tries his best to cook for the clan but most of them would rather eat their meals raw. [center][img][/img][/center] His wife Cordelia loves to eat his cooking though[emoji=familiar heart size=1] [center][img][/img][/center]
This is my boy Pickles! He tries his best to cook for the clan but most of them would rather eat their meals raw.
His wife Cordelia loves to eat his cooking though
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][size=6][font=Cambria]~Mads~[/size][/center] [center][font=Courier new][size=4]Obviously the best chef in the world -and Sornieth (dare you to prove me wrong). X3[/size][/font][/center]
Obviously the best chef in the world -and Sornieth (dare you to prove me wrong). X3
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Jack[/center] [center]Skilled in all areas as far as culinary arts go. Far more accustomed to the ritzier side of the culinary world, as that is who he used to prepare meals for. Jack can still manage the simple delicacies in life. Even if they have a bit of a polish to them.[/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Chiaki[/center] [center]Fallen Angel Butcher & Inn Chef[/center] [center]Chiaki's dishes are quite possible the most savory and filling meals on this planet. Praised time and time again, something he never gets tired of. However, don't put it past you to question the ingredients used. After all, the soup might be the neighbor you just said high to a few hours ago. [/center]
Skilled in all areas as far as culinary arts go. Far more accustomed to the ritzier side of the culinary world, as that is who he used to prepare meals for. Jack can still manage the simple delicacies in life. Even if they have a bit of a polish to them.

Fallen Angel Butcher & Inn Chef
Chiaki's dishes are quite possible the most savory and filling meals on this planet. Praised time and time again, something he never gets tired of. However, don't put it past you to question the ingredients used. After all, the soup might be the neighbor you just said high to a few hours ago.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Him...adopted by the clan at a young age, Vorialo has gone through many trials, errors, and growth to get to where he is today. He can cook decent food, though he has to enlist the help of bigger dragons like Demesoni and Eren to make enough for everyone. Vorialo never has trouble finding herbs and spices, though (nature dragon!)


Him...adopted by the clan at a young age, Vorialo has gone through many trials, errors, and growth to get to where he is today. He can cook decent food, though he has to enlist the help of bigger dragons like Demesoni and Eren to make enough for everyone. Vorialo never has trouble finding herbs and spices, though (nature dragon!)
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] this is my baby solnichka! she likes to make ice cream and share it with her friends. her name means 'little sun' in russian i believe! taken from her bio: [i]"Little Sun" is a funny name for a dragon who doesn't even slightly resemble the sun; except for in her smile, which never leaves her face and is as bright as her namesake. Solnichka loves to make ice cream. She's been learning and perfecting recipes since she was a hatchling. One day, she hopes to open a shop so she can spread her delicious treats with all dragonkind. Her most famous recipe is mint chocolate chip.[/i]


this is my baby solnichka! she likes to make ice cream and share it with her friends. her name means 'little sun' in russian i believe!

taken from her bio:
"Little Sun" is a funny name for a dragon who doesn't even slightly resemble the sun; except for in her smile, which never leaves her face and is as bright as her namesake.

Solnichka loves to make ice cream. She's been learning and perfecting recipes since she was a hatchling. One day, she hopes to open a shop so she can spread her delicious treats with all dragonkind.

Her most famous recipe is mint chocolate chip.
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i like portal a normal amount
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cocoawing is a tragic cook since the food she cooks don't get eaten by the rest of the clan. Not that the foods she makes are bad, she is popular with allied beastmen with a taste for cuisine, instead, the rest of the clan have taste for raw food.


Cocoawing is a tragic cook since the food she cooks don't get eaten by the rest of the clan. Not that the foods she makes are bad, she is popular with allied beastmen with a taste for cuisine, instead, the rest of the clan have taste for raw food.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] BerryBread is a baker at a coffee shop. She enjoys wearing a plastic tiara to work. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] McBurger is the owner of a family-run burger restaurant trying to make it big in Plague! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nuggets cooks questionable mystery meals and it's a wonder her business remains open with seemingly no customers...


BerryBread is a baker at a coffee shop. She enjoys wearing a plastic tiara to work.


McBurger is the owner of a family-run burger restaurant trying to make it big in Plague!


Nuggets cooks questionable mystery meals and it's a wonder her business remains open with seemingly no customers...
Buying Food UMAs