
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Dace and Dice Merchandise (Hoard Sale)
Condorwing Champion,Colony Killer,Velvet Buttersnake,Stormclaw Showman ,Raptorik Herder and Mith Spellstealer, Regal Silkmith, Jelly Jewel
So 9kt/g in total if I'm correct @Sparrowe
Condorwing Champion,Colony Killer,Velvet Buttersnake,Stormclaw Showman ,Raptorik Herder and Mith Spellstealer, Regal Silkmith, Jelly Jewel
So 9kt/g in total if I'm correct @Sparrowe
I have the biggest collection of Maize Jester dragons on site, I'm always looking for dragons with these two genes! Dm if you have them! I also have a friend called Apepsis who's looking for Obsidian Starmap/Obsidian Constellation/ALL Opal, please contact them mostly, DM me if they can't take them in or are busy
@Nightmeme9000 I made a mistake - the Roving Jelly Jewel should have had a discount price of 4g/kt, not 9g/kt. You are correct that your order is a total of 9g/kt! I will send a CR.
@Nightmeme9000 I made a mistake - the Roving Jelly Jewel should have had a discount price of 4g/kt, not 9g/kt. You are correct that your order is a total of 9g/kt! I will send a CR.
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I would also like the Roving Jelly Jewel as well! @Sparrowe
I would also like the Roving Jelly Jewel as well! @Sparrowe
I have the biggest collection of Maize Jester dragons on site, I'm always looking for dragons with these two genes! Dm if you have them! I also have a friend called Apepsis who's looking for Obsidian Starmap/Obsidian Constellation/ALL Opal, please contact them mostly, DM me if they can't take them in or are busy
@Laita sorry for the slow response! The person before you caught a few of the items you asked for, so those have been removed. Your total price should be 220g/kt if my math is correct.

LAH/MP Prices
Gladegift Garlands - LAH 150kt
Blooming Woodguard - LAH 5g
Fisher King - LAH 13g
Toxic Igueel- LAH 5g
Bearded Yeti - LAH 7g
Shining Goblin- LAH 90g
____ Discount Prices

edit: I had to remove Shorn Cerdae because I appear to have sold that as well. Prices have been adjusted.
@Laita sorry for the slow response! The person before you caught a few of the items you asked for, so those have been removed. Your total price should be 220g/kt if my math is correct.

LAH/MP Prices
Gladegift Garlands - LAH 150kt
Blooming Woodguard - LAH 5g
Fisher King - LAH 13g
Toxic Igueel- LAH 5g
Bearded Yeti - LAH 7g
Shining Goblin- LAH 90g
____ Discount Prices

edit: I had to remove Shorn Cerdae because I appear to have sold that as well. Prices have been adjusted.
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@Sparrowe Would you be interested in festival currency, or are you only looking for pure currency? [emoji=ivy leaf size=1]

Would you be interested in festival currency, or are you only looking for pure currency?
I don't have anything cool here

buy my skins though

also if you got Skin: Iconoclast I will offer my entire vault for it (25kg+, name your price)
@Volpe I think I should just stick with pure G/T currency, apologies (also sorry for the late reply, I've been less active lately-)
@Volpe I think I should just stick with pure G/T currency, apologies (also sorry for the late reply, I've been less active lately-)
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I would like to buy the Spaniel. It's 35kt on the AH. Does that mean you accept my offer of 25kt?
I would like to buy the Spaniel. It's 35kt on the AH. Does that mean you accept my offer of 25kt?
@hypomargoteros since its LAH is 34g, it'd be 24g/kt! I'll send a CR ^^
@hypomargoteros since its LAH is 34g, it'd be 24g/kt! I'll send a CR ^^
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@Dace and Dice Everything

The shop has been updated with current items!
@Dace and Dice Everything

The shop has been updated with current items!
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Yippie, how much for the halos, the skins/accents and the spires of wisps
Along with the enhancements as well
Yippie, how much for the halos, the skins/accents and the spires of wisps
Along with the enhancements as well
I have the biggest collection of Maize Jester dragons on site, I'm always looking for dragons with these two genes! Dm if you have them! I also have a friend called Apepsis who's looking for Obsidian Starmap/Obsidian Constellation/ALL Opal, please contact them mostly, DM me if they can't take them in or are busy