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TOPIC | Exams
So, it's 22:56 where I live and I can finally call myself done with exam preparation for my exam tomorrow in ancient civilization...
I'm very relieved and really feel like I can't prepare myself anymore than this :3... and at the same time Im starting to feel nervous already xD

Geez I hate exams, at the last one (which was only a test really) I was almost certain I was going to puke >.>

But now I have some freedom! - I wanted to try out a bit on RPing here on FR but didn't really feel that it would be a responsible thing to do before, but yeah, now there is 11 days before my next exam so I have "plenty" of time :D

I think exams are already finished in many countries, but are there anyone else who still have some left? If not how did your exams go and what was the subject? :3 (virtual cookie if it was more boring than mine..)
So, it's 22:56 where I live and I can finally call myself done with exam preparation for my exam tomorrow in ancient civilization...
I'm very relieved and really feel like I can't prepare myself anymore than this :3... and at the same time Im starting to feel nervous already xD

Geez I hate exams, at the last one (which was only a test really) I was almost certain I was going to puke >.>

But now I have some freedom! - I wanted to try out a bit on RPing here on FR but didn't really feel that it would be a responsible thing to do before, but yeah, now there is 11 days before my next exam so I have "plenty" of time :D

I think exams are already finished in many countries, but are there anyone else who still have some left? If not how did your exams go and what was the subject? :3 (virtual cookie if it was more boring than mine..)
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@Silence I didn't really have exams so to speak, but I had lots of essays and evaluations to write... I study Acting & Performance (i like saying the full thing cause it sounds fancy ahaha) at college :3 so our final exam is our production c:

Are you studying Ancient Civilisation altogether, or is it like... a subject within your 'real' subject?

I have a special way with words, as you can tell xD sorry if I'm confusing!
@Silence I didn't really have exams so to speak, but I had lots of essays and evaluations to write... I study Acting & Performance (i like saying the full thing cause it sounds fancy ahaha) at college :3 so our final exam is our production c:

Are you studying Ancient Civilisation altogether, or is it like... a subject within your 'real' subject?

I have a special way with words, as you can tell xD sorry if I'm confusing!
I would much rather write essays and such than having to prepare anything verbal (if thats the word?)
Nice :3 and sounds like a great way to end such a term too ^^

I don't really have a "main" subject, on my school thingie (it's the school between primary and university where Im from) we have these "lines", and they are pretty basic with language, mathematics and science lines - and there are some subjects you choose, and some, (like ancient civilisation...) that are mandatory

No, not at all! ^^
I would much rather write essays and such than having to prepare anything verbal (if thats the word?)
Nice :3 and sounds like a great way to end such a term too ^^

I don't really have a "main" subject, on my school thingie (it's the school between primary and university where Im from) we have these "lines", and they are pretty basic with language, mathematics and science lines - and there are some subjects you choose, and some, (like ancient civilisation...) that are mandatory

No, not at all! ^^
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That's fair enough! It is, because I adore performing, but it's stressful when the director and the cast members don't get along... There was so much drama that it was almost not worth it!

Oh, so a bit like high school where I am :)! Nice! I had figured you were in college or university for some reason ahaha - probably because we've never had ancient civilisation or anything similar (except maybe history) as a subject :P! that's really cool though :)
That's fair enough! It is, because I adore performing, but it's stressful when the director and the cast members don't get along... There was so much drama that it was almost not worth it!

Oh, so a bit like high school where I am :)! Nice! I had figured you were in college or university for some reason ahaha - probably because we've never had ancient civilisation or anything similar (except maybe history) as a subject :P! that's really cool though :)
I can imagine that! It's must really be frustrating when people just don't/won't cooperate or if the mood always is bad...
Is the director another pupil?

Kind of I think? Different school systems are difficult to keep track of and understand
To be honest I don't really see the point of it...a year of leaning architectual periods and trying to decipher Homer and Vergil and their stories which probably didn't happen anyway... well xD
It can be interesting, but also kind of heavy

It's not all of these kind of schools that have it as a subject though, some are science only, but my school is pretty all-round c:
I can imagine that! It's must really be frustrating when people just don't/won't cooperate or if the mood always is bad...
Is the director another pupil?

Kind of I think? Different school systems are difficult to keep track of and understand
To be honest I don't really see the point of it...a year of leaning architectual periods and trying to decipher Homer and Vergil and their stories which probably didn't happen anyway... well xD
It can be interesting, but also kind of heavy

It's not all of these kind of schools that have it as a subject though, some are science only, but my school is pretty all-round c:
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Ahh no, the director was a lecturer... Which is just what made the whole situation worse. She was surprisingly immature during the whole ordeal ): It's a shame, because she's so lovely in other classes - it was just when she was directing!

xD Yeah, definitely. I get so confused thinking about other countries' school systems. But I dunno, I guess each to their own! I personally think it'd be fun. Well, a whole year of it, probably not :P But still!
Ahh no, the director was a lecturer... Which is just what made the whole situation worse. She was surprisingly immature during the whole ordeal ): It's a shame, because she's so lovely in other classes - it was just when she was directing!

xD Yeah, definitely. I get so confused thinking about other countries' school systems. But I dunno, I guess each to their own! I personally think it'd be fun. Well, a whole year of it, probably not :P But still!
Oh man. This is finals week for me (I know, I'm playing online XD). Today I'm just doing my psychology which, thankfully, is just the routine stuff. Read this, write a journal, discuss it with the class (Thank God for online courses), and do a 10 question quiz on what you learned.

Wednesday I have my computer science 160 final. This one's the big one. I've fought that class all year and maintained a high C (Considering I know more about the dark side of pluto than I do computer science, this is an accomplishment!). I'm stressed out about it because if I get lower than a C, I have to take one more science class. If I pass, I get my associates. No pressure, right?
Oh man. This is finals week for me (I know, I'm playing online XD). Today I'm just doing my psychology which, thankfully, is just the routine stuff. Read this, write a journal, discuss it with the class (Thank God for online courses), and do a 10 question quiz on what you learned.

Wednesday I have my computer science 160 final. This one's the big one. I've fought that class all year and maintained a high C (Considering I know more about the dark side of pluto than I do computer science, this is an accomplishment!). I'm stressed out about it because if I get lower than a C, I have to take one more science class. If I pass, I get my associates. No pressure, right?
“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

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@Thalion any science just goes way over my head, so you get a kudos from me! psychology is always quite interesting to me though! im sure you'll do great in your computer science though, especially if your high C has been basically kept about the same throughout the year. may the odds be ever in your favour!
@Thalion any science just goes way over my head, so you get a kudos from me! psychology is always quite interesting to me though! im sure you'll do great in your computer science though, especially if your high C has been basically kept about the same throughout the year. may the odds be ever in your favour!
I'm keeping count of my progress through exams (*points at avatar tooltip/bubble/announcement bit*), had one yesterday, one the Thursday before (Further Pure 1 and Mechanics 1, maths, so I'm feeling okay about them), this Thursday I may panic, well at least in the run-up to, as I am a lot less certain how to revise for my essay topics (that doesn't mean I'm confident about Statistics 2 however *shiver*). At least it's the only date where I have more than one exam, I hear some people in year 11 have three in a day, which I find surprising.
The thing with the essay topics, is I need at least an A and a B from them (of course after the results last year this didn't look a problem at that point :\ ).

Hm, trying to hold back from RPing too much, so trying to avoid joining new ones (but there are the ones on DA and returning from beta to take into account, hm).
I'm keeping count of my progress through exams (*points at avatar tooltip/bubble/announcement bit*), had one yesterday, one the Thursday before (Further Pure 1 and Mechanics 1, maths, so I'm feeling okay about them), this Thursday I may panic, well at least in the run-up to, as I am a lot less certain how to revise for my essay topics (that doesn't mean I'm confident about Statistics 2 however *shiver*). At least it's the only date where I have more than one exam, I hear some people in year 11 have three in a day, which I find surprising.
The thing with the essay topics, is I need at least an A and a B from them (of course after the results last year this didn't look a problem at that point :\ ).

Hm, trying to hold back from RPing too much, so trying to avoid joining new ones (but there are the ones on DA and returning from beta to take into account, hm).
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I still have 2 weeks of exam session... :<
I still have to pass:
- internal medicine
- orthopedic and traumatology (tomorrow)
- pediatrics
- gynecology
- surgery (oral part)
- oncology
- nuclear medicine

and some minor stuff... Exam session just started in Poland :<
I still have 2 weeks of exam session... :<
I still have to pass:
- internal medicine
- orthopedic and traumatology (tomorrow)
- pediatrics
- gynecology
- surgery (oral part)
- oncology
- nuclear medicine

and some minor stuff... Exam session just started in Poland :<