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TOPIC | BJDs and other dollies

Ah yeah...Cons are made of lines e___e

Ah yeah...Cons are made of lines e___e

Yup, but the line to get in and buy a ticket at the door is probably longer than any line to go buy something from a vendor or go watch a thing (I'm sorry, I forget what it's called when someone's gonna speak at a con).

Also, anyone know how close Volks' white is to Miro's? I just now found out Volks has a white. Dx And I'm contemplating another idea... Or I'll do semi-white since it doesn't say soft cap on it.

Yup, but the line to get in and buy a ticket at the door is probably longer than any line to go buy something from a vendor or go watch a thing (I'm sorry, I forget what it's called when someone's gonna speak at a con).

Also, anyone know how close Volks' white is to Miro's? I just now found out Volks has a white. Dx And I'm contemplating another idea... Or I'll do semi-white since it doesn't say soft cap on it.
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I just tried to see what would happen if I got Wind and everything but the eyes and hair from Miro...

Shipping is a big old ouch. @__________@ That sums it up pretty well.

Hm. Guess I could try my hand at wig and eye making? Already making the clothes, so why not? xD The shoes can wait too, since right now I don't have any clue as to what she's gonna wear. Gonna get the heeled feet though in case I need them so they're both the same age and match.

EDIT: Oop, apparently I would qualify for a 1/4 head. Well then, I guess that makes it slightly better??? xD But I'd have a floatieeee and I'd need a spot for itttt

I just tried to see what would happen if I got Wind and everything but the eyes and hair from Miro...

Shipping is a big old ouch. @__________@ That sums it up pretty well.

Hm. Guess I could try my hand at wig and eye making? Already making the clothes, so why not? xD The shoes can wait too, since right now I don't have any clue as to what she's gonna wear. Gonna get the heeled feet though in case I need them so they're both the same age and match.

EDIT: Oop, apparently I would qualify for a 1/4 head. Well then, I guess that makes it slightly better??? xD But I'd have a floatieeee and I'd need a spot for itttt
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A panel?

And uh, Volks white I thought is usually a very limited color release??? But I'm not the best with Volks so uhhh. (I just know that almost every one I want is $1,000 and up. Sometimes just for the head so DX )

Shipping is usually what kills you 8D Unfortunatelllyyy.

A panel?

And uh, Volks white I thought is usually a very limited color release??? But I'm not the best with Volks so uhhh. (I just know that almost every one I want is $1,000 and up. Sometimes just for the head so DX )

Shipping is usually what kills you 8D Unfortunatelllyyy.

Thaaaaaat's the word! xD

Odd, they had their blanks listed in White as in stock. :x Maybe the ones you see are LEs?

Unfortunatelyyy Dx And it's for the doll, the heeled feet, string, string puller and set up. No outfit, no shoes. Nope. And that doesn't even cover customs, which like mentioned can be hit-and-miss. But with the event I'd get a 1/4 head, so I guess that makes it slightly more worth it? Right?

Thaaaaaat's the word! xD

Odd, they had their blanks listed in White as in stock. :x Maybe the ones you see are LEs?

Unfortunatelyyy Dx And it's for the doll, the heeled feet, string, string puller and set up. No outfit, no shoes. Nope. And that doesn't even cover customs, which like mentioned can be hit-and-miss. But with the event I'd get a 1/4 head, so I guess that makes it slightly more worth it? Right?
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Probably it xD I try to not look at Volks too often or my wallet cries 8D

Heads can be nice? Like... half of my dolls are event heads I swear xD But it does all depend on if you want the event head badly enough or not, of if you think the event itself is worth it.

Probably it xD I try to not look at Volks too often or my wallet cries 8D

Heads can be nice? Like... half of my dolls are event heads I swear xD But it does all depend on if you want the event head badly enough or not, of if you think the event itself is worth it.

lol yeah, mine wails over Miku.

xD I don't think it's even an event head, I think they'd send one of the ones they sell because I don't see them doing event heads. And I like surprises, and I think you just automatically get it whether you want it or not, since there aren't really instructions on how to get the head. Dx It just says "Spend x and get y!"

lol yeah, mine wails over Miku.

xD I don't think it's even an event head, I think they'd send one of the ones they sell because I don't see them doing event heads. And I like surprises, and I think you just automatically get it whether you want it or not, since there aren't really instructions on how to get the head. Dx It just says "Spend x and get y!"
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Mmm that does happen. (Either way, I usually feel "free doll = good doll" xD)

Mmm that does happen. (Either way, I usually feel "free doll = good doll" xD)

(lol yes, same goes for chocolate! xD Except for if it's from somewhere bad, shady, little information known or unknown. Then don't take it.) And I could always save up to get it a body, so I guess it's not as bad? xD

Also, DARJEELING IS RUNNING A GIVEAWAY FOR FREE FACEUPPSSSS! ;w; She said she'd be willing to wait if the doll wanted isn't on hand, so I entered since I know 100% for sure I'm getting a doll eventually. Probably won't win, but there's no point in not trying if I want it, right...?

(lol yes, same goes for chocolate! xD Except for if it's from somewhere bad, shady, little information known or unknown. Then don't take it.) And I could always save up to get it a body, so I guess it's not as bad? xD

Also, DARJEELING IS RUNNING A GIVEAWAY FOR FREE FACEUPPSSSS! ;w; She said she'd be willing to wait if the doll wanted isn't on hand, so I entered since I know 100% for sure I'm getting a doll eventually. Probably won't win, but there's no point in not trying if I want it, right...?
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Chocolate. /eats it all

You could always save up to get a body C: I've done that a fair number of times myself. Sometimes the free/event heads end up being cuter than what you bought too so xDD

I saw the faceup give away! I entered just once because well, free faceup, but I never win anything xD I do need to look into sending some of my dolls to one of my Faceup artists though...

Chocolate. /eats it all

You could always save up to get a body C: I've done that a fair number of times myself. Sometimes the free/event heads end up being cuter than what you bought too so xDD

I saw the faceup give away! I entered just once because well, free faceup, but I never win anything xD I do need to look into sending some of my dolls to one of my Faceup artists though...