
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | leap day hatch luck!
so i figured i'd hatch an egg for leap day. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] denim/cobalt/denim, goat eyes! wow! so i definitely can't keep him. too expensive, and i like xyz better. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] rose/cerise/rose, matchy arcane eyes! wow! so i guess i'm just gonna buy a nice xyz from the auction house lmao
so i figured i'd hatch an egg for leap day.


denim/cobalt/denim, goat eyes! wow!

so i definitely can't keep him. too expensive, and i like xyz better.


rose/cerise/rose, matchy arcane eyes! wow!

so i guess i'm just gonna buy a nice xyz from the auction house lmao
You could sell those kids for some mad cash
You could sell those kids for some mad cash





x5p5Lqa.png hzJoCvj.png
Want one of my crap ones that I threw 1.5kg outta the window for? c:

You can have them at the all-in-one Shakeology discount.
Want one of my crap ones that I threw 1.5kg outta the window for? c:

You can have them at the all-in-one Shakeology discount.
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
Oh gorgeous, I really like the noc! I got my own leap day luck with this girl: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mantis/maroon xxy, and my wind rep. Mantis is such a good windy color too, but maroon is proving tricky to work with. Peacock kinda works, but the only gene that really works well with it imo is pinstripe/trail or spinner. And the pin/trail combo is dark, I want something lighter. Oh well, spines is always an option until a better tert comes along lol.
Oh gorgeous, I really like the noc! I got my own leap day luck with this girl:


Mantis/maroon xxy, and my wind rep. Mantis is such a good windy color too, but maroon is proving tricky to work with. Peacock kinda works, but the only gene that really works well with it imo is pinstripe/trail or spinner. And the pin/trail combo is dark, I want something lighter. Oh well, spines is always an option until a better tert comes along lol.
Unnamed dragons need love too! There is no shame in having unnamed permas, having dragons with unnamed parents and/or offspring, or exalting unnamed dragons! Leaving dragons unnamed is a perfectly valid playstyle!

she/her or they/them
@Medenadragon oh that's killer! and she's got a nice id too, the 000 on the end is so satisfying lol

and you're totally right, there's always spines as a tert. i find that a contrasting firefly is good too
@Medenadragon oh that's killer! and she's got a nice id too, the 000 on the end is so satisfying lol

and you're totally right, there's always spines as a tert. i find that a contrasting firefly is good too
Thank you! Firefly is nice but its expensive, and a pain to grind for if you dont feel lile shelling out. Spines is a little more subtle, and less costly, so i think that will be my go to until anotger nice subtle tert comes out.
Thank you! Firefly is nice but its expensive, and a pain to grind for if you dont feel lile shelling out. Spines is a little more subtle, and less costly, so i think that will be my go to until anotger nice subtle tert comes out.
Unnamed dragons need love too! There is no shame in having unnamed permas, having dragons with unnamed parents and/or offspring, or exalting unnamed dragons! Leaving dragons unnamed is a perfectly valid playstyle!

she/her or they/them
oh i didn't hatch anything as good as them, but i did get this boy! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] he'll eventually become a new oc at some point~
oh i didn't hatch anything as good as them, but i did get this boy!


he'll eventually become a new oc at some point~
@medenadragon I made a scry for your leap girl! [img][/img] Butterfly looks really good on her!
I made a scry for your leap girl!
Butterfly looks really good on her!
I got these two! [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
I got these two!
I feel like I got CRAZY lucky this year with these beautiful hatchies! [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img][/center] I almost never hatch eggs, so imagine my surprise when I got these beauties! [emoji=guardian love size=1] I was also lucky enough to get this gorgeous girl out of one of my favorite pairs: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] I feel like I may have used up all my good luck for the rest of the year, though...^^;
I feel like I got CRAZY lucky this year with these beautiful hatchies!

I almost never hatch eggs, so imagine my surprise when I got these beauties! I was also lucky enough to get this gorgeous girl out of one of my favorite pairs:

I feel like I may have used up all my good luck for the rest of the year, though...^^;