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TOPIC | Feelin... ambivalent
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Hey, so, I’ve been in Nature for several years now. I started in Wind, but changed to Nature with my free flight change. The only problem is, now I don’t really feel like a Nature person in the same sense as the rest of the Nature community... I’ve always been really drawn to Plague’s survivalist scavenger aesthetic and its realistic sense of nature’s brutality. But not only am I broke as hell, I feel reluctant to change my flight. I feel like it would negatively impact the way I am seen, because there certainly is a fair amount of people who don’t feel like Plague should be a flight and I just know that like every other RoR, there will be a lot of whining and moaning about Plague being too “gory” for the rest of the site, and that a proper coliseum venue is probably never coming for us lol. I don’t know, I’m just conflicted, and I don’t really want the stigma of being a Plague member, but I really feel like it’s more in line with who I am as a person these days.

What should I do?
Hey, so, I’ve been in Nature for several years now. I started in Wind, but changed to Nature with my free flight change. The only problem is, now I don’t really feel like a Nature person in the same sense as the rest of the Nature community... I’ve always been really drawn to Plague’s survivalist scavenger aesthetic and its realistic sense of nature’s brutality. But not only am I broke as hell, I feel reluctant to change my flight. I feel like it would negatively impact the way I am seen, because there certainly is a fair amount of people who don’t feel like Plague should be a flight and I just know that like every other RoR, there will be a lot of whining and moaning about Plague being too “gory” for the rest of the site, and that a proper coliseum venue is probably never coming for us lol. I don’t know, I’m just conflicted, and I don’t really want the stigma of being a Plague member, but I really feel like it’s more in line with who I am as a person these days.

What should I do?
sup im stu

please click my eggs!
What should you do? Whatever you want. Everyone here is a stranger that's probably half way across the world, and this is a game. Go to Plague. If people don't like it, they can kick rocks.
What should you do? Whatever you want. Everyone here is a stranger that's probably half way across the world, and this is a game. Go to Plague. If people don't like it, they can kick rocks.
@Bigwig :’) thank you... I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready to do that yet (financially I certainly am not), but I’ll definitely keep this message in my heart and in my mind.
@Bigwig :’) thank you... I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready to do that yet (financially I certainly am not), but I’ll definitely keep this message in my heart and in my mind.
sup im stu

please click my eggs!
Plague was my starting flight, and there's nothing wrong with the flight or them. If it interests you, go for it! They have such a cool story about who they are. I wouldn't worry at all about any 'stigma'.. like bigwig said, who cares. You play for you, no one else. Do what you wanna do. c: [emoji=mirror winking size=2]
Plague was my starting flight, and there's nothing wrong with the flight or them. If it interests you, go for it! They have such a cool story about who they are. I wouldn't worry at all about any 'stigma'.. like bigwig said, who cares. You play for you, no one else. Do what you wanna do. c:
Make the switch if you’re unhappy where you are! It is a game for your entertainment after all. You should be doing what’s fun for you, and people will say or think whatever they want. I understand the hesitance though. It’s easier said than done, but I think if you really love plague then you’ll be happy with your decision overall.
Make the switch if you’re unhappy where you are! It is a game for your entertainment after all. You should be doing what’s fun for you, and people will say or think whatever they want. I understand the hesitance though. It’s easier said than done, but I think if you really love plague then you’ll be happy with your decision overall.
Cough on the h8rs.

Honestly, tho, if someone is bullying you because you're in a certain flight, and not even ironically or jokingly, then it's not you who's 'gross' or 'creepy' or 'weird'. It's just them that are being way too aggressive. Disliking gory stuff is fine, but pushing your dislike of it onto other people and pushing for an entire section of a community to be deleted is NOT fine. It's fine to be sensitive to certain topics, but it's not fine to downright ban discussion of it at all, or even pushing for it to be completely censored or banned in the media.

HOWEVER, on the other side of things, this does not mean, by any reason, that you should forcefully show someone stuff that they're sensitive to, and not mind any of their boundaries, and get mad at them and call them 'sensitive' when they react to something they're sensitive to.

Basically, respect boundaries of other people, and your own! It's fine to be in Plague or in any flight! It's mostly boundaries that matter!
Cough on the h8rs.

Honestly, tho, if someone is bullying you because you're in a certain flight, and not even ironically or jokingly, then it's not you who's 'gross' or 'creepy' or 'weird'. It's just them that are being way too aggressive. Disliking gory stuff is fine, but pushing your dislike of it onto other people and pushing for an entire section of a community to be deleted is NOT fine. It's fine to be sensitive to certain topics, but it's not fine to downright ban discussion of it at all, or even pushing for it to be completely censored or banned in the media.

HOWEVER, on the other side of things, this does not mean, by any reason, that you should forcefully show someone stuff that they're sensitive to, and not mind any of their boundaries, and get mad at them and call them 'sensitive' when they react to something they're sensitive to.

Basically, respect boundaries of other people, and your own! It's fine to be in Plague or in any flight! It's mostly boundaries that matter!
To me Earth is a diet-Plague.. bones, desert wanderer aesthetic, minus the ick factor and prejudice. (I've considered plague too.. but I am not into gore at all. So while I like the survivalist bit, it seems pustules and rot overshadows that a lot. I don't feel I'd find in plague what I enjoy most.)
To me Earth is a diet-Plague.. bones, desert wanderer aesthetic, minus the ick factor and prejudice. (I've considered plague too.. but I am not into gore at all. So while I like the survivalist bit, it seems pustules and rot overshadows that a lot. I don't feel I'd find in plague what I enjoy most.)
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

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___* BUY *
If you feel you belong in Plague, join Plague. Other people don't get to decide who you are and what you like. I speak as someone who really dislikes Plague aesthetic and has a pretty strong phobia of maggots and squirmy, slimy, rotting things. Just because it's not my thing doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to like it. Just because I find it icky doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed on the site. It's up to me to avoid things I do not like... although warnings are always appreciated! [emoji=mirror happy size=2]
If you feel you belong in Plague, join Plague. Other people don't get to decide who you are and what you like.

I speak as someone who really dislikes Plague aesthetic and has a pretty strong phobia of maggots and squirmy, slimy, rotting things.

Just because it's not my thing doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to like it. Just because I find it icky doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed on the site. It's up to me to avoid things I do not like... although warnings are always appreciated!
FR time +8 hours Lore Thread
I could quote or repeat the people above me, but I think you get the message. Ultimately, this is an entertainment game for you. It’s not fun if it’s not entertaining, is it? So what if others don’t like your play style — there’s a reason they’re not playing that way. They aren’t forced to, and neither are you. Do what makes you happy.
I could quote or repeat the people above me, but I think you get the message. Ultimately, this is an entertainment game for you. It’s not fun if it’s not entertaining, is it? So what if others don’t like your play style — there’s a reason they’re not playing that way. They aren’t forced to, and neither are you. Do what makes you happy.
You do you! Personally, I've seen very little blatant rudeness to others because of their flight, I really don't think that you'll see as much of that as you think.
You do you! Personally, I've seen very little blatant rudeness to others because of their flight, I really don't think that you'll see as much of that as you think.
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