
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Lore] The Cult of the Player
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] I went out and bought this guy just to start off a new clan event. Sorineth, here I come.


I went out and bought this guy just to start off a new clan event.

Sorineth, here I come.
This signature for rent
PM if interested.
Please help, I don't know what to put here.
@Anthemis YES! Within my clan, I have a dragon that plays myself. In my headcanon, whenever I'm on FR, I like to picture that I go through a portal into the Realm of Sornieth and I take this dragon form. Whenever I'm not on FR, I step back through the portal and return to my regular body while my dragon form dissipates. [img][/img] I do plan on changing the tert to Runes, just for the Lore. The Runes along the body would be tge magical symbols that make the body possible.

YES! Within my clan, I have a dragon that plays myself. In my headcanon, whenever I'm on FR, I like to picture that I go through a portal into the Realm of Sornieth and I take this dragon form. Whenever I'm not on FR, I step back through the portal and return to my regular body while my dragon form dissipates.


I do plan on changing the tert to Runes, just for the Lore. The Runes along the body would be tge magical symbols that make the body possible.
I have returned! With my brand new believer: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She believes that she can converse with the Player, and keeps the Player's desires in her bio. The rest of the clan doesn't believe her, because they think that she just wants the items for herself. (So basically, I'm using her to dump my wishlist onto..)
I have returned! With my brand new believer:


She believes that she can converse with the Player, and keeps the Player's desires in her bio. The rest of the clan doesn't believe her, because they think that she just wants the items for herself.
(So basically, I'm using her to dump my wishlist onto..)
Oh gosh, I love this idea, it's amazing! I'm still making progress on getting all the clan's lore written and I plan to have a dragon that shares my birthday as an avatar/self insert of sorts. It may be a while before I get one, but I still like to see it as I'm there anyways even if I don't have a dragon for that yet! For me, I like to treat it as a thing where I'm there and my dragons and I can all communicate while I lead most things as they judge me on my dumby dumb player decisions. Also, @Quinineer that is probably the best explanation ever for a wishlist holding dragon [center]____________________[/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Shadowrise raised a scaly eyebrow as he listened to the wildclaw's words. Thankfully his hood made it difficult for most to see the face he was making, but it didn't change the fact that he was curiously confused. Was it not obvious? This dragon looked as if he were just trying to cause a ruckus by loudly breaking the fourth wall in a public area. Though perhaps... the workings of these worlds and realities varied from player to player and clan to clan. He couldn't help but notice the great variations and similarities in the reactions of the others around him...
Oh gosh, I love this idea, it's amazing! I'm still making progress on getting all the clan's lore written and I plan to have a dragon that shares my birthday as an avatar/self insert of sorts. It may be a while before I get one, but I still like to see it as I'm there anyways even if I don't have a dragon for that yet! For me, I like to treat it as a thing where I'm there and my dragons and I can all communicate while I lead most things as they judge me on my dumby dumb player decisions.

Also, @Quinineer that is probably the best explanation ever for a wishlist holding dragon

Shadowrise raised a scaly eyebrow as he listened to the wildclaw's words. Thankfully his hood made it difficult for most to see the face he was making, but it didn't change the fact that he was curiously confused. Was it not obvious? This dragon looked as if he were just trying to cause a ruckus by loudly breaking the fourth wall in a public area. Though perhaps... the workings of these worlds and realities varied from player to player and clan to clan. He couldn't help but notice the great variations and similarities in the reactions of the others around him...
Clearing out my lair, dergons for sale: [Link]
@CMCinder Thank you! :'D I'm planning to scroll her into a guardian so that her "charge" can be my wishlist.

And yes, join us, Shadowrise...
@CMCinder Thank you! :'D I'm planning to scroll her into a guardian so that her "charge" can be my wishlist.

And yes, join us, Shadowrise...
@Quinineer (Felt the need for a doodle for this!) [center][img][/img][/center] [center]"I... have no say in this, do I?"[/center] [center]____________________ [/center] [center][i]Hush, Shadowrise, you are going to [s]eat your dessert[/s] join this cult and you are going to like it[/i][/center]
@Quinineer (Felt the need for a doodle for this!)

"I... have no say in this, do I?"

Hush, Shadowrise, you are going to eat your dessert join this cult and you are going to like it
Clearing out my lair, dergons for sale: [Link]
This is beautiful.... It's perfect. It's like... 100% great. Palanga, you may have found your true calling. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]BIRTHDAY DRAGONS UNITE! [s]This is a great idea, props to you @Anthemis[/s] [i]Palanga knew that somehow, his hatch-day had been something special, that the words Ember helplessly blurted out or made-up weren't random, his map isn't just some child's game, that the strange visions only he, Palanga, could tap into weren't a defect. All of these had some meaning, he was sure of it. When he spoke to the detective agency in his clan, they didn't feel a thing, sure, Wolfrem (who just happened to be there) had a small hunch, but Mediocre claimed that there was no sound evidence, a real correlation. [b]The wildclaw was right.[/b] His gut churned, as the edges of his visions flickered. There! he allowed his sight to give way to the vision, and what he saw... He was standing on a roof, looking downwards the crowing wildclaw, and... himself with a blank-eyed stare. Immediately the vision slipped. When his sight returned, he looked up at the roof he thought himself to be standing on... But nobody was there.[/i]
This is beautiful.... It's perfect. It's like... 100% great. Palanga, you may have found your true calling.


This is a great idea, props to you @Anthemis

Palanga knew that somehow, his hatch-day had been something special, that the words Ember helplessly blurted out or made-up weren't random, his map isn't just some child's game, that the strange visions only he, Palanga, could tap into weren't a defect. All of these had some meaning, he was sure of it.

When he spoke to the detective agency in his clan, they didn't feel a thing, sure, Wolfrem (who just happened to be there) had a small hunch, but Mediocre claimed that there was no sound evidence, a real correlation.

The wildclaw was right. His gut churned, as the edges of his visions flickered. There! he allowed his sight to give way to the vision, and what he saw...

He was standing on a roof, looking downwards the crowing wildclaw, and... himself with a blank-eyed stare. Immediately the vision slipped. When his sight returned, he looked up at the roof he thought himself to be standing on... But nobody was there.

wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2]This is so great for my Naomi great great great grandchild. I didn't really know what to do before but now its here.


This is so great for my Naomi great great great grandchild. I didn't really know what to do before but now its here.
S E C O N D U N I T #18925

Hatchery Archive Exalt Records
Clan Lore Wishlist

Clan Toli'orji | UTC-6 | They/Them/It
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]thorn sometimes claims that some of the dragons are 'fandragons', based off of 'real life' characters. she also says that she shares her birthday with some higher being, as well as the 'username'. she's odd, but she's the leader so *shrug*


thorn sometimes claims that some of the dragons are 'fandragons', based off of 'real life' characters. she also says that she shares her birthday with some higher being, as well as the 'username'. she's odd, but she's the leader so *shrug*
[img][/img] now we gotta purify sorneith

now we gotta purify sorneith
always lurking. g1 collector