[b]Brought to you by
Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire Flights![/b][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][b][u]What is the Battle of the First Four or BotFF?[/u][/b][/size]
[center][size=4][b]Let's dig back a year and learn about some history![/b][/size]
[i]~from the FR Encyclopedia[/i]
This sacred painting clearly shows the first [b]Battle of the First Four[/b].
(Or as Wind Flight likes to call it - THE FIRST PARTY!)[/center]
[center]The First Four, (@Earthshaker, @Flamecaller, @Tidelord, and @Windsinger) resolved their issues and things went well until last year, when disagreements and long held grudges resulted in yet another [b]Battle of the First Four[/b], though some deities were more incensed than others.
[center][size=5][b]Old Battle Report from 2015[/b][/size][/center]
[center][quote name="Aequorin" date=2015-02-09 09:43:57]
The rough total for Battle of the First Four: 225,000 dragons Exalted. **
** this total reflects all dragons Exalted, not just the four Flights participating
([url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/1341526/1]LINK TO STORIES FROM LAST YEAR[/url])[/center]
[center][size=5][b]Confidential Report![/b][/size][/center]
[center]Now it seems the Four are at it again, and Sorneith is plunged into chaos. Agents are still investigating the actual cause of this latest scuffle, but it appears to have occurred recently. Agents continue to check on what's happened, but so far all we have is the following transcript...![/center]
[b]Transcript Follows:[/b]
[i](click click, recording begins)[/i]
[b][i](Tidelord)[/i] [/b]Well Water came first, cuz we all know life first came from the Oceans!
[b][i](Earthshaker) [/i][/b]Wait, that's not--
[b][i](Flamecaller) [/i][/b]You would have all frozen to death within days if not for me.
[b][i](Earthshaker)[/i] [/b] Hold on, I -
[b][i](Windsinger)[/i] [/b]I paint the skies so pretty you have to admit that I am the awesomest!
[b][i](Earthshaker) [/i][/b] Oh come on, wait a sec -
[b][i](Tidelord)[/i][/b] I don't care who you all think is the awesomest, I know.
[b][i](Earthshaker)[/i][/b] DANG WHIPPERSNAPPERS THESE DAYS! Listen, I know our history better than all of you!
[b][i](Windsinger, Tidelord, Flamecaller chorus together[/i][/b]) We KNOW, we were all there!
[i](click click end recording)[/i]
[center][size=4][b]So the First Four Flights are called to Battle
and the rest of the world can get involved too!
Support your favorite Deity and send dragons to their Flight!
Get involved in fun events,
like the Writing Contest for Tales of the Battle, and games.
There may even be SHENANIGANS![/b][/size][/center]
[right][i]dividers by Wind member @TinyGryphon[/i][/right]
This 4-way contest of ingenuity and desperation is brought to you by the Flilght Reps:
[b]Earth:[/b] @lizofalltrades, @asterope
[b]Fire:[/b] @AristaHolmes, @StrykeSlammerII
[b]Wind:[/b] @tonake, @laticat
[b]Water:[/b] @rinrar, @Snowbelle
On behalf of their flights, the Reps have agreed on the following rules:
[*]Buy prices are fully competitive, including individual bonuses.
[*]Raffle prizes go up to 30 individual prize packs
Make sure to copy this code into your signature to promote this hub and support the flights!
[i]Check out the Hub Posts
from each Flight for more information!
Scroll down! See what's up![/i][/b]
[center][Size=5][b]Joint Hub Thank You's to
Our Organizers, Artists, and Volunteers![/b][/size]
[i][b]Flight Reps:[/b]
[b]Earth: [/b]@lizofalltrades, @asterope
[b]Fire: [/b]@AristaHolmes, @StrykeSlammerII
[b]Wind: [/b]@tonake, @laticat
[b]Water: [/b]@rinrar, @Snowbelle[/i]
[i]@Paintminion as Codemistress[/i]
[i][b]Our Fantastic Artists:[/b]
Deity Banner by @Wakor
1st BotFF Banner by @TinyGryphon
BotFF Dividers by @TinyGryphon
Poker Gamer by @Sherushi
BotFF Signature Button by @TinyGryphon
BotFF Buffer Banner by @ACWN
[center][size=4]And a grateful shout out to ALL the volunteers who are running events, handling the flow of dragons, and keeping us all hopping about![/size][/center]
Brought to you by
Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire Flights!
What is the Battle of the First Four or BotFF?
Let's dig back a year and learn about some history!
~from the FR Encyclopedia
This sacred painting clearly shows the first Battle of the First Four.
(Or as Wind Flight likes to call it - THE FIRST PARTY!)
The First Four, (@Earthshaker, @Flamecaller, @Tidelord, and @Windsinger) resolved their issues and things went well until last year, when disagreements and long held grudges resulted in yet another Battle of the First Four, though some deities were more incensed than others.
Old Battle Report from 2015
Aequorin wrote on 2015-02-09:
The rough total for Battle of the First Four: 225,000 dragons Exalted. **
** this total reflects all dragons Exalted, not just the four Flights participating
Now it seems the Four are at it again, and Sorneith is plunged into chaos. Agents are still investigating the actual cause of this latest scuffle, but it appears to have occurred recently. Agents continue to check on what's happened, but so far all we have is the following transcript...!
(Tidelord)Well Water came first, cuz we all know life first came from the Oceans! (Earthshaker) Wait, that's not-- (Flamecaller) You would have all frozen to death within days if not for me. (Earthshaker) Hold on, I - (Windsinger)I paint the skies so pretty you have to admit that I am the awesomest! (Earthshaker) Oh come on, wait a sec - (Tidelord) I don't care who you all think is the awesomest, I know. (Earthshaker) DANG WHIPPERSNAPPERS THESE DAYS! Listen, I know our history better than all of you! (Windsinger, Tidelord, Flamecaller chorus together) We KNOW, we were all there!
(click click end recording)
So the First Four Flights are called to Battle
and the rest of the world can get involved too!
Support your favorite Deity and send dragons to their Flight!
Get involved in fun events,
like the Writing Contest for Tales of the Battle, and games.
There may even be SHENANIGANS!
Our Fantastic Artists:
Deity Banner by @Wakor
1st BotFF Banner by @TinyGryphon
BotFF Dividers by @TinyGryphon
Poker Gamer by @Sherushi
BotFF Signature Button by @TinyGryphon
BotFF Buffer Banner by @ACWN
And a grateful shout out to ALL the volunteers who are running events, handling the flow of dragons, and keeping us all hopping about!
Come one, come all to the battle of the year, and once again Water seeks to submerge all Sornieth beneath its watery waves of wondrousness!
The fighters are primed and ready under the watchful gaze of Commander Swordfish. Dare you join their ranks in their battle to reign supreme?
Those who pledge themselves to the fishy fight will find more than a mere treasure bounty waiting for them: with rare artefacts, paintings and trinkets on offer, even the most hardened of old seadogs will find there's a prize worth fighting for.
We'll be adding more about these plentiful treasure troves, just a-waitin' for you to sail on up, as the Battle begins.
Send a 1T CR and receive 4x the tickets! + Buy Tickets, 500T = 1 ticket!
Payouts slightly increased + Express Current now pays 2001T per dragon
NEW: Two prize packs added, see below!
[b]Prize Sampling[/b]
[quote=Most Dragons Total][item=Secondary Gene: Butterfly][/quote]
[quote=Most Levels Total][item=Speedy][/quote]
[quote=Gene-a-palooza][item=Primary Gene: Poison] [item=Secondary Gene: Toxin] [item=Tertiary Gene: Thylacine] [item=Tertiary Gene: Underbelly]
[item=Primary Gene: Piebald] [item=Secondary Gene: Paint] [item=Tertiary Gene: Spines] [item=Tertiary Gene: Gembond][/quote]
[quote=Apparel and Animals][item=Water Sprite] [item=Crimson Wing Silks] [item=Crystalhide Jester] [item=Black Tulip Flowerfall][/quote]
[quote=Color Wheel Prep][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg] [item=Unhatched Light Egg] [item=Unhatched Plague Egg] [item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/quote]
[quote=Newly Added Prizes][b]Pack 1[/b]
One commission by [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1587451]ThirtyOne[/url]
[b]Pack 2[/b]
[item=Prismatic Bundle]
Each pack has additional items in it as well![/quote]
Plus Art and Lore Prizes, Skins a-plenty, and more! Check the thread for a host of plump packs.
[b]PentaSkin Giveaway[/b]
We also have Commander Swordfish's Daily PentaSkin Giveaway. Each day, 5 skins will be raffled to those who sent dragons that day. Check each day to see what's available!
[b]Art for Fodder[/b]
And so many more! Do you want adoptables, gijinkas, poems, headshots, or larger pieces? Do you want to level some dragons? Then check out our Art for Fodder post in our Public Buy!
But even wrathful Watery warriors needs a break sometimes...and here in the Sea of One Thousand Currents, we're shore we can find something to tide you over.
If you enjoy solving riddles, the Spiral Keep Riddle Thread will be your sea-light.
Run by @Parsley
Fan of playing dress up? Lair full of ambassadors? Love themes? The Dragon Show Contest is the place for you! Each day, toss yer scurvy dergs into the fray based on the new topic and see if they're voted the most fit-to-be-tide.
Run by @Hurricanesong
Mad Libs fan? Over in the Dom Watch thread, there'll be a rollin' round of mad libs each day using the Dom Watch posts to fill them in! If you enjoy watching hilarity unfold, or want to be part of the shenanigans, check it out!
Run by @luckyvulpi
Or perhaps you wish to merely have your Watery pride be sea-n by all aboat you...in which case, one of these fintastic flags should help you along swimmingly.
[item=Cobalt Filigree Helmet]
Want to join the Cobalt Battalion? Commander Swordfish is recruiting to his finest army. Gear up your avatar with this elegant, blue helmet and charge into the Coliseum. Show your Water support!
Additional graphics + codes here
credits: @Tinyhead first header; @Wakor second header; @ACWN PB graphics, @fun banner dividers, @PokeRobin BotF Tidelord banners[/center]
Come one, come all to the battle of the year, and once again Water seeks to submerge all Sornieth beneath its watery waves of wondrousness!
The fighters are primed and ready under the watchful gaze of Commander Swordfish. Dare you join their ranks in their battle to reign supreme?
Those who pledge themselves to the fishy fight will find more than a mere treasure bounty waiting for them: with rare artefacts, paintings and trinkets on offer, even the most hardened of old seadogs will find there's a prize worth fighting for.
We'll be adding more about these plentiful treasure troves, just a-waitin' for you to sail on up, as the Battle begins.
Send a 1T CR and receive 4x the tickets! + Buy Tickets, 500T = 1 ticket!
Payouts slightly increased + Express Current now pays 2001T per dragon
NEW: Two prize packs added, see below!
Prize Sampling
Most Dragons Total wrote:
Secondary Gene: Butterfly
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one dragon to Butterfly. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Most Levels Total wrote:
Speedy is a rebel looking for a cause.
Gene-a-palooza wrote:
Primary Gene: Poison
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one dragon to Poison. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gene: Toxin
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one dragon to Toxin. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gene: Thylacine
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to Thylacine. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gene: Underbelly
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to Underbelly. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gene: Piebald
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one dragon to Piebald. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gene: Paint
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one dragon to Paint. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gene: Spines
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to spines. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gene: Gembond
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to Gembond. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Apparel and Animals wrote:
Water Sprite
Entourage of the Tidelord. (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Familiar 2014.)
Crimson Wing Silks
A fine piece of deep red silk, elegantly draped to echo the movements of the dragon wearing it.
Crystalhide Jester
Knock knock! Who's there? Crystalhide Jester! Who? A turtle cannot write or finish a joke.
Black Tulip Flowerfall
A cascade of black tulip petals fall around you. Inexplicable!
Color Wheel Prep wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Dragon Eggs
A tiny Nocturne hatchling grows within. The thick, armored shell makes it unclear what elemental alignment it has taken.
Unhatched Light Egg
Dragon Eggs
A beaming, crystalline egg that is nearly perfectly round. It is difficult to look straight at this egg, but something makes you want to.
Unhatched Plague Egg
Dragon Eggs
A slimy, writhing pustule, complete with a stench to match. This egg is dangerous, for it incubates a twisted, twitching, virulent creature inside its translucent membranes.
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Dragon Eggs
A tiny Nocturne hatchling grows within. The thick, armored shell makes it unclear what elemental alignment it has taken.
A package containing all of the Prismatic Silks set - a savings of ten percent!
Each pack has additional items in it as well!
Plus Art and Lore Prizes, Skins a-plenty, and more! Check the thread for a host of plump packs.
PentaSkin Giveaway
We also have Commander Swordfish's Daily PentaSkin Giveaway. Each day, 5 skins will be raffled to those who sent dragons that day. Check each day to see what's available!
Art for Fodder
And so many more! Do you want adoptables, gijinkas, poems, headshots, or larger pieces? Do you want to level some dragons? Then check out our Art for Fodder post in our Public Buy!
But even wrathful Watery warriors needs a break sometimes...and here in the Sea of One Thousand Currents, we're shore we can find something to tide you over.
If you enjoy solving riddles, the Spiral Keep Riddle Thread will be your sea-light.
Run by @Parsley
Fan of playing dress up? Lair full of ambassadors? Love themes? The Dragon Show Contest is the place for you! Each day, toss yer scurvy dergs into the fray based on the new topic and see if they're voted the most fit-to-be-tide.
Run by @Hurricanesong
Mad Libs fan? Over in the Dom Watch thread, there'll be a rollin' round of mad libs each day using the Dom Watch posts to fill them in! If you enjoy watching hilarity unfold, or want to be part of the shenanigans, check it out!
Run by @luckyvulpi
Or perhaps you wish to merely have your Watery pride be sea-n by all aboat you...in which case, one of these fintastic flags should help you along swimmingly.
Cobalt Filigree Helmet
This cobalt plate is etched with a decorative filigree. The armor symbolizes a commitment to mirth.
Want to join the Cobalt Battalion? Commander Swordfish is recruiting to his finest army. Gear up your avatar with this elegant, blue helmet and charge into the Coliseum. Show your Water support!
credits: @Tinyhead first header; @Wakor second header; @ACWN PB graphics, @fun banner dividers, @PokeRobin BotF Tidelord banners
[b]Following Fire’s win of the First Battle last year – and in the wake of an intense battle with Ice just a few weeks ago – Fire is profit-pushing this week, and allowing the other three flights to duke it out over the crown!
But hey, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going for gold! And by gold… well, you know what we’re talking about. Beautiful profit that’ll help both you and us![/b]
Spending a lot of time in the Coliseum, grinding all of that fodder to send to one of the Four Flights? Come take a look at our Safari Zone event! Chances are, during all that grinding, you’re going to be picking up quite a few familiars… why not get rewarded for it?
We all have those spoilt dragons in our lair that always get the new apparel, have the most glorious genes, and best yet… have their own art! That’s right, FoddArt is back in action for this Battle, and our fantastic artists are once again accepting fodder for art.
[center][url= http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1707589][img]http://i.imgur.com/lWuT44s.png[/img][/url]
Or maybe you’re from Earth, Water, or Wind and you just have too much fodder to handle. Too little time to get into the coliseum and level them up for a better treasure return? Don’t worry about it, the Spitfire Soldiers have your backs! We’re selling pre-levelled fodder for an absolute [i]steal[/i], so you don’t have to worry about falling asleep over your keyboard whilst the Salve Kamaitachis dodge your Eliminates.
[center][url= http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1708410][img]http://i.imgur.com/niSxtBu.png
We hope you enjoy the Second Battle of the First Four!
Following Fire’s win of the First Battle last year – and in the wake of an intense battle with Ice just a few weeks ago – Fire is profit-pushing this week, and allowing the other three flights to duke it out over the crown!
But hey, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going for gold! And by gold… well, you know what we’re talking about. Beautiful profit that’ll help both you and us!
Spending a lot of time in the Coliseum, grinding all of that fodder to send to one of the Four Flights? Come take a look at our Safari Zone event! Chances are, during all that grinding, you’re going to be picking up quite a few familiars… why not get rewarded for it?
We all have those spoilt dragons in our lair that always get the new apparel, have the most glorious genes, and best yet… have their own art! That’s right, FoddArt is back in action for this Battle, and our fantastic artists are once again accepting fodder for art.
Or maybe you’re from Earth, Water, or Wind and you just have too much fodder to handle. Too little time to get into the coliseum and level them up for a better treasure return? Don’t worry about it, the Spitfire Soldiers have your backs! We’re selling pre-levelled fodder for an absolute steal, so you don’t have to worry about falling asleep over your keyboard whilst the Salve Kamaitachis dodge your Eliminates.
We hope you enjoy the Second Battle of the First Four!
I also have an in-development Interactive Fiction game.
Check out it's Development Blog on Tumblr.
Our dear Earthshaker is looking for dragons to assist with preserving the borders of Dragonhome! These ancient lands are ripe with dragon history and archaic secrets which are crucial to our culture, so we need your help to defend them!
We’ve prepared a small raffle of fabulous prizes to entice you to send dragons our way, so click the above image to head over there.
A selection of prize examples!
Top Seller Prize
[item=earth sprite][item=earth egg][item=stonekeeper emblem][item=earth runestone][item=deepearth geode]x99[/quote]
[item=unhatched fire egg][item=unhatched wind egg][item=unhatched nocturne egg][item=unhatched light egg][/quote]
[quote][item=secondary gene: butterfly][item=prismatic wing silks][/quote]
[item=tertiary gene: glimmer][item=tri-color scatterscroll][/quote]
[item=breed change: nocturne]x2[/quote]
And lots more at the thread!
The Pebbles of Dragonhome also have a selection of fantastic prizes to earn tickets for! Click the image above to navigate to our In-Flight Raffle, located in Earth Sales.
To further encourage you, we also have some gorgeous badges for exalters, snipers, dormers and breeders, made by JackalBones! Examples and instructions on how to qualify for them can be found in the IFR thread.
@Perrydotto of Earth has kindly volunteered to host a fantastic livestreaming event throughout the week!
Hosted by Cytube, they will be streaming four different showings to keep you entertained during this epic battle! Each stream is themed towards each participating flight and includes multiple programmes. You can also win prizes, take part in a quiz and receive tickets to Earth’s raffle!
Titles and showtimes, along with more information, can be found at the thread, linked in the image above.
Show your support with this badge for our Public Buy!
More promo badges can also be found at the threads for Citrine Cinema and the In Flight Raffle.
[b]Credits:[/b] Earthshaker art by Wakor, PB and Citrine Cinema graphics by asterope, IFR graphics by LadyRiat, divider by Ammoth.
Our dear Earthshaker is looking for dragons to assist with preserving the borders of Dragonhome! These ancient lands are ripe with dragon history and archaic secrets which are crucial to our culture, so we need your help to defend them!
We’ve prepared a small raffle of fabulous prizes to entice you to send dragons our way, so click the above image to head over there.
A selection of prize examples!
Top Seller Prize
Earth Sprite
Entourage of the Earthshaker. (Rockbreaker’s Ceremony Holiday Familiar 2013.)
Stonekeeper Emblem
A glowing earth rune; the sign of a true magical adept. (Rockbreaker's Ceremony Holiday Item)
Earth Runestone
An ancient stone bearing the ancestral rune of the Earthshaker. Such a find should be kept as a prized possession.
Deepearth Geode
Holiday Items
A brilliant geode, dug from one of the deepest quarries in Dragonhome. This can be traded at the Festive Favors shop during the Rockbreaker's Ceremony.
Skin: Frost Weathering
Guardian Male Only
Crystalline Gala 2014. (9/10) Designed by SarcasticSketch.
Itemid #2632
Accent: Lightburst Flora
Imperial Female Only
Brightshine Jubilee 2014. (5/10) Designed by Pesticide.
Itemid #4145
Accent: Starry Spiral M
Spiral Male Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by osiem.)
Itemid #7564
Accent: Rainbow Coatl Core F
Coatl Female Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Studio.)
Itemid #9085
Skin: Ethereal Trickster
Tundra Female Only
Skins are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the skin will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Sanrixian.)
Unhatched Fire Egg
Dragon Eggs
A smoldering, unhatched fire egg. It is almost too hot to hold and is rocking back and forth constantly. Its cragged surface is pulsing with embers.
Unhatched Wind Egg
Dragon Eggs
A soft-shelled egg that is patterned with swirls. It bounces at every sound, as if it wishes to dance with the activities surrounding it.
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Dragon Eggs
A tiny Nocturne hatchling grows within. The thick, armored shell makes it unclear what elemental alignment it has taken.
Unhatched Light Egg
Dragon Eggs
A beaming, crystalline egg that is nearly perfectly round. It is difficult to look straight at this egg, but something makes you want to.
Secondary Gene: Butterfly
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one dragon to Butterfly. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Prismatic Wing Silks
A fine piece of vibrant rainbow silk, elegantly draped to echo the movements of the dragon wearing it.
Tertiary Gene: Glimmer
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to Glimmer. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tri-Color Scatterscroll
Specialty Items
An item that completely randomizes the colors of a dragon's primary, secondary, and tertiary genes. It can only be used once and will disappear on use.
Breed Change: Nocturne
Specialty Items
Changes the breed of one dragon to Nocturne. Nocturne dragons are a limited breed with a 30-day breeding cooldown.
And lots more at the thread!
The Pebbles of Dragonhome also have a selection of fantastic prizes to earn tickets for! Click the image above to navigate to our In-Flight Raffle, located in Earth Sales.
To further encourage you, we also have some gorgeous badges for exalters, snipers, dormers and breeders, made by JackalBones! Examples and instructions on how to qualify for them can be found in the IFR thread.
@Perrydotto of Earth has kindly volunteered to host a fantastic livestreaming event throughout the week!
Hosted by Cytube, they will be streaming four different showings to keep you entertained during this epic battle! Each stream is themed towards each participating flight and includes multiple programmes. You can also win prizes, take part in a quiz and receive tickets to Earth’s raffle!
Titles and showtimes, along with more information, can be found at the thread, linked in the image above.
Show your support with this badge for our Public Buy!
More promo badges can also be found at the threads for Citrine Cinema and the In Flight Raffle.
Credits: Earthshaker art by Wakor, PB and Citrine Cinema graphics by asterope, IFR graphics by LadyRiat, divider by Ammoth.
[center][size=6][b]Welcome to
The Wind Celebration of the First Party![/b][/size][/center]
You are invited to the
Best Party of the Year![/b][/size]
Wind wants to prove that it is still the best flight at throwing the best parties! But wait, there appears to be something missing....[/center]
We've invited [b]Wind Dad[/b], aka [b]@Windsinger[/b], to the party and we hope he might show up. Perhaps he's still looking for his map, who knows what has kept him away so long. But we need him for Mistral Jamboree, so we are throwing a big party and ask everyone to keep a lookout for [b]Lord Dudemeister[/b]!
[center][size=5][b]Click below to help out Wind Flight's Search Party efforts! You might get a chance at some Party Favors!
Here's a sneak peek at our raffle's prizes!
[quote=Squall Sisters][item=Wind Sprite] [item=Lightning Sprite][/quote]
[quote=Sprities][item=Shadow Sprite][item=Nature Sprite][/quote]
[quote=First Four Eggs][item=Unhatched Earth Egg][item=Unhatched Wind Egg][item=Unhatched Water Egg][item=Unhatched Fire Egg][/quote]
[quote=Egg Noc][item=Breed Change: Nocturne][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/quote]
[quote=Et Cet-aira][item=Speedy][item=Contrast Aviator Coat][item=Wind tome][item=Dappled Dunhoof][item=Primary Gene: Poison][/quote][/center][/center]
[center][size=5][b]We have Storytellers!
Anyone can enter the contest, or just read the tales![/b][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][b]We have Fun Party Games at the
[i][BotFF] Corgi Clubhouse Special Edition![/i]
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1704031][img]http://i.imgur.com/l71KTFX.png[/img][/url] [/center]
[center][size=5][b]Please Support Wind Flight!
Send us Your Dragons!
Spread the Word and add these to your signature![/b][/size][/center]
[center][Size=5][b]We must prove ourselves to Windsinger
and paint the skies with KITES![/b]
Signpost For Wind Flight Use Only[/i][/center]
Welcome to
The Wind Celebration of the First Party!
You are invited to the
Best Party of the Year!
Wind wants to prove that it is still the best flight at throwing the best parties! But wait, there appears to be something missing....
We've invited Wind Dad, aka @Windsinger, to the party and we hope he might show up. Perhaps he's still looking for his map, who knows what has kept him away so long. But we need him for Mistral Jamboree, so we are throwing a big party and ask everyone to keep a lookout for Lord Dudemeister!
Click below to help out Wind Flight's Search Party efforts! You might get a chance at some Party Favors!
Here's a sneak peek at our raffle's prizes!
Squall Sisters wrote:
Wind Sprite
Entourage of the Windsinger. (Mistral Jamboree Holiday Familiar 2014.)
Lightning Sprite
Entourage of the Stormcatcher. (Thundercrack Carnivale Holiday Familiar 2013.)
Sprities wrote:
Shadow Sprite
Entourage of the Shadowbinder. (Trickmurk Circus Holiday Familiar 2014.)
Nature Sprite
Entourage of the Gladekeeper. (Greenskeeper Gathering Holiday Familiar 2014.)
First Four Eggs wrote:
Unhatched Earth Egg
Dragon Eggs
A rough unhatched boulder of an egg. It is extremely heavy, and pebbles fall away every time it shakes. The hatchling within must be very strong.
Unhatched Wind Egg
Dragon Eggs
A soft-shelled egg that is patterned with swirls. It bounces at every sound, as if it wishes to dance with the activities surrounding it.
Unhatched Water Egg
Dragon Eggs
A rough, porous egg that is covered in barnacles. Bubbles are forming at the cracks and crevices that make up its shell, which is soaked through with seawater.
Unhatched Fire Egg
Dragon Eggs
A smoldering, unhatched fire egg. It is almost too hot to hold and is rocking back and forth constantly. Its cragged surface is pulsing with embers.
Egg Noc wrote:
Breed Change: Nocturne
Specialty Items
Changes the breed of one dragon to Nocturne. Nocturne dragons are a limited breed with a 30-day breeding cooldown.
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Dragon Eggs
A tiny Nocturne hatchling grows within. The thick, armored shell makes it unclear what elemental alignment it has taken.
Et Cet-aira wrote:
Speedy is a rebel looking for a cause.
Contrast Aviator Coat
Designed to keep a dragon warm during flight.
Wind Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Wind Flight.
Dappled Dunhoof
You encountered this centaur from the Dunhoof herd while hunting. She decided to stay with your clan to learn your hunting techniques.
Primary Gene: Poison
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one dragon to Poison. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
We have Storytellers!
Anyone can enter the contest, or just read the tales!
We have Fun Party Games at the [BotFF] Corgi Clubhouse Special Edition!
Please Support Wind Flight!
Send us Your Dragons!
Spread the Word and add these to your signature!
We must prove ourselves to Windsinger
and paint the skies with KITES!
Signpost For Wind Flight Use Only
First of all, thank you everyone in Earth, Fire, and Water for working with us! Without all of you, we wouldn't have a spectacular battle to look forward to.
Thank you Windies for going along with the ride, and for helping out where it as needed!
A big thank you to all of the dom reps, without whom this could have never happened.
Earth: @lizofalltrades, @asterope
Fire: @AristaHolmes, @StrykeSlammerII
Wind: @tonake, @laticat
Water: @rinrar, @Snowbelle
Thank you to the event leads for giving us such a wide range of attractions!
Public Buy: @laticat and @tonake
Writing Contest: @AkaFever
Corgi Clubhouse: @Sylwyth
Thank you for all of our artists, who specifically made artwork for this battle, and who have made artwork in the past for us to reuse and adore all over again!
@laticat @sherushi @Sylwyth @TinyGryphon @Wakor @mcbenik @Akaittou
And for the dom shoppes team, who worked on the Points System and help bring a bit of extra fun to this battle!
@laticat, @tonake, @saraab, @Harmonywish, @mcbenik, and @LaraAelric
Thank you to @laticat and @Saraab for drawing and coding the dom signpost!
And of course, thank you @Saraab for always providing the best tech support.
Thank you to everyone who went unnamed in this post. There are so many people who worked to pull all of this together; it was impossible to name everyone. Thank you to those of you who support our flight, and for everyone in it. Wind wouldn't be the way it is without everyone's teamwork. :)
First of all, thank you everyone in Earth, Fire, and Water for working with us! Without all of you, we wouldn't have a spectacular battle to look forward to.
Thank you Windies for going along with the ride, and for helping out where it as needed!
Thank you to the event leads for giving us such a wide range of attractions!
Public Buy: @laticat and @tonake
Writing Contest: @AkaFever
Corgi Clubhouse: @Sylwyth
Thank you for all of our artists, who specifically made artwork for this battle, and who have made artwork in the past for us to reuse and adore all over again!
@laticat @sherushi @Sylwyth @TinyGryphon @Wakor @mcbenik @Akaittou
Thank you to @laticat and @Saraab for drawing and coding the dom signpost!
And of course, thank you @Saraab for always providing the best tech support.
Thank you to everyone who went unnamed in this post. There are so many people who worked to pull all of this together; it was impossible to name everyone. Thank you to those of you who support our flight, and for everyone in it. Wind wouldn't be the way it is without everyone's teamwork. :)
[center][color=green]*Rubs hands together* Make it rain green.
*Slides this in*