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TOPIC | Legends&The Legendary [ENDED]
wow i've been sleeping a lot lately. and slacking. time to explain my actions after d1 in one post.
d1 elimination vote: i thought it would be really suspicious of me to vote no elim or to vote for myself. as such, i abstained.
n1 ability: i thought tangle was suspicious and wanted to use storm as confirmation tangle was maf or not, because storm seemed town. the exact opposite happened when tangle died.
d2 sharing ability results: since i already had a target on my back from town, i figured i had nothing to lose.

my ability results are still very damning with storm's response, because that completely eliminates neutral from the equation. all of captaintsundere's response to storm makes sense to me. most notably, the point that flipping fil's ability would be bad for town and wouldn't exonerate storm. this point brings intense scrutiny towards storm, because both of these are things a maf would want.

town storm would probably be aware that proving an active ability would not absolve her of guilt.
this also brings a little suspicion on ains for reading storm as town without concrete evidence to be checked by everyone, but it's more likely ains is neutral.

additionally, i don't really believe that storm has two passives. not everyone in the game has a passive ability that layers on top of an active ability, so it feels very unlikely it wouldn't be either capped at one layered passive or that storm actually got two passives.
wow i've been sleeping a lot lately. and slacking. time to explain my actions after d1 in one post.
d1 elimination vote: i thought it would be really suspicious of me to vote no elim or to vote for myself. as such, i abstained.
n1 ability: i thought tangle was suspicious and wanted to use storm as confirmation tangle was maf or not, because storm seemed town. the exact opposite happened when tangle died.
d2 sharing ability results: since i already had a target on my back from town, i figured i had nothing to lose.

my ability results are still very damning with storm's response, because that completely eliminates neutral from the equation. all of captaintsundere's response to storm makes sense to me. most notably, the point that flipping fil's ability would be bad for town and wouldn't exonerate storm. this point brings intense scrutiny towards storm, because both of these are things a maf would want.

town storm would probably be aware that proving an active ability would not absolve her of guilt.
this also brings a little suspicion on ains for reading storm as town without concrete evidence to be checked by everyone, but it's more likely ains is neutral.

additionally, i don't really believe that storm has two passives. not everyone in the game has a passive ability that layers on top of an active ability, so it feels very unlikely it wouldn't be either capped at one layered passive or that storm actually got two passives.

art ^ skins ^ buying fod nests
I've been on my phone for like all of this, sorry- with the level of detail Storm is at now I've swung from squinting at her to feeling alright letting her be for now. I think there's still a possibility that she's neutral and I know as neutral Storm can cause some chaos, but I'm willing to look at other people.

@StormDreamer I'm gonna be real. The "holding onto masks" thing? Literal. Check my vista again. P:
I've been on my phone for like all of this, sorry- with the level of detail Storm is at now I've swung from squinting at her to feeling alright letting her be for now. I think there's still a possibility that she's neutral and I know as neutral Storm can cause some chaos, but I'm willing to look at other people.

@StormDreamer I'm gonna be real. The "holding onto masks" thing? Literal. Check my vista again. P:
Oooh, timing! With the new info I was definitely looking at Storm more and reconsidering calling potentially town!Storm, but, you know. See above P: I'm not sure Storm is town, but whatever she is she's playing decently.

Market also does feel a little off to me. I'm going to try to go back and figure out why? There has to be a reason in my subconscious somewhere that I'm missing.
Oooh, timing! With the new info I was definitely looking at Storm more and reconsidering calling potentially town!Storm, but, you know. See above P: I'm not sure Storm is town, but whatever she is she's playing decently.

Market also does feel a little off to me. I'm going to try to go back and figure out why? There has to be a reason in my subconscious somewhere that I'm missing.
[quote name="Marketplace" date="2023-04-28 11:24:06" ] additionally, i don't really believe that storm has two passives. not everyone in the game has a passive ability that layers on top of an active ability, so it feels very unlikely it wouldn't be either capped at one layered passive or that storm actually got two passives. [/quote] It doesn't say anywhere that there's a limit to the amount of passives that a person can have. I believe Storm has two or that its possible that Storm has two for the sole fact that I have multiple passives myself. I have to go to work now so I'll be gone for roughly seven to eight hours.
Marketplace wrote on 2023-04-28 11:24:06:

additionally, i don't really believe that storm has two passives. not everyone in the game has a passive ability that layers on top of an active ability, so it feels very unlikely it wouldn't be either capped at one layered passive or that storm actually got two passives.

It doesn't say anywhere that there's a limit to the amount of passives that a person can have. I believe Storm has two or that its possible that Storm has two for the sole fact that I have multiple passives myself.

I have to go to work now so I'll be gone for roughly seven to eight hours.
b5KyZI6.png Deifyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx he/him +3FRT arcane
Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over,
until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an
edge to cut you.

@CaptainTsundere @Marketplace

(Not quoting y'all because I am on mobile and lazy) but you both actually make really good points. Storm's non-miller abilities may not necessarily be town abilities, and exposing Fil's active would be bad for them/us and not necessarily exonerate Storm. (There's also what Captain said, that Ceru hitting a miller is 1/4th as likely as her hitting a maf, assuming no less than 4 mafs, but I'll be honest I don't care as much about the statistical chances)

I do think Fil is already in danger due to being pretty much conftown, but they aren't the most active or helpful in discussion (don't mean that to offend just what I've seen), so mafia might not kill them right away. So exposing their active could certainly put them in even more danger.

I... Don't know how to feel about this entire situation. There's an argument for and against Storm actually being miller town and I can see both sides of it.

I'm looking forward to Ainsell's elaboration on why Market feels off. If it's reasoning I can get behind, maybe we can eliminate someone other than Storm and see how that plays out. Ceru being maf might lessen the viability of the mafia!Storm argument as well, but I realize that it's just a genuinely good argument. It's just my gut instinct to go "well maybe Ceru (and possibly Cap) are mafia trying really hard to elim Storm".
@CaptainTsundere @Marketplace

(Not quoting y'all because I am on mobile and lazy) but you both actually make really good points. Storm's non-miller abilities may not necessarily be town abilities, and exposing Fil's active would be bad for them/us and not necessarily exonerate Storm. (There's also what Captain said, that Ceru hitting a miller is 1/4th as likely as her hitting a maf, assuming no less than 4 mafs, but I'll be honest I don't care as much about the statistical chances)

I do think Fil is already in danger due to being pretty much conftown, but they aren't the most active or helpful in discussion (don't mean that to offend just what I've seen), so mafia might not kill them right away. So exposing their active could certainly put them in even more danger.

I... Don't know how to feel about this entire situation. There's an argument for and against Storm actually being miller town and I can see both sides of it.

I'm looking forward to Ainsell's elaboration on why Market feels off. If it's reasoning I can get behind, maybe we can eliminate someone other than Storm and see how that plays out. Ceru being maf might lessen the viability of the mafia!Storm argument as well, but I realize that it's just a genuinely good argument. It's just my gut instinct to go "well maybe Ceru (and possibly Cap) are mafia trying really hard to elim Storm".
And when creation goes to die,
You can find me in the sky,
Upon the last day...
And you will be okay.
. tumblr_o4yu8gUBhN1uvtnbto1_400.png
so Storm did a full role claim, huh? well, if I wasn't on the fence about the legitimacy of her miller claim before, I sure am now ^^;

let's see here, two incredibly inconvenient passives that seem highly specifically tailored to make the role's bearer's life miserable, and an active ability that she's proposing to test on a confirmed townie, which would put them in more danger than they're already in considering the mafia doesn't exactly know what the "chimera" role entails which means it could potentially be really powerful—and thus, a high priority for the mafia

neither the non-miller passive nor the active particularly strike me as abilities that would strictly be town-exclusive in a b*stard or semi-b*stard game like this either, especially not the active; investigating another player's active ability actually strikes me as similar to Town of Salem's Consigliere role (which is a maf role that gives you the specific role of your target, no ifs ands or buts, while the equivalent Investigator role for town only gives you a selection of possible roles instead of just "this guy is X role")

given this, Market's comment that Storm should be experienced enough that if she was legitimately playing town then she would know that her proposition is more harmful to town than helpful, and my earlier comment about her extremely circular defense re: her miller claim, I'm starting to lean a bit towards scum!Storm? but I wanna see what Ains has to say about Market first before I act on anything
so Storm did a full role claim, huh? well, if I wasn't on the fence about the legitimacy of her miller claim before, I sure am now ^^;

let's see here, two incredibly inconvenient passives that seem highly specifically tailored to make the role's bearer's life miserable, and an active ability that she's proposing to test on a confirmed townie, which would put them in more danger than they're already in considering the mafia doesn't exactly know what the "chimera" role entails which means it could potentially be really powerful—and thus, a high priority for the mafia

neither the non-miller passive nor the active particularly strike me as abilities that would strictly be town-exclusive in a b*stard or semi-b*stard game like this either, especially not the active; investigating another player's active ability actually strikes me as similar to Town of Salem's Consigliere role (which is a maf role that gives you the specific role of your target, no ifs ands or buts, while the equivalent Investigator role for town only gives you a selection of possible roles instead of just "this guy is X role")

given this, Market's comment that Storm should be experienced enough that if she was legitimately playing town then she would know that her proposition is more harmful to town than helpful, and my earlier comment about her extremely circular defense re: her miller claim, I'm starting to lean a bit towards scum!Storm? but I wanna see what Ains has to say about Market first before I act on anything
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifgenderfluid (any pronouns + ey/em)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifdemiro-ace lesbian

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifwannabe writer
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifFR +3
@lyrelore @KungFuCutBug

Results: I went back and discovered my initial issue was on some cognitive dissonance of Market's read on Tangle. With the information we have on Tangle now, everything lines up a lot better. I hadn't had a chance to take this into account yet (again, been on my phone for 99% of this ^^;) and honestly it looks... solved? And with that cognitive dissonance solved I'm willing to trust what Market is saying, which does include some really solid points.

I keep going back and forth here, I know, but honestly considering how good of a player Storm is I don't know if I'll ever be pleased with which way I'm going- and we will need to make a decision. I just haven't seen enough of her as mafia yet, I think. With the thought process Market has been running since before Tangle died and Tangle's notes... yeah. I'm willing to take that shot. I would be willing to vote to elim Storm.

Fluff here so I don't clog everything up with a separate post:
I'm sorry I've been so out of it this game. Life has been turning around quite a bit for me (I might be in a relationship?? Not yet, but we're figuring it out?? I have a sustainable irl support network again and I haven't had one of those in ages???? AAAA) but of course that means that I've ended up with far more going on than I expected and less energy to put toward this. I will continue doing my best.
@lyrelore @KungFuCutBug

Results: I went back and discovered my initial issue was on some cognitive dissonance of Market's read on Tangle. With the information we have on Tangle now, everything lines up a lot better. I hadn't had a chance to take this into account yet (again, been on my phone for 99% of this ^^;) and honestly it looks... solved? And with that cognitive dissonance solved I'm willing to trust what Market is saying, which does include some really solid points.

I keep going back and forth here, I know, but honestly considering how good of a player Storm is I don't know if I'll ever be pleased with which way I'm going- and we will need to make a decision. I just haven't seen enough of her as mafia yet, I think. With the thought process Market has been running since before Tangle died and Tangle's notes... yeah. I'm willing to take that shot. I would be willing to vote to elim Storm.

Fluff here so I don't clog everything up with a separate post:
I'm sorry I've been so out of it this game. Life has been turning around quite a bit for me (I might be in a relationship?? Not yet, but we're figuring it out?? I have a sustainable irl support network again and I haven't had one of those in ages???? AAAA) but of course that means that I've ended up with far more going on than I expected and less energy to put toward this. I will continue doing my best.
All right. With no particular sus towards either Cap or Ceru, and with the very valid points from them and Cutbug, I'm also willing to eliminate Storm. I want to wait and see if she has anything else to say, but if not, I'll drop a vote on her. It's not something I'm entirely confident in, but it's d2, and I think we can't delay eliminating any longer.

Also @Ainsell congratulations on all accounts! You deserve support, I'm happy for you <3 no worries about the activity on my end, I know life gets busy and is more important than the funny murder game.
All right. With no particular sus towards either Cap or Ceru, and with the very valid points from them and Cutbug, I'm also willing to eliminate Storm. I want to wait and see if she has anything else to say, but if not, I'll drop a vote on her. It's not something I'm entirely confident in, but it's d2, and I think we can't delay eliminating any longer.

Also @Ainsell congratulations on all accounts! You deserve support, I'm happy for you <3 no worries about the activity on my end, I know life gets busy and is more important than the funny murder game.
And when creation goes to die,
You can find me in the sky,
Upon the last day...
And you will be okay.
. tumblr_o4yu8gUBhN1uvtnbto1_400.png
I don't have time to explain as I'm at work and on my phone when I shouldn't be but I'm voting according to who I sus at the moment since I won't be here when the day ends and I don't have much time to talk or wait for Storm.

I will say, I believe Storm for reasons I can't 100% explain without divulging abilities and roles. I'm most sus of Achromaticism, and Marketplace at this time, part of it's gut reasons the other part is more I can't explain in depth due to little time to post.

I don't have time to explain as I'm at work and on my phone when I shouldn't be but I'm voting according to who I sus at the moment since I won't be here when the day ends and I don't have much time to talk or wait for Storm.

I will say, I believe Storm for reasons I can't 100% explain without divulging abilities and roles. I'm most sus of Achromaticism, and Marketplace at this time, part of it's gut reasons the other part is more I can't explain in depth due to little time to post.

b5KyZI6.png Deifyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx he/him +3FRT arcane
Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over,
until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an
edge to cut you.

@Deify I don't know if you'll be gone by the time I send this but if you have something that you think can save someone who you wholly believe to be town I strongly suggest sharing it. Yes, sharing roles and abilities is dangerous, but it can be a worthy risk in some situations, and it's important to preserve our townies whenever possible, especially someone who is claiming a useful ability (like Storm).
@Deify I don't know if you'll be gone by the time I send this but if you have something that you think can save someone who you wholly believe to be town I strongly suggest sharing it. Yes, sharing roles and abilities is dangerous, but it can be a worthy risk in some situations, and it's important to preserve our townies whenever possible, especially someone who is claiming a useful ability (like Storm).
And when creation goes to die,
You can find me in the sky,
Upon the last day...
And you will be okay.
. tumblr_o4yu8gUBhN1uvtnbto1_400.png