
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Open a Cookie Jar (Doors-style game)

First Jar:
This jar is shaped like an owl and painted various shades of purple. It gives off the feeling that it is watching you.

Second Jar:
It is a plain old jar with halfdead vines growing over it as if it has been sitting in its spot for a very long time.

Third Jar:
This jar is round and keeps rocking back and forth while growling commences from inside of it.

First Jar:
This jar is shaped like an owl and painted various shades of purple. It gives off the feeling that it is watching you.

Second Jar:
It is a plain old jar with halfdead vines growing over it as if it has been sitting in its spot for a very long time.

Third Jar:
This jar is round and keeps rocking back and forth while growling commences from inside of it.
Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon.
I am the dragon, and I will eat you whole.
I choose jar 2~
I choose jar 2~
Me Fandragons
Jar 3 Please
Jar 3 Please
@komichi Jar 1 please ^^
@komichi Jar 1 please ^^
@ladydiscord Taking great care with the old jar, you pick away at the growth around it and lift it from its spot. A gray mist seeps out as you crack open the lid, which forms into a dragon near you. After a brief explaination of how he became trapped in there by some foul magic, he thanks you for setting him free. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Demikid Before you have a chance to pick up the jar, it tips over and shatters! A creature that appears to be a mix between a serpent and bull dressed in pieces of armor uncoils and charges you with a thunderous roar. But rather than actually attacking, it coils protectively around you. [item=ophiotaurus][item=burnished filigree helmet][item=burnished filigree boots] @Siritys You don't seem to know when to leave well enough alone, do you? Opening the jar, you find a few pairs of eyeballs. As you toss the jar away in disgust, it stops midflight and hovers there. A fog forms around it in the shape of a fish, which insists that you take it and its eyes with it! [item=orbiting spirit][item=sly glance][item=googly confusion]
Taking great care with the old jar, you pick away at the growth around it and lift it from its spot. A gray mist seeps out as you crack open the lid, which forms into a dragon near you. After a brief explaination of how he became trapped in there by some foul magic, he thanks you for setting him free.


Before you have a chance to pick up the jar, it tips over and shatters! A creature that appears to be a mix between a serpent and bull dressed in pieces of armor uncoils and charges you with a thunderous roar. But rather than actually attacking, it coils protectively around you.
Ophiotaurus Burnished Filigree Helmet Burnished Filigree Boots

You don't seem to know when to leave well enough alone, do you? Opening the jar, you find a few pairs of eyeballs. As you toss the jar away in disgust, it stops midflight and hovers there. A fog forms around it in the shape of a fish, which insists that you take it and its eyes with it!

Orbiting Spirit Sly Glance Googly Confusion
Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon.
I am the dragon, and I will eat you whole.
(Sorry for the long wait, work got a bit inbetween x.x)

You stand in front of 3 black door. But each door has something painted on it, that makes it look, as if it would lead into a childrens room....

The first black door has some radical flames painted on it. You know, these kind of flames you paint on race cars to make them "super radical" for 5 year olds...

The second black door looks like it belongs someone, who's celebrationg halloween the whole year:
A grinning, cartoon-ish skeleton, that looks like it's dancing, us painted on it.

The last black door has many pretty flowers drawn on it.
(Sorry for the long wait, work got a bit inbetween x.x)

You stand in front of 3 black door. But each door has something painted on it, that makes it look, as if it would lead into a childrens room....

The first black door has some radical flames painted on it. You know, these kind of flames you paint on race cars to make them "super radical" for 5 year olds...

The second black door looks like it belongs someone, who's celebrationg halloween the whole year:
A grinning, cartoon-ish skeleton, that looks like it's dancing, us painted on it.

The last black door has many pretty flowers drawn on it.
Me Fandragons
Could I snag door 3 please
Could I snag door 3 please
My I'll give you X for this Dreg! rule Dragon
@LadyDiscord door 1 please ^^
@LadyDiscord door 1 please ^^
door 2, please ^^
door 2, please ^^

(i'll edit my signature soon, i promise.)
Being the thread had kinda died I'll just revive it

jar 1: this jar is dark with an exotic scent

jar 2: this jar it is red with gold trim

jar 3: this jar is made of wood
Being the thread had kinda died I'll just revive it

jar 1: this jar is dark with an exotic scent

jar 2: this jar it is red with gold trim

jar 3: this jar is made of wood
My I'll give you X for this Dreg! rule Dragon