
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
@Earthdragon, may I adopt the dragon named Verity?
@Earthdragon, may I adopt the dragon named Verity?
@crazyraspberry can I get [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and @venture can I get Anemone ?
@crazyraspberry can I get


@venture can I get Anemone ?

May I please have that bogsneaks?~

May I please have that bogsneaks?~
@MariBiscuit Can I get this Mirror kiddo if she's still available? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Can I get this Mirror kiddo if she's still available?

A nerd has appeared!
The names Mallory and I hope you have a good day/night ovo
no pronouns • aspiring paralegal • fr -1
aboutselling dragonstwitter
[quote name="TrailgillRoad" date="2018-07-11 01:49:19" ] @MariBiscuit Can I get this Mirror kiddo if she's still available? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote] Sure thing~
TrailgillRoad wrote on 2018-07-11 01:49:19:
Can I get this Mirror kiddo if she's still available?


Sure thing~
@AngelPandas360 and @ChicagoXJapan , your dragons are waiting at the Crossroads for you. Thanks for giving them a good home!
@AngelPandas360 and @ChicagoXJapan , your dragons are waiting at the Crossroads for you. Thanks for giving them a good home!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url]




blue | +2 FRT
casual love

pm me to be friends!
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

Sorry but she's already on the way to a new home. :/

Sorry but she's already on the way to a new home. :/
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Looking for perma-homes for these adult dragons. I would like to request that you [b]do not exalt them[/b], if they happen to not fit your plans or clan to please send them back to me or get them rehomed. If you wish to adopt one please PING or MESSAGE ME. Also please give me a name for the one you wish to adopt. 1. [b]42953865[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Guardian Male Coal Petals/Amethyst Butterfly/Sky Underbelly/Arcane Unusual 2. [b]43022685[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nocturne Female Cornflower Crystal/Nightshade Facet/Phthalo Underbelly/Arcane Unusual

Looking for perma-homes for these adult dragons. I would like to request that you do not exalt them, if they happen to not fit your plans or clan to please send them back to me or get them rehomed.
If you wish to adopt one please PING or MESSAGE ME. Also please give me a name for the one you wish to adopt.

1. 42953865


Guardian Male
Coal Petals/Amethyst Butterfly/Sky Underbelly/Arcane Unusual

2. 43022685


Nocturne Female
Cornflower Crystal/Nightshade Facet/Phthalo Underbelly/Arcane Unusual
In my defense I am COLORBLIND! I have partial Tritanopia (Yellow-Blue)
Check out my clan profile for my current plans
I am open to messages.
I refuse exalt dragons that I have gotten from others.
I am in FR time.

May I please have the second one?~

May I please have the second one?~