
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Free Dragon Hub
They're looking for new homes [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
They're looking for new homes



she/her INFP
[img][/img] [img][/img] [center][b][u][size=5]FREE Dragons to NON-EXALT Homes![/size][/b][/u][/center] [img][/img] [center]Open/[b]Closed[/b][/center] I'm giving away some of my Holiday Spirits Dragons out to good homes!~ They're also on AU for 50g if you'd like to help out my clan and skip adoption requirements :') [b]Requirements for Adopting[/b][emoji=scroll 2 size=1] [LIST] [*] Name Unnamed Dragons. [*] Be 1+ month old account [i](unless you can guarantee you'll be hanging around our community for awhile and these dragons won't be forgotten and left to starve)[/i] [*] Describe future plans for chosen dragon. [*]Leave a Heart Emoji as you ping for a dragon so I know you understand and accept my policy on my dragons! (You may do whatever with them, but literally just pls don't exalt them! Send them back to me or rehome them through [u][url=]>here<[/url][/u] or another thread, thank you!!) [u]Example:[/u] "@Missmercy I'd like to adopt (Dragon). My plan is to (Plan) [emoji=familiar heart size=1]" [/LIST] ~Heart Code~ [code][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/code] [center] [img][/img] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b]-ADOPTED-[/b][/center] [/center] [img][/img]
FREE Dragons to NON-EXALT Homes!
I'm giving away some of my Holiday Spirits Dragons out to good homes!~

They're also on AU for 50g if you'd like to help out my clan and skip adoption requirements :')

Requirements for Adopting
  • Name Unnamed Dragons.
  • Be 1+ month old account
    (unless you can guarantee you'll be hanging around our community for awhile and these dragons won't be forgotten and left to starve)
  • Describe future plans for chosen dragon.
  • Leave a Heart Emoji as you ping for a dragon so I know you understand and accept my policy on my dragons!
    (You may do whatever with them, but literally just pls don't exalt them! Send them back to me or rehome them through >here< or another thread, thank you!!)

    "@Missmercy I'd like to adopt (Dragon). My plan is to (Plan) "
~Heart Code~
[emoji=familiar heart size=1]


@Barbana Could I have this baby? [img][/img]

Could I have this baby?


Could I have the second baby from there? They look so sweet

Could I have the second baby from there? They look so sweet
These two are up for grabs i can not keep them, please @ me if you want one with the image, also id like to know what will happen to them :) I hope these two will be good to who ever get them because i love them both very much X-Obsidian~Jaguar (Gaoler) Y-Black~Spirit (Gaoler) Y-Black~Wintercoat (Gaoler) Taken [url=][img][/img][/url] X-Sanddollar~Shell (Veilspun) Y-Silver~Hawkmoth (Veilspun) Z-Vermilion~Branches (Veilspun) [url=][img][/img][/url]
These two are up for grabs i can not keep them, please @ me if you want one with the image, also id like to know what will happen to them :)
I hope these two will be good to who ever get them because i love them both very much

X-Obsidian~Jaguar (Gaoler)
Y-Black~Spirit (Gaoler)
Y-Black~Wintercoat (Gaoler)

X-Sanddollar~Shell (Veilspun)
Y-Silver~Hawkmoth (Veilspun)
Z-Vermilion~Branches (Veilspun)


@Barbana Could I please have the first one?
@Barbana Could I please have the first one?
@estervansi I'm sorry, they're already taken
@estervansi I'm sorry, they're already taken
she/her INFP
repost 1/2 ! this is the final day these dergs will be up for adoption, they will be in the AH as fodder price after the second repost! [quote] [center][font=comic sans ms]sort of repost of the same dragons these dragons need a home, all you gotta do to adopt them is give them a name ! if they dont get adopted in a week, they will be put on the ah as fodder or get exalted have hibernal den cooldown: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote]
repost 1/2 !
this is the final day these dergs will be up for adoption, they will be in the AH as fodder price after the second repost!
sort of repost of the same dragons

these dragons need a home, all you gotta do to adopt them is give them a name !
if they dont get adopted in a week, they will be put on the ah as fodder or get exalted

have hibernal den cooldown:

[center]Sugar [url=][img][/img][/url] Shine [url=][img][/img][/url] Showing these 2 in specific again! Ping me if interested :D[/center]


Showing these 2 in specific again! Ping me if interested :D
banjo-again-100x100.png *Baz Sales
*Exalt Row

ESL | FR+3
... cheetah-icon.png
repost 2/2 ! this is the final day these dergs will be up for adoption, they will be in the AH as fodder price after the second repost! [quote] [center][font=comic sans ms]sort of repost of the same dragons these dragons need a home, all you gotta do to adopt them is give them a name ! if they dont get adopted in a week, they will be put on the ah as fodder or get exalted have hibernal den cooldown: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote]
repost 2/2 !
this is the final day these dergs will be up for adoption, they will be in the AH as fodder price after the second repost!
sort of repost of the same dragons

these dragons need a home, all you gotta do to adopt them is give them a name !
if they dont get adopted in a week, they will be put on the ah as fodder or get exalted

have hibernal den cooldown:
