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[columns][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=8&bodygene=237&breed=3&element=11&eyetype=3&gender=1&tert=51&tertgene=103&winggene=237&wings=8&auth=f56a89e62e87e321fbad3e9061f6e80b15d1cd76&dummyext=prev.png[/img][nextcol]Wild Dogs are a subspecies of mirror inspired by African Wild Dogs/African Painted Dogs. This is a relatively casual subspecies as element doesn't matter and lore is entirely optional. The only things that matter in regards to registering a dragon as a Wild Dog is that they fit the breed, gene and colour requirements.
You are welcome and encouraged to breed your own Wild Dogs and feature them in hatcheries!
Want to get updates on Wild Dogs? Join the pinglist!
[center]Wild Dogs have several important criteria that they must fit into, with two different "morphs" that differ only slightly. [b]They must be mirrors![/b] Non-mirror Wild Dogs cannot be added to the register, and are considered part-Wild Dog.
Wild Dogs will always be [b]Coal Chrysocolla[/b] and [b]Coal Malachite[/b]. The tertiary can be either [b]Flecks[/b] or [b]Basic[/b], and the colour depends on which morph of Wild Dog they are.
[b]Light Morph[/b] can be either Beige, Tan or Maize.
[b]Dark Morph[/b] can be either Black, Oilslick or Coal.
If their tertiary is [b]basic[/b], then it can be [b]any colour[/b]! Basic-tert Wild Dogs are automatically considered Dark Morph, on account of lacking light patches of colour.
Wild Dogs are a subspecies of mirror inspired by African Wild Dogs/African Painted Dogs. This is a relatively casual subspecies as element doesn't matter and lore is entirely optional. The only things that matter in regards to registering a dragon as a Wild Dog is that they fit the breed, gene and colour requirements.
You are welcome and encouraged to breed your own Wild Dogs and feature them in hatcheries!
Want to get updates on Wild Dogs? Join the pinglist!
Wild Dogs have several important criteria that they must fit into, with two different "morphs" that differ only slightly.
They must be mirrors! Non-mirror Wild Dogs cannot be added to the register, and are considered part-Wild Dog.
Wild Dogs will always be
Coal Chrysocolla and
Coal Malachite. The tertiary can be either
Flecks or
Basic, and the colour depends on which morph of Wild Dog they are.
Light Morph can be either Beige, Tan or Maize.
Dark Morph can be either Black, Oilslick or Coal.
If their tertiary is
basic, then it can be
any colour! Basic-tert Wild Dogs are automatically considered Dark Morph, on account of lacking light patches of colour.
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Wild Dogs look quite different from other mirrors. They lack the bony head fins characteristic of their species, and instead have large radar-like ears. It's also quite common for them to be wingless, as they're highly adapted for running and don't have much of a need for flying. While they aren't always wingless, those with wings tend to still be flightless as their wings are too small to carry them.
One of the most notable features of Wild Dogs is that they are furred. While mirrors typically have a slick hide of scales and skin, Wild Dogs have a short, coarse coat of fur. It grows thicker and longer along the nape of their neck, between their shoulderblades, their chest and their tail.
Wild Dogs have quite long legs compared to other mirrors, perfect for stalking through tall grasses and maintaining visual on their prey. It also makes them excellent long-distance hunters, able to pursue for vast distances without tiring.
Wild Dogs are a tenacious and hardy subspecies. They live in close-knit matriarchal packs with a notable hierarchy system. Males and females have different hierarchies from one another, with females typically being far more rigid and rarely changing, while males are fluid and change position in the pecking order frequently.
Despite this it would be easy for an outsider to not even recognize they have a hierarchy at first, as all individuals are treated with great care. The elderly, young, sick and wounded are always tended to before anyone else, given first dibs on shelter and food. Pups in particular are doted on by the entire pack, as Wild Dogs have a strong need to protect and nurture the next generation.
Females are often expected to leave the pack once they come of age and find a new pack to integrate into. This helps prevent inbreeding and also promotes kinship and relations with other packs. They won't always disperse however and may often stay to help the pack, though this depends on resources and how pushy the matriarch is. Females that integrate into a new pack always start off at the bottom of the pecking order, and can only rise through the ranks by proving themselves in hunts. This is unlike males, who's position largely depends on the position of the female they most recently paired with. Males rarely ever leave their birth pack, and as such often form close bonds with one another that last a lifetime.
Where the hierarchy of Wild Dogs really comes into play is during hunts. Everyone has a very specific role that they adhere to zealously. The higher ranked the individual, the more high-stakes role they can take on. Their incredibly tight communication and cooperation allows them to take on much larger prey than they ever could alone, and as such are always expected to keep to their role.
[b]Scouts[/b] run ahead of the hunting party, finding reasonable prey for the party to hunt. This role is typically given to mid-ranks. It isn't as high stakes as being a primary chaser or finisher, but requires some trust and understanding of the pack dynamics to select appropriate prey.
[b]Primary Chasers[/b] pursue the prey, tiring it out so it's already weakened by the time they reach the finishers. They do not actively engage with the prey, just chase it and keep the pressure on. This is a fairly high-ranking role, as it requires a lot of experience.
[b]Backup Chasers[/b] tag behind the primary chaser. They are there to take over in case the primary chaser fails in some way. This role usually goes to mid-ranked individuals learning how to become a primary chaser.
[b]Flankers[/b] chase alongside the prey on either side to prevent it from running out in an unexpected direction. This is a fairly low-stakes role as all they need to do is keep up with the prey and stay in position, so this most commonly goes to the lowest ranks.
[b]Finishers[/b] and [b]Latchers[/b] are the ones who finish off the prey. Once the prey is worn down, it is chased in the direction the finisher and latchers are hiding in. Latchers grab onto the sides and legs to slow down the prey and attempt to down it, while the finisher grabs it by the throat to deal the killing blow. These roles are the most dangerous and always go to the highest ranks. The finisher in particular has a lot riding on their shoulders, and usually ends up being the role the matriarch takes.
Wild Dogs look quite different from other mirrors. They lack the bony head fins characteristic of their species, and instead have large radar-like ears. It's also quite common for them to be wingless, as they're highly adapted for running and don't have much of a need for flying. While they aren't always wingless, those with wings tend to still be flightless as their wings are too small to carry them.
One of the most notable features of Wild Dogs is that they are furred. While mirrors typically have a slick hide of scales and skin, Wild Dogs have a short, coarse coat of fur. It grows thicker and longer along the nape of their neck, between their shoulderblades, their chest and their tail.
Wild Dogs have quite long legs compared to other mirrors, perfect for stalking through tall grasses and maintaining visual on their prey. It also makes them excellent long-distance hunters, able to pursue for vast distances without tiring.
Wild Dogs are a tenacious and hardy subspecies. They live in close-knit matriarchal packs with a notable hierarchy system. Males and females have different hierarchies from one another, with females typically being far more rigid and rarely changing, while males are fluid and change position in the pecking order frequently.
Despite this it would be easy for an outsider to not even recognize they have a hierarchy at first, as all individuals are treated with great care. The elderly, young, sick and wounded are always tended to before anyone else, given first dibs on shelter and food. Pups in particular are doted on by the entire pack, as Wild Dogs have a strong need to protect and nurture the next generation.
Females are often expected to leave the pack once they come of age and find a new pack to integrate into. This helps prevent inbreeding and also promotes kinship and relations with other packs. They won't always disperse however and may often stay to help the pack, though this depends on resources and how pushy the matriarch is. Females that integrate into a new pack always start off at the bottom of the pecking order, and can only rise through the ranks by proving themselves in hunts. This is unlike males, who's position largely depends on the position of the female they most recently paired with. Males rarely ever leave their birth pack, and as such often form close bonds with one another that last a lifetime.
Where the hierarchy of Wild Dogs really comes into play is during hunts. Everyone has a very specific role that they adhere to zealously. The higher ranked the individual, the more high-stakes role they can take on. Their incredibly tight communication and cooperation allows them to take on much larger prey than they ever could alone, and as such are always expected to keep to their role.
Scouts run ahead of the hunting party, finding reasonable prey for the party to hunt. This role is typically given to mid-ranks. It isn't as high stakes as being a primary chaser or finisher, but requires some trust and understanding of the pack dynamics to select appropriate prey.
Primary Chasers pursue the prey, tiring it out so it's already weakened by the time they reach the finishers. They do not actively engage with the prey, just chase it and keep the pressure on. This is a fairly high-ranking role, as it requires a lot of experience.
Backup Chasers tag behind the primary chaser. They are there to take over in case the primary chaser fails in some way. This role usually goes to mid-ranked individuals learning how to become a primary chaser.
Flankers chase alongside the prey on either side to prevent it from running out in an unexpected direction. This is a fairly low-stakes role as all they need to do is keep up with the prey and stay in position, so this most commonly goes to the lowest ranks.
Finishers and Latchers are the ones who finish off the prey. Once the prey is worn down, it is chased in the direction the finisher and latchers are hiding in. Latchers grab onto the sides and legs to slow down the prey and attempt to down it, while the finisher grabs it by the throat to deal the killing blow. These roles are the most dangerous and always go to the highest ranks. The finisher in particular has a lot riding on their shoulders, and usually ends up being the role the matriarch takes.
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Wild Dogs are opportunistic and often make use of the leftovers from their kills to wear as garb. They have a preference for apparel that still allows them to move freely, as being able to hunt at peak performance is important. Elderly Wild Dogs however may get more creative with what they wear, as being able to participate in hunts is no longer important. Apparel shown here is not a comprehensive list, but an example of the sorts of apparel they gravitate towards. The most appropriate recolour of a set is what's shown, but any recolour goes!
[item=Brown Frozen Hunter] [item=Brave Bonecarver Stock] [item=Brave Bonecarver Cache] [item= Champion's Spoils] [item= Burrowing Chitin Armor] [item=Fig Plumes] [item=Sepia Grove] [item=Brutal Lion] [item=Dragon Scout] [item=Brown Feathered Bones] [item=Tawny Antlers] [item=Brown Wolf Cape] [item=Boneyard Drape]
While Wild Dogs certainly can bond with just about anything, they greatly enjoy the companionship or familiars that can assist them with hunting and survival. It isn't unusual for familiars to work as hunting buddies alongside their companion, helping them with their role in the hunt. This list is not comprehensive, but shows examples of the sorts of familiars they're often seen with.
[item=Armed Flight] [item=Battlelisk] [item=Blacktalon Striker] [item=Centaur Archer] [item=Mundane Terror Bird] [item=Conflict Creature] [item=Autumn Sphinx] [item=Pronghorn Hunter] [item=Umbra Wolf] [item=Dire Vulture]
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[center]The following is a list of hatcheries/sales threads that have registered Wild Dog pairs! If you have a pair that you're selling offspring from, let me know and I can add them to the list.
[b]Bark and Bite[/b]
Light Morph
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3299466/1]Thunderstream Hatchery[/url]
[b]Thrash and Gnash[/b]
Dark Morph
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3299466/1]Thunderstream Hatchery[/url]
The following is a list of hatcheries/sales threads that have registered Wild Dog pairs! If you have a pair that you're selling offspring from, let me know and I can add them to the list.
Bark and Bite
Light Morph
Thunderstream Hatchery
Thrash and Gnash
Dark Morph
Thunderstream Hatchery
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[center]Have a Wild Dog on this register? Here's a banner you can put in their bio, and the bio of any offspring produced by a registered pair of Wild Dogs.
[center][size=5][font=Georgia]Light Morph[/font][/size]
[center][size=5][font=Georgia]Dark Morph[/font][/size]
Have a Wild Dog on this register? Here's a banner you can put in their bio, and the bio of any offspring produced by a registered pair of Wild Dogs.
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[emoji=mirror star size=2][emoji=mirror love size=2]
[i]I love them[/I]
super cool! i hope i'll be able to get one, maybe even a pair :>
super cool! i hope i'll be able to get one, maybe even a pair :>
Thread's all set up now! There's no registered dark morphs currently, but I'm working on a pair that I'll be adding to my hatchery once they're done :3
Thread's all set up now! There's no registered dark morphs currently, but I'm working on a pair that I'll be adding to my hatchery once they're done :3
A dark morph pair is now available over at my hatchery! They have some kids up for sale too.
@Wild Dog Subspecies General
A dark morph pair is now available over at my hatchery! They have some kids up for sale too.