Would you take 20kt for 89984591?
TOPIC | Eggcellent 2023 - Auraboa release
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I've really fallen in love with 89984590 and your Spiral scry for him, would you be willing to sell that one for 20k treasure?
I've really fallen in love with 89984590 and your Spiral scry for him, would you be willing to sell that one for 20k treasure?
| | | | Intricate Illustrations (my art shop) |
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[center][b][size=5]My birthday[/size][/b][/center]
[center]It was my birthday so I hatched some dragons!
[center]A drop from the Wyrmwound infected her home.
The Swamps murk turned bright, giving birth to her.
Algae / Strawberry / Cream / Shadow Rare
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Mirage of the rarely seen tides.
Appears only at sunrise by southern savannahs.
Periwinkle / Grey / Peach / Arcane Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Prince of the Spring Celebration.
Celebreated he will be, and fortune he shall bring.
Leaf / Lavender / Honeydew / Fire Bright
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]When they came back, she disappear deeper.
To hunt the star that had fallen deep to the sea.
Indigo / Driftwood / Dust / Plague Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Druid of the Swarming Insects.
Calls forth the flies to eat his enemies.
Lemon / Jungle / Lavender / Fire Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Grew up with the jauguars, child of Savannah.
Fast and agile, excellent hunter.
Bronze / Dust / Cream / Arcane Uncommon
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Merry man of the woods, bard of many songs.
Brings joy and the dancing stag.
Avocado / Fern / Emerald / Light Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
My birthday
It was my birthday so I hatched some dragons!
Not Found
Fiendish Agent
A drop from the Wyrmwound infected her home.
The Swamps murk turned bright, giving birth to her. #90484560 Algae / Strawberry / Cream / Shadow Rare |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Mirage of the rarely seen tides.
Appears only at sunrise by southern savannahs. #90484561 Periwinkle / Grey / Peach / Arcane Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Spring Prince
Prince of the Spring Celebration.
Celebreated he will be, and fortune he shall bring. #90484571 Leaf / Lavender / Honeydew / Fire Bright |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Abyssal Star
When they came back, she disappear deeper.
To hunt the star that had fallen deep to the sea. #90484574 Indigo / Driftwood / Dust / Plague Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Fly King
Druid of the Swarming Insects.
Calls forth the flies to eat his enemies. #90484585 Lemon / Jungle / Lavender / Fire Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Grew up with the jauguars, child of Savannah.
Fast and agile, excellent hunter. #90489375 Bronze / Dust / Cream / Arcane Uncommon |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Leafy Bard
Merry man of the woods, bard of many songs.
Brings joy and the dancing stag. #90498475 Avocado / Fern / Emerald / Light Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
@Eggcellent Pinglist
[center][b][size=5]Auraboa release[/size][/b][/center]
[center]I LOVE THEM... oh and one is not like the other.
[center]Tender of the plasma flowers.
Deep in the volcano, researching and learning.
Amber / Grapefruit / Sable / Lightning Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]All that matters is roses and their byproducts.
Buy rosehip jam, rose thorn soup... just buy. Don't worry.
Ginger / Sanguine / Berry / Arcane Common
[center][b]SOLD[/b] - [color=red]Please do not pester the new owner[/color][/center]
[center]Tiny little creature, handcrafted and rare.
Magic keeps him alive and tinkering.
Ginger / Sanguine / Berry / Shadow Rare
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Eats the toxins and diseases from trees.
They do not harm her, she just spits toxins at her enemies.
Peridot / Fuchsia / Plum / Arcane Common
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
[center]Rolls in clay and sun, letting it harden.
One needs protection to protect the Mother Tree.
Cream / Rose / Fog / Ice Uncommon
[center][b]SOLD[/b] - [color=red]Please do not pester the new owner[/color][/center]
[b]General pinglists:[/b] Offer[br][b]Ping for:[/b] XYX, Wind Normal Eyes, Modern, Nocturne, Pastels, Flags (LGBTQ+)[br][br]-Pings auto hidden-[br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Raidye @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @seylon @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Revius @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @xxxx @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @Vulpen @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @Chocoli @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @BraveEguana @Golurk @eonflute @EonShinato @kageshi @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @SarcasticHawke @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Togame @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Spark @Are @oceanics @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Silverlately @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @doniider @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @DarkAngelsBlood1 @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @sercreepz @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @Neoprene @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @Miuv @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @oof @Espenfalls @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @Vivarium @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Zarathusa @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Fluttering @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Observance @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @Cosmiali @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @Flaxen @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @timeland @Tune @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @persist @Aberration @Rathsin @Princesco @Kuzco @MysticOfLight @DarkNiiinja @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @Realcottoncat @1sun1spirit @Jeon @Allaprima @ethyios @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @Fayo @Luluwi @Askesis @0hzarks @dems @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Ajax4life14 @Zelie @Velkhana @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Wrio @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @cartel @1Sash1 @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @Kael @LordRaikage @Maila @souls @JavaMP @zeniths @Enaka @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @Blayne @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @Bee141 @mcpearlie @Fletcher @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @firenyx45 @TigersMane @unmarkedgrave @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @terrify @furbyteeth444 @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @volo @Ferascal @Bloomed @Voidsight @IchiHanabi @seniph @Smithsonian @HOVERCRAFT @crowskullz @XxCalypsoxX [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][br][br][b]Color and Date specifics:[/b][br][size=2][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90673521]Dragon 1 #90673521[/url][/b] (Wind Uncommon) (Sky/Bubblegum/Sky) 2023-11-21[/size][br][size=1]Date pings: @eonflute @InkedMyths @frosmoth[br]Specific pings: @mercurialwings @eonflute @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @Peeta @Galaxius @kinyobi @firenyx45 @seamists @Nurry @Feety[/size][br][br][center][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)[/b][br]Click [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2942468#post_2942468]here for the full thread[/url] and [url=https://fr-g1hoarders.github.io/GEESPinglist/g1-pinglist/]here for the website[/url][br][br][/center]
[center]Come as who you are.
Don't let others bring you down, thats my wisdom.
Cream / Rose / Fog / Wind Normal
[center][b]Looking For:[/b] Offer anything[/center]
None of these dragons are first come first serve, I'll sell to the person with nicest offer! The XYZ will most likely just go to the first nice offer, but for the last double I'll wait and see what I get.
Auraboa release
I LOVE THEM... oh and one is not like the other.
Not Found
Tender of the plasma flowers.
Deep in the volcano, researching and learning. #90673175 Amber / Grapefruit / Sable / Lightning Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
All that matters is roses and their byproducts.
Buy rosehip jam, rose thorn soup... just buy. Don't worry. #90673324 Ginger / Sanguine / Berry / Arcane Common |
SOLD - Please do not pester the new owner
Not Found
Industral Vase
Tiny little creature, handcrafted and rare.
Magic keeps him alive and tinkering. #90673420 Ginger / Sanguine / Berry / Shadow Rare |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Eats the toxins and diseases from trees.
They do not harm her, she just spits toxins at her enemies. #90674196 Peridot / Fuchsia / Plum / Arcane Common |
Looking For: Offer anything
Not Found
Rolls in clay and sun, letting it harden.
One needs protection to protect the Mother Tree. #90674303 Cream / Rose / Fog / Ice Uncommon |
SOLD - Please do not pester the new owner
General pinglists: Offer
Ping for: XYX, Wind Normal Eyes, Modern, Nocturne, Pastels, Flags (LGBTQ+)
-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Raidye @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @seylon @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Revius @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @xxxx @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @Vulpen @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @Chocoli @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @BraveEguana @Golurk @eonflute @EonShinato @kageshi @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @SarcasticHawke @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Togame @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Spark @Are @oceanics @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Silverlately @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @doniider @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @DarkAngelsBlood1 @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @sercreepz @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @Neoprene @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @Miuv @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @oof @Espenfalls @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @Vivarium @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Zarathusa @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Fluttering @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Observance @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @Cosmiali @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @Flaxen @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @timeland @Tune @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @persist @Aberration @Rathsin @Princesco @Kuzco @MysticOfLight @DarkNiiinja @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @Realcottoncat @1sun1spirit @Jeon @Allaprima @ethyios @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @Fayo @Luluwi @Askesis @0hzarks @dems @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Ajax4life14 @Zelie @Velkhana @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Wrio @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @cartel @1Sash1 @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @Kael @LordRaikage @Maila @souls @JavaMP @zeniths @Enaka @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @Blayne @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @Bee141 @mcpearlie @Fletcher @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @firenyx45 @TigersMane @unmarkedgrave @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @terrify @furbyteeth444 @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @volo @Ferascal @Bloomed @Voidsight @IchiHanabi @seniph @Smithsonian @HOVERCRAFT @crowskullz @XxCalypsoxX
Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #90673521 (Wind Uncommon) (Sky/Bubblegum/Sky) 2023-11-21
Date pings: @eonflute @InkedMyths @frosmoth
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @eonflute @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @Peeta @Galaxius @kinyobi @firenyx45 @seamists @Nurry @Feety
Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)
Click here for the full thread and here for the website
Click here for the full thread and here for the website
Not Found
Come as who you are.
Don't let others bring you down, thats my wisdom. #90673521 Cream / Rose / Fog / Wind Normal |
Looking For: Offer anything
None of these dragons are first come first serve, I'll sell to the person with nicest offer! The XYZ will most likely just go to the first nice offer, but for the last double I'll wait and see what I get.
@Kahvinporo hey! Does 300kt sound like a good offer for the ginger/sanguine berry girl?
@Kahvinporo hey! Does 300kt sound like a good offer for the ginger/sanguine berry girl?
I am VERY tempted, and since no other offers have been made... I would like to take that offer if it still stands!
I am VERY tempted, and since no other offers have been made... I would like to take that offer if it still stands!
I am VERY tempted, and since no other offers have been made... I would like to take that offer if it still stands!
I am VERY tempted, and since no other offers have been made... I would like to take that offer if it still stands!
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