
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | To Newbies W/ "Unimpressive" Babies

You sound like you're in a similar position to what I had; I moved mine for 12K - 6500 to start, a couple K for G2, a couple K for uniqueness, a couple K for an immediately-visible pleasing color combination. I'd try for at least 10K if I were you at the very lowest.

Adjust higher if you think you can do some good convincing; your coral/chocolate/lemon can be brought out quite nicely with a tert gene other than underbelly and while the jungle goes a bit poorly with the coral and white I think you're right on him making a pretty Coatl if there's no tert gene. I'd toss at least 2K on for the pretty lemon. Not too sure about how to price for potential Coatl; you might wanna try to feel that one out.

Either way, try the Fae breeding association - I've heard good things about them and new hatchlings.

Definitely include adult previews. Some people burn through skimming for good sights and sometimes an iffy hatchling can become a great adult but they'll never see it without a preview.

You sound like you're in a similar position to what I had; I moved mine for 12K - 6500 to start, a couple K for G2, a couple K for uniqueness, a couple K for an immediately-visible pleasing color combination. I'd try for at least 10K if I were you at the very lowest.

Adjust higher if you think you can do some good convincing; your coral/chocolate/lemon can be brought out quite nicely with a tert gene other than underbelly and while the jungle goes a bit poorly with the coral and white I think you're right on him making a pretty Coatl if there's no tert gene. I'd toss at least 2K on for the pretty lemon. Not too sure about how to price for potential Coatl; you might wanna try to feel that one out.

Either way, try the Fae breeding association - I've heard good things about them and new hatchlings.

Definitely include adult previews. Some people burn through skimming for good sights and sometimes an iffy hatchling can become a great adult but they'll never see it without a preview.
@Snek Thank you so much, it's such a help to have a ballpark figure for them. I'm a little afraid that all the people dumping their G2s on the AH for dirt cheap might have dropped the bottom out of the market, but tonight I'll try listing the babes for about what you said and putting up a sales thread for them. If they don't sell right away, I can always try again when they're adults.

I'm really glad I saw this thread before I did anything with them; this morning I figured they weren't good for much more than exalts but now you've almost made me want to hang onto them. Almost. They're really not in any of the color ranges I'm going for, sadly.
@Snek Thank you so much, it's such a help to have a ballpark figure for them. I'm a little afraid that all the people dumping their G2s on the AH for dirt cheap might have dropped the bottom out of the market, but tonight I'll try listing the babes for about what you said and putting up a sales thread for them. If they don't sell right away, I can always try again when they're adults.

I'm really glad I saw this thread before I did anything with them; this morning I figured they weren't good for much more than exalts but now you've almost made me want to hang onto them. Almost. They're really not in any of the color ranges I'm going for, sadly.

They've made it harder than it needs to be to find a buyer, yes, but the flip side of that is that with so many being flooded over the market for too cheap it's hard to find what you're looking for with any accuracy when you're seeking to buy! Which is why advertising where you can helps. It's still perfectly possible to sell your G2s like this with some time and a little bit of work; I've been selling a new G2 every few hours since rollover.

Dragon Sales moves fast, so be sure you bump your thread from time to time - you can delete your old bump post and then reply to your thread with a new bump post to keep away lines of BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP.

Good luck!

They've made it harder than it needs to be to find a buyer, yes, but the flip side of that is that with so many being flooded over the market for too cheap it's hard to find what you're looking for with any accuracy when you're seeking to buy! Which is why advertising where you can helps. It's still perfectly possible to sell your G2s like this with some time and a little bit of work; I've been selling a new G2 every few hours since rollover.

Dragon Sales moves fast, so be sure you bump your thread from time to time - you can delete your old bump post and then reply to your thread with a new bump post to keep away lines of BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP.

Good luck!
Seriously my kingdom for a purple range/pink range/pink range baby that isn't related to mine. Over something near leaf/lemon/caribbean that isn't related to mine.
Seriously my kingdom for a purple range/pink range/pink range baby that isn't related to mine. Over something near leaf/lemon/caribbean that isn't related to mine.
@Mariester Where can I find the Fae Association, do you know?
@Mariester Where can I find the Fae Association, do you know?
well now i feel bad. i exalted the random progenitor that i got. i didnt like his color. i was expecting to get money but i got nothing.

i just took all my dragons from the auction house, and will show them the care they deserve.

thank you for making this post @Snek

i will not be making the same mistake twice.
well now i feel bad. i exalted the random progenitor that i got. i didnt like his color. i was expecting to get money but i got nothing.

i just took all my dragons from the auction house, and will show them the care they deserve.

thank you for making this post @Snek

i will not be making the same mistake twice.

These guys there, from what I understood of ping list, we can use these list to get the attention of group members that shares interrest in what you're trying to sell.

These guys there, from what I understood of ping list, we can use these list to get the attention of group members that shares interrest in what you're trying to sell.
@mrfattymccatcat It's a painful thing to realize, and I'm sorry that happened to you. Nearly did it myself. On the plus side, if you're ever lucky enough to find an unhatched egg while coliseum fighting or scavenging, you can use that to get a G1 to replace it!

Good luck with your lair and your hatchlings. I love the dragon you've got for your avatar. :)
@mrfattymccatcat It's a painful thing to realize, and I'm sorry that happened to you. Nearly did it myself. On the plus side, if you're ever lucky enough to find an unhatched egg while coliseum fighting or scavenging, you can use that to get a G1 to replace it!

Good luck with your lair and your hatchlings. I love the dragon you've got for your avatar. :)
My first dragon babies just hatched today and I love them. Two came out pretty expected and the third was a wild card. I don't know if I'd put any on the auction. It's interesting to hear how things are with starting dragons! I would not have guessed starter babies would be such an important part of livening up the gene pool here.
My first dragon babies just hatched today and I love them. Two came out pretty expected and the third was a wild card. I don't know if I'd put any on the auction. It's interesting to hear how things are with starting dragons! I would not have guessed starter babies would be such an important part of livening up the gene pool here.
My babies are hatching tomorrow, so I'm super glad I read this! :)
My babies are hatching tomorrow, so I'm super glad I read this! :)