
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | To Newbies W/ "Unimpressive" Babies
Pardon this, but I thought it could use reposting from my flight's forum and since this IS a forum about improving and appreciating dragons it seems appropriate.

Come here and sit down a spell, and let me explain something to you all.

I have seen so many people disappointed by their starter-dragon babies, or ignoring them because they're only basic/basic/basic, or throwing them on the AH for 2K as if they weren't worth the pixels that were generated for them.

You don't understand what treasures you have in your possession.

First, you have dragons that are literally unconnected to ANY OTHER DRAGON ON THIS SITE, which means that you've blown the breeding pool wide open for a lot of people. Dragons have to be unrelated by five generations in order to breed, which means that for people attempting to create new and unusual appearances or specializing in relatively rare color combos they have a great deal of difficulty getting a sufficient number of mates. Your little basic-basic-basic may be someone else's savior.

Also, a lot of colors and color combinations have been bred out or exalted off the site over time, which means their work has been even harder. The fact that the site has remained so small for so long also means that you may very well have the ONLY DRAGON LIKE IT ON THE ENTIRETY OF FLIGHT RISING, be it the first ever or the only one not exalted or the only one in its breed. Both of my hatchlings were unique in this way. I moved them for 12K each.

And if you're lucky enough to make babies that come out with two or even three of the same color, don't underestimate that either! I rescued a couple of XXY hatchlings that were barely going for 3K each and re-sold them for three times that. People use dragons like that to ensure they get a specific breeding range. As an example, I found an ice-ice-soil for about 3K and sold it for 15K. The person who bought it immediately turned it into a Coatl.

And even if you have color combos that are common on the site and no doubles or triples, go take a look at your baby in the Scrying Workshop. See what they'll look like when they grow up. See if maybe adding a gene here or there might not bring out their inner beauty, or even if they're just lovely in their own subtle way as basics alone. Even if you have something you think is ugly, chances are someone somewhere doesn't have the same opinion. I found a dragon that didn't suit me at all, but a friend of mine needed it like air and took it off my hands.

Stop underselling your G2 babies. Stop thinking of them like garbage. I promise you that 99% of the time they are not. Love them and all that they can be and make.

That's all.
Pardon this, but I thought it could use reposting from my flight's forum and since this IS a forum about improving and appreciating dragons it seems appropriate.

Come here and sit down a spell, and let me explain something to you all.

I have seen so many people disappointed by their starter-dragon babies, or ignoring them because they're only basic/basic/basic, or throwing them on the AH for 2K as if they weren't worth the pixels that were generated for them.

You don't understand what treasures you have in your possession.

First, you have dragons that are literally unconnected to ANY OTHER DRAGON ON THIS SITE, which means that you've blown the breeding pool wide open for a lot of people. Dragons have to be unrelated by five generations in order to breed, which means that for people attempting to create new and unusual appearances or specializing in relatively rare color combos they have a great deal of difficulty getting a sufficient number of mates. Your little basic-basic-basic may be someone else's savior.

Also, a lot of colors and color combinations have been bred out or exalted off the site over time, which means their work has been even harder. The fact that the site has remained so small for so long also means that you may very well have the ONLY DRAGON LIKE IT ON THE ENTIRETY OF FLIGHT RISING, be it the first ever or the only one not exalted or the only one in its breed. Both of my hatchlings were unique in this way. I moved them for 12K each.

And if you're lucky enough to make babies that come out with two or even three of the same color, don't underestimate that either! I rescued a couple of XXY hatchlings that were barely going for 3K each and re-sold them for three times that. People use dragons like that to ensure they get a specific breeding range. As an example, I found an ice-ice-soil for about 3K and sold it for 15K. The person who bought it immediately turned it into a Coatl.

And even if you have color combos that are common on the site and no doubles or triples, go take a look at your baby in the Scrying Workshop. See what they'll look like when they grow up. See if maybe adding a gene here or there might not bring out their inner beauty, or even if they're just lovely in their own subtle way as basics alone. Even if you have something you think is ugly, chances are someone somewhere doesn't have the same opinion. I found a dragon that didn't suit me at all, but a friend of mine needed it like air and took it off my hands.

Stop underselling your G2 babies. Stop thinking of them like garbage. I promise you that 99% of the time they are not. Love them and all that they can be and make.

That's all.
This is a great message! On my first day here, I ended up exalting my random progen because I didn't like her colors, but if I knew then what I know now about all the dragon customization possibilities, I definitely would have kept her.
This is a great message! On my first day here, I ended up exalting my random progen because I didn't like her colors, but if I knew then what I know now about all the dragon customization possibilities, I definitely would have kept her.
I really like this post a lot ^_^ I am new to Flight Rising since the recent registration opening, and though I was a bit underwhelmed by my first breeding between my two starter dragons, I have come to love the single hatchling they made and have been using that scrying workshop to figure out how to make her really pretty when she's older!

*edited for spelling
I really like this post a lot ^_^ I am new to Flight Rising since the recent registration opening, and though I was a bit underwhelmed by my first breeding between my two starter dragons, I have come to love the single hatchling they made and have been using that scrying workshop to figure out how to make her really pretty when she's older!

*edited for spelling
Beautifully written.
I hope more new players see this!
Beautifully written.
I hope more new players see this!

I think that even though they are the simplest dragons in my lair, I will keep and continue to breed my starters. It'll be nice to have refreshingly basic dragons from time to time and helping bring the breeding pool open for others makes me happy.


That's good! I hope you can find something that you think suits her. And hey, being the only hatchling just makes her all the more special to you, you know? :)


I hope so too!

ALSO it was brought to my attention elsewhere that a lot of people might not know how to price their dragons, so let me add this:
I watched the Auction House all week and it seemed to me that for the most part, the very lowliest of common color combos in full basics in starter dragons with long lines started at about 6500.

You all have G2s. Add a little for that. Add a little for colors combinations that aren't common (check it with Dragon Search). Add a little if it can be made even better with a judicious application of a gene or two or a breed change by someone. Add a little if it's a double or a triple.

And don't worry about getting your dragons sold fast-fast-fast. As newbies, our lairs are easy to expand. We can hold onto them for a week. Someone will likely come along. Go promote in the Dragon Sales forum as well and talk up any high points.

Hope that helps. :)

I think that even though they are the simplest dragons in my lair, I will keep and continue to breed my starters. It'll be nice to have refreshingly basic dragons from time to time and helping bring the breeding pool open for others makes me happy.


That's good! I hope you can find something that you think suits her. And hey, being the only hatchling just makes her all the more special to you, you know? :)


I hope so too!

ALSO it was brought to my attention elsewhere that a lot of people might not know how to price their dragons, so let me add this:
I watched the Auction House all week and it seemed to me that for the most part, the very lowliest of common color combos in full basics in starter dragons with long lines started at about 6500.

You all have G2s. Add a little for that. Add a little for colors combinations that aren't common (check it with Dragon Search). Add a little if it can be made even better with a judicious application of a gene or two or a breed change by someone. Add a little if it's a double or a triple.

And don't worry about getting your dragons sold fast-fast-fast. As newbies, our lairs are easy to expand. We can hold onto them for a week. Someone will likely come along. Go promote in the Dragon Sales forum as well and talk up any high points.

Hope that helps. :)

Yes I view her as being very special now ^_^ She's momma and poppas little girl. Planning on giving her Tiger primary and Stripes secondary when she's older and when I've saved the treasure for it.

So super thankful for that Scrying Workshop. It's helped me give plans for all my dragons.

Yes I view her as being very special now ^_^ She's momma and poppas little girl. Planning on giving her Tiger primary and Stripes secondary when she's older and when I've saved the treasure for it.

So super thankful for that Scrying Workshop. It's helped me give plans for all my dragons.
Ohhh, that should look very nice indeed. Good luck getting to those and be sure to come back to Dragon Share to show her off when you do. :D
Ohhh, that should look very nice indeed. Good luck getting to those and be sure to come back to Dragon Share to show her off when you do. :D
This is very true. If you search for, say, X/leaf/leaf, and compare page 1 of the results to the latest page, you'll SEE how colors born have changed. Page 1 represents a wide variety of primary colors. The last few pages have a lot of triples and near-triples (that is to say, the primary is SOME shade of green), losing all the variety. This is happening for all color combos. For example, it's hard to find browns/seafoam/seafom or browns/aqua/seafoam because people like to auto-exalt brown babies.

Basically, with registration being so closed, our dragons have become inbred! Now that it's open with new starter dragons, the "gene pool" is widening. This is good.

(Also, I'm stupid and forgot this fact myself. I exalted a 2G today. Stupid, stupid me.)
This is very true. If you search for, say, X/leaf/leaf, and compare page 1 of the results to the latest page, you'll SEE how colors born have changed. Page 1 represents a wide variety of primary colors. The last few pages have a lot of triples and near-triples (that is to say, the primary is SOME shade of green), losing all the variety. This is happening for all color combos. For example, it's hard to find browns/seafoam/seafom or browns/aqua/seafoam because people like to auto-exalt brown babies.

Basically, with registration being so closed, our dragons have become inbred! Now that it's open with new starter dragons, the "gene pool" is widening. This is good.

(Also, I'm stupid and forgot this fact myself. I exalted a 2G today. Stupid, stupid me.)

I approve to this, I showed my Fae babies to the Fae assossiation and liked them so much they offered 25k for each babies. I beleive its a great oportunity for newbies to make gold and get started in this amazing world. I even rescued a few babies but im already running out of space!

I approve to this, I showed my Fae babies to the Fae assossiation and liked them so much they offered 25k for each babies. I beleive its a great oportunity for newbies to make gold and get started in this amazing world. I even rescued a few babies but im already running out of space!

Ooh, congratulations! And yeah, I feel you on the space problem, haha. I rescued some six or seven last night but I expanded this morning and resold all but two for better, so I might go AH rescuing again later tonight. Hopefully more people will see this and get themselvea nice headstart!

Ooh, congratulations! And yeah, I feel you on the space problem, haha. I rescued some six or seven last night but I expanded this morning and resold all but two for better, so I might go AH rescuing again later tonight. Hopefully more people will see this and get themselvea nice headstart!