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TOPIC | [Lore] The Village

General Overview

The lair, led by a Mirror dragons Chipotle and Aurae, can be described as plain and simple. There’s no demigods, no cults, and no shade-touched dragons. First started as an odd couple of nomadic dragons originating from the Shadow realm, they would soon settle down in their permanent home - first in Shadow, then in Light Realm. There, in the Sunbeam Ruins, they established their own village which they simply dub “The Village”.

No strict rule controls The Village, though Chipotle and Aurae do have the final world as they are the founder of the whole clan. The Village looks for cooperation, fair trade and nothing more than an ounce of common sense.

Dragons are not assigned any strict roles. To run The Village, you do what you can do. Most dragons could be described as “Jacks of all trades, masters of none”, but there is nothing stopping certain individuals from focusing on a specific career in The Village.

Dragons are encouraged to donate their riches which helps run and manage roads, streets and buildings. Chipotle himself is in charge of many repairs, but all dragons are free to lend their paw to assist. That way, The Village is largely self-sustainable.

  • Map of The Village
  • Map of The Sunbeam Ruins
  • Links to dragons
  • Short descriptions of dragons

General Overview

The lair, led by a Mirror dragons Chipotle and Aurae, can be described as plain and simple. There’s no demigods, no cults, and no shade-touched dragons. First started as an odd couple of nomadic dragons originating from the Shadow realm, they would soon settle down in their permanent home - first in Shadow, then in Light Realm. There, in the Sunbeam Ruins, they established their own village which they simply dub “The Village”.

No strict rule controls The Village, though Chipotle and Aurae do have the final world as they are the founder of the whole clan. The Village looks for cooperation, fair trade and nothing more than an ounce of common sense.

Dragons are not assigned any strict roles. To run The Village, you do what you can do. Most dragons could be described as “Jacks of all trades, masters of none”, but there is nothing stopping certain individuals from focusing on a specific career in The Village.

Dragons are encouraged to donate their riches which helps run and manage roads, streets and buildings. Chipotle himself is in charge of many repairs, but all dragons are free to lend their paw to assist. That way, The Village is largely self-sustainable.

  • Map of The Village
  • Map of The Sunbeam Ruins
  • Links to dragons
  • Short descriptions of dragons

At first, there was nothing Chipotle could call home. As a parentless Shadow
Dragon, he set out to roam the Shadow realm once he was fully independent. Up until that point, he had been raised in the safety of Shadowbinder and her many servants, charged with raising progenitors. Influenced by Shadowbinder and her teachings, the youngster believed in her words. To be a true Shadow dragon, one must be a trickster - playing mind tricks on passerby dragons from foreign Flights, lurking in shadows and stalking his next victims of foolish games. As he grew more, he would venture out further on his travels. On one occasion, he met a Fae Aurae, and he would soon learn she comes from the same progenitor brood as him, as the two recognized each other. The two decided to join forces - as much as they loved The Tangled Woods, even for native dragons it was, well, a tricky place to navigate. With an extra pair of eyes, the two dragons felt much safer.

Aurae, being a Fae, proved to be a masterful trickster. Their combined
forces allowed them to trick Chipotle’s prey far more efficiently than back when Chipotle was a lone hunter. In exchange for Fae’s magical tricks, Chipotle would protect her with his far larger bulk.

As years passed, Chipotle would confess to Aurae about his conflicted
feelings about being a Shadow dragon. Something in him changed and that change had been culminating gradually. He no longer found joy in typical Shadow antics. He decided to quit this lifestyle and find a place to settle down somewhere. That proved a challenge, as everywhere the two looked in their home, there were tangled roots and trees, or the best spots had already been taken. Eventually they did stumble upon an unoccupied cave. It wasn’t the greatest, but at this point, they weren’t too picky.

Chipotle and Aurae wouldn’t stop traveling. The cave had been sealed with
protective magic/illusion to deter potential settlers taking over their cave. It was only a matter of time before they finally set their foot outside of the Tangled Woods. They discovered lands, never seen before by their own eyes - such as Dragonhome, Windswept Plateau, Starfall Isles, and many more. One stood out to Chipotle more than the rest of them. A neighboring Flight, Scarred Wasteland, beckoned him. Traveling further, he discovered the native home of his species, Mirror dragons. The encounter wasn’t the friendliest. Few bites and scratches were exchanged. Chipotle and Aurae fled in their haste deeper into the Plague world to lick their wounds under a withered tree. There, coiled in a long bundle, rested a spiral. Curious about the two, he greeted them, introducing himself as Krakatoa. The spiral was a doctor. A nomad just like the wounded progenitors, he had learned the magic of healing from a variety of Light scholars. Despite their initial prejudice towards the Plague spiral, they saw Krakatoa’s burning passion to study medicine. He succeeded, offering his services to many. Like a sore thumb though, it left him in a rather strange position when he tried to provide his medical expertise to his original clan. While appreciated, it clashed with Plague’s philosophy of survival of the fittest. It rendered Krakatoa’s years of training into nothing more than a wasted effort. Deserting his lair, he was lost on what to do with his skillset, until this fateful day. Two Shadowlings, in need of medical attention. The Shadow couple accepted his help warily, though soon enough Krakatoa proved trustworthy. He healed them, and on the whim, decided to join them.

The trio didn’t stay in such a small number. Krakatoa had many long-term
friends, who had received his message. Chipotle and Aurae found themselves surprised by an unannounced visit from not one, but three Imperials (Swiststrike, Velocity, Ragnarok) and a Ridgeback (Ironcrypt). After a long discussion between the new settlers and the Shadowlings, they agreed they could all work together to expand the clan.

Over the years, many came, stayed or left. The cave could only
accommodate small dragons. It didn’t bother the larger dragons, who would begin to rip out trees and roots with ease to build their own huts and tents. Fortunately the thick canopy of the trees offered enough protection from rain and wind.

All this time, Chipotle had been enchanted by Plague Mirrors. Oftentimes he
would venture back in the Scarred Wasteland. Over time he would befriend a Mirror group which introduced him to the true values of Plague culture and what it takes to be a Mirror dragon. Finding his calling, he adopted the new lifestyle, even going as far as applying a full body makeup. He attempted to live by the rules of savage survival. He found happiness and purpose that plagued most of his life. However, it wouldn’t last for too long. Most dragons in his lair couldn’t adapt to Chipotle’s sudden change in leadership, which drove some away. His unusual mellow character would always surface whenever someone announced their permanent departure. A major blow would be Aurae herself - in the wake of Beastclans rising, Aurae decided she would serve under Shadowbinder, leaving Chipotle to be the sole leader.

Noticing a subtle drop in his confidence, Krakatoa and Velocity would be his
right-hand dragons. Their input greatly improved the quality of life in the lair. It prospered and residents were more willing to stay and help sustain it.

Despite this, Chipotle wasn’t happy. The Mirror was torn by the internal
struggle. He felt disappointed by the outcome of his efforts, gradually succumbing into depression. And yet, he still put on a brave facade to keep the lair happy and running. During this time, Swiftstrike, a native Light dragon, would often depart to study geography in his original home. That seemed to peek some interest in Chipotle and he assigned Swiftstrike to find a potential new location for their lair.

One one faithful day, Swiftstrike delivered uplifting news. An unoccupied,
abandoned town, located right next to several valuable resources - water, fields and minerals. He warned Chipotle the structures are partially deteriorated, but that didn’t deter Chipotle. He announced the move and the whole lair re-located into a land of unknown. Living so long in the Shadow Realm, it was quite a cultural shock. After settling down, Velocity and Ironcrypt took to organizing much needed repairs of these abandoned buildings. She set up crowd-funding events and Ironcrypt planned reconstructions of the most important sections - Town Hall, Town Square and the biggest streets.

Several months later, they rebuilt the entire village. Dubbing their new
home “The Village”, the oldest dragons would be in charge or the most crucial decisions. Chipotle’s mental health would improve and that reflected on his new leadership style. Instead of brawl he would use brains. Essentially he adopted a form of democratic politics. Much to his surprise, Aurae would retire from Shadowbinder’s service and return to Chipotle’s lair - this time as a Mirror. Her return brought valuable skills to further improve the quality of life in the ever-growing village.

At first, there was nothing Chipotle could call home. As a parentless Shadow
Dragon, he set out to roam the Shadow realm once he was fully independent. Up until that point, he had been raised in the safety of Shadowbinder and her many servants, charged with raising progenitors. Influenced by Shadowbinder and her teachings, the youngster believed in her words. To be a true Shadow dragon, one must be a trickster - playing mind tricks on passerby dragons from foreign Flights, lurking in shadows and stalking his next victims of foolish games. As he grew more, he would venture out further on his travels. On one occasion, he met a Fae Aurae, and he would soon learn she comes from the same progenitor brood as him, as the two recognized each other. The two decided to join forces - as much as they loved The Tangled Woods, even for native dragons it was, well, a tricky place to navigate. With an extra pair of eyes, the two dragons felt much safer.

Aurae, being a Fae, proved to be a masterful trickster. Their combined
forces allowed them to trick Chipotle’s prey far more efficiently than back when Chipotle was a lone hunter. In exchange for Fae’s magical tricks, Chipotle would protect her with his far larger bulk.

As years passed, Chipotle would confess to Aurae about his conflicted
feelings about being a Shadow dragon. Something in him changed and that change had been culminating gradually. He no longer found joy in typical Shadow antics. He decided to quit this lifestyle and find a place to settle down somewhere. That proved a challenge, as everywhere the two looked in their home, there were tangled roots and trees, or the best spots had already been taken. Eventually they did stumble upon an unoccupied cave. It wasn’t the greatest, but at this point, they weren’t too picky.

Chipotle and Aurae wouldn’t stop traveling. The cave had been sealed with
protective magic/illusion to deter potential settlers taking over their cave. It was only a matter of time before they finally set their foot outside of the Tangled Woods. They discovered lands, never seen before by their own eyes - such as Dragonhome, Windswept Plateau, Starfall Isles, and many more. One stood out to Chipotle more than the rest of them. A neighboring Flight, Scarred Wasteland, beckoned him. Traveling further, he discovered the native home of his species, Mirror dragons. The encounter wasn’t the friendliest. Few bites and scratches were exchanged. Chipotle and Aurae fled in their haste deeper into the Plague world to lick their wounds under a withered tree. There, coiled in a long bundle, rested a spiral. Curious about the two, he greeted them, introducing himself as Krakatoa. The spiral was a doctor. A nomad just like the wounded progenitors, he had learned the magic of healing from a variety of Light scholars. Despite their initial prejudice towards the Plague spiral, they saw Krakatoa’s burning passion to study medicine. He succeeded, offering his services to many. Like a sore thumb though, it left him in a rather strange position when he tried to provide his medical expertise to his original clan. While appreciated, it clashed with Plague’s philosophy of survival of the fittest. It rendered Krakatoa’s years of training into nothing more than a wasted effort. Deserting his lair, he was lost on what to do with his skillset, until this fateful day. Two Shadowlings, in need of medical attention. The Shadow couple accepted his help warily, though soon enough Krakatoa proved trustworthy. He healed them, and on the whim, decided to join them.

The trio didn’t stay in such a small number. Krakatoa had many long-term
friends, who had received his message. Chipotle and Aurae found themselves surprised by an unannounced visit from not one, but three Imperials (Swiststrike, Velocity, Ragnarok) and a Ridgeback (Ironcrypt). After a long discussion between the new settlers and the Shadowlings, they agreed they could all work together to expand the clan.

Over the years, many came, stayed or left. The cave could only
accommodate small dragons. It didn’t bother the larger dragons, who would begin to rip out trees and roots with ease to build their own huts and tents. Fortunately the thick canopy of the trees offered enough protection from rain and wind.

All this time, Chipotle had been enchanted by Plague Mirrors. Oftentimes he
would venture back in the Scarred Wasteland. Over time he would befriend a Mirror group which introduced him to the true values of Plague culture and what it takes to be a Mirror dragon. Finding his calling, he adopted the new lifestyle, even going as far as applying a full body makeup. He attempted to live by the rules of savage survival. He found happiness and purpose that plagued most of his life. However, it wouldn’t last for too long. Most dragons in his lair couldn’t adapt to Chipotle’s sudden change in leadership, which drove some away. His unusual mellow character would always surface whenever someone announced their permanent departure. A major blow would be Aurae herself - in the wake of Beastclans rising, Aurae decided she would serve under Shadowbinder, leaving Chipotle to be the sole leader.

Noticing a subtle drop in his confidence, Krakatoa and Velocity would be his
right-hand dragons. Their input greatly improved the quality of life in the lair. It prospered and residents were more willing to stay and help sustain it.

Despite this, Chipotle wasn’t happy. The Mirror was torn by the internal
struggle. He felt disappointed by the outcome of his efforts, gradually succumbing into depression. And yet, he still put on a brave facade to keep the lair happy and running. During this time, Swiftstrike, a native Light dragon, would often depart to study geography in his original home. That seemed to peek some interest in Chipotle and he assigned Swiftstrike to find a potential new location for their lair.

One one faithful day, Swiftstrike delivered uplifting news. An unoccupied,
abandoned town, located right next to several valuable resources - water, fields and minerals. He warned Chipotle the structures are partially deteriorated, but that didn’t deter Chipotle. He announced the move and the whole lair re-located into a land of unknown. Living so long in the Shadow Realm, it was quite a cultural shock. After settling down, Velocity and Ironcrypt took to organizing much needed repairs of these abandoned buildings. She set up crowd-funding events and Ironcrypt planned reconstructions of the most important sections - Town Hall, Town Square and the biggest streets.

Several months later, they rebuilt the entire village. Dubbing their new
home “The Village”, the oldest dragons would be in charge or the most crucial decisions. Chipotle’s mental health would improve and that reflected on his new leadership style. Instead of brawl he would use brains. Essentially he adopted a form of democratic politics. Much to his surprise, Aurae would retire from Shadowbinder’s service and return to Chipotle’s lair - this time as a Mirror. Her return brought valuable skills to further improve the quality of life in the ever-growing village.

The Village

The lair is located in the Sunbeam Ruins, in the northeast corner of the region. Sheltered by a cliffside from one side, the location is constantly supplied with fresh water from a lake. The lake is a part of a large stretch of river that originates from mountains bordering the Shadow and Light realm. A waterfall feeds the lake and the river itself travels from the lake all the way to the sea.


Due to its optimal location, the conditions are just right for farming and fishing. The temperature ranges from warm to mild all throughout the year.

The cliff surrounds both the northern and western part of The Village (with an accessible section stretching to the South of The Village), with the waterfall coming from the North. The lake hugs The Village from the east and the river originating from it travels to the South. To access The Village, one can do from stone paths leading from West and South.

The cliff on the western part has been terraformed by the settlers. They formed terraces to allow for construction of new homes and shops. These can be reached through staircases, winding stone roads or by flight. Some even built their homes right on top of the cliff next to the waterfall and surrounding plains. Such a strong river flow allows for installing home-owned watermills.

Large meadows sit on top of the cliff and in the south and southwest sections further away from the Village. These plains let the dragons plant crops and farm domestic animals for meat, leather and wool.

The lake can be accessed through decks installed throughout the Village. It offers a rich supply of fish. In the very center of the lake lies an island, where some dragons built their houses. The eastern side of the lake is also occupied by housing and fish farming. A thick forest borders the eastern portion.

Notable Locations

The Town Square - The heart of The Village. This is where public meetings are organized, merchants sell their goods or where dragons hang out. Small cafes, shops and restaurants are spread out in buildings. Housings and lodges are squeezed on top or in between shops.

The Town Hall - Resides in the Town Square. Where important decisions are also made. Its characteristic feature is ivy overgrowing the eastern side of the building.

The Main Street/Promenade - This is where shops and housing follow the widest path. This section is popular with tourists and traveling dragons for its stunning view of the lake.

Cliffside Terrace - The Main Street separates into several routes, one which leads to the terraces. One can find mostly houses, but an unique cafe/bistro or two are nestled there.

The Island - A moderately sized island sits in the center. Accessed through air or with a raft, the island serves mostly as a housing section so far. Home to Meme and Mimi.

The Forest - Located on the eastern side, dragons are free to forage, scavenge and hunt. It’s a popular spot for youngsters to practise their skills. Valuable logging area.

The Village

The lair is located in the Sunbeam Ruins, in the northeast corner of the region. Sheltered by a cliffside from one side, the location is constantly supplied with fresh water from a lake. The lake is a part of a large stretch of river that originates from mountains bordering the Shadow and Light realm. A waterfall feeds the lake and the river itself travels from the lake all the way to the sea.


Due to its optimal location, the conditions are just right for farming and fishing. The temperature ranges from warm to mild all throughout the year.

The cliff surrounds both the northern and western part of The Village (with an accessible section stretching to the South of The Village), with the waterfall coming from the North. The lake hugs The Village from the east and the river originating from it travels to the South. To access The Village, one can do from stone paths leading from West and South.

The cliff on the western part has been terraformed by the settlers. They formed terraces to allow for construction of new homes and shops. These can be reached through staircases, winding stone roads or by flight. Some even built their homes right on top of the cliff next to the waterfall and surrounding plains. Such a strong river flow allows for installing home-owned watermills.

Large meadows sit on top of the cliff and in the south and southwest sections further away from the Village. These plains let the dragons plant crops and farm domestic animals for meat, leather and wool.

The lake can be accessed through decks installed throughout the Village. It offers a rich supply of fish. In the very center of the lake lies an island, where some dragons built their houses. The eastern side of the lake is also occupied by housing and fish farming. A thick forest borders the eastern portion.

Notable Locations

The Town Square - The heart of The Village. This is where public meetings are organized, merchants sell their goods or where dragons hang out. Small cafes, shops and restaurants are spread out in buildings. Housings and lodges are squeezed on top or in between shops.

The Town Hall - Resides in the Town Square. Where important decisions are also made. Its characteristic feature is ivy overgrowing the eastern side of the building.

The Main Street/Promenade - This is where shops and housing follow the widest path. This section is popular with tourists and traveling dragons for its stunning view of the lake.

Cliffside Terrace - The Main Street separates into several routes, one which leads to the terraces. One can find mostly houses, but an unique cafe/bistro or two are nestled there.

The Island - A moderately sized island sits in the center. Accessed through air or with a raft, the island serves mostly as a housing section so far. Home to Meme and Mimi.

The Forest - Located on the eastern side, dragons are free to forage, scavenge and hunt. It’s a popular spot for youngsters to practise their skills. Valuable logging area.


There is no ranking or hierarchical system that rules over the village. Due to experience though, the oldest dragons are looked up to and have the highest authority over crucial decisions. Following democratical principles, dragons can vote and discuss changes and improvements to The Village. Debates are encouraged.

Exaltation - In Flight Rising, exaltation means permanent removal of a dragon from a lair to serve under the elemental deity. In The Village, the definition of exaltation is almost identical to the canonical meaning. There are some deviations, however - a dragon can leave permanently in order to serve under their deity, though many decide to establish their own lair, far away from their original home. Some may return for a short visit, though binded by their own responsibilities, they no longer wish to move back in.

Nesting - In Flight Rising, nesting is a way to generate income by selling hatchlings or create color and gene combinations like never seen before. This game feature does not have a room in this story, mostly the extensive usage of nesting grounds. This does not mean dragons cannot form pairs and make families.


Due to the variety of dragons living in the Village from all corners of Sornieth, their culture mix and matches. Dragons are free to practise their religion, though the Village does not promote any of them, leaning towards a secular society. They do celebrate the biggest festivals celebrating each element. Yafa is the head of organizing and planning these events.

Architecture is largely Light-based, re-using the old, dilapidated buildings as their main source of inspiration. The Village managed to renovate most of the architecture. (Author inspiration: Italian villages, Italian architecture)


Largely self-sustainable, The Village produces their own products which they trade within the community or export it. Due to their location, their tourist season is active throughout the year due to moderate climate.

Traveling merchants may set up their shops for a daily fee and tax that helps support the Village.

The Village makes most of its income by renting out vacant properties or lodges/hotels to travelers. Tourism also garners a large portion of their revenue.


There is no ranking or hierarchical system that rules over the village. Due to experience though, the oldest dragons are looked up to and have the highest authority over crucial decisions. Following democratical principles, dragons can vote and discuss changes and improvements to The Village. Debates are encouraged.

Exaltation - In Flight Rising, exaltation means permanent removal of a dragon from a lair to serve under the elemental deity. In The Village, the definition of exaltation is almost identical to the canonical meaning. There are some deviations, however - a dragon can leave permanently in order to serve under their deity, though many decide to establish their own lair, far away from their original home. Some may return for a short visit, though binded by their own responsibilities, they no longer wish to move back in.

Nesting - In Flight Rising, nesting is a way to generate income by selling hatchlings or create color and gene combinations like never seen before. This game feature does not have a room in this story, mostly the extensive usage of nesting grounds. This does not mean dragons cannot form pairs and make families.


Due to the variety of dragons living in the Village from all corners of Sornieth, their culture mix and matches. Dragons are free to practise their religion, though the Village does not promote any of them, leaning towards a secular society. They do celebrate the biggest festivals celebrating each element. Yafa is the head of organizing and planning these events.

Architecture is largely Light-based, re-using the old, dilapidated buildings as their main source of inspiration. The Village managed to renovate most of the architecture. (Author inspiration: Italian villages, Italian architecture)


Largely self-sustainable, The Village produces their own products which they trade within the community or export it. Due to their location, their tourist season is active throughout the year due to moderate climate.

Traveling merchants may set up their shops for a daily fee and tax that helps support the Village.

The Village makes most of its income by renting out vacant properties or lodges/hotels to travelers. Tourism also garners a large portion of their revenue.

Notable Characters

Chipotle - Founder and leader. Mellow for a mirror.
Aurae - Founder and leader.
Krakatoa - Doctor. Able to stay still for an unnervingly long time.
Velocity - Financial advisor/Bank manager.
Swiftstrike - Geographist.
Khothy - Map maker.
Ragnarok - Chemist.
Ironcrypt - Architect.
Cryptid - Hunter/Scout. Gym owner.
GordonRamsay (nickname: Chef, Ramsay) - Chef. Restaurant owner.
Tenzo & Berry - Farmers.
Meme & Mimi - Identical looking dragons. Want to create their own miniature army of identical looking dragons
Skyshade - Information/Data Security
Yafa - Organizer of Events and Festivals

Notable Characters

Chipotle - Founder and leader. Mellow for a mirror.
Aurae - Founder and leader.
Krakatoa - Doctor. Able to stay still for an unnervingly long time.
Velocity - Financial advisor/Bank manager.
Swiftstrike - Geographist.
Khothy - Map maker.
Ragnarok - Chemist.
Ironcrypt - Architect.
Cryptid - Hunter/Scout. Gym owner.
GordonRamsay (nickname: Chef, Ramsay) - Chef. Restaurant owner.
Tenzo & Berry - Farmers.
Meme & Mimi - Identical looking dragons. Want to create their own miniature army of identical looking dragons
Skyshade - Information/Data Security
Yafa - Organizer of Events and Festivals

  • The current time period allows usage of technology to instant message other dragons.

  • Mirrors are not riddled by their pack instict
  • Veilspuns reach longer sizes - from Spiral to Snapper size.
  • Ancient dragons can wear clothes
  • Banescales have extra fingers on their wing wrists that allows them some dexterity and use them for object manipulation

  • The current time period allows usage of technology to instant message other dragons.

  • Mirrors are not riddled by their pack instict
  • Veilspuns reach longer sizes - from Spiral to Snapper size.
  • Ancient dragons can wear clothes
  • Banescales have extra fingers on their wing wrists that allows them some dexterity and use them for object manipulation