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TOPIC | Let Me Write a Haiku For Your Dragons!
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Hello! I've been meaning to write more poetry, so I'm hoping that this will get the creative juices flowing. Feel free to use them in bios/wherever, though credit is appreciated. One dragon per person (per day) please, and while I will do my best to write for all dragons, please understand that some dragons may be harder for me than others and may take longer. The more info you can give me, the better. The poems are free, though tips are never declined. Thank you.

Please fill out the following form:

Image/Link to Dragon:
Tell me about your dragon:
Is there anything else I should know?

Here's one I've done for my girl Caderyn:

The lady in red
Walks in between the shadows.
Tonight, she smells fear.

And my lovely lady Circe

What moonlit wonder
Hides within her gentle wings
And her serene heart.

No need to ping, I am subbed! (But I don't bite if you do)
Hello! I've been meaning to write more poetry, so I'm hoping that this will get the creative juices flowing. Feel free to use them in bios/wherever, though credit is appreciated. One dragon per person (per day) please, and while I will do my best to write for all dragons, please understand that some dragons may be harder for me than others and may take longer. The more info you can give me, the better. The poems are free, though tips are never declined. Thank you.

Please fill out the following form:

Image/Link to Dragon:
Tell me about your dragon:
Is there anything else I should know?

Here's one I've done for my girl Caderyn:

The lady in red
Walks in between the shadows.
Tonight, she smells fear.

And my lovely lady Circe

What moonlit wonder
Hides within her gentle wings
And her serene heart.

No need to ping, I am subbed! (But I don't bite if you do)
This is a super lovely idea~! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Would you mind writing one for my girl UnRequited? [b]About my dragon:[/b] She styles herself the "Witch of the Western Rapids." Despite being born in the shadow flight, she has an affinity for nature magic, and loves to give out advice in exchange for trinkets that she uses as spell components. She has two sisters, also mages, whom she only sees twice a year. [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] Nope! Surprise me [emoji=coatl laughing]
This is a super lovely idea~!


Would you mind writing one for my girl UnRequited?

About my dragon: She styles herself the "Witch of the Western Rapids." Despite being born in the shadow flight, she has an affinity for nature magic, and loves to give out advice in exchange for trinkets that she uses as spell components. She has two sisters, also mages, whom she only sees twice a year.

Anything else I should know? Nope! Surprise me
HzYC41C.png Lore Aesthetics

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Poetry Commissions
[b]Image/Link to Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Could you do one for Rumu? [b]Tell me about your dragon:[/b] His life basically revolves around magic and the unknown, Mainly due to the shadow emblem (which i tend to put alot of emphasis on for some reason) on his side, despite the fact he was born under the ice flight, which nobody knows why it happend. Hes also got some lore in his bio if your willing to read it. [b]Is there anything else I should know?[/b]: Nope! Ty!
Image/Link to Dragon:


Could you do one for Rumu?

Tell me about your dragon: His life basically revolves around magic and the unknown, Mainly due to the shadow emblem (which i tend to put alot of emphasis on for some reason) on his side, despite the fact he was born under the ice flight, which nobody knows why it happend. Hes also got some lore in his bio if your willing to read it.
Is there anything else I should know?: Nope! Ty!
What a lovely idea! Image/Link to Dragon:[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Tell me about your dragon: He’s a prickly little dragon, on the run from some enemies. Also, he blackmails people. Is there anything else I should know? He has some extra info in his bio if you’d like, but there’s no obligation to read it.
What a lovely idea!

Image/Link to Dragon:

Tell me about your dragon: He’s a prickly little dragon, on the run from some enemies. Also, he blackmails people.

Is there anything else I should know? He has some extra info in his bio if you’d like, but there’s no obligation to read it.
[b]Image/Link to Dragon: [/b][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Tell me about your dragon:[/b] He is an acolyte (one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor duties. So not really ordained, but he helps.) of Horus. “Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.” He lives life to it’s fullest. He doesn’t look back on the past or forward to the future. He lives here and now. He is happy, very excitable, and quite snarky. [i][b]This came with him when I bought him:[/b] Born between the passage of night and day, belonging to neither, but a child of the twilight. A creature to be reckoned with, belonging to both the light and the dark, they have the potential to be a great force for peace, or a great force of destruction.[/i] [b]Is there anything else I should know?[/b] Not at presant
Image/Link to Dragon:

Tell me about your dragon: He is an acolyte (one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor duties. So not really ordained, but he helps.) of Horus. “Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.” He lives life to it’s fullest. He doesn’t look back on the past or forward to the future. He lives here and now. He is happy, very excitable, and quite snarky.

This came with him when I bought him: Born between the passage of night and day, belonging to neither, but a child of the twilight. A creature to be reckoned with, belonging to both the light and the dark, they have the potential to be a great force for peace, or a great force of destruction.

Is there anything else I should know? Not at presant
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Yessss I loke haikus! I'm not really good at writing them, though. Image/Link to Dragon:[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Tell me about your dragon: he is one of the representatives of our clan, especially regarded as the only one who has experienced the changing of the entirety of his body colourations. I headcanon that his body is so pink because he's either scaleless, or he just has very transparent ones. Is there anything else I should know? I just had art made for him! He makes funny faces when he's thinking, but he is really knowledgeable
Yessss I loke haikus! I'm not really good at writing them, though.

Image/Link to Dragon:

Tell me about your dragon: he is one of the representatives of our clan, especially regarded as the only one who has experienced the changing of the entirety of his body colourations. I headcanon that his body is so pink because he's either scaleless, or he just has very transparent ones.

Is there anything else I should know?
I just had art made for him! He makes funny faces when he's thinking, but he is really knowledgeable

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[b]Image/Link to Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Tell me about your dragon: [/b] Uttara was a queen of a tribe, before she was betrayed and kicked out! The actually well-written out version of her story is in her bio. [b]Is there anything else I should know?[/b] Thank ya! And lemme know what a good tip for this would be!
Image/Link to Dragon:


Tell me about your dragon:
Uttara was a queen of a tribe, before she was betrayed and kicked out! The actually well-written out version of her story is in her bio.
Is there anything else I should know?
Thank ya! And lemme know what a good tip for this would be!
please ping me for a response!
@SilverSilver Sorry this took so long! RL decided it was time to kick my butt for a while.

The traveller comes,
Trading wisdom for trinkets
On her journey home

@Oxyzee What a lovely boy! Sorry again about the wait!

He seeks mysteries,
This curious mage of ice
Marked by the shadow

@TheShanar I love the lore you have for him! Thank you for your patience

Once a teacher, now
Collector of your secrets,
Trading them away

More coming later today!
@SilverSilver Sorry this took so long! RL decided it was time to kick my butt for a while.

The traveller comes,
Trading wisdom for trinkets
On her journey home

@Oxyzee What a lovely boy! Sorry again about the wait!

He seeks mysteries,
This curious mage of ice
Marked by the shadow

@TheShanar I love the lore you have for him! Thank you for your patience

Once a teacher, now
Collector of your secrets,
Trading them away

More coming later today!
Thank you so much! It’s lovely. :)
Thank you so much! It’s lovely. :)
@Kaboomafoo Oh I absolutely love your haiku! If you find my Batari inspirational enough I’d love to have one for her! Tho I have written truly nothing about her in her bio lol this here is supposed to be there but I just haven’t had the motivation xD Image/Link to Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Tell me about your dragon[/b]: Batari is the offspring from a diplomatic pairing, and after she and her siblings were born their parents split up, leaving the children with the father. Her mother is an Oracle of the Light and Batari inherited her moms gifts and has a connection to the otherworldly. However her father is a simple warrior, and even if he’s a great one he knows absolutely nothing about magic. Growing up without someone there to guide her wasn’t easy, and her madness slowly grew stronger. Voices whispering to her that nobody can be trusted and that she should become more powerful and claim her rightful place as the clans High Priestess. Using her dark magic disguised as light magic(because of her mother’s Light-connection) she manipulated and scammed herself a way straight to the top of the hierarchy. Batari also manipulated her father into becoming her most fanatic believer and personal guard. [b]Is there anything else I should know?[/b] She’s a smart and cunning dragon, uses her knowledge and powers for her own selfish desires - or to please the demons constantly whispering to her. The closest thing she has to friends. But she wasn't born evil, she was a happy little hatchling just like her siblings. It was the lack of guidance that set her on this dark and lonely path, but now she wouldn’t trade it for anything. She’s truly content with being a creature of the Shadows.
@Kaboomafoo Oh I absolutely love your haiku! If you find my Batari inspirational enough I’d love to have one for her!

Tho I have written truly nothing about her in her bio lol this here is supposed to be there but I just haven’t had the motivation xD

Image/Link to Dragon:

Tell me about your dragon: Batari is the offspring from a diplomatic pairing, and after she and her siblings were born their parents split up, leaving the children with the father. Her mother is an Oracle of the Light and Batari inherited her moms gifts and has a connection to the otherworldly. However her father is a simple warrior, and even if he’s a great one he knows absolutely nothing about magic. Growing up without someone there to guide her wasn’t easy, and her madness slowly grew stronger. Voices whispering to her that nobody can be trusted and that she should become more powerful and claim her rightful place as the clans High Priestess. Using her dark magic disguised as light magic(because of her mother’s Light-connection) she manipulated and scammed herself a way straight to the top of the hierarchy. Batari also manipulated her father into becoming her most fanatic believer and personal guard.
Is there anything else I should know? She’s a smart and cunning dragon, uses her knowledge and powers for her own selfish desires - or to please the demons constantly whispering to her. The closest thing she has to friends.

But she wasn't born evil, she was a happy little hatchling just like her siblings. It was the lack of guidance that set her on this dark and lonely path, but now she wouldn’t trade it for anything. She’s truly content with being a creature of the Shadows.
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