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TOPIC | [LORE] Clan Indrali
[center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]Once a rumbling Lightning lair, now a silent Shadow...[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Welcome to the Foxfire Bramble! If you haven't been here before, please watch your step. This thread will introduce you to the Indrali clan, a tribe full of warring factions. An important term to be familiar with is: [b]Dominus/Domina[/b]. This refers to the leader of the clan. [b]Feel free to post![/b] My posts will be random bits of lore-building, IC stuff, and whatever else I feel like posting at the time. If you like what I'm doing, I'd love to read your posts :D [center] [b]Major Players[/b] [/center] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol] [b]Shakuntala[/b] Current Domina [/columns] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Rakshasi[/b] Clan Founder [/columns] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Ravana[/b] Ex-Dominus [/columns] [/columns] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] Some of my dragons might be part of another lore project or subspecies. Usually that information is included in their bio, but I'd like to feature them here as well! [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns]
Once a rumbling Lightning lair, now a silent Shadow...



Welcome to the Foxfire Bramble! If you haven't been here before, please watch your step. This thread will introduce you to the Indrali clan, a tribe full of warring factions. An important term to be familiar with is: Dominus/Domina. This refers to the leader of the clan.

Feel free to post! My posts will be random bits of lore-building, IC stuff, and whatever else I feel like posting at the time. If you like what I'm doing, I'd love to read your posts :D
Major Players

Current Domina


Clan Founder


Some of my dragons might be part of another lore project or subspecies. Usually that information is included in their bio, but I'd like to feature them here as well!





She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[center] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5]Faction Introductions[/size] ♠ The Main Players[WIP] ♠ [url=]The House of Witches[/url] ♠ [url=]The Nightbringers[/url] [size=5]Notable Locations/Structures[/size] ♣ [url=]The Fallen Streak[/url] ♣ [url=]Trick-of-the-Light Cafe[/url] ♣ [url=]The Night's Gale[/url] [size=5]Character Introductions [Overviews][/size] ♥ [url=]Priscilla: Clan Treasurer[/url] ♥ [url=]Misrakeshi: Clan Vaultkeeper[/url] ♥ [url=]Khasi & Saccarah: The Architect & The Artificer[/url] ♥ [url=][Night's Gale Crew] Siren & Mischief[/url] ♥ [url=][Night's Gale Crew] Hex[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Rokshata[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Nirrti[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Odella[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Viola[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Termina[/url] ♥ [url=][House of Witches] Astarte[/url] ♥ [url=][The Nightbringers] Kyrano[/url] ♥ [url=][The Nightbringers] Belsear[/url] ♥ [url=][The Nightbringers] Jadis[/url] ♥ [url=][The Nightbringers] Kalevi[/url] [size=5]Stories[/size] ♦ [url=]Interview with a Phantom[/url] ♦ [url=]The General/The Speech[/url] ♦ [url=]The Meeting[/url] ♦ [url=]Passion & Lace[/url] [size=5]Lorebuilding Posts[/size] Now a separate thread located: [url=]Here[/url] [size=5]Misc[/size] [/columns]
Faction Introductions
♠ The Main Players[WIP]
The House of Witches
The Nightbringers

Notable Locations/Structures
The Fallen Streak
Trick-of-the-Light Cafe
The Night's Gale

Character Introductions [Overviews]
Priscilla: Clan Treasurer
Misrakeshi: Clan Vaultkeeper
Khasi & Saccarah: The Architect & The Artificer

[Night's Gale Crew] Siren & Mischief
[Night's Gale Crew] Hex

[House of Witches] Rokshata
[House of Witches] Nirrti
[House of Witches] Odella
[House of Witches] Viola
[House of Witches] Termina
[House of Witches] Astarte

[The Nightbringers] Kyrano
[The Nightbringers] Belsear
[The Nightbringers] Jadis
[The Nightbringers] Kalevi

Interview with a Phantom
The General/The Speech
The Meeting
Passion & Lace

Lorebuilding Posts
Now a separate thread located: Here

She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] The map so far...[/center] Clan Indrali territory lies deep within the Foxfire Bramble, previously nothing but a wilderness of shadowy plant-life in every direction, and still today only cleared as much as the current residents need. Along the borders of the territory, the bramble has been magically reinforced, a thick wall of poisonous thorns that one couldn't hope to peek through even in direct sunlight, better yet in the ever-gloom of Shadow lands. The North and South entrances to Indrali lands are clearly marked, with a dirt path cleared of any dangerous underbrush and lanterns that purify the murky air.
The map so far...

Clan Indrali territory lies deep within the Foxfire Bramble, previously nothing but a wilderness of shadowy plant-life in every direction, and still today only cleared as much as the current residents need. Along the borders of the territory, the bramble has been magically reinforced, a thick wall of poisonous thorns that one couldn't hope to peek through even in direct sunlight, better yet in the ever-gloom of Shadow lands.

The North and South entrances to Indrali lands are clearly marked, with a dirt path cleared of any dangerous underbrush and lanterns that purify the murky air.
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[columns] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][size=6]H O U S E O F W I T C H E S[/size][/font][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] In the southwestern portion of Indrali lands lies a cluster of cottages all built up on stilts, with bridges interconnecting them. Two entrances run through the small village, both landmarked by a large wooden arch that reads "House of Witches". Perhaps a misnomer, given how many homes actually make up the location. Not so much a name to the location, as the arches are a warning to those who enter: These lands belong to the House. The House of Witches is a mercenary collection of Guardian dragonesses who practice magic. Some ladies specialize in potions, some simply offer blessing with a touch of their claw. They come together for solidarity, their community founded by their Head Witch [url=]Rokshata[/url], who now spends most of her time as their leader helping their businesses, bringing in customers and spreading the word of their existence. The House has a storefront building in the center of Indrali lands, a long hall-shaped building that sits next to The Fallen Streak. It features aisles upon aisles of potions and magical ingredients, with the walls on the sides covered in advertisements and posters that various witches have put up, promoting their services. Witches from all lands are free to come in to the store and put up their own poster, so long as they can verify their abilities with Rokshata first. [center] [b]The House of Witches[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Head Witch Rokshata[/center] [columns] [color=transparent]___________[/color] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][size=2]Nirrti the Blessed[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][size=2]Taraka of the Depths[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][size=2]Magali the Cold-hearted[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][size=2]Ice Queen Odella[/size][/center] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Astarte[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Termina; Waterwalker[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Undine; Wave-Wielder[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Viola; Dreamweaver[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Dark Moon Tanith[/size][/center] [/columns] [center][b]House of Witches: Solyphe's Branch[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Sun-blessed Solyphe [/center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________________________[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Kolaire[/size][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Alastaire[/size][/center] [/columns] ------------- [right][size=2]Graphics in this post found [url=]here[/url][/size][/right] [img][/img] [center][/center][center][img][/img] [img][/img] [font=cambria][size=5]The Nightbringers[/size] [img][/img] [i]The sun always sets[/i] [/center] Lady Nightbringer and Master Nightkeeper, two obsidian skydancers that blend in perfectly with the shadows save for the elegant gems bonded to their bodies. They are a pair that move in perfect sync, always providing a unified front to any who approach them. They first arrived in the night when Indrali was a small clan living in Lightning lands, startling Rakshasi and Ravana with their sudden presence. Venera, ever the negotiator, knew the beginnings of a strong clan when she saw one. She made a simple offer. During the day, Rakshasi and Ravana would rule, but when night came and they needed their rest, Venera would step in to handle things. Already in the middle of fighting Krishna for control of the clan, Ravana was wary of Venera, but Rakshasi saw the advantage of Venera's offer. They needed help against Krishna, not more enemies, and if they turned Venera down she may very well visit their foe next. So a pact was made. Rakshasi and Ravana would rule by day, and Venera and her consort Rajnish would take over the running of the clan at night. Thus The Nightbringers were born. ------------------- The Nightbringers are currently still led by Venera, who respectfully goes by Lady Nightbringer. Her lover is Rajnish, who always stands by her side and supports any decision she makes, earning him the title Master Nightkeeper. Since Indrali's move to Shadow lands, they have taken up residence in the northeastern portion of clan territory, far out of sight from the glow of the ever-bustling Town. They rest inside a towering castle known as the Citadel. [i]From the darkness black granite spires formed in the gloom, their small gold-glass windows giving off scant light. A black-shrouded shape moved, flying from one tower to another before disappearing. The structure could not be considered welcoming, yet there was something oddly-alluring. A shadowy invitation to venture nearer and explore inside.[/i] Lady Nightbringer has turned her attentions away from clan domination. Where she once craved the leadership Ravana had, since Shakuntala's takeover her goals have shifted. Indrali needed imports and steady trade to thrive in its new home, and Venera was the one who provided, steadily luring rich merchants out to her dark castle and plying them with gifts and promises. Now she's settled comfortably into place, a very rich Skydancer with her loyal followers, and every time a merchant travels into Town it's Lady Nightbringer who the clan thanks for the business. ---------- [center][b]Lady Nightbringer & Master Nightkeeper[/b][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________________________[/color] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [center][b]The Nightbringers[/b][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]___________[/color] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [right]Resources in this post found [url=]HERE[/url][/right]
AG9CYgV.png tumblr_otoz8r9aVl1v8lm95o4_r1_100.gif
tumblr_otoz8r9aVl1v8lm95o3_r1_100.gif AG9CYgV.png

In the southwestern portion of Indrali lands lies a cluster of cottages all built up on stilts, with bridges interconnecting them. Two entrances run through the small village, both landmarked by a large wooden arch that reads "House of Witches". Perhaps a misnomer, given how many homes actually make up the location. Not so much a name to the location, as the arches are a warning to those who enter: These lands belong to the House.

The House of Witches is a mercenary collection of Guardian dragonesses who practice magic. Some ladies specialize in potions, some simply offer blessing with a touch of their claw. They come together for solidarity, their community founded by their Head Witch Rokshata, who now spends most of her time as their leader helping their businesses, bringing in customers and spreading the word of their existence.

The House has a storefront building in the center of Indrali lands, a long hall-shaped building that sits next to The Fallen Streak. It features aisles upon aisles of potions and magical ingredients, with the walls on the sides covered in advertisements and posters that various witches have put up, promoting their services. Witches from all lands are free to come in to the store and put up their own poster, so long as they can verify their abilities with Rokshata first.
The House of Witches


Head Witch Rokshata
Nirrti the Blessed

Taraka of the Depths

Magali the Cold-hearted

Ice Queen Odella
Termina; Waterwalker
Undine; Wave-Wielder
Viola; Dreamweaver
Dark Moon Tanith

House of Witches: Solyphe's Branch
Sun-blessed Solyphe
_________________________ 49839460.png

Graphics in this post found here


The sun always sets

Lady Nightbringer and Master Nightkeeper, two obsidian skydancers that blend in perfectly with the shadows save for the elegant gems bonded to their bodies. They are a pair that move in perfect sync, always providing a unified front to any who approach them.

They first arrived in the night when Indrali was a small clan living in Lightning lands, startling Rakshasi and Ravana with their sudden presence. Venera, ever the negotiator, knew the beginnings of a strong clan when she saw one. She made a simple offer. During the day, Rakshasi and Ravana would rule, but when night came and they needed their rest, Venera would step in to handle things.

Already in the middle of fighting Krishna for control of the clan, Ravana was wary of Venera, but Rakshasi saw the advantage of Venera's offer. They needed help against Krishna, not more enemies, and if they turned Venera down she may very well visit their foe next. So a pact was made. Rakshasi and Ravana would rule by day, and Venera and her consort Rajnish would take over the running of the clan at night. Thus The Nightbringers were born.

The Nightbringers are currently still led by Venera, who respectfully goes by Lady Nightbringer. Her lover is Rajnish, who always stands by her side and supports any decision she makes, earning him the title Master Nightkeeper.

Since Indrali's move to Shadow lands, they have taken up residence in the northeastern portion of clan territory, far out of sight from the glow of the ever-bustling Town. They rest inside a towering castle known as the Citadel.

From the darkness black granite spires formed in the gloom, their small gold-glass windows giving off scant light. A black-shrouded shape moved, flying from one tower to another before disappearing. The structure could not be considered welcoming, yet there was something oddly-alluring. A shadowy invitation to venture nearer and explore inside.

Lady Nightbringer has turned her attentions away from clan domination. Where she once craved the leadership Ravana had, since Shakuntala's takeover her goals have shifted. Indrali needed imports and steady trade to thrive in its new home, and Venera was the one who provided, steadily luring rich merchants out to her dark castle and plying them with gifts and promises. Now she's settled comfortably into place, a very rich Skydancer with her loyal followers, and every time a merchant travels into Town it's Lady Nightbringer who the clan thanks for the business.

Lady Nightbringer & Master Nightkeeper

The Nightbringers



Resources in this post found HERE
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=cambria][size=7]The Fallen Streak[/size] --------------- [font=Calibri]Sabine's Tavern[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [img][/img] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Odella[/b] Nighttime Bartender[/columns] The Fallen Streak lies in the middle of clan lands, a bustling hub of activity operating like an informal town hall. To the left of the doorway are large wooden boards, filled with posters on recent and upcoming events within the clan. Sabine is the owner and main daytime barkeep. Her most frequent customers are Wild & Daire, who always stop by for a fresh pint after a risky adventure. People have found they can be as loud as they please, but once they break something in the tavern, they deal directly with Sabine, and there aren't many dragons who are keen on taking on the ridgeback. At any other time, Sabine is like a mother figure to many in the clan. She's quick to offer help and advice. During the night, Odella takes over tending the bar. An ice witch with almost no sense of humor, but a very tolerant girl. Though wary of a witch-barmaid at first, frequent customers have since warmed up to Odella, as she rarely gets mad over anything. [center][b]Drink Menu:[/b] Sabine's Specialty [Ale] [url=]Aruna's Brew[/url] [Ale] [url=]Hearty Gale[/url] [Ale] [url=]Moonlight[/url] [Wine] Odella's Dare [Cocktail] [url=]Rambha's Rumble[/url] [Cocktail] [url=]Dominatala[/url] [Cocktail] [url=]Sushila's Spirits[/url] [Cocktail] [url=]Hakon's Price[/url][Cocktail] [url=]Gold on the [i]Roks[/i][/url] [Cocktail] [url=]Souren [/url][Cocktail] [url=]Daire[/url] & [url=]Wild's[/url] Triple Knockout [three shots] [url=]Tantala-ize[/url] [shot] [/center] [img][/img] --------- [center][size=2][color=#292929][i]Bio template by Mibella, find it [url=]here[/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center]
TtHKAJJ.png IiLimgO.png

The Fallen Streak

Sabine's Tavern

34263389p.png Odella
Nighttime Bartender

The Fallen Streak lies in the middle of clan lands, a bustling hub of activity operating like an informal town hall. To the left of the doorway are large wooden boards, filled with posters on recent and upcoming events within the clan.

Sabine is the owner and main daytime barkeep. Her most frequent customers are Wild & Daire, who always stop by for a fresh pint after a risky adventure. People have found they can be as loud as they please, but once they break something in the tavern, they deal directly with Sabine, and there aren't many dragons who are keen on taking on the ridgeback. At any other time, Sabine is like a mother figure to many in the clan. She's quick to offer help and advice.

During the night, Odella takes over tending the bar. An ice witch with almost no sense of humor, but a very tolerant girl. Though wary of a witch-barmaid at first, frequent customers have since warmed up to Odella, as she rarely gets mad over anything.
Drink Menu:
Sabine's Specialty [Ale]
Aruna's Brew [Ale]
Hearty Gale [Ale]
Moonlight [Wine]
Odella's Dare [Cocktail]
Rambha's Rumble [Cocktail]
Dominatala [Cocktail]
Sushila's Spirits [Cocktail]
Hakon's Price[Cocktail]
Gold on the Roks [Cocktail]
Souren [Cocktail]
Daire & Wild's Triple Knockout [three shots]
Tantala-ize [shot]

Bio template by Mibella, find it here.
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6] Altwidus Temple [/size][/center] [font=cambria][size=6] Trick-of-the-Light Cafe [/size] ------------- [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] ------------ [center][img][/img][/center] ------------ [center][img][/img][/center][columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [font=cambria][size=5]O[/size][size=3]n the southeastern border of Town, where the crowd of buildings clustered closely together ends and the green, magic-lit fields of Ravana's territory begins lies a teahouse and a temple, carefully combined into one. A large structure, crafted from wood and clay, that seems more ancient than it appears and holds a kind of quiet reverence. This is the home of Aruna and Altwidus. [size=5]E[/size]very so often, Altwidus can be seen outside of the temple. Either carefully reposed on the roof, somehow leaving the clay roof-tiles intact, or wandering off into the wild bramble that seems to caress his brown, metallic scales rather than cut. Most of the building is dedicated to his temple, large enough to comfortably accommodate his size. Since mating with Aruna, the forest god has made his home in Indrali lands, willing to treat the shadowy thorns that dominate the area with all of the same consideration he would give any other forest. The large main entrance leads to a prayer room, where those who worship him can come and give thanks. [size=5]T[/size][size=3]he Trick-of-the-Light cafe that occupies a the left side of the building can usually be heard before it's seen. The mood in the teahouse is ever-boisterous, especially when Tasi and Nasrin are in residence. Customers come and go from the cafe at all hours of the day, always in high spirits after a visit to Aruna's establishment, though the nocturne herself is hardly ever there. Even after matehood, Aruna continues to travel Sornieth on the hunt for teas and spices through most of the year. Altwidus encourages her to do so, happy to guard the teahouse-temple while she's away. [size=5]T[/size][size=3]he interior for both areas, temple and tea-house alike, consists of wood. Warm browns, with the occasional splash of color on painted, polished pillars go through the temple while the teahouse is decorated in blue. Azure silks that hang from the ceiling, and pale blue cushions spread across the floor. Though the Omens have been happy to insert themselves everywhere else throughout Indrali territory, they keep noticeably absent from temple grounds. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/size][/font] [color=transparent]________________________________________[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] ------------ [center][img][/img][/center] ------------ [center][size=2][color=#0f2c5c][i]Bio template by Mibella, find it [url=]here[/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center]
Altwidus Temple
Trick-of-the-Light Cafe




6YaURzD.png On the southeastern border of Town, where the crowd of buildings clustered closely together ends and the green, magic-lit fields of Ravana's territory begins lies a teahouse and a temple, carefully combined into one. A large structure, crafted from wood and clay, that seems more ancient than it appears and holds a kind of quiet reverence. This is the home of Aruna and Altwidus.

Every so often, Altwidus can be seen outside of the temple. Either carefully reposed on the roof, somehow leaving the clay roof-tiles intact, or wandering off into the wild bramble that seems to caress his brown, metallic scales rather than cut. Most of the building is dedicated to his temple, large enough to comfortably accommodate his size. Since mating with Aruna, the forest god has made his home in Indrali lands, willing to treat the shadowy thorns that dominate the area with all of the same consideration he would give any other forest. The large main entrance leads to a prayer room, where those who worship him can come and give thanks.

The Trick-of-the-Light cafe that occupies a the left side of the building can usually be heard before it's seen. The mood in the teahouse is ever-boisterous, especially when Tasi and Nasrin are in residence. Customers come and go from the cafe at all hours of the day, always in high spirits after a visit to Aruna's establishment, though the nocturne herself is hardly ever there. Even after matehood, Aruna continues to travel Sornieth on the hunt for teas and spices through most of the year. Altwidus encourages her to do so, happy to guard the teahouse-temple while she's away.

The interior for both areas, temple and tea-house alike, consists of wood. Warm browns, with the occasional splash of color on painted, polished pillars go through the temple while the teahouse is decorated in blue. Azure silks that hang from the ceiling, and pale blue cushions spread across the floor.

Though the Omens have been happy to insert themselves everywhere else throughout Indrali territory, they keep noticeably absent from temple grounds.





Bio template by Mibella, find it here.
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Ship type:[/b] Frigate. Three masts, square-rigged. Forecastle & Quarterdeck. [b]Natural Top Speed:[/b] 15 knots [b]Enchanted Top Speed:[/b] 21 knots [b]Outer hull material:[/b] [item=Redwood Log] [b]Hull frame material:[/b] [item=Pine logs] [b]Deck material:[/b] [item=Sanded pine plank] [b]Sails:[/b] [item=Snakeskin Cloth] [b]Description:[/b] Originally painted black to blend in with the night, since it's creation the Night's Gale has gained powers only magic can provide. With the help of Mischief's lover, the powerful witch Rokshata, the frigate is now enchanted with several powerful abilities. Firstly, as a crew that thrives in the Shadows, the Night's Gale is enchanted with 'daytime camouflage'. A magic coating of paint that makes it practically invisible in the daytime by letting the surface of the ship reflect its surroundings. Other nearby ships won't realize they aren't alone until its much too late for them. The magic gets its powers from the sun, so the effect is weakened during the night, but Siren doesn't seem to mind, as its the time when she and her crew like to hunt. The most powerful ability of the Night's Gale, with magic weaved into the wood-grain of the keel of the ship, is the ability to travel up waterfalls. A very specific ability, but also the only thing stopping Siren and her crew from plundering the seas that surround all of Sornieth. After years of being stuck in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, the Night's Gale can now take the gigantic waterfall in the Sunbeam Ruins to journey out to larger oceans.

Ship type: Frigate. Three masts, square-rigged. Forecastle & Quarterdeck.
Natural Top Speed: 15 knots
Enchanted Top Speed: 21 knots
Outer hull material: Redwood Log
Hull frame material: Pine Logs
Deck material: Sanded Pine Plank
Sails: Snakeskin Cloth
Description: Originally painted black to blend in with the night, since it's creation the Night's Gale has gained powers only magic can provide. With the help of Mischief's lover, the powerful witch Rokshata, the frigate is now enchanted with several powerful abilities.

Firstly, as a crew that thrives in the Shadows, the Night's Gale is enchanted with 'daytime camouflage'. A magic coating of paint that makes it practically invisible in the daytime by letting the surface of the ship reflect its surroundings. Other nearby ships won't realize they aren't alone until its much too late for them. The magic gets its powers from the sun, so the effect is weakened during the night, but Siren doesn't seem to mind, as its the time when she and her crew like to hunt.

The most powerful ability of the Night's Gale, with magic weaved into the wood-grain of the keel of the ship, is the ability to travel up waterfalls. A very specific ability, but also the only thing stopping Siren and her crew from plundering the seas that surround all of Sornieth. After years of being stuck in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, the Night's Gale can now take the gigantic waterfall in the Sunbeam Ruins to journey out to larger oceans.

She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
[center][img][/img] [i]Something's waking up. Or is it...several somethings?[/i][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] The Omens are beings of nearly-pure magic who take on an Aspect of Influence they use to affect the world around them with their presence. They can be created and destroyed, but are immortal otherwise. The loss of one often means an imbalance, as an 'opposite' Aspect remains in the realm. Some Omens are constantly roaming the land and taking part in the affairs of Sornieth, others hibernate and sleep for long periods until something calls to them and wakes them. [center][img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] The birth of The Herald is a sign of war, though neither the time nor cause of the war can be predicted by any means physical or magical. The Herald acts as a mystical pull, calling to all of the Omens. ----------------- [font=Calibri][size=4] History related to The Omens and The Herald is scant. Ancient historians have written about beasts who, for all intents and purposes, look and act like any other dragon, except that their presence 'causes things to happen'. Older Omens, like Psyche, have been recorded through several different decades. There is a single leather-bound journal that claims a past war between the Omens ended with The Herald becoming an Omen themselves. The ramblings before and after this section of the journal indicate the dragon who wrote it was not of very sound mind, and cannot be relied upon. [/size][/font]
Something's waking up. Or is it...several somethings?


The Omens are beings of nearly-pure magic who take on an Aspect of Influence they use to affect the world around them with their presence. They can be created and destroyed, but are immortal otherwise. The loss of one often means an imbalance, as an 'opposite' Aspect remains in the realm. Some Omens are constantly roaming the land and taking part in the affairs of Sornieth, others hibernate and sleep for long periods until something calls to them and wakes them.

The birth of The Herald is a sign of war, though neither the time nor cause of the war can be predicted by any means physical or magical. The Herald acts as a mystical pull, calling to all of the Omens.

History related to The Omens and The Herald is scant. Ancient historians have written about beasts who, for all intents and purposes, look and act like any other dragon, except that their presence 'causes things to happen'. Older Omens, like Psyche, have been recorded through several different decades.

There is a single leather-bound journal that claims a past war between the Omens ended with The Herald becoming an Omen themselves. The ramblings before and after this section of the journal indicate the dragon who wrote it was not of very sound mind, and cannot be relied upon.

She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Chapter One: Rakshasi

Indrali started with a lightning strike. A flash from the sky that hit an abandoned egg and gave it the charge necessary to hatch. Rakshasi was born alone. With weak hatchling legs that struggled in the deep Lightning sands, Rakshasi's natural instincts drove her towards survival. She ate everything in sight, and then got sick when she consumed something she shouldn't have. Lesson learned, and the cycle started again. Easy-to-catch insects, plentifully-growing desert shrubs.

Eventually a nomadic clan found Rakshasi in the wilds of the Highland Scrub. Feeling sorry for a lone young dragon, they temporarily took her in, teaching her to hunt and fish. Rakshasi learned her first words, greetings and calls. Amongst giant Imperials and tiny Fae, she began to grasp the idea of her place in the world. Though the nomads were kind and giving, they were not her people or her home. She left them and returned to the Scrub on her own.

Since her time with the nomads Rakshasi has never, not even once, doubted her place. Though she had no idea of her purpose or direction in life, Rakshasi has always been confident that she would find it. It would come to her, or she would see the opportunity to make it.

Her destiny came in the form of a handsome Skydancer named Ravana. Their love was quiet and easy, nothing like the storms they each grew up in. Ravana was both a mate and a teacher; Educated in his youth, he kindly filled in the gaps in Rakshasi's learning, never making fun of the consequences that came from the hard, solitary lifestyle Rakshasi had survived.

As they grew comfortable with one another Rakshasi, for the first time, understood the joy of companionship. No matter the location, she understood that she belonged with Ravana. Months passed of the two traveling all across the Shifting Expanse together, before Ravana finally expressed a desire to settle down. Rakshasi took the opportunity to expand her social circle. She remembered the clan of nomads, who operated as one giant family, and wanted something like that for herself.

Clan Indrali was formed.

The first addition to their family was an intimidating Imperial who went by Kubera. Then a smooth-talking Skydancer named Krishna, and his mate Apsara. Together they carved out a piece of Lightning lands for themselves. The prospect of a newly-formed clan was an attractive one to many wanderers, eager to make a place for themselves in a fresh clan that had no heavily-established hierarchy. Rokshata, a visiting Witch who liked Rakshasi and Ravana, saw a chance to finally form her own House.
, a maternal Ridgeback, decided she was going to help the clan whether Rakshasi liked it or not. And soon Rakshasi had the extended family she'd envisioned, with all the troubles that came along with it.

Gradually, her destiny turned inward, to soul-searching. Rakshasi had trouble envisioning her Charge. Thus, she began her Search. Many of her ideals aligned with her general, Kubera, who glorified the act of serving their god. Before long, she decided to take the path of exaltation, ready to serve Stormcatcher, believing her charge was nothing more than serving a higher purpose.
Chapter Two: Ravana
Chapter Three: Shakuntala
Chapter One: Rakshasi

Indrali started with a lightning strike. A flash from the sky that hit an abandoned egg and gave it the charge necessary to hatch. Rakshasi was born alone. With weak hatchling legs that struggled in the deep Lightning sands, Rakshasi's natural instincts drove her towards survival. She ate everything in sight, and then got sick when she consumed something she shouldn't have. Lesson learned, and the cycle started again. Easy-to-catch insects, plentifully-growing desert shrubs.

Eventually a nomadic clan found Rakshasi in the wilds of the Highland Scrub. Feeling sorry for a lone young dragon, they temporarily took her in, teaching her to hunt and fish. Rakshasi learned her first words, greetings and calls. Amongst giant Imperials and tiny Fae, she began to grasp the idea of her place in the world. Though the nomads were kind and giving, they were not her people or her home. She left them and returned to the Scrub on her own.

Since her time with the nomads Rakshasi has never, not even once, doubted her place. Though she had no idea of her purpose or direction in life, Rakshasi has always been confident that she would find it. It would come to her, or she would see the opportunity to make it.

Her destiny came in the form of a handsome Skydancer named Ravana. Their love was quiet and easy, nothing like the storms they each grew up in. Ravana was both a mate and a teacher; Educated in his youth, he kindly filled in the gaps in Rakshasi's learning, never making fun of the consequences that came from the hard, solitary lifestyle Rakshasi had survived.

As they grew comfortable with one another Rakshasi, for the first time, understood the joy of companionship. No matter the location, she understood that she belonged with Ravana. Months passed of the two traveling all across the Shifting Expanse together, before Ravana finally expressed a desire to settle down. Rakshasi took the opportunity to expand her social circle. She remembered the clan of nomads, who operated as one giant family, and wanted something like that for herself.

Clan Indrali was formed.

The first addition to their family was an intimidating Imperial who went by Kubera. Then a smooth-talking Skydancer named Krishna, and his mate Apsara. Together they carved out a piece of Lightning lands for themselves. The prospect of a newly-formed clan was an attractive one to many wanderers, eager to make a place for themselves in a fresh clan that had no heavily-established hierarchy. Rokshata, a visiting Witch who liked Rakshasi and Ravana, saw a chance to finally form her own House.
, a maternal Ridgeback, decided she was going to help the clan whether Rakshasi liked it or not. And soon Rakshasi had the extended family she'd envisioned, with all the troubles that came along with it.

Gradually, her destiny turned inward, to soul-searching. Rakshasi had trouble envisioning her Charge. Thus, she began her Search. Many of her ideals aligned with her general, Kubera, who glorified the act of serving their god. Before long, she decided to take the path of exaltation, ready to serve Stormcatcher, believing her charge was nothing more than serving a higher purpose.
Chapter Two: Ravana
Chapter Three: Shakuntala
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
From Shian's Lorebuilding 101

1. Make a list of jobs you need off the top of your head based on what lair structures you came up with in chapter 1 and what jobs you might want your dragons to have..

[Neutral jobs - though they may not belong to a neutral faction dragon]
Tailor: Caspian, Nadini
Dyer: Tashara
Architect: Khasi
Builder: Saccarah
Blacksmith: Noirin
Pub Owner: Sabine
Bartender(s): Odella
Teahouse Owner: Aruna
Waitress: Sushila
Bard: Tasi
Fortune-Teller: Nasrin
Beastmaster: Charlotte
Vintner: Rajnish
Cartographer: Baladeva
Astrologist: Astrophel
Clan Treasurer: Priscilla
Clan-wide Hoard Guard: Misrakeshi
Black Market Liaison: Portia

[Shakuntala's faction]
Warriors: Tantala, Brana, Hyat, Luceiv, Kubra, Fion
Hoard guard: Brana
Witch: Charlotte
Spy: Eirene

[Ravana's faction]
General: Kubera
Warriors: [all]
Spy: Soren
Hunters: Jairus
Farmer: Cyrus
Fisher: Anisa
Builder: Jurian
Cook: Kelda
Armorsmith: Eliodor

[Venera's faction]
Warriors: Deirdre, Ambrose, Valerian, Zopyros, Neirin
Spy: Jadis
Hoard guard: Deirdre
Librarian: Belsear
Greeter: Kinnara
Jeweler: Kyrano
Chef: Godiva
Blacksmiths: Kyrano, Kalevi

[Night's Gale Pirates]
Captain: Siren
First Mate: Mischief
Crew: Rowdy, Riot, Hex, Charm, Deep

1. Where do you live on your flight's map?

The foxfire bramble, surrounded by thorns.

2. What does it look like before you enter? What is the grand facade that you show to the world that this, THIS is your home!

There is no grand facade. Rather, there's nothing, except maybe an eerie silence and the vague sense you're intruding upon claimed grounds. The lands of the clan are surrounded by tall, thick walls of bramble that have been carefully cultivated to keep out all land-bound animals.

There are only two breaks in the bramble wall that serve as 'entrances'. One in the southwest, marked with a wooden arch that reads "House of Witches". A dirt path travels straight through the witch village to the center of clan lands, but is dimly lit no matter the time of day.

The formal-most entrance is due north, a lantern-lit path that winds straight south into the heart of Indrali. The fact that you won't get torn to shreds by the thorns that surround the rest of the land is the only sign of welcome.

3. Now let’s work on the inside. What facilities will you need to service your clan? Try drawing a map!

Ideas include:
Sleeping areas
Storage for: Food, Hoardstuff (what do you hoard?), Metals,
A place to relax or entertain
Beastmaster area for keeping familiars
Research: Library, Magic, Schooling (basic knowledge, flight school, magic training etc),
Production: Forge, Winery, Kitchen, Farms, Potions or Brewing, Textiles, Jewelry, Spot to assemble hunters and gatherers
Other: Trading Post, Shop, Doctor/Pharmacy, Pantry, Hoard, Cellar, Prison, Barracks for guards and/or patrols, Gardens or other types of decoration.


4. Since you have that map out, do you stick to FR’s official dragon sizes? If so, make sure you have passageways for your largest dragons. Do your smaller dragons keep their own mini-colony somewhere?

Community buildings are built large enough to fit even someone of Aurelius' size. Personal homes range from colossal structures to beehive-sized abodes. Most members of the clan house next to their faction allies, rather than by breed.

5. It’s a good time to think about technology.
How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they live in "traditional" caves or a grand palace built by the best craftsmen with all the modern comforts of a home? Do they use tools to help them hunt or is it all claws and teeth? What about armor? Is it used for hunting or strictly for battle?
What about comforts? Do you use electricity or torches? Is there air conditioning or heaters? What do the beds look like? If you use blankets, who makes them? What does your hatchery or nursery look like? Is your clan literate?

Indrali is fueled by magic- it's what makes the House of Witches so popular. Dragons from all over Sornieth flow in and out of the House lands, despite it's gloomy, thorn-riddled homeland. Indrali leaders, the ex-Dominus Ravana and now the current Domina Shakuntala often commission the House for community projects.

Even when their home was Lightning lands, Indrali has always tended more towards magicks to power their structures. Electric golems rewired to run on runes, and lightbulbs replaced by ever-burning, enchanted candles.

How homes are built, and their amenities within, are largely left up to the owner. The witch village consists of many stilted, wooden structures: Willow and teak, because the witches believe they are the most magically-capable woods. Many witches have gardens in the front or back of their homes, and each stilt-house is usually multi-storied. For a lack of a basement, the witches commonly use their first floor for storage of magical items and a workshop of sorts.

The Nightbringers roost in the northeastern section of Indrali lands, in tall, ornate black-granite buildings reminiscent of a large, sprawling cathedral. With multiple stories reaching far into the sky, the buildings are interconnected by arched stone walkways. Stained glass doors lead in and out of the buildings. Perhaps because of their dark mistress, these spires give off a decadent but sinister feeling.

Shakuntala, and Ravana and Rakshasi, all make their home near the center of Indrali lands, the town area that is the hub of activity within the clan. Shakuntala has a gilded mansion to herself in the northwest sector of town. Ravana's gated-off land is slightly farther out, to the southeast of town. Another mini-community, as the grounds also house General Kubera and his loyal followers. Training grounds take up a large swath of southeastern land.
From Shian's Lorebuilding 101

1. Make a list of jobs you need off the top of your head based on what lair structures you came up with in chapter 1 and what jobs you might want your dragons to have..

[Neutral jobs - though they may not belong to a neutral faction dragon]
Tailor: Caspian, Nadini
Dyer: Tashara
Architect: Khasi
Builder: Saccarah
Blacksmith: Noirin
Pub Owner: Sabine
Bartender(s): Odella
Teahouse Owner: Aruna
Waitress: Sushila
Bard: Tasi
Fortune-Teller: Nasrin
Beastmaster: Charlotte
Vintner: Rajnish
Cartographer: Baladeva
Astrologist: Astrophel
Clan Treasurer: Priscilla
Clan-wide Hoard Guard: Misrakeshi
Black Market Liaison: Portia

[Shakuntala's faction]
Warriors: Tantala, Brana, Hyat, Luceiv, Kubra, Fion
Hoard guard: Brana
Witch: Charlotte
Spy: Eirene

[Ravana's faction]
General: Kubera
Warriors: [all]
Spy: Soren
Hunters: Jairus
Farmer: Cyrus
Fisher: Anisa
Builder: Jurian
Cook: Kelda
Armorsmith: Eliodor

[Venera's faction]
Warriors: Deirdre, Ambrose, Valerian, Zopyros, Neirin
Spy: Jadis
Hoard guard: Deirdre
Librarian: Belsear
Greeter: Kinnara
Jeweler: Kyrano
Chef: Godiva
Blacksmiths: Kyrano, Kalevi

[Night's Gale Pirates]
Captain: Siren
First Mate: Mischief
Crew: Rowdy, Riot, Hex, Charm, Deep

1. Where do you live on your flight's map?

The foxfire bramble, surrounded by thorns.

2. What does it look like before you enter? What is the grand facade that you show to the world that this, THIS is your home!

There is no grand facade. Rather, there's nothing, except maybe an eerie silence and the vague sense you're intruding upon claimed grounds. The lands of the clan are surrounded by tall, thick walls of bramble that have been carefully cultivated to keep out all land-bound animals.

There are only two breaks in the bramble wall that serve as 'entrances'. One in the southwest, marked with a wooden arch that reads "House of Witches". A dirt path travels straight through the witch village to the center of clan lands, but is dimly lit no matter the time of day.

The formal-most entrance is due north, a lantern-lit path that winds straight south into the heart of Indrali. The fact that you won't get torn to shreds by the thorns that surround the rest of the land is the only sign of welcome.

3. Now let’s work on the inside. What facilities will you need to service your clan? Try drawing a map!

Ideas include:
Sleeping areas
Storage for: Food, Hoardstuff (what do you hoard?), Metals,
A place to relax or entertain
Beastmaster area for keeping familiars
Research: Library, Magic, Schooling (basic knowledge, flight school, magic training etc),
Production: Forge, Winery, Kitchen, Farms, Potions or Brewing, Textiles, Jewelry, Spot to assemble hunters and gatherers
Other: Trading Post, Shop, Doctor/Pharmacy, Pantry, Hoard, Cellar, Prison, Barracks for guards and/or patrols, Gardens or other types of decoration.


4. Since you have that map out, do you stick to FR’s official dragon sizes? If so, make sure you have passageways for your largest dragons. Do your smaller dragons keep their own mini-colony somewhere?

Community buildings are built large enough to fit even someone of Aurelius' size. Personal homes range from colossal structures to beehive-sized abodes. Most members of the clan house next to their faction allies, rather than by breed.

5. It’s a good time to think about technology.
How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they live in "traditional" caves or a grand palace built by the best craftsmen with all the modern comforts of a home? Do they use tools to help them hunt or is it all claws and teeth? What about armor? Is it used for hunting or strictly for battle?
What about comforts? Do you use electricity or torches? Is there air conditioning or heaters? What do the beds look like? If you use blankets, who makes them? What does your hatchery or nursery look like? Is your clan literate?

Indrali is fueled by magic- it's what makes the House of Witches so popular. Dragons from all over Sornieth flow in and out of the House lands, despite it's gloomy, thorn-riddled homeland. Indrali leaders, the ex-Dominus Ravana and now the current Domina Shakuntala often commission the House for community projects.

Even when their home was Lightning lands, Indrali has always tended more towards magicks to power their structures. Electric golems rewired to run on runes, and lightbulbs replaced by ever-burning, enchanted candles.

How homes are built, and their amenities within, are largely left up to the owner. The witch village consists of many stilted, wooden structures: Willow and teak, because the witches believe they are the most magically-capable woods. Many witches have gardens in the front or back of their homes, and each stilt-house is usually multi-storied. For a lack of a basement, the witches commonly use their first floor for storage of magical items and a workshop of sorts.

The Nightbringers roost in the northeastern section of Indrali lands, in tall, ornate black-granite buildings reminiscent of a large, sprawling cathedral. With multiple stories reaching far into the sky, the buildings are interconnected by arched stone walkways. Stained glass doors lead in and out of the buildings. Perhaps because of their dark mistress, these spires give off a decadent but sinister feeling.

Shakuntala, and Ravana and Rakshasi, all make their home near the center of Indrali lands, the town area that is the hub of activity within the clan. Shakuntala has a gilded mansion to herself in the northwest sector of town. Ravana's gated-off land is slightly farther out, to the southeast of town. Another mini-community, as the grounds also house General Kubera and his loyal followers. Training grounds take up a large swath of southeastern land.
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore