More and more dragons have been landing on the Labyrinth's shores... But where is the clan that would normally give them a home?
This Pinkerlocke is running concurrently with my other Pinkerlocke, The Pack.
More and more dragons have been landing on the Labyrinth's shores... But where is the clan that would normally give them a home?
This Pinkerlocke is running concurrently with my other Pinkerlocke, The Pack.
Lore note: This Pinkerlocke sticks to canon as much as possible. However, in this story, Gaolers and at least one other ancient breed are assumed to come not from the beginning of the Fourth Age, but instead from the First Age. This change is for a number of reasons, partly because it just makes more sense to me.
-This Pinkerlocke will mostly follow the rules here. I'll be doing Coli stuff on easy mode, except for death streaks of course.
-Any reader can call "dibs" on one of my dragons. If that dragon "dies" (or leaves), instead of being exalted, the dragon will be sent to that person.
-If a dragon does not have "dibs" on it and dies, I will wait three writing-days or two weeks or until the next major dom battle or until I forget for a while and then remember again before exalting, to allow for last minute decisions.
-This Pinkerlocke is more writing-centric than fighting-centric; some deaths and death streaks will be skipped if I feel like it. Will I tell you when I do that? Maybe. But probably not.
-At least one dragon fighting in the Coli during each food pull will be determined by RNG.
-A skin or accent can count for an apparel pull instead of a gene or vial. Unlike genes, though, skins don't HAVE to only be applied by apparel pulls.
Kyrinasha, KCSquib, Caelyn, Tadi, AnnaStar353, Silverhame, Ximena, MoonlitMage, Deathwolf555, Nekasrof, Muddledsketches, luckgandor, Violetah, Ezmara, xxWolfii, tigressrising
If you want to be on the list just ask. Or if you only want certain updates, like whenever I get new dragons or something.
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