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TOPIC | stuck on victory screen
i think it's every venue because it's happening to me in the woodlands
i think it's every venue because it's happening to me in the woodlands
This is happening to me every battle. I can't get past the victory screen in the mire. Chrome, PC, firefox is doing the same thing.
This is happening to me every battle. I can't get past the victory screen in the mire. Chrome, PC, firefox is doing the same thing.
This is happening to me and I've been trying in Kelp Beds, Mire, and Harpys Roost
This is happening to me and I've been trying in Kelp Beds, Mire, and Harpys Roost
Same here...I use FireFox and can't get more than 2-3 battle in the mire before the victory screen gets stuck and I have to start over.
Same here...I use FireFox and can't get more than 2-3 battle in the mire before the victory screen gets stuck and I have to start over.
Just wanted to add my same here. Get stuck every couple of battles in the Mire (haven't tried others) and it simply won't go anywhere.
Just wanted to add my same here. Get stuck every couple of battles in the Mire (haven't tried others) and it simply won't go anywhere.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
I was just about to report that I'm having the same issue. I'm actually a bit relieved that it's NOT just me experiencing this, since the Coli only works without crashing on my old laptop, so at first I was afraid that now I didn't have ANY machine that worked with the Coli for an extended length of time. I can fight for about 1-2 rounds of enemies, maybe 3 if I'm lucky, and then it won't let me click either the "Fight On!" or "Main Menu" buttons. Since I'm trying to help a friend train his dragons to higher levels and refreshing breaks the Victory Chain, this is quite troublesome.
I tried different venues, clearing my cache, even closing and reopening my browser without any successful resolution to the problem.

If it helps, the computer I'm having the problem on runs Windows 7, and I'm using the browser SRWare Iron (a Chrome derivative) version 24.0.1350.0 (176001)
...Yes I know my browser is outdated on that computer but the Coli WORKS on that browser (normally, I mean I was grinding just fine before I went to bed last night) and I don't want to lose that functionality.
I was just about to report that I'm having the same issue. I'm actually a bit relieved that it's NOT just me experiencing this, since the Coli only works without crashing on my old laptop, so at first I was afraid that now I didn't have ANY machine that worked with the Coli for an extended length of time. I can fight for about 1-2 rounds of enemies, maybe 3 if I'm lucky, and then it won't let me click either the "Fight On!" or "Main Menu" buttons. Since I'm trying to help a friend train his dragons to higher levels and refreshing breaks the Victory Chain, this is quite troublesome.
I tried different venues, clearing my cache, even closing and reopening my browser without any successful resolution to the problem.

If it helps, the computer I'm having the problem on runs Windows 7, and I'm using the browser SRWare Iron (a Chrome derivative) version 24.0.1350.0 (176001)
...Yes I know my browser is outdated on that computer but the Coli WORKS on that browser (normally, I mean I was grinding just fine before I went to bed last night) and I don't want to lose that functionality.
~There is no such thing as sanity. Everyone is insane. The true question is, how insane are you, relative to everyone else?~
I'm having the same issue.
I'm having the same issue.
› Inside a hidden cove, below the cliff of the eastern seaboard, are healers drawn to the frothy waters of the Elder Sea. These dragons use counselor rings by shaping the magical properties of the water, and easing the spirits of the visitors walking along the sand. Choose Hibernal DragonsTop 2 Dragons Above You
I've been in the mire and this is also happening to me. I'm using Chrome on Windows 10.
I noticed it wasn't working properly when I was training dragons after rollover.
I've been in the mire and this is also happening to me. I'm using Chrome on Windows 10.
I noticed it wasn't working properly when I was training dragons after rollover.
Same here. Kelp Beds, Golem Workshop. Chrome, Windows 7.

With the Kelp Beds, I completed one battle and it froze on the second. I got experience for both battles.
With the Golem Workshop, it froze at the end of the first battle and I got no experience.
With the Kelp Beds again, I was able to play four battles and it froze again. But I got experience for all four.
Same here. Kelp Beds, Golem Workshop. Chrome, Windows 7.

With the Kelp Beds, I completed one battle and it froze on the second. I got experience for both battles.
With the Golem Workshop, it froze at the end of the first battle and I got no experience.
With the Kelp Beds again, I was able to play four battles and it froze again. But I got experience for all four.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
Same issue, only attempted coli in the Mire, I make it 2 battles and then it freezes.

Firefox 43.0.1, Windows 10
Same issue, only attempted coli in the Mire, I make it 2 battles and then it freezes.

Firefox 43.0.1, Windows 10