
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Doing art for on site stuff!
Hello! I was wondering if you were still doing this? @Kvetina
Hello! I was wondering if you were still doing this? @Kvetina


@Kvetina , how are you with male characters? xD I don't really have many female ones, but i think there are some of mine with somewhat feminine features?
@Kvetina , how are you with male characters? xD I don't really have many female ones, but i think there are some of mine with somewhat feminine features?

Males arent any issue XD i do them decently

Males arent any issue XD i do them decently
Could i possibly get art of these two?
I can give you 200 gems plus probably any skins, and treasure i've got! @Kvetina
Could i possibly get art of these two?
I can give you 200 gems plus probably any skins, and treasure i've got! @Kvetina

The gems and a skin would be enough for one headshot;3;

The gems and a skin would be enough for one headshot;3;
That sounds fine to me honestly! lets stick with this one, and are there any certain skins you're looking for? @Kvetina
That sounds fine to me honestly! lets stick with this one, and are there any certain skins you're looking for? @Kvetina

Hmmm, i like skeletal skins, or really naturey ones, or blue ones

Hmmm, i like skeletal skins, or really naturey ones, or blue ones

these are some of the ones I have! @Kvetina

these are some of the ones I have! @Kvetina

The images arent working

The images arent working