TOPIC | ||||||||||| SKETCHES n renders
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Hi, can I get a sketch slot? Also, do you have a pinglist?
Hi, can I get a sketch slot? Also, do you have a pinglist?
@tasmanicus Edit, woops I know how much it'll cost now. Would you mind if I gave you 400,000 treasure plus 781 gems?
I'd like to order a rendered headshotor of either of these dragons. [url=]
I'd say just go for it, choose which dragon you like more and have fun with it. I'm fine with paying in advance too and if you have a tumblr/deviantart or anything let me know I'd love to see.
Also your art is fantastic, I really love the amount of personality in your headshots and the colouring is clean as fudge. ; u ;
@tasmanicus Edit, woops I know how much it'll cost now. Would you mind if I gave you 400,000 treasure plus 781 gems?
I'd like to order a rendered headshotor of either of these dragons.
I'd say just go for it, choose which dragon you like more and have fun with it. I'm fine with paying in advance too and if you have a tumblr/deviantart or anything let me know I'd love to see.
Also your art is fantastic, I really love the amount of personality in your headshots and the colouring is clean as fudge. ; u ;
I'd like to order a rendered headshotor of either of these dragons.
I'd say just go for it, choose which dragon you like more and have fun with it. I'm fine with paying in advance too and if you have a tumblr/deviantart or anything let me know I'd love to see.
Also your art is fantastic, I really love the amount of personality in your headshots and the colouring is clean as fudge. ; u ;
@tasmanicus If you like both let me know if you'd like to do the other sometime! I just don't want to overwhelm you. Sending over payment.
@tasmanicus If you like both let me know if you'd like to do the other sometime! I just don't want to overwhelm you. Sending over payment.
@Suspended @Micheru @ Oriel @Erisalia
Hey friends, I thought I'd ping you here. I got an amazing piece of art for a really reasonable price. I thought I'd show you the art Tasmanicus made for Wither.
Slot please holy goodness.
Rendered headshot of [b]any[/b] of these lovelies (whoever you feel like drawing tbh! they all need art):
If total is 1.5 mill T for rendered headshot, I'll be paying like ... 700kT + 976g. If that's all right! Let me know when you confirm the slot and I'll send the monies over.
Slot please holy goodness.
Rendered headshot of any of these lovelies (whoever you feel like drawing tbh! they all need art):
If total is 1.5 mill T for rendered headshot, I'll be paying like ... 700kT + 976g. If that's all right! Let me know when you confirm the slot and I'll send the monies over.
Slot please holy goodness.
Rendered headshot of any of these lovelies (whoever you feel like drawing tbh! they all need art):
If total is 1.5 mill T for rendered headshot, I'll be paying like ... 700kT + 976g. If that's all right! Let me know when you confirm the slot and I'll send the monies over.
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