[center][b]Flat Colors:[/b]
Bust: 3000g/$35 USD
Waist-Up: 4000g/$45 USD
Fullbody: 5000g/$55 USD
[size=2][i]+ 1500g/$15 USD per
additional character[/i][/size]
Icon/Bust: 5000g/$50 USD
Waist-Up: $70 USD
Fullbody: $90 USD
[size=2][i]transparent/color bg free
+ 1000g/$10 USD for simple bg | + 2000g/$20 USD for complex bg[/i][/size]
Icon/Bust: $80 USD
Waist-up: $100 USD
Fullbody: $150+ USD
[size=2][i]transparent/color bg free
inquire about more complex backgrounds
all painted works are on large canvases[/i][/size]
Hourly rate of $20 USD an hour
[size=2][i]ask for a quote![/i][/size]
[b]Reference Sheets:[/b]
Prices are dependent on number of turns and quality (flats, cel-shaded, etc)
[center]Find more examples of my art here:
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/rookfern/gallery]deviantArt[/url] | [url=https://rookfern.tumblr.com/tagged/my+art/]Main Tumblr[/url] | [url=https://rook-rising.tumblr.com/tagged/my+art/]FR Tumblr[/url] | [url=https://toyhou.se/rookfern]Toyhouse[/url]
[b]Will Draw:[/b]
- ferals
- humans
- anthros
- gijinkas/humanoids
[size=2][i](I am open to drawing fan characters on a case by case basis,
depending on how comfortable I am with the fandom/art style.)[/i][/size]
[b]Will NOT Draw:[/b]
- mechs
- anything that goes against the site's policy
[size=2][i]I am willing to discuss other types of commission over on my tumblr.[/i][/size]
[*]I would prefer for my art to not be reposted, but if you do, please ask first. Also, be sure to credit me if you repost on another website
[*]do NOT remove my signature from the art
[*]if you wish to resize a commission, feel free to; however, please ask before editing a piece
[*]USD payment will be through Paypal using the Paypal Invoice feature
[*]I reserve the right to deny a commission or dismiss a commission if necessary
Commission Type:
Payment Method:[/code]
Flat Colors:
Bust: 3000g/$35 USD
Waist-Up: 4000g/$45 USD
Fullbody: 5000g/$55 USD
+ 1500g/$15 USD per
additional character
Icon/Bust: 5000g/$50 USD
Waist-Up: $70 USD
Fullbody: $90 USD
transparent/color bg free
+ 1000g/$10 USD for simple bg | + 2000g/$20 USD for complex bg
Icon/Bust: $80 USD
Waist-up: $100 USD
Fullbody: $150+ USD
transparent/color bg free
inquire about more complex backgrounds
all painted works are on large canvases
Hourly rate of $20 USD an hour
ask for a quote!
Reference Sheets:
Prices are dependent on number of turns and quality (flats, cel-shaded, etc)
Find more examples of my art here:
deviantArt |
Main Tumblr |
FR Tumblr |
Will Draw:
- ferals
- humans
- anthros
- gijinkas/humanoids
(I am open to drawing fan characters on a case by case basis,
depending on how comfortable I am with the fandom/art style.)
Will NOT Draw:
- mechs
- anything that goes against the site's policy
I am willing to discuss other types of commission over on my tumblr.
- I would prefer for my art to not be reposted, but if you do, please ask first. Also, be sure to credit me if you repost on another website
- do NOT remove my signature from the art
- if you wish to resize a commission, feel free to; however, please ask before editing a piece
- USD payment will be through Paypal using the Paypal Invoice feature
- I reserve the right to deny a commission or dismiss a commission if necessary
Commission Type:
Payment Method:
[center][b]Character Adopts[/b]
[i]On occasion, I will make a random character or two and sell them here.
If you would like to be pinged for new characters, just ask![/i]
$10 USD
$60 USD
$20 USD
[b]Character Adopts Pinglist[/b]
@[i][/i]OnceInABlueMoon @[i][/i]Metus @[i][/i]Rainplay[/center]
Character Adopts
On occasion, I will make a random character or two and sell them here.
If you would like to be pinged for new characters, just ask!
$10 USD
$60 USD
$20 USD
Character Adopts Pinglist
OnceInABlueMoon @
Metus @
General Pinglist
@capesncrosshairs @zuncik @SensaSpecter @Oceanas @Curio @Storrie @uhhhyeah22 @Kpaiy @artemystica @Coexistence @Frillshark @Cornsnoot @Tideweaver @oceanics @AspenCrow @Jaypaw @Andraya @KaineRallis @Metus @MilkyWayRising @Rainplay @Abs0lute @Quintillion @pooses @Lyka @violentabyss @Weavile
Gems Slots Only:
USD Slots Only:
General Pinglist
@capesncrosshairs @zuncik @SensaSpecter @Oceanas @Curio @Storrie @uhhhyeah22 @Kpaiy @artemystica @Coexistence @Frillshark @Cornsnoot @Tideweaver @oceanics @AspenCrow @Jaypaw @Andraya @KaineRallis @Metus @MilkyWayRising @Rainplay @Abs0lute @Quintillion @pooses @Lyka @violentabyss @Weavile
Gems Slots Only:
USD Slots Only:
[center][b]Recently Finished Works[/b]
Metus' [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/14361365]Vaniton[/url]
Alpestris' [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/59592792]Kanghui[/url][/center]
I'd a love a ping whenever you create more character adopts~
I'd a love a ping whenever you create more character adopts~
Fimbrethil Hello! Links to Ko-Fi have been removed because linking to personal fundraising websites and "Tip Jar" style websites are against FR's rules. Thanks!
Fimbrethil Hello! Links to Ko-Fi have been removed because linking to personal fundraising websites and "Tip Jar" style websites are against FR's rules. Thanks!
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