Autumn has returned to Sornieth and dragons everywhere are reaping the benefits of a bountiful harvest season! Drakeharvest runs from September 5-9, and brings with it a bounty of rewards!
Drakeharvest, Flight Rising's plant-themed "micro-holiday", is in full swing! From Thursday, September 5th (06:00 Server Time) to Monday, September 9th (06:00 Server Time), all players will experience a couple of battle-related boosts!
Bountiful Battles
For the duration of Drakeharvest, all enemies will have a chance to drop
Heavy Grainbasket or Horn of Plenty in addition to their regular loot. Other site activities such as gathering, breeding, bonding, brewing, and visiting some of the trading post dragons will also yield a chance at the harvest! Dragon clans everywhere are taking this time to stock up on fruits, veggies, fungi, seeds, flowers, and grains to prepare for the cold winter months.
Battle EXP Boost
During the event, all battles will yield 50% additional EXP, so now is a perfect time for dragons to train. Grab your newest team and head out into battle!
Plant-Pinching Pests
The prosperous harvest season doesn't come without its drawbacks. A pilfering species of crab and waxwings have taken to the fields and foodstores in droves to make off with as much as they can carry! For the duration of Drakeharvest, Harvest Hardshell and Plantation Pincher familiars will drop fairly commonly in the Coliseum. Once the harvest has concluded, they'll go back into hiding, but may run into one or two while foraging. Harvest Waxwing and Waxwing Cultivator will also drop from the Coliseum and rarely from all type of gathering activities.
A vista and scene have a chance to drop in the coliseum and many other site-related activities.
Starfall Celebration
The twelth annual Starfall Celebration will begin on September 22, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!