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TOPIC | Cinder and Blaze
Awesome! [emoji=imperial star size=1]
25781.png shadow_small.png 25780.png
OOOO these are SICK
OOOO these are SICK
they/them / i love horribly bright colours tehe
OH YES! Thank you so much for this update. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
OH YES! Thank you so much for this update.

"The way I see it, life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

oh wow, i didn't expect literally everyone to get it. love to see such a gorgeous set of treasure genes get ported!
oh wow, i didn't expect literally everyone to get it. love to see such a gorgeous set of treasure genes get ported!
Palestinian flagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
grey/juniper «a
he/him «a
fr+2 «a
pings OK «a
avatar dragon «a
Official artwork of the tome of Forseti from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. It is dark green with elaborate white detailing.
This is SUPER EXCITING!!! Keep up the good work!
This is SUPER EXCITING!!! Keep up the good work!
Hell yeah, tysfm! XD
Hell yeah, tysfm! XD
she/her they/them etpLjGc.gifqTNOOYr.gifdagsvSj.gifqTNOOYr.gifsnXFO8n.gif
Thank you <3 Cinder and blaze are among my favorite genes, and it's awesome to get to see them on other breeds.
Thank you <3 Cinder and blaze are among my favorite genes, and it's awesome to get to see them on other breeds.
Yippee wahoo
cinder and blaze were my fav aether genes, so happy to see them on all breeds now!<3
cinder and blaze were my fav aether genes, so happy to see them on all breeds now!<3
39068.png xx.
xxx»badges .»coli quests