

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Ethereal Adopts - Imps & Abby [OPEN-Frc]
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates


Status: OPEN!
1. Elynari - Snarl imp (DONE)
Max 3 big adopts per slot (no max on small, but please be a little reasonable ^^)

Current Species: Abberations, NEW! Imperials

Hello and welcome to my adopt shop! My name's Tide/Nightless you can find my regular art shop linked Here (when i can be bothered to set it up lol)
I am Subbed to the thread but i don´t mind being pinged anyways! :D
If you have any questions feel free to ask, I promise I'm not that scary <3

I try to work quickly, however my motivation is an elusive thing so no guarantees I'm afraid

Do's and Don'ts:
Save the image!
Use it in on site with credit (my profile not the thread)
Use it off-site with credit (preferebly to my Instagram/ToyHouse @/SleeplessSketches or my tumblr sleepless-sketches)
Flip or re-size the image (flipping images with my fr ID can be tricky so feel free to ask for help)
Upload image to another hosting site (i unfortunately can't guarantee it stays on mine)
Take credit for my art
Alter it
Use without credit
Anything against FR ToS
Please don't make NFTs of my work or feed it to any AI, thank you

I reserve the right to upload and use the image as an example or in a portfolio etc.

All bases are subject to CryFace tax. Read more about this Here

Please note that images will be uploaded to my tumblr for hosting, which in turn re-sizes the image to fit tumblrs standards. Feel free to tell me if you want a link to download the full resolution version! I don't mind :]
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates


Status: OPEN!
1. Elynari - Snarl imp (DONE)
Max 3 big adopts per slot (no max on small, but please be a little reasonable ^^)

Current Species: Abberations, NEW! Imperials

Hello and welcome to my adopt shop! My name's Tide/Nightless you can find my regular art shop linked Here (when i can be bothered to set it up lol)
I am Subbed to the thread but i don´t mind being pinged anyways! :D
If you have any questions feel free to ask, I promise I'm not that scary <3

I try to work quickly, however my motivation is an elusive thing so no guarantees I'm afraid

Do's and Don'ts:
Save the image!
Use it in on site with credit (my profile not the thread)
Use it off-site with credit (preferebly to my Instagram/ToyHouse @/SleeplessSketches or my tumblr sleepless-sketches)
Flip or re-size the image (flipping images with my fr ID can be tricky so feel free to ask for help)
Upload image to another hosting site (i unfortunately can't guarantee it stays on mine)
Take credit for my art
Alter it
Use without credit
Anything against FR ToS
Please don't make NFTs of my work or feed it to any AI, thank you

I reserve the right to upload and use the image as an example or in a portfolio etc.

All bases are subject to CryFace tax. Read more about this Here

Please note that images will be uploaded to my tumblr for hosting, which in turn re-sizes the image to fit tumblrs standards. Feel free to tell me if you want a link to download the full resolution version! I don't mind :]
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
[center][size=1]Nav: [url=]Slots and terms[/url], Big Adopts, [url=]Small Adopts[/url], [url=]Payment[/url], [url=]Gallery/Examples[/url], [url=]Pinglists & Affiliates[/url][/size] [b]BIG Bases![/b] These bases often use a ~2000 px square canvas. [size=1]Which means you can bribe me to do most things on them. Whether it be adding apparel or cramming a non fr dragon/creacher into the base, the possibilities are (almost) endless ^^[/size] [b]Snarl imperial[/b] 400g/kt, gene sponsoring 70g/kt [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1]Currently modeled by Godnattakatta's [url=]Feral[/url]<3[/size] [quote=Genes][center][columns][b]Primary:[/b] Stitched, Fade, Bar, Iridecent[nextcol][b]Secondary:[/b] Noxtide, Blend, Foam, Alloy [nextcol][b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer, Flecks, Crackle, Runes[/columns][/center][/quote] [b]Eyetypes:[/b] Free right now. [b]Apparel:[/b] Depends heavily on complexity [b]Skins/Accents:[/b] Case by case basis. Most likely around 150-350g [b]Edits to base lineart:[/b] Available, case by case basis This base has no gender dimorphism. Available with and without the whiskers, default is with. Available with eye highlights, default is without. Default line color is one I find fitting, red on the example [code][b]Snarl imperial[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Link, widget or linked morphology preferred [b]Whiskers?:[/b] [b]Skin&/Apparel? (if applicable):[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]Do you want a link to the full resolution image? (Sent via PM):[/b][/code] [b]Square imperial[/b] (or Squimp if you prefer) 500g/kt, gene sponsoring 100g/kt [Img][/img] Without wing: [img][/img] [quote=Genes][center][columns][b]Primary[/b] Crystal[nextcol][b]Secondary[/b] Constellation[nextcol][b]Tertiary[/b][/columns][/center][/quote] [b]Eyetypes:[/b] Free right now. [b]Apparel:[/b] Depends heavily on complexity [b]Skins/Accents:[/b] Case by case basis. Most likely around 200-400g [b]Edits to base lineart:[/b] Available, minor edits This base has no gender dimorphism. Available with and without the wing. Mouth color based on mirror hatchling with the same genes/colors (feel free to request otherwise, no extra cost) [code][b]Square imperial[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Link, widget or linked morphology preferred [b]Wing?:[/b] [b]Skin&/Apparel? (if applicable):[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]Do you want a link to the full resolution image? (Sent via PM):[/b][/code] A solid colors background or simple gradient is available upon request.
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates

BIG Bases!
These bases often use a ~2000 px square canvas.
Which means you can bribe me to do most things on them. Whether it be adding apparel or cramming a non fr dragon/creacher into the base, the possibilities are (almost) endless ^^

Snarl imperial 400g/kt, gene sponsoring 70g/kt

Currently modeled by Godnattakatta's Feral<3
Genes wrote:
Primary: Stitched, Fade, Bar, Iridecent Secondary: Noxtide, Blend, Foam,
Tertiary: Glimmer, Flecks, Crackle, Runes
Eyetypes: Free right now.
Apparel: Depends heavily on complexity
Skins/Accents: Case by case basis. Most likely around 150-350g
Edits to base lineart: Available, case by case basis
This base has no gender dimorphism. Available with and without the whiskers, default is with. Available with eye highlights, default is without.
Default line color is one I find fitting, red on the example
[b]Snarl imperial[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Link, widget or linked morphology preferred [b]Whiskers?:[/b] [b]Skin&/Apparel? (if applicable):[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]Do you want a link to the full resolution image? (Sent via PM):[/b]

Square imperial (or Squimp if you prefer) 500g/kt, gene sponsoring 100g/kt
Without wing:
Genes wrote:
Eyetypes: Free right now.
Apparel: Depends heavily on complexity
Skins/Accents: Case by case basis. Most likely around 200-400g
Edits to base lineart: Available, minor edits
This base has no gender dimorphism. Available with and without the wing. Mouth color based on mirror hatchling with the same genes/colors (feel free to request otherwise, no extra cost)
[b]Square imperial[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Link, widget or linked morphology preferred [b]Wing?:[/b] [b]Skin&/Apparel? (if applicable):[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]Do you want a link to the full resolution image? (Sent via PM):[/b]
A solid colors background or simple gradient is available upon request.
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
[center][size=1]Nav: [url=]Slots and terms[/url], [url=]Big Adopts[/url], Small Adopts, [url=]Payment[/url], [url=]Gallery/Examples[/url], [url=]Pinglists & Affiliates[/url][/size] [size=4][b]Small Adopts[/b][/size] These are the adopts that are very very small! ranging from 200 x 200 pixels to stuff that fit neatly in the signature! These adopts are on the cheaper side and apparel isnt [i]really[/i] possible on them. [i]BUT![/i] you [i]might[/i] be able to bribe me into trying one or two apparel pieces. no promises tho. Skins and accents are evaluated on a case by case basis, most likely it'll be for double the base price. [b]Heart [/b] 200x200 pixels (100g, gene sponsoring =10g) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img] [quote=Done for Heart][columns][b]Primary:[/b] Fade, Diamond, Wasp, Lionfish, Savanah, Ground, Pharaoh, Flaunt, Orb, Jaguar, Tapir [nextcol][b]Secondary:[/b] Perigrine, Spade, Bee, Noxtide, Striation, Fissure, Flair, Weaver, Sludge, Rosette, Blaze, Blend [nextcol][b]Tertiary:[/b] Ghost, Polypore, Fangs, Underbelly, Frills, Sparkles, Glimmer, Kumo, Flecks[/columns][/quote] [All eye types are free!] This base can be split between 2 abbys for pairs or just for fun! (Both dragons will however need to be paid for in full, even if only half is used) [b]Back to Back[/b] 100x100 pixels (60g, gene sponsring 5g) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote=Done for BtB][columns][b]Primary:[/b] Fade, Diamond, [nextcol][b]Secondary:[/b] Perigrine, Spade [nextcol][b]Tertiary:[/b] Ghost,[/columns][/quote] [All eye types are free!] [b]Signature Imp[/b] 100×100 px (120g, gene sponsoring 10g) [img][/img][img][/img] [quote=Done for Imp][columns][b]Primary:[/b]Petals, Iridecent [nextcol][b]Secondary:[/b]Butterfly [nextcol][b]Tertiary:[/b]Opal[/columns][/quote] Available with or without the beard. Default is whatever gender your dragon is, feel free to specify in "other" segment of your form. [s]Looong signature Imp[/s] WIP [quote=Done for Long Imp][columns][b]Primary:[/b]Iridecent [nextcol][b]Secondary:[/b]Butterfly [nextcol][b]Tertiary:[/b][/columns][/quote] [b]Application Form, please fill out once per dragon/adopt[/b] [code][b]Adopt name[/b]: (which one?) [b]Username[/b]: (this is you!) [b]Dragons name[/b]: (What is the name of your dragon?) [b]Dragon[/b]: (Please use link or widget. I do accept morphologies!) [b]Other[/b]: (other info, skins? Accents? Change eyecolor etc.) [b]Payment type[/b]: (Gems, treasure or USD/EURO/SEK)[/code][/center] [b]Retired bases (available for a higher price)[/b] Boop! (150g) [img][/img]
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates

Small Adopts

These are the adopts that are very very small! ranging from 200 x 200 pixels to stuff that fit neatly in the signature!
These adopts are on the cheaper side and apparel isnt really possible on them. BUT! you might be able to bribe me into trying one or two apparel pieces. no promises tho.
Skins and accents are evaluated on a case by case basis, most likely it'll be for double the base price.

Heart 200x200 pixels (100g, gene sponsoring =10g)
Done for Heart wrote:
Primary: Fade, Diamond, Wasp, Lionfish, Savanah, Ground, Pharaoh, Flaunt, Orb, Jaguar, Tapir Secondary: Perigrine, Spade, Bee, Noxtide, Striation, Fissure, Flair, Weaver, Sludge, Rosette, Blaze, Blend Tertiary: Ghost, Polypore, Fangs, Underbelly, Frills, Sparkles, Glimmer, Kumo, Flecks
[All eye types are free!]
This base can be split between 2 abbys for pairs or just for fun! (Both dragons will however need to be paid for in full, even if only half is used)

Back to Back 100x100 pixels (60g, gene sponsring 5g)
12a1f188b0c23a199b59ea8d775ccc2766921e64.png 1987009ec199bee7f0dc65c79d3f745e841407fe.png
Done for BtB wrote:
Primary: Fade, Diamond, Secondary: Perigrine, Spade Tertiary: Ghost,
[All eye types are free!]

Signature Imp 100×100 px (120g, gene sponsoring 10g)
Done for Imp wrote:
Primary:Petals, Iridecent Secondary:Butterfly Tertiary:Opal
Available with or without the beard. Default is whatever gender your dragon is, feel free to specify in "other" segment of your form.

Looong signature Imp WIP
Done for Long Imp wrote:
Primary:Iridecent Secondary:Butterfly Tertiary:

Application Form, please fill out once per dragon/adopt
[b]Adopt name[/b]: (which one?) [b]Username[/b]: (this is you!) [b]Dragons name[/b]: (What is the name of your dragon?) [b]Dragon[/b]: (Please use link or widget. I do accept morphologies!) [b]Other[/b]: (other info, skins? Accents? Change eyecolor etc.) [b]Payment type[/b]: (Gems, treasure or USD/EURO/SEK)

Retired bases (available for a higher price)
Boop! (150g)
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates


Currently taking: FRC only

Conversion is 1g = 1kt and 100g=1 USD/Euro or 11 sek
(If you're Scandinavian I have swish! Which means no transaction fees, yay!)

For real life currency transactions i will send you a dm with my PayPal info (or swish info), please specify in your form what currency you would like to use!

i might also take payment in the form of whishlist items, mostly the ones that are harder to aquire.

Payment can be send via one way crossroad or dm (crossroads will be accepted immediately as I've unfortunately had somone skedaddle before that way ;^;)
Please don't send payment before i confirm your order, that way it doesnt get lost! :D

I take mixed payments! Ask and you shall receive

Full refunds until I'm halfway through your order, after that it's up to my discretion.
In the event that i am unable to finish your order i will ofc refund completely regardless of how finished i am.
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates


Currently taking: FRC only

Conversion is 1g = 1kt and 100g=1 USD/Euro or 11 sek
(If you're Scandinavian I have swish! Which means no transaction fees, yay!)

For real life currency transactions i will send you a dm with my PayPal info (or swish info), please specify in your form what currency you would like to use!

i might also take payment in the form of whishlist items, mostly the ones that are harder to aquire.

Payment can be send via one way crossroad or dm (crossroads will be accepted immediately as I've unfortunately had somone skedaddle before that way ;^;)
Please don't send payment before i confirm your order, that way it doesnt get lost! :D

I take mixed payments! Ask and you shall receive

Full refunds until I'm halfway through your order, after that it's up to my discretion.
In the event that i am unable to finish your order i will ofc refund completely regardless of how finished i am.
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
[center][size=1]Nav: [url=]Slots and terms[/url], [url=]Big Adopts[/url], [url=]Small Adopts[/url], [url=]Payment[/url], Gallery/Examples, [url=]Pinglists & Affiliates[/url][/size] [size=3][b]Gallery/Examples[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center]
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates

FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
[size=1]Nav: [url=]Slots and terms[/url],[url=] Big Adopts[/url],[url=] Small Adopts[/url], [url=]Payment[/url], [url=]Gallery/Examples[/url], Pinglists & Affiliates[/size] [center]Pinglists (New pinglists :O I will be slowly phasing out the legacy ones, please tell me when you want your name taken off <3) [pinglist=3041] Slots: @/Kapro @/Dragoncalypso26 @/EStarstruck @/NeoxyDrakon @/toothpickbanj0 @/HalfMoons @/WebstickKitten @/wardentabris [pinglist=3042] New bases: @/Kapro @/Liesmith ----- Affiliates Let me know if you'd like to affiliate! Please note that I don't really do bumps on others' threads etc because i have the memory of a goldfish. No need to bump my thread either, but it's okay if you do! Here's the code for my banner [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] It will look like this: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Current affiliates! Go check em out <3 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists & Affiliates
(New pinglists :O I will be slowly phasing out the legacy ones, please tell me when you want your name taken off <3)


New bases:

Let me know if you'd like to affiliate! Please note that I don't really do bumps on others' threads etc because i have the memory of a goldfish. No need to bump my thread either, but it's okay if you do!
Here's the code for my banner

It will look like this:

Current affiliates! Go check em out <3
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
The new CryFace tax
Or Emotional distress compensation if you will

Due to the first successful instance of me drawing crystal (disgusting) I've decided to implement a new tax for it. It was either this or not having crystal/facet available at all. Sorry. You're always free to request that I change it to another gene to be exempt from it :]

Crystal/Facet unfortunately causes me severe eyestrain and headaches to draw and recolor. So much so that the square imp base took months to be complete. This system, while not perfect, will make it possible for me to still offer the gene without too much burnout.

How does it work?
Most gene prices will remain unaffected by this. Unless I happen upon another horrible gene.
Unless stated otherwise all genes fall into the normal category.
Cryface category includes a small tax on recolors since I have to manually match effect layers and colors everytime. I will try to keep tabs on what colors have been done but I will not keep a viewable list.
Price for sponsoring Crystal/Facet on a base is double the normal sponsor price. And recolor goes for half the price.

Example: if it costs 10g to sponsor a gene, crystal/facet costs 20g and a recolor of it costs 5g

Don't worry! You don't have to keep track of this, I'll do it when summing up your order
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
The new CryFace tax
Or Emotional distress compensation if you will

Due to the first successful instance of me drawing crystal (disgusting) I've decided to implement a new tax for it. It was either this or not having crystal/facet available at all. Sorry. You're always free to request that I change it to another gene to be exempt from it :]

Crystal/Facet unfortunately causes me severe eyestrain and headaches to draw and recolor. So much so that the square imp base took months to be complete. This system, while not perfect, will make it possible for me to still offer the gene without too much burnout.

How does it work?
Most gene prices will remain unaffected by this. Unless I happen upon another horrible gene.
Unless stated otherwise all genes fall into the normal category.
Cryface category includes a small tax on recolors since I have to manually match effect layers and colors everytime. I will try to keep tabs on what colors have been done but I will not keep a viewable list.
Price for sponsoring Crystal/Facet on a base is double the normal sponsor price. And recolor goes for half the price.

Example: if it costs 10g to sponsor a gene, crystal/facet costs 20g and a recolor of it costs 5g

Don't worry! You don't have to keep track of this, I'll do it when summing up your order
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
Reserved, Just in case
Nav: Slots and terms, Big Adopts, Small Adopts, Payment, Gallery/Examples, Pinglists
Reserved, Just in case
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts (OPEN!)
k5xPgEO.png 2dc642ecc5452f7f076386b2a818e60ca74b8c31.png