Díd yσu ev?r wσnd?r whαt r?αlly hαpp?n?d
when Pαndσrα's Bσ? wαs σp?ned?
Hαv? yσu ?v?r ímαgín?d whαt wαs ínsíde?
Wαs ít α pαrαdíse σr pure chασs?
I hαd the cσurαg? tσ ?nt?r the R?αlm σf Pαndσrα
αnd I αm reαdy tσ t?ll my tαl?.
Líst?n clσse, fσr the stσry yσu αre
αbσut tσ h?αr wíll chαng? ?v?r?thíng.
Th? R?αlm σf Pαndσrα ís rul?d by α pσw?rful Gσdd?ss
frσm wíthín h?r cαstl? wαlls.
Sh? shαp?d the r?αlm tσ h?r wíll by hαrnessíng
the rαw ?ss?nc? σf the 4 ?l?m?nts
αnd frσm the bαrr?n plαíns αrσs? the
7 r?gíσns thαt mαk? up Pαndσrα.
Eαch r?gíσn ís t??míng wíth uníqu? cr?αtur?s
born frσm fír?, wαt?r, ?αrth or wínd.
Th? 4 r?αlms wíthín Pαndσrα αr? σv?rs??n by
pur? El?m?ntαl Guαrdíαns.
Its the combined efforts of these
8 El?m?ntαls thαt k??ps Pαndσrα sαf? αnd ín bαlαnc?
If yσu αr? brαv? ?nσugh tσ jσín m?,
tαk? my hαnd, wαtch yσur st?p,
αnd w?lcσm? tσ Pαndσrα's R?αlm.[/size][/center]
Díd yσu ev?r wσnd?r whαt r?αlly hαpp?n?d
when Pαndσrα's Bσ? wαs σp?ned?
Hαv? yσu ?v?r ímαgín?d whαt wαs ínsíde?
Wαs ít α pαrαdíse σr pure chασs?
I hαd the cσurαg? tσ ?nt?r the R?αlm σf Pαndσrα
αnd I αm reαdy tσ t?ll my tαl?.
Líst?n clσse, fσr the stσry yσu αre
αbσut tσ h?αr wíll chαng? ?v?r?thíng.
Th? R?αlm σf Pαndσrα ís rul?d by α pσw?rful Gσdd?ss
frσm wíthín h?r cαstl? wαlls.
Sh? shαp?d the r?αlm tσ h?r wíll by hαrnessíng
the rαw ?ss?nc? σf the 4 ?l?m?nts
αnd frσm the bαrr?n plαíns αrσs? the
7 r?gíσns thαt mαk? up Pαndσrα.
Eαch r?gíσn ís t??míng wíth uníqu? cr?αtur?s
born frσm fír?, wαt?r, ?αrth or wínd.
Th? 4 r?αlms wíthín Pαndσrα αr? σv?rs??n by
pur? El?m?ntαl Guαrdíαns.
Its the combined efforts of these
8 El?m?ntαls thαt k??ps Pαndσrα sαf? αnd ín bαlαnc?
If yσu αr? brαv? ?nσugh tσ jσín m?,
tαk? my hαnd, wαtch yσur st?p,
αnd w?lcσm? tσ Pαndσrα's R?αlm.
How rare is each species?
Each species is made based on a rarity system - the more stars one has, the rarer it is! The current rankings can be seen here:
[url=https://i.imgur.com/4Fw3lNP.png]Falcons[/url] - ?
[url=https://i.imgur.com/Zx8j1KU.png]Reindeer[/url] - ??
Elemental Foxes - ???
Elemental Hybrids - ????
[url=https://imgur.com/5dUevrh]Elemental Wind Fox[/url]
[url=https://imgur.com/HSy5Jge]Elemental Fire Fox[/url]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/uDUkwzk.png]Elemental Wind Hybrid[/url]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/0Q4oKB8.png]Elemental Earth Hybrid[/url]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/PiWLZYb.png]Elemental Fire Hybrid[/url]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/5LlGTMd.png]Elemental Water Hybrid[/url]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/0GIGtlL.png]Normal Hybrid
Are you going to make new species?
There will be future species you never know what kind of creatures lurk in Pandora's Realm!
Do you do customs?
I will randomly open customs and keep the slots open for a limited time - to be notified of any news, be sure to subscribe to the thread!
How much are customs?
It varies by species! Generally, the rarer a creature is, the higher the price to make one.
For now, it will be a case by case basis please offer currency so I may establish base prices.
Feel free to suggest raising or lowering of prices I am totally ball parking the prices.[/b][/u][/center]
[center]• Price is 75kt/75g/ For Falcons
• Price is 150kt/150g/ For Reindeers
• Price is 225kt/225g/ For Elemental Foxes
• Price is 300kt/300g/ For Elemental Hybrids
• Send the payment only after I've confirmed your order. Note that I start working on your adopt after I've gotten the payment!
• Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt.
• Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request.
• Link back to my shop is appreciated!
• Infinite slots, longer queue means longer wait time.
[quote=" Order form"]
[b]Payment type:[/b]
[b]Anything else:[/b]
Are you going to make new species?
There will be future species you never know what kind of creatures lurk in Pandora's Realm!
Do you do customs?
I will randomly open customs and keep the slots open for a limited time - to be notified of any news, be sure to subscribe to the thread!
How much are customs?
It varies by species! Generally, the rarer a creature is, the higher the price to make one.
For now, it will be a case by case basis please offer currency so I may establish base prices.
Feel free to suggest raising or lowering of prices I am totally ball parking the prices.
• Price is 75kt/75g/ For Falcons
• Price is 150kt/150g/ For Reindeers
• Price is 225kt/225g/ For Elemental Foxes
• Price is 300kt/300g/ For Elemental Hybrids
• Send the payment only after I've confirmed your order. Note that I start working on your adopt after I've gotten the payment!
• Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt.
• Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request.
• Link back to my shop is appreciated!
• Infinite slots, longer queue means longer wait time.
Order form wrote:
Payment type:
Anything else: