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TOPIC | Pandora's Realm
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[center][img][/img] [size=4] Díd yσu ev?r wσnd?r whαt r?αlly hαpp?n?d when Pαndσrα's Bσ? wαs σp?ned? Hαv? yσu ?v?r ímαgín?d whαt wαs ínsíde? Wαs ít α pαrαdíse σr pure chασs? I hαd the cσurαg? tσ ?nt?r the R?αlm σf Pαndσrα αnd I αm reαdy tσ t?ll my tαl?. Líst?n clσse, fσr the stσry yσu αre αbσut tσ h?αr wíll chαng? ?v?r?thíng. Th? R?αlm σf Pαndσrα ís rul?d by α pσw?rful Gσdd?ss frσm wíthín h?r cαstl? wαlls. Sh? shαp?d the r?αlm tσ h?r wíll by hαrnessíng the rαw ?ss?nc? σf the 4 ?l?m?nts αnd frσm the bαrr?n plαíns αrσs? the 7 r?gíσns thαt mαk? up Pαndσrα. Eαch r?gíσn ís t??míng wíth uníqu? cr?αtur?s born frσm fír?, wαt?r, ?αrth or wínd. Th? 4 r?αlms wíthín Pαndσrα αr? σv?rs??n by pur? El?m?ntαl Guαrdíαns. Its the combined efforts of these 8 El?m?ntαls thαt k??ps Pαndσrα sαf? αnd ín bαlαnc? If yσu αr? brαv? ?nσugh tσ jσín m?, tαk? my hαnd, wαtch yσur st?p, αnd w?lcσm? tσ Pαndσrα's R?αlm.[/size][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img] [/url] [/center]

Díd yσu ev?r wσnd?r whαt r?αlly hαpp?n?d
when Pαndσrα's Bσ? wαs σp?ned?

Hαv? yσu ?v?r ímαgín?d whαt wαs ínsíde?
Wαs ít α pαrαdíse σr pure chασs?
I hαd the cσurαg? tσ ?nt?r the R?αlm σf Pαndσrα
αnd I αm reαdy tσ t?ll my tαl?.
Líst?n clσse, fσr the stσry yσu αre
αbσut tσ h?αr wíll chαng? ?v?r?thíng.

Th? R?αlm σf Pαndσrα ís rul?d by α pσw?rful Gσdd?ss
frσm wíthín h?r cαstl? wαlls.
Sh? shαp?d the r?αlm tσ h?r wíll by hαrnessíng
the rαw ?ss?nc? σf the 4 ?l?m?nts
αnd frσm the bαrr?n plαíns αrσs? the
7 r?gíσns thαt mαk? up Pαndσrα.

Eαch r?gíσn ís t??míng wíth uníqu? cr?αtur?s
born frσm fír?, wαt?r, ?αrth or wínd.
Th? 4 r?αlms wíthín Pαndσrα αr? σv?rs??n by
pur? El?m?ntαl Guαrdíαns.
Its the combined efforts of these
8 El?m?ntαls thαt k??ps Pαndσrα sαf? αnd ín bαlαnc?

If yσu αr? brαv? ?nσugh tσ jσín m?,
tαk? my hαnd, wαtch yσur st?p,
αnd w?lcσm? tσ Pαndσrα's R?αlm.
[center][img][/img] How rare is each species? Each species is made based on a rarity system - the more stars one has, the rarer it is! The current rankings can be seen here: [url=]Falcons[/url] - ? [url=]Reindeer[/url] - ?? Elemental Foxes - ??? Elemental Hybrids - ???? [url=]Elemental Wind Fox[/url] [url=]Elemental Fire Fox[/url] [url=]Elemental Wind Hybrid[/url] [url=]Elemental Earth Hybrid[/url] [url=]Elemental Fire Hybrid[/url] [url=]Elemental Water Hybrid[/url] [url=]Normal Hybrid [/url] [/center]
How rare is each species?
Each species is made based on a rarity system - the more stars one has, the rarer it is! The current rankings can be seen here:

Falcons - ?
Reindeer - ??
Elemental Foxes - ???
Elemental Hybrids - ????
Elemental Wind Fox
Elemental Fire Fox
Elemental Wind Hybrid
Elemental Earth Hybrid
Elemental Fire Hybrid
Elemental Water Hybrid
Normal Hybrid

[center][u][b][size=4]Info/Ordering[/size] Are you going to make new species? There will be future species you never know what kind of creatures lurk in Pandora's Realm! Do you do customs? I will randomly open customs and keep the slots open for a limited time - to be notified of any news, be sure to subscribe to the thread! How much are customs? It varies by species! Generally, the rarer a creature is, the higher the price to make one. For now, it will be a case by case basis please offer currency so I may establish base prices. Feel free to suggest raising or lowering of prices I am totally ball parking the prices.[/b][/u][/center] [center]• Price is 75kt/75g/ For Falcons • Price is 150kt/150g/ For Reindeers • Price is 225kt/225g/ For Elemental Foxes • Price is 300kt/300g/ For Elemental Hybrids • Send the payment only after I've confirmed your order. Note that I start working on your adopt after I've gotten the payment! • Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt. • Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request. • Link back to my shop is appreciated! • Infinite slots, longer queue means longer wait time. [/center] [quote=" Order form"] @BoneJack [b]Dragon/s:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Apparel/Skins:[/b] [b]Anything else:[/b] [/quote] [center][u][b][size=4]Slots[/size][/b][/u][/center] [center]1. 2. 3. 4. [/center]

Are you going to make new species?
There will be future species you never know what kind of creatures lurk in Pandora's Realm!

Do you do customs?
I will randomly open customs and keep the slots open for a limited time - to be notified of any news, be sure to subscribe to the thread!

How much are customs?
It varies by species! Generally, the rarer a creature is, the higher the price to make one.
For now, it will be a case by case basis please offer currency so I may establish base prices.
Feel free to suggest raising or lowering of prices I am totally ball parking the prices.

• Price is 75kt/75g/ For Falcons
• Price is 150kt/150g/ For Reindeers
• Price is 225kt/225g/ For Elemental Foxes
• Price is 300kt/300g/ For Elemental Hybrids
• Send the payment only after I've confirmed your order. Note that I start working on your adopt after I've gotten the payment!
• Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt.
• Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request.
• Link back to my shop is appreciated!
• Infinite slots, longer queue means longer wait time.
Order form wrote:

Payment type:
Anything else:

[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [/center]
[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]

The Reindeer, Falcons, & Hybrids were done by Cassandra1891
Colorations & Edits are done by myself.

Important Note:
Please note I have full ownership of rights to the bases.
I paid for them in a Usd commission offsite.

The Reindeer, Falcons, & Hybrids were done by Cassandra1891
Colorations & Edits are done by myself.

Important Note:
Please note I have full ownership of rights to the bases.
I paid for them in a Usd commission offsite.
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sweeps shop.
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