
Level 25 Guardian
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Frogspawn Flyer
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Celadon Silk Veil
Ornate Gold Bracelet
Forest Green Arm Wraps
Amber Flourish Anklets
Copper Steampunk Vest
Glowing Green Clawtips
Forest's Edge Vines
Flaxen Unicorn Horn
Standard of the Stormcatcher


Accent: Sunbeam Sentinel


Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


18.36 m
19.63 m
10111.94 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 22, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level



Former Alpha Female of Alligator Clan • Military Ranking: Captain




As leader, sometimes I feel like a baby siter.

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HeavenLee is mostly known as the dragon who brought the war of the clans to an end. An enemy from another world had this weapon of mass destruction which they were going to use on Sorneith. HeavenLee intercepted the weapon and flew as high as she could and threw the weapon into space creating an explosion which did not reach the surface, but it caused the guardian to loos conscience and she fell back to earth. She crashed into the Sea of 1,000 Currents and was later rescued. Medical experts do not think any dragon could have survived what she went through unless they were a guardian. Still she had to have surgery on her wings which almost every bone was broken and there was uncertainty if she would ever be able to fly again. Later she was able to fly by using steam punk wings. After months of therapy, she was finally able to fly without them. She had overcome what many have doubted and learned to fly again.

Both of HeavenLee's parents are deceased. her mother, Taylor died of the dragon version of breast cancer and her father, Steven died of Covid. After the death of her parents, an alternate version of them visited Sornieth. Because they did nto belong in our universe, They did not live very long. Torn with the idea of having to watch her parents die twice, Soloar helped her create clones of Taylor and Steven, Taylor and Steven's DNA was combined with the DNA of an ET dragon. Although the clones have all the memories of their original host, the clones are the breed of the alien dragons which the DNA came from.

Although English is her primary language, HeavenLee occasionally speaks French. She also speaks Spanish, Tagolog and Sign Language. Every language she speaks, she taught to her step daughter Haven who became Alligator Clan's Alpha Female when she had to step down./size]


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To Carry a Clan

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HeavenLee's Book

**NOTE: The writing here is not an actual book nor protected by any copy right. It is strictly the writing created of a fictional character which is part of my lore. Any similarities of names, events etc. are coincidental.

Achnologements: Dedicated to my mother Taylor
Special thanks to Gaia for all the female talks we had about working with so many males and to my step daughter for encouraging me to write this book and running my clan while I was on leave to have the book published..

Chapter 1: Born Royalty

My name is HeavenLee. I was one of three hatchlings from the clutch I was hatched from. At least that is the way I remember it. Beck then Alligator Clan was young and small, but they were also a growing clan. My parents Steven and Taylor had just settled in Shifting Expanse and been granted sovereignty by the Storm Catcher. I am not sure why the clan was named after a lesser intelligent reptile. Perhaps it is because when the original castle was built, a moat was dug around it and became the home to some alligators. Alligators are reptiles just like we are. Sometimes they hang out along the edge of the moat during a sunny day to keep their bodies warm. What can I say? Reptiles are warm blooded creatures. However, alligators typically live in swamps which most bogsneaks are fond of.

Our national state mammal is the wolf. Because my mother was a mirror breed, it was in her instincts to be a hunter and being a female mirror, she would settle for nothing else than perfection. In order to keep a growing clan fed, my mother decided that the clan would have a hunting pack which would consists of one female mirror of from each flight. The purpose was to have a hunter of every flight during a flight holiday. The dragons from that flight were more likely to find good stuff and the pack would live in a cave located in the Rocky Hills and they named it The Pack Shack. In the beginning of my mother's hunting pack, it was decided that there would be five ranks and my mother is the only dragon to ever hold a R5 badge. There can never be more than two R4's at a time. The R3 badge was suppose to be granted to one dragon of every flight. As a R2, a dragon is assigned a mentor. A R1 you are excepted into the pack. Eventually, Taylor's pack became the Coyote Council.

Three lightning rods were build in our territory. They formed an equilateral triangle with our castle in the center. One of the lighting rods was built on top of an arch shaped structure which in time became the Lightning Flight Embassy and the place were most visitors of importance would stay. That is pretty much what our territory looked like.

Although there was never a political title in Alligator Clan called queen or princess, I became known as the princess. Deep down, I did not like being called princess. I wanted to have a title that exists. To me being the princess meant nothing. Later, I would become known as the queen and I disliked that even more, but I never showed my true feelings about being the princess or queen. All I wanted was to have a purpose. Unfortunately, I was the best qualified dragon of my siblings to keep Alligator Clan alive. Those were the days when everything was peaceful, but all would change. One war changed it all.

Chapter 2 The War of the Clans

Many stories have been written by other clans about an ancient shade who once tried to rule the world. Our story is about a war that we fought against an army created by the shade which eventually became Hydra Clan. It all started when an alternate realm was opened. Dragons from this realm were neither dead nor alive. I guess you would say they were like ghosts. However, there was one way they could be born into our realm as a live dragon, through a dragon egg. These ghosts dragons could incarnate their souls into a dragon egg and when they hatch would become what in Sornieth is known as a gen 1 dragon. This is when these ghosts were attempting to steel dragon eggs from clans and like that the first dynasty of the war had begun. However, it was not until the attack of Hydra Clan until Alligator Clan had officially entered the war.

During this time, I was a student at the old Flight University. Hydra Clan spies secretly were targeting my parents. Alligator Clan was in the process of opening a Flight University inside their territory and technology was booming. I guess you can say we were starting to show the characteristics of a typical Lightning Flight Clan. My mother was the first target. She was found motionless one day and went into a comma. I had to take a semester off from school to return to temporary take her place as Alpha Female, but very few dragons knew about my secret job because I did not want to be Hydra Clan's next target.

Three dragon eggs were stolen from us during the first dynasty of the war. The first one was a bogsneak egg. A dragon named Caltalore. In the alternate realm, Caltalore secretly feared Hydra Clan and had no problem turning against them if he ever bacame alive in our realm which he eventually did. Caltalore's egg hatched in our clan. At first, we were very suspicious of Caltalore. The bogsneak was interrogated and questioned and we thought we could learn something about Hydra Clan, but Caltalore did not like being in Alligator Clan and did not cooperate with our investigations so, we sent him to Wind Flight Clan, one of our strongest allies. After the war, he started a family in WFC.

One day two Dragon ghost showed up in our territory. Unlike the ones who attempted to destroy my parents these two were not hostile, but like any Hydra Clan dragon, they were after dragon eggs. Although one escaped a spirite was incarnated into one of our nocturne eggs. The dragon that was incarnated into our nocturne egg was not an adult. It was a young dragon named Ash. When Ash hatched in our territory, I gave him the name Tiny which he ended up liking more than the name he was given from birth. Most dragons from that realm born in our realm kept their original name but for some reason Ash did not. What we knew about Ash was his father was a high ranked military leader in the Hydra Clan army. He had sent his son to a Clan in Sornieth and his plan was if he every decided to turn against the shade, he would come back for his son and we were the clan that would have to deal with it. During Tiny's young days, he was a reckless child, but he was secretly torn between loyalty to Hydra Clan and his new home. He even was once arrested by WFC for spicing a cup of tea. However, he ended up growing up and becoming one of our strongest military leaders who would help us end the war.

The last dragon egg to be stolen from us was was a Wind egg which a female mirror hatched from. Alright, the Wind egg was not exactly stolen from us, but the hatchling ended up in our clan through the AH. Her name was Sonny and she was a dragon of the same military rank as Tiny's father. As a matter of fact, She knew Tiny's father. The problem is Sonny unlike Tiny and Caltalore were 100% loyal to Hydra Clan

The time came when my mother would come out of her comma and recover enough to resume her duty as Alpha Female. She woke up that day and created what would become known as our rally call. She stood up on the summit of the castle jumping up and down and bellowed "Alligatorsight" To the words of my mother, many other Alligator Clan dragons came just to see that their leader was okay. As the crowd got larger my mother's voice grew louder "Alligatorsight" Suddenly, with one leap into the air my mother spread her wings and glided over the crowd and once more said the word "Alligatorsight" The crowd watched my mother as she took flight into the sky and soon she was so high she could almost not be seen from the ground. Then there was this gust of wind and like that Taylor descended to earth and flew pass the crowd and all that was heard was the rush of the wind. about five seconds later Taylors voice was heard "Alligatorsight" My mother had broken the sound barrier and the crowd was cheering her on. When she landed, she make the announcement that Alligator Clan was going to fight back. The best thing about that day is I was able to return to school and finish my Masters.

Chapter 3 A new Alpha

After graduation from flight school, I returned home to Alligator Clan. One of the first things my mother told me when I returned was that she could no longer be Alpha Female. Little did I realize it was because Hydra Clan had made their second attack on one of our leaders and yes that dragon was my father Steven. I remember talking to my mother in the basement of the old castle and seeing my father lying motionless with candles lit around him. My mother had spent two weeks in the basement and she told me my father was dead. It is not hard to imagine what I was thinking about. I had just graduated from college, returned home and the first thing I am told is that I have to run a clan that is at war myself with no experience as a leader. I asked my mother about who the new Alpha Male would be and all she told me was "You will figure it out."

Shortly after Alligator Clan was handed to me, my sister Victoria became jealous of my new title. As a female mirror, the coyote council was handed to her after my mother stepped down. Under Article IV, Victoria can challenge me to a duel for leadership, but my sister had a slightly different strategy. As the head of the Coyote Council, Victoria has the support of the pack. Over all our clan was divided. However, Victoria would not challenge me. I had to issue the challenge myself. In the fight, I had my sister out matched from the beginning. What do you expect when you put a guardian against a mirror? I had the upper claw in that fight. What can I say? After the fight, I took my oath as Alpha Female and it became official.

A few months after I became Alpha Female, I met with Nils, a co leader of WFC. Nils is the son of Neptune former co leader of WFC. He had become leader at about the same time I became Alpha Female of Alligator Clan and Neptune, Nils father is a long time friend of my mother Taylor. However, my mother made me promise not to say anything about her battle against what mom called the crab virus. The actual name for it is cancer. What I learned about Nils is when he became leader, his father Neptune stayed in office similar to what my father Steven did. To the best of my knowledge, both dragons still hold the title of Head of War and Strategy in WFC. Nils is a very intelligent spiral just like my step daughter Haven Lee. Nils also is a dragon that believes in peace. At the meeting, I told Nils about this weapon Alligator Clan was working on that could bring the war to an end, but it could also bring our world to an end. Nils helped me to realize that the best strategy in war is to avoid fighting when possible. Every victory comes at a price. Because of that Nils is known in Alligator Clan as the dragon that prevented the use of a weapon of mass destruction after I ordered the operation to be terminated.

A few weeks later, I got word that my father Steven was not dead and was preparing to resume his role as Alpha Male, but only until a new Alpha Male was appointed. The truth is my father's health was deteriorating just like my moms. I fell in love with Lyr the clan's healer and he ended up becoming Steven's apprentice and eventually the new Alpha Male. Deep down, I think I should have let him go. Lyr was a great healer, but a terrible leader. I will always feel guilty of dragging him into this responsibility. I will never stop loving him. However, marrying him was a mistake. If I had never married him, I would have never had to divorce him in order to prevent him from being impeached.

After the divorce, Lyr stepped down and left Alligator Clan on his own. The rumor of him being sent into exile is not true. He choose to put himself on the AH in order to find another clan. It would not be hard considering he was a level 25 grinder, but I once again needed to find another Alpha Male. The next Alpha Male was a Ridgeback who had secretly been a spy for us. Nobody knows exactly where he originated from. Some say he is related to the Storm Catcher. Some think he came from the alternate realm where Hydra Clan came from. All I know is I have never seen a dragon so loyal to the Storm Catcher.

Chapter 4 The box

As I became better at my new job, more and more dragons in our clan were attending our new Flight University. The Alligator Clan University of Flight was founded while I was in my last semester at the old Flight University. The decision had been made that they were going to close it down because of a lack of qualified staff. I think they might have been open for one more semester after I graduated. I am not sure.

In time Tiny and Haven Lee would graduate from Alligator Clan University of Flight. They were both in the same graduating class. Many dragons in our clan believed that my step daughter is the next Alpha Female. I hope she is because I don't think there is any other dragon that can handle dealing with the males of our clan in power. Tiny is also a strong leader, but some dragons do not think he will ever become Alpha Male because of the crime he committed as a kid. What not many dragons know is he was actually offered the job before it was given to Spike. As for me, I think the real reason why he turned the job down is because he and Haven Lee do not work well together. It is not that they do not get along. They are just two completely different personalities. When they are not working together, they get along fine. They just need to stay out of each other's way.

Solar one of the founders of ACUOF later discovered some ancient technology. With the help of three other dragons, the box was invented. It all started with a class assignments which his students were to learn how to communicate with their familiar. Because some familiars do not speak our language, a translation device was built. The device was in the shape of a pyramid with one eye in the middle. The machine not only translated just about any language, but there were so many things this thing could do which we are still yet to discover. There was only one flaw. In order for it to work properly, we had to build different flight types for each dragon other wise there were things that could go wrong.

For example a Lightning model could short circuit if used by a Water Flight Dragon. A Nature Flight box could rot if used by a Plague dragon. A Plague box would grow mold if touched by any other flight type dragon. The consequences ranged from minor to putting the dragon's life in danger. There are also other things which the box can be used for which is not recommended.

Most models have the ability to teleport a dragon into another realm. That may sound like a very powerful function and that it is. It is also a very dangerous function. First of all, teleportation uses a lot of energy. I heard that one dragon once used the box to teleport into another realm but could not teleport home because the box could not be recharged to teleport back.

Eventually, the box became used mostly for communication and many other clans use this technology. It was mostly used during the War of the Clans. I have this theory this invention is what got us in the war because Hydra Clan dragons were after the blue prints to build this during the second dynasty, but most dragons believe that we were already involved in the war before the box was invented. I know better. I think Solar secretly was working on this invention long before the science experiment which the first one was built by students.

Chapter 5 The Second Dynasty

The second dynasty of the war came after Hydra Clan stopped going after dragon eggs. Enough dragons had been born into our realm and they were showing up at random times. Dragons like Tiny and Caltalore had established loyalty to their new home and risked being guilty of treason against Hydra Clan. Never less Hydra Clan was weaker now that dragons have been turning against them.

The war still went on, but instead of dragons attempting to steel dragon eggs, more dragons were coming through a portal which was believed to be in Star Fall. Alligator Clan And Wind Flight Clan launched a rescue mission to free dragons which Hydra Clan was keeping as prisoners. The mission took a lot of planning and it had to be perfect. At that time we believed that the base in The Scarred Wastland was the only Hydra Clan base and the power supply was coming from Star Fall. but that was where the portal was. The power source was actually coming from a generator located in Ash Fall. We believe it to have been constructed from parts of the Ancient Pillar, but that was never proven. We also did not realize that another base was in Southern Ice Field. The base in The Scarred Wasteland was destroyed and about 10,000 dragons were freed. About 12 of them were given dragon eggs and settled in our realm, but most returned to their home realm.

The ones who choose to stay in our realm, provided the rebelling clans with information on the enemy. Hydra Clan all of a sudden was not so strong. It was almost like they were now up against all of Sornieth. Hydra Clan's leader was an Emperior Breed dragon named GRI which stood for the three heads he had one guardian, one ridgeback and of course one imperial. A nocturne named Misty who was the sister of Tiny made a promise that if Gri was defeated and she became the new Hydra Clan leader, the clan would have peace amoung the eleven Flights. However, Hydra Clan was not loyal to any Flight. At least not yet. Plus, some dragons still supported Gri. To them, Misty was a traitor and guilty of treason, but Alligator Clan agreed to a truce which would recognize Misty as leader if Gri was defeated. Wind Flight Clan, on the other hand, was a little more reluctant. I am not sure if they ever entirely agreed to it until after the war, but the truce was written by a nocturne named Cleveland.

Chapter 6 The Hatchling Bomb

It has seemed like every battle won came with a price. The battle that brought us into the war cost us the lives of one third of our clan, but we managed to run them out. Tiny lead a mission to take out a communication tower in Tangled Woods, but that too came at a cost. That is when I believed that a weapon of mass destruction could save lives.

The project was to build a bomb out of a dragon egg shell. The bomb like a dragon egg had to be incubated before it could be detonated. When detonated, it caused an explosion which we believe to be an imitation of the way the Pillar exploded.That is why we called it the hatchling bomb. However, like I said I ordered the project to be terminated. Little did I know that my husband Lyr had ordered the project to continue.

When I found out that Lyr had ordered the Hatchling Project to resume, I had to file for divorce. Deep down, that was the hardest thing in my life I had to do. I never stopped loving him, but I knew that Lyr would soon face impeachment and possible put on trial as a war criminal. My divorce caused him to step down as Alpha Male and leave Alligator Clan without facing exile. Spike became the new Alpha Male. Many dragons do not think Tiny will ever become Alpha Male because of the the crime against a WFC leader he was arrested for as a kid, but I don't thing Spike is much different. Both dragons are strong military leaders ,but they don't always think with their head. They are always trying to prove how tough they are and sometimes they act so immature. That just drives me crazy.

The hatchling bomb was actually used but not until another project was made to give it different effects. It was charged with a certain magic which caused Gri to de morph into three separate dragons. The Imperial head became an imperial which we learned was named Grover. The Guardian head became a guardian who we learned was named Richard. The ridgeback head became a ridgeback which named Ike. Before Gri was created these three dragons were actually the three dragons which the hatchling bomb turned them back into. Ike and Richard were Grover's body guards. Never less that brought an end to the second dynasty of the War of the Clans.

Chapter 7 The third dynasty

In the third dynasty of the war, Hydra Clan surrendered and Misty finally became leader of Hydra Clan. Druning that time the Hydra Clan dragons who had been born into our realm became travelers and made peace with many clans. Sounds like that should have brought the war to an end? Not so fast. Another enemy was on the rise. This new enemy of dragons were known as the Colt. They were formed by dragons who Hydra Clan has once held as prisoners before we freed them. They were seeking revenge and with the curse of the shade we were their enemies too.

Because of the fear of the hatchling bomb this part of the war was the shortest. Another truce was written by Cleveland which would require all battles between beast clan and dragons to be held in the coliseum. Before the truce came official, the portal was opened up and became a new coliseum battle ground. Eventually, the truce was signed by many clan and today we live under a truce that dragons and beast clans are suppose to battle only in coliseum battle grounds. In return dragons are forbidden to travel through the portal to the alternate realm. Most beast clans obey the truce, but in their eyes the war is still going on.


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