
Level 4 Gaoler
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Energy: 50
out of
Nature icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Gaoler
Male Gaoler
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
Hibernating icon
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
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12.74 m
8.59 m
5440.97 kg


Primary Gene
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Spirit (Gaoler)
Spirit (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Weathered (Gaoler)
Weathered (Gaoler)


Feb 25, 2021
(3 years)


Gaoler icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 4 Gaoler
EXP: 3891 / 4027




  • none


Orca's avatar
"Orca" aka Lancer Sterling
The Bloody Orca, Orca, Lance
Age: Adult
Gender: Male he/him
Family: None he talks about
Role: Hunter

he's just
a jerk who loves hunting things
and blood
and hunting other dragons
he doesn't usually kill them
bc he doesn't actually eat them
but he wants them to think he will
its more for the sport than for food
if it was for food then he'd just not bother with dragons there's plenty of normal food to hunt

orca loves bloodshed and the taste of blood
which is why I say he doesn't usually kill dragons
he's not trying to
but he likes a good fight
and whats fun is orca has like a really chill and friendly demeanor
so he doesn't go like- bloodcrazed or angry or anything
he rips a limb off, jus says
"oh shoot, my bad"
he's also like very honest too
he'll be the first to just straight up say
"oh I'm a monster, you absolutely should be scared of me :)"
people who don’t know better assume he is joking



Jasper - ♥♥♥♥♥
Lover, fellow hunter, and favorite target. The two met one day when Orca was new in the area and Jasper was out on a solo hunting trip. They bonded over their shared love of hunting for sport and for blood.

Bloodile - ♥♥♡♡♡
Acquaintance and a friend of Jasper’s. Orca can tell he’s dumb as bricks but respects his affinity for hunting and the outdoors. He’s been hunting with him once along with Jasper.

Mocha - ♡♡♡♡
A chilly acquaintance. Orca can tell that Mocha doesn’t trust him further than he could throw him. A smart dragon :)


Early Life:
As a kid Orca was quiet, very smart and observant, sharp and logical, but also cold and off-putting. He rough housed with other hatchlings in a way that concerned his family, he had no intention of harming them but his family were still concerned, he also enjoyed physically demanding activity which frequently resulted in mild injury, scrapes and the like, he enjoyed the adrenaline rush. His family were concerned and off-put by him, nervous ab him bc of his similarities to his older brother who had turned out bad. They were subtly uncomfortable around him. Orca noticed this and internalized it, feeling alienated and like something was wrong with him, that he must be a bad person.

Orca looked up to his older brother as someone similar to him who his family also didn't like, two rejected bad people. His brother though, hated orca. Their father had taken one look at orca and just washed his hands of him immediately, wanting nothing to do with the kid. Orca's brother was not so fortunate, their father took a much more hands on correctional approach with him. Their dad was himself similar to both of them. He was partially in denial of it but also partially saw himself in them and hated it.

It was because of this that Orca's brother had turned out so bad, and it was why his brother hated hated Orca so much, bc he saw their dad's dismissal of Orca as the kid getting off easy. Orca's brother eventually snapped when Orca was a pre-teen by human standards. He attacked orca and roughed him up really bad. This was the last straw for the family and for the lair and orca's brother was driven out and banned from ever coming back.

This whole mess was naturally traumatizing for orca, once again the kid internalized it into his "I'm a bad person" list. His response to the trauma was to lean into it and start picking fights with other kids, he already liked adrenaline rushes so this was just a new thing to do. He became less quiet and weird and more of a smug *******, always provoking fights. He never took things too far though bc he didn't actually want to seriously hurt these other kids he grew up with.

He slowly mellowed out again, especially once he became a teen and was given the task to start hunting in the hopes it would give him a healthy outlet for his,, *gestures vaguely* everything. He really loved hunting, definitely a bit too much honestly. He hunted more and more challenging and dangerous prey. It made the rest of the lair nervous but they all sorta just ignored it because he stopped picking fights and actually became quite sociable and charming, friendly and playful but still kinda smug and snarky, very chill, he was well liked enough and he also gained a kid sister he got along very well with.

It started simply enough, he was out hunting and had traveled quite a distance, he noticed signs of someone in the area and started tracking them, he stalked up on them and waited for a moment just watching, it wasn't someone from his lair, laying in wait watching only made his hunter's drive flair up more and in an instant he struck, he injured the dragon significantly but not horribly, before letting them go, he knew that killing them would be the more logical action, as letting them go would cause word to spread, but for some reason he let the opportunity pass and let the dragon escape him.

He knew that he couldn't make a habit of this, not if he wanted to stay with his family and his lair.
So he made his choice and never went home.

Finding love:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam mattis mattis condimentum. Morbi elementum ligula dui. Proin a luctus libero, ut porta ligula. In ex lacus, vehicula id urna nec, elementum vehicula ante. Maecenas iaculis egestas aliquam. Nunc blandit, diam a dictum varius, quam tortor viverra ligula, eu convallis arcu dui a felis. Proin malesuada maximus cursus. Phasellus mollis malesuada ex, sed commodo dolor tempus et. Phasellus laoreet est ac arcu hendrerit lacinia. Nunc vitae nibh ultricies, consectetur velit ut, lacinia risus. Sed sapien felis, pharetra quis ullamcorper nec, semper eu mi. Phasellus ac magna quis lorem malesuada lacinia in non quam. Maecenas facilisis bibendum magna, at tincidunt lectus molestie at.

Future Scry/Outfit:
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Exalting Orca to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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