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Personal Style



Accent: Warforged



6.62 m
7.06 m
436.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 04, 2014
(9 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Wildclaw
EXP: 2475 / 11881


Uh-oh, looks like this reddish Wildclaw wandered a little too far from his lair (#44735, Aeneryss), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread

Owners I've had
ZXR7vFi.png Aeneryss #44735
mn4kx6k.png Ivy25bb #119498
1RCt274.png Prescott #136580
LkRXD8d.png SunDragon #11739
zkCCSdy.png Unidra #64884
XMDavq4.png Bibliomancer #162178
mn4kx6k.png Fefesan #145702
ZXR7vFi.png Toriel #84699
XMDavq4.png PictureYggdrasil#182416
1RCt274.pngwolfcathybrid, #180358
LkRXD8d.png aearinn, #213566
1KxuQKm.png black0thorne, #46356
XMDavq4.pngMaruna, #190782
1RCt274.pngRemuta, #199261
ZXR7vFi.png Aeneryss #44735
1KxuQKm.pngReginapis #243024
ZXR7vFi.png Aeneryss #44735
1RCt274.png Prescott #136580
1KxuQKm.png WhistlewindWolf #152703
ZXR7vFi.png Aeneryss #44735
mn4kx6k.png xLittleOne #298026
1KxuQKm.pngdeathclassic #302028
(put your lair/username here and continue his bio if you want)


Akuma was in Aeneryss' Lair for so long, that he didn't even remember how he got there. But as an only Wildclaw, he was feeling a bit lonely. In fact, he always thought that The Southern Icefield is a bit too cold place to live. He would prefer somewhere warmer. Maybe The Ashfall Waste? But it is so far.... Flying over the sea won't be a nice journey. He must find the other way. He spent 8 months in this freezy place just because he was scared to leave. But when he saw some dragons that are traveling around the world and even his friend joined them, he decided to try. And so, he is going....


After much deliberation, Akuma decided to brave the journey across the sea in order to reach the Ashfall Waste. However, on his flight he was blown off course and ended up in the Carrion Canyon, a dry and barren area of the Shifting Expanse. He was afraid and confused, and more than once he tripped on the skeletal remains of ancient dragons. When he was about to lose hope of ever finding his way out, some dragons from Ivy's lair found him and took him in. They fed him and took care of him. For many weeks they played games and went on hunts, and Akuma began to feel comfortable in the constant storms. Though he made many friends, began to feel the call to adventure once again, and thus his journey continues...
Akuma soon ended up in the Tangled Wood. As he ventured further in, he came across a rambunctious clan in the Foxfire Bramble known as the Forgotten Clan. He wasn't entirely sure what their title meant, and all the dragons would tell him was that it just had a deep meaning to all of them. Regardless, he got along well with the other few Wildclaws there - Nagare, Veloce and one leafy warrior who had not yet decided upon her name. He also struck up a friendship with Rednight, a mirror who was perpetually cold (and boy, did that bring back memories from home). Soon, he was ready to continue his journey, and he bid farewell to his new friends.
After leaving the Tangled Wood he decided to go east and soon ended up in the Hewn City. Much like the Tangled Wood the Hewn City was wrapped in thick mist and twilight even during the day. The Hewn City played tricks on his mind until he was thoroughly lost. He was glad when he stumbled upon the lair of the SunDragon clan. They welcomed him with open arms and clan ambassador Violante entertained him for the rest of his stay.
Afterwards, he stumbled upon a hideout in the Reedcleft Ascent where several dragons were planning an ambush. He was hoping to help them, but his nerve escaped him, and the ambush seemed to be taking so long to plan that he could no longer wait. He left, hoping to escape far beyond this particular clan and hopefully never see them again.
His next temporary home was more peaceful. He'd flown over the ocean several times, but never stayed in it. The Deep Seer clan took him in and taught him how to relax. For a short time life was good. He was father to a clutch of three eggs, stayed long enough to see them grow up, and teach them what he felt they needed to know. Then, once again, he moved on.
The next clan Akuma stumbled upon was incredibly disorienting. He didn't even know he was in a clan for a while. He was just passing through the Lightning Farm when a large posse of dragons moved in front of his path. They were headed towards the "temporary Intern shelters", and were being led by a small squad of mirrors. Curious, he followed them. That was a mistake. The temporary Intern shelters were apparently dens for the dragons planning to go serve the Stormcatcher. And the air was thick with anticipation. Asking the mirrors about the main part of the clan was another mistake, as these dragons were also heavily occupied with their own preparations. He decided to move on, although Soulsong, the pearlcatcher that seemed to be in charge of everything, did offer him a bite to eat for the road. Grateful to be out of that tension, Akuma continued on his journey.

Finally he'd wound up at the Southern Icefields... again. Was that a good thing? Not necessarily, however it did bring him a wash of nostalgia. Fallen, the clan's leader, was fortunately understanding of his traveling state, and after Akuma had explained that he wanted to go to the Ashfall Waste... or at least, someplace warm... Fallen granted him a gift of flame. Just some simple, floating flames. Akuma was happy, to say the least. The other members of The Before had explained their stories and shared laughs, and told him about the rumored 'lost city of Scania' that they were pursuing. This had interested Akuma greatly, but the Wildclaw couldn't participate in this search. He'd an adventure to take care of, but he'd stay for a little longer. But they'd wished him luck in advance.


An unexpectedly strong thermal paired with a powerful wind from the south propelled the traveler beyond his intended destination and when the weather calmed again, he found himself gliding over the sparkling expanse of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. He came to rest on a little Atoll where brightly colored Fey dragons darted with the fish among the coral and a snapper pair who resembled terrain as much as dragon basked in the sun where a stream trickled down to meet the sea. He was greated by the clans matriarch, a guardian who was as tranquil a personality as her name suggested and invited to stay as long as he wanted. The weather was fair enough, so he acquiesced, joining the clan for the better part of a season before cooler tides compelled him to resume his search for warmer shores.

Akuma flew over the sea and reached a big waterfall. Curious, he flew to the top and found himself amidst some ruins. There he met a band of wildclaws who were scavenging. They took him gladly to their lair, fussing about and explaining that they had hosted many travelers before. At the lair Akuma got to know everybody, mostly because everybody wanted to get to know him. Stories were shared and especially the wildclaws bonded with one of their own kin quickly. Akuma was taken on hunting trips and and he was taught more melee skills "should he wind up somewhere dangerous".

The beauty of the trees in the Starwood Strand had Akuma caught up as he wandered through the forests. He didn't notice as he stumbled upon a cave nearly hidden by trees, vines and possibly some sort of magic. A massive Imperial towered over him with a tiny Skydancer prancing along in front of it welcomed him to the clan. Few questions were asked, and the Skydancer explained that many travelers had been coming through here lately. He was welcome to the clan for awhile to rest and recuperate.. and possibly learn some of the Arcane ways, if he so felt up to it.

After staying a while in Starfall Isles Akuma continued his travel. He went to few other places, but he didn't want to stay in any of them forever. During his last flight he realize that he accidentally happen to be near his old home. He decided to visit his old Lair as he started missing it. Almost nothing has changed there - almost all his friend were still living in the same place, but of course some new dragons came. All of them were curious about his jurney and were asking a lot of questions.
Recently, more and more pairs of dragons started visiting The Fortress of Ends for a little holiday and than coming back home with they newly born children. Akuma (who of course had some "friends" during his journey, but nobody here, at home) started to feel lonely. And cold. He definitely wasn't made for spending his life in Icefields.
So he said goodbye to all his friend again and started preparing for another travel. Maybe this time he will finally reach The Ashfall Waste...

The skies weren't kind to him in his travels, and the wind became too tumultuous for him to go any further. He had no choice but to head back to the Icefield for a while and return home, exhausted in his travels and soaking in the familiarity of the place despite the freezing cold. Once rejuvenated, he flew off when the skies became clearer.

Freezing cold is definitely not something that he can stand long. Bye bye home, Time to leave again. Hopefully this time for a little bit longer....

After making his way through a complex maze on the border of the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, he was taken by surprise. He'd found his way back to the Forgotten Clan, who now resided in a much larger area than before! He was happy to meet up with his old friends, particularly Rednight. He noticed a lot of changes had taken place since he had last saw them, notably that more members had joined and that it was even more difficult to access their lair. After spending a while reminiscing about their previous encounter, he decided that it was time to move on with his journey.

After hours of flying, he found himself in the allied territories of Clan Tala. They welcomed him when he landed, but were busy packing things away and dragons were moving out in small groups. They told him they were leaving the Starfall Isles and moving to the Southern Icefields. Too many memories to rebuild again, they said. He traveled alongside them and helped them settle in, then went off again to visit his home clan.

Since he wasback in the Ice teritory, he decided to visit his home again and see whathappened when he was in his travel. Surprisingly, a lot has changed even though his travel wasn't long. He didn't meet his old friends and saw a lot of new faces. But the thing that didn't change was the weather. Still too cold. So let's begin the journey again!

Story goes here
Story goes here
Story goes here
Story goes here

Flight icons:
Ice - ZXR7vFi.png
Fire - oYcHyJb.png
Nature - WUhAYzz.png
Arcane - 1KxuQKm.png
Light - LkRXD8d.png
Shadow - 1RCt274.png
Lightning - mn4kx6k.png
Water - XMDavq4.png
Wind - zkCCSdy.png
Plague - d4kZXgV.png
Earth - 9PD4Jfi.png
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