
my MOTW character, but like, dragon (and ghost)
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Banescale
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Battlefield


7.16 m
8.34 m
431.13 kg


Primary Gene
Laced (Banescale)
Laced (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Edged (Banescale)
Edged (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Plumage (Banescale)
Plumage (Banescale)


Aug 23, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Banescale
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



the monstrous | theme

Cade Sullivan is one of my Monster of the Week characters, and your local idiot. This boy has one braincell and all it's used for is chaos and doing stupid things.

Cade is of the Monstrous class, and is, in fact, a ghost. He died in a flying accident at the age of eighteen, but instead of being able to move on, something kept his ghostly form tethered to the earth. So, Cade ended up roaming the world for a while, disrupting society and messing with authorities as much as he possibly could.

In his adventures, Cade met a newly formed group of monster hunters, who decided to take him with just for the heck of it... and maybe put his energy to better use. They were all rather weary of him at first, since Cade was a monster himself. But after proving that he's chill and just an average angsty teen, they all relaxed around him.

Cade ended up really enjoying everyone's company. They were the first real family that he had since his death. In fact, he had grown so close to them that he had decided that they were worth dying for. In a fierce battle against the demon they've been tracking for months... instead of joining them in battle, Cade left his remaining strength and power with them and died.

The force that kept him on earth had disappeared in that battle. In exchange for making sure his family was safe and healed, Cade moved on. While he regrets not fighting alongside them and leaving them all behind, the fact that they were able to defeat the demon made Cade's sacrifice worthwhile in his eyes.

He continues to watch over them in his own way. And in the future, he hopes to be able to find some way to communicate with them from beyond the grave.



▸ no notes yet...




With those two words, everything that he saw and everything that he knew went black. He supposed that, for now, it was a good thing. He just wasn’t able to heal himself, and when that knife pierced his chest, it was all over.

But this darkness… this void… he couldn’t feel anything. There was no pain, no thoughts, and no worries.

He didn’t know how much time had passed. The first thing he felt was sensation in his limbs and body. He could move his fingers and his legs and flap his arms about. Somehow, he had regained form. Then he felt a constant, crisp breeze. It brushed against his body, caressed his cheeks and tousled his hair. It felt refreshing, it felt comforting, and it felt familiar.

Cade opened his eyes.

He was flying in grapefruit sky, the clouds reflecting a soft, rosy hue. Looking around in wonder, Cade saw a few lone stars peeking out. It felt odd to see them out here at sunset, but he supposed he wasn’t familiar enough with the sky this high up.

It was quiet up here, save for the gentle whistling in his ears as the wind passed his face. That, in itself, was something he relished.

Cade could feel his tense body slowly begin to relax, and he once again began to enjoy the sensation of flying.

He smiled, holding out his arms like a bird, and began to dip and ascend and twirl. He dove into a cloud and emerged from the other end, stray tendrils of mist from the cloud gathering against him before slowly dissipating into the vast sky.

He was strangely calm and happy, not even wondering how he got here, until he heard a soft, booming voice from somewhere.

“Cade… it’s been a while. We’ve long awaited your arrival.” The voice was mysterious and otherworldly, and yet Cade felt absolutely no malice or animosity from this voice.

The boy in question tilted his head and had a guarded look. He was naturally wary of the voice, since he didn’t know its source. Not to mention… a random, booming voice in the sky… how on earth?

“Who the hell are you? What is this?” He asked, clearly not sure of what to make of all of this. And who didn’t want answers in a situation like this?

Cade couldn’t see anyone or anything that the voice could possibly belong to, so he had no idea how the voice felt about his questions. He didn’t need to wonder too long, though, as he heard the booming voice again shortly afterwards.

“This… is where you belong, Cade. You were supposed to have come here a while ago, right when you died. But something… some strange force kept you tied to the Earth. You were wandering for quite a while, weren’t you? And it wasn’t until recently when you learned why you were stuck there.”

Cade felt himself grow a little less wary of whatever this being was after hearing this. There was a tiny little part of him, buried deep, deep inside, that had a feeling of what this place was, and why he was here. He just didn’t want to believe it.

He felt himself slow down, before coming to a complete stop. Cade was just hovering in this air, but a soft breeze continued to kiss his skin.

It felt like whatever this thing was could see right through him - maybe it could in a literal sense, he was a ghost after all - and it made him uncomfortable. It was annoying too, not to mention. He liked hiding things from people when he wanted to; everyone liked their privacy! But right now, every part of him just felt so open and exposed. No matter what, it felt useless to hide his emotions behind a mask.

So Cade let his smile drop. His pitch black, bottomless eyes gazed down sadly, staring at the fluffy clouds beneath him.

And he also admitted to himself that he was scared. He was absolutely terrified. He didn’t know what any of this meant, and he didn’t know what was going to happen.

The voice seemed to have sensed this, and let Cade mull things over for a little while. Cade appreciated it, and allowed his mind to wander.

And then he remembered. All of his - his, his family - they were all fighting Ir’eth right now. Maybe they were under the same Mind Lock spell, but maybe not. And all of them were badly wounded. Except for Caelestis, but who knows how long that would last. Caelestis is strong and powerful, and more than capable of defending themself, but… this is Ir’eth that they’re all up against!

At this point, Cade started to panic. He paced as much as one could while he was hovering, and stared down below him with worry. That was his team down there right now, fighting Ir’eth in a bloody battle.
The voice noticed his panic and decided to speak up.

“Your friends are fighting a tough battle down there, and I know you must be worried. Therefore, I will allow you to choose one of two options.”

This startled Cade, causing him to whip his head up at… wherever this thing was.

“What… what do you mean by options?”

The voice replied in its same, calm voice.

“I’ll give you the option to go back down to be with your friends and help. I know that you’re worried about them. Or… if you choose to stay here… I guarantee you that your friends will be fully healed and they’ll become even stronger than they are now. If they play their cards right, they’ll almost certainly be able to defeat the one you all are fighting against.”

Cade felt his heart drop. Actually, it shattered, and if anyone else was currently present to see him, they would see this very rare expression on his face: one of utter devastation and defeat.

He stared down at his feet, contemplating his options. But he already knew what he had to do.

Yes, Cade was a wild child, someone who was always causing problems and chaos. He was compulsive, reckless, daring, chaotic, had barely any self control, crass, and often short sighted…

...But when it came down to it, Cade was extraordinarily loyal. Growing up, he learned to appreciate and love his friends. Every new gang or group that Cade had joined while he was alive took care of each other, and it taught him to put his friends and family before himself. And Cade often did. Many of his scars were because he took the place of one of his team members in a scuffle.

After a moment of silence, Cade brought his gaze back up, staring at nothing in particular. Though, it did feel like the voice was coming from above him.

“...It feels like you can see right through me, and it feels like you know everything about me. You know my answer, you know what it is, and this feels really cruel of you,” he spat, clearly angry and annoyed and defeated by the situation he found himself in.

“Are you sure? I’m not forcing you to-”

“No, you’re not, but you know damn well that I’m not going to be selfish! If I go back there myself, what can I do? Caelestis isn’t residing within me anymore, I’m not as strong as I used to be! I can barely even heal myself, let alone others! They’re all hurt, and I feel like something really awful happened to Anna. Going back there myself… I might as well condemn them all to death!”

His voice was laced with venom, but there was no way he could stay angry, at least at this voice, and he could never be angry at his teammates. Rather, Cade was angry at himself, his circumstances, and the fact that he became so useless once he separated from Caelestis. He couldn’t blame Caelestis at all - he was happy that they were okay and that they were getting along with the rest of the crew.

...He truly had terrible luck, didn’t he?

There was more silence, probably the voice letting Cade calm down a bit more, before the gentle voice reappeared.

“Are you sure you won’t have any regrets?” it asked.

Cade scoffed, and gave this being a self-deprecating smirk.

“Again, why bother asking if you can see right through me?” Cade took a deep breath, and that smirk was replaced with a sad smile. “If I do this… they’ll win. I know they will. And with this, I won’t feel useless. I… I’ve got to do this.” There was a deep sadness in his tone, but he was determined, and that gave him the confidence to go through with this.

“Alright,” the voice replied, “I’ll allow you to go back down briefly to say goodbye to everyone. We look forward to welcoming you to the Heavens, Cade.”

And with that, Cade was once again plunged into darkness.

The next time he awoke, Cade opened his eyes to see the portal, Ir’eth, and Aiden all nearby. Okay, so he was back on Earth, and whatever Mind Lock spell that was cast on him had apparently worn off.

But this time, he felt different.

Instead of being in excruciating pain, his body static and shifting, Cade felt…


He wasn’t in pain anymore. In fact, he never felt better. Glancing down, he saw that he was hovering once again, about a foot off the floor.

Cade looked around, trying to refresh himself - and saw Aiden with an indescribable expression, staring right at him.

He blinked, wondering what could be wrong, and out of the corner of his eye, saw a small, bright sphere of glowing golden light. And then he realizes with horror, after lifting his arm up, that the source of these lights is him.

Multitudes of these glowing golden orbs emanate from his body, and pieces of him are slowly starting to fade away into nothingness.

He knew that he had to say goodbye, but he… he just didn’t think it would have to be so soon.

Seeing as Aiden was currently the only one out of his team members to be inside the building, Cade gave the boy a heart wrenching smile. Aiden did not take this well.

“Cade…? What’s happening, are you good?”

Cade could only chuckle at that.

“Well, Aiden, it’s been fun…”

He couldn’t see his eyes, obviously, but from the way the corners of Aiden’s mouth twitched, that statement had clearly caught him off guard.

“What do you mean?” Aiden asked, pressing for answers.

Cade swallowed, now noticing the number of knives that were lodged in Aiden’s body, and the amount of blood that coated him.

“I… I’m going to help you guys. I’m going to save you, in the only way I can right now.”

“Cade? What does that mean?”

Cade couldn’t keep up his chill, laid-back demeanor anymore. That mask of his crumbled away, leaving him looking forlorn, guilty, and… scared.

“I can’t stay here anymore. I was meant to move on months ago, I wasn’t supposed to be here for as long as I have, but something was keeping me tethered here, to Earth, preventing me from crossing to the afterlife. That… that force… is now gone-”

Cade was interrupted when he felt two hands gripping his shoulders. He was a bit startled, and looked down to see Aiden holding onto him, staring helplessly as Cade continued to fade away into golden dust.
Why did this have to be so hard…? Why did it have to be this way?!

Nevertheless, Cade persisted.

“I want to say thank you, Aiden - I want to thank all of you. I want to thank Anna and Irene and Caelestis… you all showed me a path I didn’t think was possible after death. You all accepted me, despite being dead, and Irene came to tolerate me and trust me, despite everything that she went through.

"I… I had… fun. Sure, there were plenty of terrible things that happened, and a lot of us have changed significantly… But… I had fun, too… I can’t forget the small things we did together, the adventures, the research, the painfully long car rides, you all saving my *** every time I did something stupid…

"Not only did I feel helpful and useful, but… but… thank you… thank you for being my family. Thank you for making me feel welcome, and giving me a place I belong, and I-”

Cade abruptly paused.

The grip on his shoulders became much tighter, and Cade saw that, beneath all his bandages and beneath his shades, tears were streaming down Aiden’s face. He was trembling, too, and… something inside of Cade broke.

Lifting a trembling, glowing hand to his face, Cade mindlessly wiped the corners of his eyes, and when he pulled his hand away, he saw that his hand glistened with fresh tears.

They were pouring down his face now, dripping onto the floor and staining his disintegrating hoodie.
Cade choked on a sob.


He felt himself being pulled into the tightest hug he’s ever been in, and Cade squeezed Aiden back - well, as much as he dared, since Aiden was still injured and full of knives.

“Aiden… I… I thought I didn’t have any more regrets, but… I’m so sorry…! I’m sorry that I can’t help you find your brother. I’m so sorry that I can’t stay with you guys anymore and continue to ghost hunt, because believe me, if I could, I wouldn’t trade you or Anna or Irene or Caelestis for any other team in the world!”

Throughout his talk, Cade’s vision gradually became brighter and brighter, and the feeling of Aiden’s body became less and less tangible.

That only made Cade squeeze Aiden tighter.

“I love you guys, and as much as… as much as I want to stay… I can’t… I… I have to go…”

The light was practically blinding at this point, and Cade began to lose his senses. The world felt like it was slipping through his fingers.

His voice was soft at this point, but riddled with sobs, and the devastation and agony in his voice evident. He hated this. He hated saying goodbye to the people he loved a third time.

“Take… take care of yourselves… and… and kick Ir’eth’s butt for me, okay?...”

Caelestis and Irene rushed into the room just in time to see Cade’s body completely disintegrate into glowing gold light. Those spheres hovered around for a split second… and faded away from existence.

Aiden felt something in his palm. Looking down, he couldn’t see it for himself, but the size and shape of it told him that it was the vial of virgin’s blood that Cade had carried around, ready to be used to complete the ritual, and banish Ir'eth for good.

And then, everyone else began to glow. The knives in each person’s body were removed, the blood vanished, and every wound sealed shut with a faint golden glow, as if it had never been there in the first place.

Caelestis stared at Cade’s missing person, dumbfounded and silent.

And after a split second, they screamed.


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