Level 25 Imperial
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30.68 m
24.39 m
5677.34 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level

Allison ->Kali ->Shiva

Shiva the Rift Mage
Mage - Rift Mage - Infiltrator & Shaman
Mage - Rift Mage - Infiltrator & Shaman

Being born for greatness isn't always the easiest thing to handle. Her father was a warrior while her mother was a Time Lord. Hell even her grandmother was a very powerful Time Lord, but Shiva didn't want that in her life. She wanted a different life, where she didn't feel like she was to always be on the run. From a young age she showed signs to be a great Time Lord, but it wasn't her chosen path. Suppressing those powers she focused to be more of a Mage. Her goal was to help others.
Many moons later her paths crossed with a healer, Kusil. His story seemed to captivate her making her fall for this other dragon. While her mother was not paying attention one night Shiva ran off with this Kusil dragon. Her love for him was pure, but what she had not known was that he worked for the Organization a group of people who were trying to find her grandmother and any offspring from her grandmother's line. Luckily for her, he did not know she was from that line that he so desperately looked for. Shiva wanted to run, but her love she felt for Kusil was so strong that she chose to stay. Keeping her identity a secret she ventured forth with a new goal in mind, what if she destroyed the Organization from the inside? What if she could free her beloved Kusil from what he thought was the right thing to do?
On the inside of the Organization, Shiva met another that seemed to find a place in her heart. Spellcurse wasn't the nicest dragon around but Shiva could not seem to help feeling drawn to him. Their paths continued to cross no matter how much it seemed they would try to avoid each other. It was in this moment, Shiva began to understand her family's way of having multiple mates. What was it about Spellcurse and Kusil that kept her going back? How long could she stay hidden in the Organization?
After many months inside, Shiva learned a lot about how the Organization worked. But what she never expected was for Kusil to already have his doubts about her. One night while she slept, he gathered a vial of her blood to do a DNA test and much to his surprise is matched closely with Allisons DNA they had. A granddaughter of Allison, oh the joy of having this discovery. Waking up to find herself locked in a cell broke Shiva's heart. She curled up in the cell and watched as more tests were taken. Kusil turned into something out of a horror story.
Tears fell from her face when she realized she was to have children. This was not apart of her plan, but the worst part is they belonged to someone that she thought had loved her. The Organization was over thrilled when they found out about three children to be born in captivity. The fear and terror that Shiva felt for her children was overwhelming.
One night Spellcurse visited her, he seemed torn with what the Organization wanted him to do and seeing Shiva sitting in a cell with only rags. The Organization wanted more children out of Shiva since two of her three had already escaped much to their dismay. He studied Shiva while she hid in her corner, fear in her eyes on what was to happen next. But to her surprise he picked her up and ran out of the building with her. He didn't stop until they were deep into a forest where stood Kali waiting with a portal open for her daughter.
"You need to go back and destroy whatever eggs they have of my daughters." Kali demanded of Spellcurse while she took her long lost daughter into her arms. Shiva immediately started to cry for relief in her mothers shoulder, she wasn't sure how much time had passed since she had last seen her family. Kali took them into the portal not looking back as they reappeared into where Kali had deemed safe for now for them.
"Come, there is much work to be done still." Kali whispered to her daughter and she took her towards another man. "This here is your uncle, he needs to be trained and I cannot think of a better person then you" Kali introduced Shiva to Caspian before disappearing again.
First section of bio by CommanderLexa
Shiva wasn't sure what to do at first, left stunned and confused as her mother teleported away to her next big mission. Being locked away in a cell for so long, with no ability to practice her magic and no reason to try with the cell's magical repression... Had left her rusty and uncertain of her own abilities.
Her hair was disheveled, still dressed in rags as she stood before this… Caspian? And judging by the look in his eyes, well, she couldn’t really tell what he was thinking. He could see the tears straying afar from the corners of her glistening orbs, that much was certain, and he almost seemed shocked when she let out a loud cry for her “Mother! Mother, no, Mother please come back!” Shiva quickly crumpled to the ground, her arms crossing over her quaking frame as Caspian ran to her. “Are you ok!?” he questioned before coming to a halt beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder which only caused Shiva to yank away “I-er, I’m Caspian, can I do something to help?” He questioned, unable to get through to the Rifter as she sat there in tears. Crying from the horrific past she had just escaped.
Shiva couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t hear, to her the world was nothing but a blur as it spun around her. Leaving her dazed and frightened as she questioned what she should do. Should she celebrate her own freedom or fear her re-capture? Was she safe here, could she trust Caspian, what were their next steps? She couldn’t tell as she continued to spin and spin and spin around in her own mind, hearing a blurred gurgling of words before something clear cut through. “Perhaps we should start by finding you suitable clothes?” the man beside her suggested. Just when had his reassuring hand reached her shoulder?
She looked up at him, sniffling with a heavy heart before giving a weak nod of her head. Caspian’s blue eyes stared back at her in concern, seemingly questioning what had happened to her before. Wondering what could have sent her spiraling into such a state. But now wasn’t the time to question this, and Shiva could see that in the resolve of his gaze.
After some time and a few days of rest Shiva began to calm down, reassured by the practicing of Caspian in their front yard. They were sharing a cabin in the woods at the moment, one of the many hidden getaways that her grandmother evidently provided them for their training. She had learned a lot from Caspian as well, about the world he came from, his abilities, his status as royalty. The last point was enough to bring her shame for the behavior she had displayed before, behavior which Caspian told her was quite normal considering what she had been through. Thankfully, he made her feel safe, he was strong and able and he hadn't been recruited for no reason. But there was one question she had which was left unanswered, in their shared cabin with separate rooms, which world had they been brought to? All Caspian could respond with was New Earth, somewhere in a galaxy far far away, out of the reach of the Organization.
Or, at least, it was for now. If they didn’t start their training soon, they would never know for sure. The looming threat of potentially being discovered was enough for the recovered Shiva to regain her resolve and begin Caspian’s training. She had practiced with magic all of her life, and if it was the last thing she did, she would make sure others wouldn’t suffer the fate she had. “Ok Caspian, get ready for a fireball.” “Shiva, my friend, you know I’ve been waiting for one all week. So give it everything you've got."
Second section of bio by TemporalRifter
To be continued.
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Exalting Shiva to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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