Looks like a knife and a tongue to match
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3.49 m
3.8 m
829.31 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245

Gillis is respected in the clan for her Arcane talents, but her intelligence is too bitter to be useful in an advisory or teaching role and she has no interest in becoming tied down to such dull duties anyway. As with her brothers, Gillis remains an outsider within the clan; aloof and complex to befriend. Her smirk is just as unpleasant as her scowl, and her laughter is invariably mocking. If one can stand the barbwire sting of her words, however, Gillis can be an invaluable and skilful companion. Although nobody will ever come as close to her heart as her little family, those she is fond of are rewarded with emotionally cool but iron-clad loyalty. |
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Physical: A small, wiry Skydancer with hard eyes, Gillis could be pretty if the light was kind and your expectations were low. Her rune burns constantly over her brow, unless she consciously makes the effort to switch it off. This she rarely does, as the rune is a point of pride and a deliberate signal to take her skills seriously. Gillis is a mage, but not a battle mage. Her skills in combat are negligible, and her magic is entirely effect-based; using glowing pink artificial leylines to channel enchantments or hexes. The shimmering crystal glass over her eye is to aid her in seeing where the invisible lines of her magic criss-cross.
Gillis is no friend to water and prefers to fly. She lacks the ridiculously long wings of her twin- a fact she delights in reminding him of- and she is fast and efficient in the air with the typical agility of a Skydancer, if rather lacking in endurance.
There is nobody else but us. If all else falls, we can still start again.
![]() | Familiar: Soriss the wind Serthis is Gillis' other brother. Gillis and her blood twin, back in their youth, squabbled over who should connect to Soriss as a familliar and the bond flipped back and forth between the two for seasons. Eventually, however, it settled on Gillis, and she shares an emotional bond with the Serthis. This has not brought them closer; indeed if anything it's been the catalyst for even more arguing, but it does provide the advantage that Soriss and Gillis can each sense if the other is in trouble. Gillis is just as fond of Soriss as she is her biological brother, though the amount of snide remarks the two exchange could easily lead one to assume otherwise. |
Kin & Others
Gillis loves her reckless twin dearly, though you might not be able to tell. His unhinged antics are (when directed at others) a constant source of entertainment, as well as glorious schadenfreude when he pokes things too hard and they explode in everyone's faces, including his own. When his antics are directed at her, however, Hyosper is able to immediately get under her skin and does so with great delight, provoking the usually unflappable Gillis into immediate bickering and even straight up scuffles. | Though she doesn't admit it even to herself, Gillis is burdened by guilt about the death of her Tundra friend. Outwardly, this manifests as a venomous intent for revenge that is directed mostly towards Rennic. She used to be quite attracted to the charismatic warrior and took his betrayal personally, and would now relish any opportunity to make his life a living hell. |
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Soriss has grown up with the twins, and is an especially bad influence on them, if such a thing can still be possible; hanging around with them and making scathing remarks, or goading other dragons into quarrels with them. He and his siblings consider arguing a sport, one which all three engage wholeheartedly in on a regular basis. |
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By Beastclan standards Soriss is a somewhat effeminate male of his species. Although long departed from the ranks of his kind he still adheres to traditional Serthis styles, mainly out of convenience. His association with dragons and the Arcane don't seem to have altered him in the slightest, and aside from his intimate knowledge of dragon culture he remains not dissimilar from a typical Serthis of his breed. Soriss fights with breath and motion, using Wind magic and a few dirty dragon tricks to fight. He is much slower than his siblings but makes up for this in stealth and general durability. Soriss has a strong grip to his coils and fists, but like all green Serthis his fangs are not venomous.
I'm actually a ridiculously nice person. Yeah, I didn't think you'd believe me.
Everything Soriss learned about dragons in his early days was shown to him by the two orange Skydancers he came to call his siblings. Soriss would not be caught dead getting mushy about it, but in many ways he owes his entire life and everything he is to their acceptance and friendship and he knows this. Hyosper is his brother and Gillis is his sister, and he loves their fighting and he loves their bickering and he belongs with both of them and that's that. |
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Exalting Gillis to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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