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Personal Style


Romantic Red Rose
Shifting Kelpie Mane
LuminaxCon Lanyard
Murkmirth Tailcoat
Opulent Nightshade Gloves
Undine's Flatfins
Voltaic Halo
Opulent Nightshade Spats


Accent: Black Opal Heir


Scene: Deep Space


5.35 m
3.7 m
366.14 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 09, 2019
(5 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Prismatic Meditate




  • none


Lucian's avatar

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta.
Aliquam tempor, dui sed pellentesque mollis, turpis enim congue nisi, eget congue ipsum eros sit amet dui. Mauris cursus diam vitae risus iaculis rhoncus. Sed hendrerit mollis quam, vitae vestibulum orci iaculis in. Vivamus vel odio eu eros vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam eget est ante. Sed in consectetur diam. Vestibulum ut dapibus justo.

L U C I A N 6.png A L T A I R
- The Space Prince -
Theme song: … by …
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta.

Introduction 9/02/19

Ah! It seems I have finally managed to make this thing work.. If you're reading this that means you must have found one of my tablets laying around that I lost! Or perhaps someone transcribed my stories onto a scroll? Hmm.. I'm quite lucky I took multiple of these. But enough about my equipment, I am Lucian, an intergalactic space prince from planet AQD-687. My father has sent me here... For reasons. My family rules most of this galaxy, this planet has been protected under many laws to keep anyone from interfering with, uhm, stuff. I am unsure if I am even allowed to write about my experience, but there's not much they can do to stop me now.

I've heard that the scientists studying this planet from afar suspected it to have intelligent life.. I haven't met anyone or seen any signs yet.. My father made sure that the retainers dropped me off at a secure place where none of the inhabitants could immediately find me.. It is currently night, which is the time period I am most used to.. The colors of this forest I am currently in do remind me of my home a lot.. The leaves of the trees almost look like shimmering stars and this planet seems to have a binary moon system, something I am not used to. The night sky looks so beautiful here.. I could lay in the grass and stare at the night sky forever, if only it lasted that long.. Time seems to pass a lot faster here than my own planet.

While I was admiring the sky, a small creature from the lake nearby has taken interest in me.. It offered me, what seems to be a flower, and hasn't left my company yet. So far, this place doesn't seem so bad.. Yes, I think I will stay here for a bit longer..
- History -

I know it has been a while since I last upated these records, but I have found the intelligent lifeforms! They don't really seem to mind my odd appearance and voice, at least not the one I met. She was very sweet to me and seemed very excited to be talking to me! She was overjoyed to be speaking someone from a different world, and explained that she once came from somewhere else too, perhaps I am not the only one? She seemed to be very accustomed to this planet, so I am unsure. She told me I could refer to her as "The violet witch of the moons and stars" her sparkly look did remind me of space.. I shall refer to her as Violet for now. Violet explained to me that she was here to study the stars as they are the brightest. I asked her where "here" was and I think it was not until then that she truly understood that I was not from here.
"Oh you really aren't from around here, huh?" was her exact reaction.

The witch explained to me that we were currently in the "Starwood Strand" located in the "Starfall isles" which is the home of most "Arcane dragons".. A lot of information to unpack for me. Apparently the intelligent lifeform on this planet call themselves Dragons! Perhaps I shall tell the scientists once I return..

She also showed me "magic" which seems to be a way of manipulating matter which is unique to their species.. Apparently it varies from Dragon to Dragon how they use it! She waved around her funny looking stick and what seemed like a hologram of constellations appeared right infront of my eyes! I tried to find my own, but it doesn't seem the Dragons have mapped it out yet.. And much like myself, Violet was also accompanied by a black little creature, it didn't seem to like me very much, though.

Violet explaned to me that she came to the Starwood Strand to practice more of her Magic abilities, and that's when she ran into me laying on the ground! She thought there was something wrong with me, but I was simply entranced by the forest's beauty. She told me it's a thing that happens to many tourists that visit the place. However, at that moment the black creature suddenly whispered something to her and she seemed very worried. She said she had to go somewhere very urgently and took out another, larger, stick? And right before she flew away, she complimented me on my suit, and that she would absolutely love to speak to me again..

A lot has happened since last time! After I met that witch, I decided to go in the same direction as her. However, since I am unable to fly and lack any devices that could help me, I wasn't able to catch up to her and eventually got lost. She seemed so friendly! I hope I get to talk to her again some day. However, the region I ended up in was certainly not boring! It was completely different from the Starwood Strand, I'm really curious as to how there's such a big difference in such a short distance.. My planet is mostly shrouded in darkness if it weren't for our technology, but we don't need it to see or anything.. Our species evolved big sensitive eyes, to see in the darkness and we can also pick up some other wavelengths.. Perhaps the Starwood Strand looked prettier to me than it does to the average Dragon?

Anyways, so I was making my way through this mysterious land. While the Starwood Strand was all pink and pretty, this region was more.. Disgusting. I haven't visited many planets, but I have definitely never seen something like this before.. Maybe I'll ask one of the astronomers if they have. I'm glad I can't smell! With how disgusting this place looked, I imagine it smelled horrible as well. I suppose the dragons who live here can't smell either. I'm unsure of how to describe this place? The ground felt wet and soppy against my shoes, I wanted to take them off to keep them from getting dirty, but I wouldn't want to touch that with my bare skin, ever. The sky had this disgusting yellow hue to it, everywhere at any time, how is that even possible? Is this the works of Magic?

Eventually I found other life in this barren wasteland! They looked very worried for some reason? But they immediately struck up a conversation with me, this is how it somewhat went:

"S-sir are you alright? You don't look from around here, it's dangerous to wander so close to Lord Akushin's castle.."

"Oh, hello! Yes, I am doing quite fine! But who is Lord Akushin, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A-ah.. You don't know who he is? Mm.. Maybe it is better if you come with me for a moment, the guards might get you if I don't.. I am Kemet, by the way.."

So I followed him! All of the inhabitants of this planet seem so nice to me, I'm so grateful! His clothes were all ragged and had holes in them, was he affiliated with this "Lord Akushin"? If so, he didn't seem to take very good care of his Dragons.. Oh! Kemet also had a tiny creature running after him, just like me. I have taken to calling my creature "Aquilya" as they remind me of my home constellation. I wonder what Kemet's creature is called?

After a while of walking we arrived at the location. The location being, a run down-looking shack.. Did Kemet build it himself? I didn't ask. He invited me inside, and showed me around the single room. Kemet told me it was his station, where he goes to have his break from his errands. He explained to me that Akushin was the lord of a clan in the Wandering Contagion. He explained his reign as "not the strongest nor the biggest, but they are very good at keeping everyone from escaping" very interesting.. Kemet is apparently Akushin's errand boy and is tasked from bringing messages from him to other clans.. I asked Kemet if he had ever met Akushin. He looked down and hesitated, before mumbling out a "no"

Why does this "Lord" treat Kemet so horribly? Shouldn't a ruler treat their people with kindness and empathy!? That's what my father does, and he has a nonillion more people to provide care for! Is it really because they're not advanced enough yet? All the homes on my planet are built automatically with machines and drones, and so are the ones on other planets my father owns.. I suppose if everything took a lot of time to build, then some people would be left with lower quality homes, like Kemet.. Despite everything, he still offered me something to eat and to stay for a day or a few if I needed it..
- History -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. UjUgBFx.png
- Relationships -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta.
- History -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. UjUgBFx.png
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta.
- History -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet eget enim non rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies tempor varius. Fusce ornare, metus sodales lacinia ullamcorper, lectus leo elementum magna, sit amet consequat felis erat quis enim. Maecenas ut quam ante. Vestibulum porttitor dolor odio, a feugiat turpis commodo ut. In sollicitudin leo et sem accumsan, at lacinia dolor hendrerit. Nunc eget libero nunc. Morbi elementum mattis semper. Phasellus suscipit ullamcorper tortor quis porta. UjUgBFx.png
- Art of Lucian Altair -
Credit to mrpatrick
Credit to Vaeru
Credit to Koobi
credit to solifugespace
credit to bluueberriies
bio code by cerno | resources by yascherritsa, BeingOfSalt, Limanya, Serpenta
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