
Level 10 Wildclaw
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Male Wildclaw
Male Wildclaw
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Illuminated Emblem
Yella Highnoon Hank
Illuminated Runescroll
Journeyman Satchels
Golden Birdskull Necklace
Dusty Highnoon Vest
Golden Birdskull Wingpiece
Daisy Flower Crown
Gloomy Highnoon Brimmer
Deadeye's Gloves
Dusty Highnoon Spurs
Scout's Leggings
Scout's Tail Twist
Scout's Hat
Magician's Cobwebs



Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


6.91 m
7.92 m
587.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 19, 2018
(6 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 10 Wildclaw
EXP: 209 / 27676




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Yeehaw's avatar
festival ambassador | chaotic good bard (college of lore)

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If there's any question of the provenance of an artifact, the Dust Devils turn to Yeehaw. For someone who grew up in the sticks between the Hewn City and the Beacon, he's well-read and knowledgeable about any number of historical events, except his version of the arcane reactor's explosion is very, very different.

Quick with a smile and a friendly word, Yeehaw is as genuine and kindly as they come, doing his best to move past the events that led him to his affiliation with the Dust Devils. For this reason he's often the face of the clan, and can often be seen travelling all over Sornieth to secure trade routes and alliances.



Yeehaw's diary, 24 September

Emperor. There's a Emperor.

Big bright sunny holy Lightweaver I never thought I'd see one in person.

It's so big. It's so big! There was an Imperial in my clan before I had t run, by the name of Nimi. She was nice. She'd let me fuss with the clasps on her jewelry when I'd been anxious.

This ain't the same.

It's taller then them big towers in the City, I s'ppose, hard t say. All I could get before it tried t kill me an my siblins was them three big heads of its, two of them flopping about, all tired like, while the one on the left--my left, not its left--tried t kill everythin in sight.

I ain't got much stucked in my bags 'fore I had t get the heck outta dodge. 'Nuff food n supplies t last me to the border wit Lightnin, maybe. Some old tablets from back when drakes walked themselves on two feets like Wildclaws and made fiddly things with them fiddly lil fingers of theirs. Ma found em on one of her arc-e-o-log-ik-al digs, long back. They old as the dirt they came from, she says. Prolly worth a pritty penny down at the auction house.

Wonder if that's still standin. Prolly not, the way that emperor movin.

Please xcuse the tiny lil blood drops on this here parchment, future me. Did my best t help out everyone I ken, but it's left me wit more'n a few nasty scrapes. Nobody got any bandages t spare, so it's just Yeehaw out on his own, doin the best he ken.

I get the feelin that'll be sumthin of a motto, these days t come. Hard days ahead, Yeehaw, you best go on bucklin up.

Yeehaw's diary, 26 September

So I ain't at the Lightnin border yet. Turns out it's a heck of a long way to the border, n there are lotsa drakes out here hurt n sufferin.

I've had t fend off more'n a few looters from my lil satchel. Found an old scroll in the ruins of a mon-e-stary too, one of them old ones. Lotsa old drakes dead in the rubble. Spent most of yesterday tryin'a dig em out, set em t rest. But it's just ol Yeehaw and his lil claws, ain't nobody tryina help else.

The scroll--it give me a lil headache every time I take a looksee at it. It's black, in that there runic script Ma was learnin to me b'fore the Emperor done came.

I'll try t push on further on the morrow. Tonight Imma sleep here wit the graves of them old drakes, and see what else I can pick from the ruins bfore some skoundrel gits to em.

I caut some mouses today. Ain't much of a supper, t be honest, but the less I can use them rations in my bag, the better off i'll be. Now that I ain't got my old lair I think imma set out, see Sornieth. Get away from the Emperor while I ken.

Yeehaw’s diary, 30 September

So I’ve made it on past the border.

Lightning’s a strange territory, alright. Well, t be frank, it ain’t so different from Light land, but the dirt here is all gritty like sand. It ain’t no beach, though, and it gits down deep inta my scales. Takes forever t work out.

An’ it’s always cloudy. I don’t understand how them Lightning drakes don’t go mad, without no sun t tell em when it’s time t wake up and when it’s the sleepin time. I reckon I’ll keep my visit here short as I ken; I don’t think this place is too hospitable for a sunny fella like myself.

That bein said, there ain’t no shortage of work t be done out here. For all that they don’t have any sorta natural clock, ‘s far as I ken tell, there is somethin t be said fer their work eth-ik. I caught up with one of my brothers--he’s decided t stick around in Light territory fer the time bein’, see if he ken hide fer now, maybe clean up after the Emperor's done and gone--an he passed on to me one of them journals our ancestors kept a long time ago. It’s a big ol thing. The parchment’s so thin you ken see right thru it. Accordin to the name on the inside cover, it belonged to Atria, who by my best reckonin is my father’s grandmother.

Seems Atria was a strange ol’ queen. She was born a long ways away, up in them Crystalspine Reaches, and she had all sorts of these ideas ‘bout magic. She says in one o them passages that there’d be a reckonin of sorts, at some point in the not too far distant future. Magic doin funny business, wreakin havoc.

Can’t decode some of her ramblins--seems maybe she lost her marbles towards the end of it, writin half in the rune script and half in common Draconian. It’ll take me a while.

Fer now, tho, I’ve taken up wit some sort o machinist’s guild. I ain’t no machinist, not by no long shot, but they’ve run across a number of scattered foundation stones etched with all sortsa runes, all out in the desert, lyin around all abandoned like. Seems someone tried t bury them, but the wind whisked all the sand away n they turned up like hotcakes on sunny stones.

In my pro-fess-on-al opinion, them stones were part of the foundation of one of them elemental sanctums. They’ve got all these lil lines inscribed in ‘em--arrows and such, sort of a circuity pattern. They’re pritty telling. When I was but a youngin I visited the Light sanctum, out near the Beacon. It was a small lil thing, made out of the same rocks the guild asked me t consult about.

I don’t really know what the destruction of the Lightnin sanctum means for the rest o us common folk, but Atria’s gibberish seems t suggest that it’s no good. No good at all.

I won’t be able t write fer a while. I got myself a weeklong gig haulin parts for the machinist guild in return for some food and board, and it'll keep me real busy. After that, tho, I’ll see if I ken get myself to that big ol Sea an do some more explorin.

Yeehaw's diary, 12 Oktober

Can't write much right now. Made it to the Sea of One Thousand Currents. As much as the Sea is all aboil, tho, I see no other dragons out and about at the moment.

First I gotta find me some grub, then I'll try t chat up a local or two, see what's goin on.

Yeehaw’s diary, 13 Oktober

Searched all last sleep and all morn and only met a single soul, and not a particularly old one at that! I've encountered a tiny lil hatch by the name of Kesk--best I can figure he's sayin.

He says the tides came in all strange like, and accountin for his tiny lil paddlers, couldn't stick with his clan, which seems t be a seer’s coalition of some sort. He knows where they are, he says, just don't know how t get there without bashin himself senseless on the reef.

I offered t swim him down, y’know, let him tag along or some such, but he said it'd be best t start off when the tide’s goin out tomorrow at dawn, such that it'd be easier t swim with them one thousand currents. I didn't know that plain water lakes could get tides, but then again, this is the biggest darn plain lake Sornieth’s got. We'll set out in the morn.

Fer now, I'm tendin to our measly little fire. Kesk is dead asleep, curled up in a tight lil ball. I admit, as much as I want t help Kesk out of the goodness of my light-touched heart, I'm also dead curious t learn about these seer folk. Atria’s journal entry calls it hoodoo nonsense, but I've heard hoodoo nonsense more accurate then fact on more than one occasion. We'll see who's right tomorrow morning.

Yeehaw's diary, 14 Oktober

I done learned so gosh darn much today!

Kesk blessed me with some sort of Water magic mojo which let me breathe underwater, which was darn cool. Turns out I ain't as good a swimmer as most of them fellas in Kesk’s clan. He says I ain't half bad, but I got the feelin he was sparin my feelins. Still. I done delivered Kesk home safe, and in return he offered t show me around their keep!

Atria skipped over the Sea on her journey ‘round the territories, so I ken safely say that, at the end of my travels, I'll have visited more places then she done!

Anyways, I'm distractin myself. So, as it turns out, most seer clans like Kesk’s are headed up by two covens, or two sets of three dragons: one made up of three fellas (they called 'em drakes--kinda funny, seein as I use that term t refer to dragonfolk of all kinds), and one made up of three lasses (called 'em queens). They make in-dee-pen-dent looksees into the future, and then consult on what the best path is.

Their keep is real pritty. It ain't The Keep--that’s way deeper--but it's all shell-encrusted n such. Didn't git t take much of a looksee around, t be honest, since soon as I showed up that coven of queens came up to me and invited me into a private meetin room. Just a minute, they says, all eerie in unison like. Wouldn't take too much of my time.

Well, I ain't no poor guest, so I ambled on after them towards that meetin room. They explained to me that my arrival was an omen from them gods. They had this notion that Light drakes such as myself were closer to their god, 'specially since the Tidelord ain't exactly a social drake, and the Lightweaver wake up every morn t bless us with her light. Or somethin like that. The way them queens all talked in unison was darn distracting.

But they said I was perfect t settle their dispute. I ain't from their clan, they says, an this crisis was big enuff that they didn't want no drake from their clan learning about it, lest there be pan-de-mo-ni-um. So I sits down in the meetin room.

Then the other coven comes in, the one made up of drakes--fellas, not lasses. And then all six of them started shoutin at one another.

Best as I ken tell, the Tidelord gone silent, fer the first time in the whole darn age, and they're all confounded as to what t do without his guidance. I don't really think I done any helpin, but I says to them that drakes such as themselves got instincts for a reason, and brains of their own. The Lady Lightweaver promotes rational thought, I says, so that was my input.

They all went real quiet, then they all dissmissed me all at once. All six of em, in perfect unison. I scrammed. Kesk's pa offered me a meal and a roof over my head for the night--dunno how much of a roof it is if the whole thing's full up with water--so I'm writin in my lil quarters in the lair. I'll move back up on north, see the Flats, which Kesk's pa says are real beautiful at low tide. He also says he's got a cousin on the other side of the Tangled Wood, who runs boats across to Nature territory on the other side of the inlet. I think I'll try t find him, see if he'd be willing t ferry me off for a reduced fare. I ain't got much money left on me; I wonder if there's any work t be done over in Shadow territory.


Yeehaw's diary, 20 Oktober

Is there work to be had over in them Shadow drakes' territory.

Is there work.

My pa told me stories of the fey folk them no-scale drakes believed in, way long back. He says they believed that them mushroom rings in the dark woods were the home of tiny folk, even tinier than themselves, who did little but make mischief for them no-scale drakes. Says they lived in a different land, separate but similar to Sornieth.

The Shadowlands feel kind of like that.

Actually, the clime ain't too different from the Lightland, but everythin's got this haze all over it, like it's dusk. I ken see the sky, n the sun, so it ain't so bad as the Shifting Expanse, but it's like lookin thru a piece of purple glass. You ken tell it's there, but it's just... different.

Also, we ain't got mushrooms n brambles like this in the Lightland, so that's all strange and such. I've been told so many times which mushrooms are good t eat and which ones ain't, but they're all so similar I can't tell one from another. It's darn frustrating, is what it is. And whenever I turn around to ask the drake if I'm gettin it right, they're gone.

Honest, I'm startin t think that maybe I'm losin my mind, just a tad.

Sorry. I'm gettin off topic again, aren't I? You know, I know I'm sort of a rambly fella, but I don't mean t be doin this all the time.

Anyways, I came across this lil travelling caravan of sorts. Says they're a roaming band of skolars, not quite unlike myself, but they sounded all posh like, and their eyes were Arcane-pink behind their spektacles. They kinda looked down their noses at me n all my dusty gear--even a weeklong trip around the Sea didn't knock any of that off, phew--but once I revealed that I was doin some learnin of myself from my ancestors they invited me along, offered t add me to their consultin party. Some artifact done did some funny stuff at this lil place called the Thorndark Altar, so they brought their whoosywhatsits and their magic know-how t see if they can't figure out what exactly it was doin.

I told em I ain't the best at the strictly magic portion, mind you, but they was all like "Oh, that's no problem, Yeehaw! We'd be more than happy t have your historical ex-per-teese along!" I dunno how much I believe em. Some of them city folk back in the Lightlands was like that, all sweet when they don't have any intentions of remainin' that way. I'll be keepin one eye open while I sleep tonight.

Well, I guess it's night. It ain't easy to tell the sun from the moons down here in the dark.

Yeehaw's diary, 21 Oktober

What the travellin clan of skolars didn't see fit t mention was that there weren't no artifact to actually examine. Usually, when someone says there's an artifact to examine, usually they mean there's somethin t hold or t look at. But, no.

But I am made of hospitable stock, whether my hosts are the same or not. I'll suffer this indignity despite wantin to smack them hoity toity Arcane folk upside the head.

If it weren't fer how darn old the Altar is, I'd say it was an elemental sanctum. It don't look exactly like one, but it's got a lot of the same commonalitys. The elemental sanctums are heck of a lot newer, so that's how I know, but it feels... strange. Like day-ja-voo.

Yeehaw's diary, 23 Oktober

Whatever that artifact was, there ain't no trace of it now.

The Arcane crew went and set up a tent and such, even sent fer a couple couriers from a local clan t fetch some Lightnin drakes t help tune the equipment, or sumthin. Whatever happened here at the Thorndark Altar, it ain't nothin I ever done seen befor, so I'll git while the gettin is good. The Shadowlands make my scales itch somethin fierce. The faster I can git on outta here, the better.

Oh, I fergot to mention--them Shadow folks done mentioned that whatever the artifact was, it done opened up a doorway, or some sorta portal. I just hope that wherever the door went, it ain't got nothin to do with the Lightlands. The hatchlin they say went divin head first thru the door shouldn't hafta deal with that Emperor.


Yeehaw's diary, 27 Oktober

Kesk's uncle was right where he'd said he'd be.


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