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Personal Style


Woeful Vial
Ice Aura
Black Chicken
Winterwatcher's Arctic Goggles
Contrast Aviator Gloves
Mysterious Mantle
Segmented Frostslick Gauntlets
Humble Towel
Wise Bonecarver's Jar
Budding Garden Belt
Mourner's Furs
Nightglider's Arctic Coat
Dusk Rogue Mask
Indigo Harvest Vines
Marksman's Tail Twist
Blue Wooly Tail
Chasmcrawler's Arctic Tail Cozy
Bright Rogue Hood


Skin: Eyesee


Scene: Icewarden's Domain


30.56 m
24.11 m
6077.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 04, 2018
(6 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



Saturn's avatar
shadowfae; Sotherin; Demesne; BlaBla; Tenntakk; Vergil; Sluggee; ReyFairchild; mauls; raptorix ;
SaturnNeptune, slowarrow; Aurealis ; Zikul; Yoongis;loki666 ;Lemonsinasoup's, Mitchy,N4n4: Riversgrace; PurplePanther: Katargo; vuroguro, BrokenGems, Duskria; GENJlSHlMADA; MirrorDraco's; Serpenthyne;TheGlitchMaster's; Hoshidan; Valemora; Salathielly; Lamprey; Kitari; Thornasaur; redcrawfish; argonneon; Serpenta; Dragondreamer; Slugoon; Xerxnii, Congridae; shadowdueler; BananaBu;MajesticPizza; FatherofTime: casscain, tinyturtle340's ; Marzipan; sharkbutt; Scriptor; Jayflying, WillOfTheSpiral; fricklefrack, Kikibug, Enkue

Along with Helena, Saturn is an explorer. He didn't want any jobs where he didn't get to stretch his massive wings, but knew everyone had already made large groups. That's when he met Helena. Helena met with Saturn[and his brother Polarian] when he followed her as a hatchling back home when he was at Charcoal's house[Saturn and Charcoal are related, he's not a stalker]. Saturn and Polarian waited to see where she was headed off to then jumped into her bag as she took off. Helena was nearing Crowtalon's clan in the Tangled Wood when she felt a hard pointy object in her bag as she reached for her map. She stopped on a tree branch and opened her bag to find the two. She scolded them for sneaking into her bag but knew she couldn't take them back. Helena had to fly to through Light's domain into Hewn city by night, but knew bringing Saturn would be dangerous as rumors had spread about the Lightweaver.

Helena was already behind schedule and no other choice but to take Saturn and Polarian with her. The guide she'd be traveling with wouldn't wait forever. So she cloaked the Brothers's hatchling horns and long necks with her spare rouge hoods and told them of what they'd have to do when they arrived. Saturn couldn't help but peak his head out of her bag despite her warnings. Helena knew she was no babysitter and decided the best she could do was avoid any Light dragons that were extremely loyal to the Lightweaver and stay in what ever shadow or cover she could find until she met her guide.

As the two met the border of the two Domains, Helena noticed all the dragons that would watch, making sure neither side tried to cross. It was clear that Shadow and Light had some issues, so she felt better about her whole situation. She scanned for a place that she wouldn't be bothered for when she crossed, she didn't want to be accused of being a spy or bothered about the whole Imperials in the Satchel thing. That's when she saw some imperials of light that still remained despite the Lightweavers words. They watched the border into the Shadow domain and stood tall but you could see that they were talking about something as dark as the forest. Helena decided to try her luck with these guards and state her business. If anything went South, she could either just fly back or flaunt her imperials in the Satchel bit and hope for the best.

As she flew across, light nearly blinded Saturn and Polarian on the inside who had just decided to peek his head out at that time. He moaned a little but Helena lightly tap the bag to signal to be quiet. She took off a yellow contact, her Starry Regard as they approached her. Helena explained herself and the imperials nodded saying she could pass. Helena then continued forward till she stopped near the pine trees at the end of the field. She let them out and both started to walk when a loud boom came from overhead. At the other side of the field where the imperials were, she could see them flying towards Shadow as bolt of light exploded into the ground where they had stood. Everything was silent as the boom dispersed into the air. Helena didn’t know what to think, were those rumors true, are Imperials really were in trouble?

Saturn and Polarian continued to stick close to Helena as they walked in the pine forest. Helena knew the way from the maps Spyro had given her and led the way. The two hatchling couldn't help but play (as younglins do) but did so lightly. Not many clans settled in the forest unless they moved in from old Nature clans. The pines weren't as thick as the ones back home but still provided better shelter than the open fields. It felt as if she was walking in a desert but less hot and more bright. She only hoped that they were small enough to be undetected.

Saturn was starting to notice a constant pattern with their travel that they'd only not follow the map when their were clearings in the woods or in visibility of the sky. Both imperials kept asking Helena questions that she knew she couldn't hide forever. If they didn't find out from her she knew they'd find out from Charcoal. Just as she was going to tell them why it was so dangerous, another bolt came down from the sky and hit a distant ruin ahead. A loud thump ahead of them was heard and crashing of trees. All went dead silent. Then a soft screech.

Then the source of the light swooped down from the sky. A band of loyal light dragons dressed in fancy gear wearing yellow birdskull headdresses. Two were spirals, two were Wildclaws, and their leader an enormous Guardian female. ''Find that imperial!'' She snarled in a low raspy voice. ''It landed in this forest, and I expect to be wearing its horns by the time the it takes me to find another,'' she grinned a hideous grin that made Helena cringe. Saturn and Polarian took cover in the bushes. As he was about to hide, Saturn ran back to Helena and tugged at her side as she watched frozen in place. She didn't budge. Saturn climbed onto her back and waved his hands in front of her face. She blinked as she looked straight into his eyes and he pointed towards Polarian's head ,sticking out of the bush, telling them to hurry. She jumped into the bushes and grabbed both hatchlings and held them close.

Several minutes of silence passed by and Saturn popped his head out from under Helena's arm. ''Helena, are they still out there?'' Helena put her paw over his mouth as a branch snapped a few feet away from their hiding place. They listened closely for any noise from their mysterious dragon outside. But what they heard wasn't the sound of those Loyal Lights. It let out a light cough and a small thud as it fell down. Helena decided to check,''You two stay here understand. . .wait where's your brother?'' She stuck head out of the bush and saw Saturn running over in the direction of the sound. Then as she made her way slowly out of the bush, Polarian ran by her after Saturn. ''NO! Get back here you two! At least wait up.'' Her foot was tangled in the branches in the bush. She tugged and wriggled to free it. ''Hurry Helena!'' they called out.

She looked over at the sound of their voices. With a final tug she freed herself and flew after them. She flew fast trying to catch up to the hatchlings, avoiding low branches. WHACK! she flew right into the Spiral she saw next to the Guardian earlier. Both tumbled to the ground onto their backs and let out a loud groan. Helena sat up to see a Wildclaw coming her way. She tried to get to her feet but found that the Spiral was ontop of her wing. ''Get off me you heavy, sunstroked airworm''. She kicked the spirals' face and pulled her wing out as he groaned as he spun off, trying to get back to his feet. Helena took off as the Wildclaw ran up asking the Spiral what happened then pulling him to his feet. They flew after her but luckily Helena knew how to hide in this Domain. Her father once brought her here, before the Lightweaver's announcement. She flew the path they'd took, knowing it by heart. ''Saturn, Polarian, please be careful.'' She thought as she made a sharp turn leading her pursuers away from them.

''Saurn! Saturn! Slow down! I think we lost Helena.'' Polarian was trying to catch up to his brother who was almost out of view. Suddenly, Saturn stopped, he looked back, and then back forward. He stood frozen watching the thing that they heard from the bush carefully. ''There it is!'' Saturn whispered as Polarian ran up to him breathing hard. Both imperials looked into the slightly dented hole in the ground and saw a large imperial lying in it and breathing hard. They looked to each other. ''Come on, we got to help her.'' Polarian nodded and both slid down the side of the hole. ''Hey miss! Miss! Get up!'' They imperial groaned but whispered something faint,''Bag,. . . bring me . . . my bag.'' Her words were separated by light coughs but the two could understand. Her bag was much bigger then them ,but they worked together to pull it up to her face so she could see. She grabbed a red vial from inside with her mouth and swallowed what was inside.

The female imperial rose and stretched her wings. Though she stood in front of the two hatchlings, her body seemed to fade into the same yellow among the background of golden trees. ''Thank you it's a good thing to have minor health potions around, not as great as the big ones but will do. Thank you for your help young ones, but you really shouldn't be here.'' ''Well miss, it's good we don't do well to listening to orders, or you might still be in that hole.'' Polarian chuckled. ''Yes, but still, we need to leave this place, it's no longer safe for us. The words of the Lightweaver have been twisted by some into attacking imperials, or exiling them.'' ''Do you know who they are?'' Saturn was trying to make his way out of the hole so he could talk to her face to face. The imperial bent down and picked both hatchlings up and assisted them out of the hole and responded,''They call themselves The Castigators, but they should be called the Imperial Killers. All imperials in the Light Domain, they'll hunt down and either exile or kill, sometimes they just take them somewhere never to be seen again. It's Wretched what they do!'' ''But why would they only kill Imperials, and how come they haven't been defeated, there's only five!?'' The imperial looked shocked at that last part,''Five! Five!'' She nearly shrieked but instead her voice dropped downa an octave. ''Oh you lucky things, You grew up in Nature, I see it in your eyes. Nature is forever kind to all, the rest of this world just can't see it the way you all do, espescially these dragons. They follow the Lightweaver Blindly, level 25s or training to be. They think imperials are the reason there's Emperors that destroy everything. Every since the one that destroyed Hewn City, these dragons have been looking for someone to blame and they decided that Imperials should pay. I know the legends, when imperials die near each other, they transform into Emperors but it's not intentional that we may die, it's just the circle of life. But these dragons don't understand, we bury our dead in secret to avoid this from happening!'' Her face was red despite her yellow body. She was furious at what her home had become, Saturn and Poalrian looked slightly terrified as she continued,''They can't be defeated as long as there are those with blind loyalty to the Lightweaver, five is just how many they have patrolling the quadrants near the borders. Imperials try to flee, but I tried to flee by myself and here I am, trying to get out, to escape, I just never thought I'd need to escape from my own home,'' A large tear rolled down the side of her long neck. Saturn and Polarian glanced a each other and nodded. She tucked in her head and shut her eyes tight. The two went up to her and hugged her by the antlers and comforted her in soft pats and hugs after which she hugged back and stood up.

''Miss,'' Saturn began but was interruted,'' The name is Lux, sorry, I guess I haven't introduced myself.'' ''That's alright, I'm Saturn and he's Polarian. I was just wondering why you fled by yourself, wouldn't it be safer to go in a group?'' ''I wish I could but my home wasn't the only thing that was destroyed, My clan, mostly imperials, sought to leave after helping those dragons(mostly imperials) in Hewn City after the attack with the Emperor. But, the Castigators and their entire army found out they were the ones that got them past the borders, past their patrols. So... They ambushed them, rigged the old structures to blow and drive them out of the city into the fields and ambushed them. We all tried to fight but their was just to many, so the leaders ordered their seconds to take the hatchlings and get them to safely, only the second in command for my group didn't make it past the city's outskirts before he was killed. I wasn't that old at the time to fend off an army, but I had my imperial strength, and I did. I remember toppling a pillar on a group while the rest of the hatchlings were taken by another second, but I knew they wouldn't make it any further if I didn't distract them. I've been in and out of shelters trying to make it to the border for weeks but I couldn't wait anymore. I want to go to the Nature Domain but overseas doesn't exactly give me much shelter especially with Guardians, but it was the best I could come up with considering The plateau is worse shelter as well as confrontation with Shadow Border Patrols.'' ''Well, what if we could get you across the sea? Would you come with us?'' Polarian was looking up now with innocent eyes feeling the pain of her story, how had things come to this?

"Lux, come with us! Our clan can help you, it's all in our motto after all." Saturn gazed his help up to look at the tall shimmering imperial. She bent down and picked up a skypost winghelm that had been tailored for her size. She held it in her hand as she spoke," I can not take your offer, it's too much. Harboring me put you all in danger and the last thing I want is for you all to go through what I had to." "Lux, we don't stand a chance if we all go at it alone. We need to stick together because that's when we are strongest. Just because you're a big imperial doesn't mean you don't need help from us little guys!" Polarian and Saturn spoke together. Lux uttered,"I. . . I mean" but the hatchlings interrupted, "We won't take no for an answer Lux, besides we don't listen to orders well. We are going with you until we get you across that border!" Lux smiled," I agree, thank you! What's the plan?" she said as she placed the cap firmly on her head. "We have a map, this dragon Spyro made one of this Domain with all sorts of hideouts and shortcuts." "Don't forget, we have the best Sunbeam Ruins navigator, Helena!" Polarian added. "Helena?" I don't see another dragon amongst us you two, unless she's imaginary." The two hatchlings gasped, how could they have been so blind they thought. "She was right behind us, but we must have left her behind by accident, we have to find her!" "Then let's tread lightly!" Lux said picking the imperials up and placing them on her shoulders.

Helena's heart was pounding like thunder while her wings beat like a hummingbird's. She weaved in and out of pine branches and bushes scattered all over the trail. She glanced back to see the Spiral and Wildclaw still on her tail. "Drat!" She whispered to herself. Helena grasped an opportunity. Up ahead she saw a tall, smooth tree. She stuck her arm out and U-turned off of it, sticking her foot out. It collided with the Wildclaw's jaw and toppled him over. The spiral jumped up and threw a tail at Helena which she caught and threw into the tree. The Wildclaw rubbed its jaw as it stood and cracked its knuckles. He threw a punch. Helena swerved her head in time and gave him a blow to the chest. The wildclaw was pushed back, but hardly. He grabbed Helena by the wings and swung her over his right shoulder. Helena bounced off the tree as her turned and put the Wildclaw into a headlock. He tried to throw her off but gained grip by holding onto her dark steel bracelets. He swung his body around trying to shake her. Instead, Helena used his momentum to sweep his hind leg with her own. The Wildclaw gave out, and tumbled sideways to the ground. "Learned that from my nephew, Ash!" "Get back here, Nocturne!" "I'd love to stay and chat you featherless fiend, but I gotta fly!"

Helena turned around bumped into a towering yellow, bird-skull covered guardian. "Leave? But you just got here! Why don't we have a chat, relax a little, and tell me everything you know about that Imperial!" Helena backed up as fast as she could. Suddenly, two pairs of hands grabbed her, one her arms the other pair cover her neck and mouth. They were larger then the first two she fought and stronger. "Come on you four, let's show our guest around!" The guardian shot a bolt beam into the tree line, brightening the forest with a blinding glow. Helena's Starry Regard shaded her eyes but she could still feel the light beating on her eyes and skin. "Asesina, pick up Mosco over there. I'm sure Maldova can handle the Nocturne just fine. The spiral released grip on Helena's arms and picked up the spiral and nodded to the male wildclaw who was bowing toward the guardian. "You three, get searching!" The Wildclaw, bowing, nodded and took off while the spirals flew off with him, out of the skylight the Guardian made. The female Guardian looked at Helena with her bright yellow eyes and grinned, "Now, where were we?"

The three imperials saw the light beam destroy the trees from a top a hill that lead into the a denser forest slope. "Do you think Helena's okay?" Saturn asked. "Helena lives next to Charcoal, of course she will be fine!" Polarian said, say trying to be optimistic. "But did this Charcoal ever go off and defeat a power hunger light domain Guardian?" Lux pondered. "Well he teaches DOM!" Saturn replied. Lux nodded her head, "Well, . . . he ever teach you anything?" Polarian smiled," Just one!" "But, it's crazy!" Saturn warned. "This whole domain is already crazy, so spill!" Lux exclaimed. "Well, according to this map it appears that there is a river that out into the Water Domain. If we can get to them to the river, we can win this!" Saturn said. "And how on Soreinth is a river going to help us?" "See, where there's water, there's very thick forests and we Nature dragons know how to use our elements." Polarian grinned. "Okay, so how do we get them to this river?" Lux asked. The twins smiled.

'Are you ready to talk, Nocturne?" The guardian asked, in an eerie voice. "I don't know anything about a light imperial! What even is an imperial! Are they the ones with the pointy noses?" "Don't toy with me Nocturne, I hate your kind too. The only reason you aren't rotting in a ditch somewhere is cuz I hate imperials more! I already found imperial scales along with some putrid potion in your bag here! Why can't we just talk, one light dragon to another?" "Look!" Helena started, "you want to find that imperial, you realize I don't know where she is, and you go find them yourself!" The Guardian moved her head so that the sunlight was now pouring into Helena's eyes. Helena squinted to look at the Guardian. "I couldn't help but notice you were a starry regard contact. Strange! Why hide the one thing that hides where you are from? You obviously aren't a light dragon. But you can handle the light just fine. That's why you are compassionate to a imperial! You're just primitive Nature pest!" "Look who's talking, walking around cover in feathers and bones! What are you a giant Cockatrice!" The Guardian was furious. She motion at the wildclaw to tighten her grip on Helena. Helena gasped as her lungs struggled to take in air. "I'm going to ask you just once, where is the imperial!"

Lux flew quietly through the forest with Polarian and Saturn holding on tight. Above they could her the distant cries of the Castigators searching for them. She continued on, gracefully dodging the branches and shrubs that might give her away. Finally, Lux touched down at the base of the hill. "Okay, those three won't bother us till their leader calls for them. You sure you can do this?" Lux asked. "Miss Lux, we were born to annoy authority!" Polarian responded. "Throw us!" Saturn said in a low voice, trying to sound cool! Lux had them hop into her paw and threw them over the treetops with a powerful heave. "Wheee!" They exclaimed softly.

Just as Helena refused to speak! The Guardian spoke softly. "Then I guess I have no use for you you pond scum!" She extended her claws and raised her arm to strike. Out of the blue, the twins landed on her face! "Get off me you pests!" She tried grab Polarian but Saturn poked out her eyes and she flinched. Just as the Wildclaw let go of Helena to assist her leader, Lux charged down the hill and sent her flying with one big whack! Helena, surprised to see it happen so face, snapped out of her trance and pried her bag out of the Guardian's claws. Polarian and Saturn, relieved to see that Helena was okay, jumped to the Guardian's wings as she clawed at them. They pulled on her wing pieces causing them to break and tangle. The Guardian shook violently causing Polarian to fall, but Saturn use the rope on the wingpieces to swing down and catch him. Lux now faced the Guardian with a swift tail whap to the face. The Guardian shook it off and slashed at her finally releasing Helena's bag. The Guardian kept swiping at her torso, trying to get some flight in but her wings we tangled in rope. Lux was now pinned against a tree that she backed into, holding the Guardian off merely with her arms, trying to use her legs as leverage. The Guradian lowered her head causing Lux to lose grip long enough for the Guardian to ram her head into her torso. She backed up, while Lux winced grabbing her side, and charged again. Lux dodged causing the Guardian to crash her head through the tree trunk. The Guardian began to lift the tree out of the dirt, slowly, while the tree's roots sent dirt flying. Helena swooped in and poured a tonic on the roots causing them to glow. Suddenly, the Guardian who was making ground, was pulled into the ground as the roots dug deep into the Sorienth. "Guess it wasn't just a putrid potion after all! Guess we know why the trees beat the light!" Suddenly the Guardian was chuckling. "You really think this is over?" The four dragon looked up as the understood what she meant. In the midst of the battle, they forgot about the Wildclaw Lux sent flying. Now she was flying but this time she had company. The other three were with her and coming in hot.

"Come on everyone, let's move!" Polarian and Saturn shouted. "Great I love a good chase!" laughed the Guardian. The four swooped down to help their leader while Lux, Helena, and the twins bolted toward the shore. "I'm so glad you two are okay and . . . but who is this?" "This is Lux, the one they are after!" Polarian spoke up. "Nice to meet you, I hear you're a great navigator in these parts!" Lux said panting. "Likewise, now, what's the plan?" "Remember the first day of DOM class?" the twins spoke simultaneously. "You aren't serious, right?" "Oh, they are dead serious!" Lux replied to Helena. "Then to that Forest we go!" Helena cried.

They had just gotten into the woods when they heard the monstrous roar of the Guardian goliath. The five Castigators touched down and lurked into the woods. The emitted a light glow on the forest floor but these parts of the woods were dark. They were in Hewn City outskirts. The dark remains of the shadow domain where no light seemed to touch. The Guardian released her wings with a snap of the cords. "Kill them!" she whispered with tension in her voice. The five spread out into the woods, creeping quietly. The male spiral slunk down into the water running through the woods and listened. As he swayed forward he noticed a single leaf fall from the tree tops. He looked up to see Helena drop in from above. She swung her bag into his face. He threw a punch, only to be batted into the air by Lux. When he tried to move, Helena grabbed him and tyed vined from a tree around his snout and claws. "We make a great team!" They whispered. Lux threw a high five.

Nearby, the other spiral was checking the treetops and using the branches to tread lightly. She was about to continue forward when she heard her branch snap. She jumped to the next one only to have it break by her touch. She landed halfway down the tree onto a thicker branch. She rolled over and sat up. "I hate Nature freaks," She muttered. "I rather think we are fine folks, Saturn, how 'bout you? "I'd have to agree, Polarian! I mean if she would only take up one day of botany she'd know that branch was broken." They laughed and pointed at her. "Why aren't you just little comedians!" She pounced toward them. The twins jumped right and left into a nook in the tree. "Above on another branch, Saturn popped out saying, "I guess she's quite slow too!" The spiral glanced at him and pounced. He ducked back into the small nook. "Below, Polarian popped his head out replying, "I guess that makes two things she's not good at!" The spiral swiped at Polarian who ducked back inside the tree. "Show yourself you little pests. "Where are her manners, Polarian?" The spiral lurched at him. He again ducked. "Right Saturn! She forgot to say please!" The spiral tried to smack him with her tail. but he ducked back in. "I wonder who would raise such an rude child!" The spiral growled and missed Saturn! "Apparently a yellow, oversized chicken!" Polarian laughed. His laugh was cut short as he quickly ducked down when the Spiral clawed her hand into the hole. She peered through the nook as Polarian popped his antler up into her eye. "Agh! You imperial bilge rats." Saturn poked his head out from above, "EYE guess she didn't see that one coming!" "Nice!" Polarian said joining Saturn on the high branch. The spiral turned her head, "You think that's real funny huh! You won't be laughing when you two are dead!" She slashed the branch they were on. However, their reaction was unexpected. The two grabbed the branch and swung it at her feet causing her to stumble back. She tried to get up but found her wing piece lodged in the nook of the tree. "Get back here!" She cried. "We'd like to," Saturn started, "But you didn't say please!" Polarian finished.

The four dragon regrouped near the far side of the woods. "Two down, three to go!" they exclaimed quietly. The Guardian's voice boomed throughout the woods, "Enough hiding!" Then her light beam pierced through the trees. Polarian tried to dodge, but it was coming straight for him. Lux stuck her wing out to shield him. "She groaned as the beam tattered her wing. "Run!" Shouted Helena. The whole forest began to fall before their eyes. The trees crashing down, causing earthquakes. Nothing could be heard from inside the forest as no forest was left standing. Light shattered through the broken up tree line drowning the darkness in light from the beam. Helena pulled the group right out of the Hewn city outskirts and toward the river to Water Domain! The Guardian locked her sight on her and ordered her minions to shift the beam at them. They nearly dodged as trees continued to fall. Lux bent her head to avoid the top branches from scratching her face. Polarian and Saturn were just behind Helena running with their tiny legs as fast as they could. Polarian's legs faltered, but Saturn hooked his antlers and kept him up. When they emerged from the treeline, they found themselves at the shoreline. Helena glanced ahead and pointed to where they needed to go. Everyone sprinted, ears still ringing. They were halfway to the waterfall when the Castigators were now leaving the woods. They now had flight advantage due to Lux's tattered wing. Lux's heart was pounding as she raced through the pain in her wing.

The ringing was ceasing as the four were now almost to the shore. The Castigators were closing in the gap fast. Suddenly, the Guardian fired a beam ahead of them into the ground. They gasped as they were blown into the air and knocked into the ground. Helena spat out the sand in her mouth while Polarian unstuck Saturn's head from the sand. Lux stood up quick as the Guardian touched down in front of them. "End of the line for you four! Your kind will not be tolerated here any longer! Let's start with the one who caused me the most trouble, shall we!" The wildclaws touched down beside their master. They inched their way toward Helena. "Leave her
alone!" Saturn shouted. Polarian threw a shell at the Wildclaw's face. It growled and paid it no attention. They grabbed Helena and threw her toward the Guardian then moved onto Lux. Lux tried to attack but the female wildclaw made a server wound in her wing while the male looped her antler and pulled her down. A thick fog had now rolled it's way, emerging from the water's edge. It crept like a cold hand onto the beach, surrounding them from all sides. The Guardian spoke in her raspy voice, hacking from her sore throat halfway through, "By order of the Lightweaver, I, her loyal light, and guardian of her Candor. . . cough. . . cough. .. , will carry out her pure words. (Hacking noise). I herby sentence you to . . . cough DEATH!" "No!" Saturn yelled. The wildclaw stepped on his back. Helena turned and notice the fog surrounding her then looked at Saturn. The guardian raised her arm to strike, "What are your last words?" Helena gave Saturn a grin as the fog engulfed the beach. All that remained in sight was here and the Guardian. She turned to face the Guardian. "You want my final words? Here: Don't count your chickens before
they hatch!" The guardian slashed down as the Mist engulfed Helena.

The Guardian smiled then realized she felt nothing. The physical being in front of her vanished. She fanned her wings but the fog only grew! "What is this madness!" She shrieked. She heard the thud of two dragons on the sand and panic grew in her bones. She roared when suddenly a shadow bolt knocked her headdress from her face. She squinted into the fog as something moved toward her. She pounded the ground but missed as a purple Wildclaw slashed her across the forehead. It jumped onto her neck and grabbed her by her neck frill. As the Guardian went to lift her claw to slash her off, A fae emerged from the fog with the headdresses of the other two wildclaws and tied her claws together. The wildclaw then took both arms and whammed them into her neck. The guardian fell into the fog, blinded by the opaque field of white. She felt smaller pelts on her leg followed by a blowing punch to her ribs. She took fire but missed and the whole fog lit up in a violent glow. The guardian swiftly whisked her tail about the ground hoping to find anything but instead felt a piercing pain in her tail. She took to the sky, attempting to flee but found herself lost in the fog. She couldn't tell down from up or down. Disorientated. FInally she emerged and the fog subsided. But the beach was empty except for herself and her knocked out minions. Drawn in the sand were two words and a picture. It was a chicken with the words next to it: You mist!

Lux, Helena, the twins and their rescuers were on a boat well off into Water Domain when they heard the roar of the angry guardian. "Serves her right for messing with our clan," scoffed the Wildclaw. "Such a sucker!" The fae laughed though it was hard to tell with his monotone voice. "Mist? Quartz? What are you doing out in Hewn City?" Helena asked. "Well, obviously rescuing your butts!" She grinned stretching out her wings and arms. "Not so touch when ya can't see am I right!?" Fae smirked. The two high fived and faced Helena. "Ok, for real!" Helena glared. "Ugh! Fine, we got the mission to come out here from Chip to deal with a couple of missing dragon's cases! Now we know who's been causing them! Next, we saw ya being chased by those CASTIGATORS and decided to tip the scales of power." "Thanks!" Helena smiled. "Wait, who is that driving the ship. "Everyone turned to see a blue Coatl in a blue hood. "Name's Kyna," she smiled. She had a scar on her forearm but it seemed old and much rested. "She's one of the best water allies we have out here," Quartz the fae spoke, "She will get us to Shadow where I will take the lead from their. We can get safe passage from my old clan, Crowtalon, then make our way to SolarCell."

"How's your wing," Polarian asked Lux. "It'll be fine!" she murmured, "Thank you for leading us through the fog!" "Anything for a friend of the clan! I'm afraid this won't be the last we will see of the Castigators, but at least they'll think twice before messing with us!" Mist said. A moment of silence washed over them as then: "Did you see any dragons fly out of Light?" Lux asked, wincing as she spoke. Quartz and Mist shook their heads. "One!" Everyone looked at Kyna. "A leader, covered in scratches. Heard him say he was going South, to the Southern Icefield." "Did he wear a skypost winghelm?" Lux asked in a voice begging for a response. Kyna smiled and nodded. Lux teared up. "Father!" she whispered.

The feeling of sudden hope rushed over the travelers as they patched each other up and passed their time gazing at the stars and clouds. They traveled their way onto shore and waved Kyna farewell and said hello to the Crowtalions. They loved imperials! As they tread through the woods they found the warm waters that lead to the main clan, SolarCell. By the gate, Guardians bowed their heads to a small Spiral leader who greeted Mist and Quartz and took them in for debriefing. "Lt. Chip!" were two words that addressed him. Then a Mirror and a Tundra arrived at the gate with a Guardian who dismissed the guards and led them inside. The four were led to a fae dressed in medic gear who began to fix up Lux's wing. She muttered softly to herself, "I'm going to need to hire another doctor!"

Within a few days Lux's wing was looking better, enough to fly. Polarian and Saturn were helping her get used to flying as they were starting it themselves. They were now quite tall but still as goofy as ever. Finally Lux was ready to go. She and Helena waved goodbye first as she handed Lux her travel sack. "Fly safe," Helena smiled. Lux nodded. Then she stood up and stared Polarian and Saturn in the eyes, "I have to go now, to the Southern Icefield! I can't thank you enough for saving me!" "We know!" They smiled. "If you ever need anything, or just want to visit the Southern Icefield, come find me!" "We will!" Polarian said, "And the same goes for the Viridian Labyrinth!" Lux smiled and hugged the two. Then she turned and stretched out her wings Lux was about to take off when Saturn shouted, "Wait!"

Lux stopped and looked at him confused. Saturn turned to Helena and muttered something in her ear. "Are you serious? You do?" Helena said surprised. "It's not an easy job! Well if you want to! Saturn, I hereby dub you, Ice Flight Explorer!" "What does that mean?" Lux asked laughingly. "It means I'm going with you! Guess I'll have to see you in Vaher when I get back Polarian!" "WHAT!" Polarian screamed. "Peace out!" Saturn yelled. "Fly fast Lux!" Lux laughed as she and Saturn flew off to the Southern Icefield. Polarian shook his head and looked at Helena, "So who's gonna tell him he should of packed a scarf?"

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