
DSL (draconic as a second language)
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Sunbeam Ursa
Sunbeam Ursa
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Energy: 0
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Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Coatl
Female Coatl
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Personal Style


Sakura Flowerfall
Red and Gold Flair Scarf
Pretty Pink Arm Bow
Teardrop Citrine Bracelet
Pink Wooly Tail
Pretty Pink Tail Bow




Scene: Tropical Cove


8.14 m
7.14 m
1015.55 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Jun 09, 2014
(10 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245



Ace of Cups
Simanmmin has a habit of collecting flowers and making nests out of them, which then wilt at the end of the day. This, combined with her habit of humming monotonously to herself and the fact that her draconic isn't very good, has lead most of the clan to form the opinion that she's a bit dim. If this is true, then it is a flaw that is more than made up for by her sweetness and gentle nature. Simanmmin has never once in her life sought conflict, and is ready to put others before her whenever she can; because being nice is just.. nice! Why would anyone not wish to be nice?

Like most of the Coatls, Simanmmin's name is nearly impossible for dragons of other races to pronounce and she has a nickname, in her case Sisi. Her draconic is still noticeably one of the worst of all the Coatls, though unlike Nain she is very eager to improve and strains to understand and speak clearly. In Coatl her vocabulary is much sharper, and she comes across as naive and cheerful rather than the foolishness her stumbled words and simple sentences convey when she speaks draconic.

Sisi has become somewhat of a darling to the clan. Most dragons look down on her, but they do so fondly and she doesn't mind in the least, why should she? Her childlike delight at receiving attention has made her a favoured dragon to socialise with and dote upon; her happiness makes everyone feel special, and their happiness makes her happy in return.
History: Sisi is one of the older members of the clan, and has been with them since the earliest days. She was sent by her parents from Dragon's Gorge, high on the Light cliffs, with the (rather unfulfilled) aim of broadening their influence. Sisi did not weather the Swords War well and doesn't wish to remember it, her crest droops and she goes very small and quiet and worried whenever the topic is brought up.

Physical: Sisi is a fairly large Coatl with a fondness for pink apparel and flowers. Despite her screechingly clashing colours she is somewhat attractive, especially her eyes, though she does nothing to deliberately highlight this. Her son Blueberry gifted her with an enduring enchantment some time ago, which manifests pink petals falling around her. It's easy to see where Sisi has been on windless days, simply by following the scattered flowers.

Sisi has never fought anything, and her reaction to aggression is to either curl into a ball or fly away in a sudden flurry of wings like some giant pheasant. She is not physically fit in any area, though she very much enjoys swimming and will paddle happily around in the bay when the waves are calm.
I know they don't understand me, but that's okay, they don't need to! But one day, maybe, with Ursa's help I can write them a beautiful letter, and it will tell them all about me and how much I love them.
4156.png Familiar:
The Light Ursa appeared during the clan's first Brightshine Jubilee, affirming Sisi's role as festival mascot. Since then, she hasn't left the Coatl's companionship, teaching her to read and write draconic and serving as a very solid deterrent to those who might bully the gentle dragon. Sisi sleeps wrapped around the luminous elemental and loves her as if she were her calm, stoic parent. In recent times she clings tighter, as the Ursa has told her that she must one day move on, that she will not guard her forever.
In her heart she is a cub. My kind little cub. But cubs cannot stay as they are, as much as we may wish it.

Kin & Others
One of the things other dragons understand the least of Sisi is her capacity to forgive. Particularly, her ability to love and apparently accept the entirely annoying, snobbish, overbearing cantankerousness of her mate Nainnum. She understands why others don't like him, and wishes he would be kinder, but she also knows a side of Nain that others do not: Insecure, emotionally fragile, and desperately reliant on Sisi for any form of genuine draconic contact. Although she would never say it because of his pride, her love for him is based mainly on compassion and pity. The dappled Pearlcatcher's relationship with Sisi is almost a reflection of her own with Nain, though a much healthier version. Since her arrival he has been willing to take her seriously- one of the few in the clan that do- and she is extremely fond of him. She looks up to him like a big brother; he is both social companion and emotional trustee, and the first person Sisi would ever go to if distressed. The scarf around her neck is his, wrapped around her carefully during her roughest times during the War, and she wears it like a magical talisman against the sadness that threatened to overwhelm her then.
Sisi has had a number of offspring with her mate, though she personally doesn't consider the pairing exclusive. Many of them have chosen to live in distant clans, notably Imminnyll of Cindercone Clan, who Sisi doesn't know much about but who seems to be a very exciting inventor of some kind. Iminnyll herself has a difficult relationship with her mother, who is entirely unaware of this. Another child elsewhere is Tetrazene. Tetrazene is not Nainnum's child.
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