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Personal Style


Simple Iron Necklace
Simple Iron Wing Bangles




4.06 m
2.83 m
195.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 18, 2017
(7 years)


Tundra icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



Smoke's avatar
traveler | former princess | she/her


Traveling dragon - please do not exalt or resell! She would appreciate if you sent her to a traveling dragon thread (like this one) instead.

Inventory (please keep these things with her!):

Steam Gyre Simple Iron Necklace Simple Iron Wing Bangles

Home Lair:
The Nyghtsky Clan - ffloof, #218236

Lairs I've Visited:
Myura's Clan - Volrin, #261879
Unnamed - Strukla, #90706
Nightlight Inn - PantheraScience. #330253
Clan Doriath - Lun, #72649
The Bannered Mare - Gilraenn, #90682
Inferni Spiritus - ShepherdOfFire #220519


Travel Log:
Smoke was born with what her father would call a curse. To the princess, she saw it as a blessing, though her family thought otherwise. She could feel others' pain, and even heal them sometimes, though her father told her that it would later drain her of the endless energy she seemed to have. Smoke could not speak, but in her violet eyes you could tell that she strongly disagreed, and the Steam Gyre floating above her formed its steamy entrails into rebellious words that she could not say herself.

The Tundra princess was taught not to use her power, ever. She was to stay secluded in the palace so that she would not fall in love and pass down her curse.

Of course, being the rebellious, rash princess she was, Smoke was miserable. She wanted to be free. She wanted adventure.

The Tundra princess knew her parents would never agree to let her see the world, so one day, she picked the lock in her bedroom and escaped.



It was a clear, cool night in the Light territory, and Smoke was still running at a frantic pace from her former home, her Steam Gyre companion billowing through the air just behind her. Though she knew her father wouldn't have followed her between flights, her heart still drummed with the fear that she'd be caught and dragged back to isolation. She only allowed herself to slow for a moment when a tiny Fae raced past her, carrying an injured Mirror in a hand of shimmering arcane energy: a crippling pain shot through her neck as she glanced at the blue-speckled dragon, but the agony was gone just as soon as it had set in as the duo disappeared into the night. Still blinded by the white-hot pain, Smoke sank to the sun-scorched ground and finally allowed herself a moment's rest.

Before she knew it, Smoke was waking up to a dimly-lit, underground room. A mulberry Fae was sitting across from her nest of hay, claws aglow with a gentle yellow light that barely illuminated the room; her face bore no expression, but her eyes seemed to soften with relief as she noticed the Tundra was conscious again. "Thank goodness you're awake." Her voice was totally flat and monotonous, but she breathed an unmistakable sigh of relief as she spoke. "I was starting to worry you had also been injured in that... awful mess of a night."

'Mess of a night? What happened here?' Smoke thought to herself, and the smoky hawk perched upon her shoulder formed her question with a wave of their cloudy wings. The Fae observed the words hanging in the air for a moment, and then she said;

"Where to begin... one of the travelers that ran by you last night, the blue Mirror, was terribly injured. Deep puncture wounds in his neck, inflicted on him by a deeply Shade-stricken dragon; he's surely been infected now, as well. It happened to him because I refused to tell him what was contained in our clan's lowest chambers, for fear that he'd decide to reveal our secret to outsiders... my Shade-touched mate, Mojack. If I had just been honest with him, he wouldn't have been hurt trying to find the truth for himself, and Mojack wouldn't be at the risk of discovery now.

"For the longest time, I had faith in Mojack. There was still hope that he would be able to resist the Shade's influence, maybe even recover with enough time. But now... he's completely gone. There's nothing left of the dragon I once knew... I once loved." Her empty voice wavered a bit with those final words, and her head hung low as her head crest tell limp around her face. Smoke's ears fell; this whole clan felt bogged down, almost suffocated by despair. She could feel it in the air, suffering their emotional pain just as keenly as she would their physical pain. Clearly, the fate of this "Mojack" had been crushing for them all.

Suddenly, dozens of panicked screams erupted from just outside of the room. The purple Fae sprung up at the sudden noise, head crest flared open and curled inward into a cone shape, and without a moment's hesitation she flung herself out into the main room of the lair. Smoke quickly stood up from the bed of hay and bolted after the smaller dragon, only faltering when stabbing agony shot through her body once again. Kneeling to the ground and taking in a shuddering breath, the Tundra shakily lifted her head to see chaos breaking out all around her; a vibrant-green Mirror twisted and snarled in the grip of numerous dragons, an injured, red, tiger-striped Spiral writhed on the dirt floor, twisting herself up in knots and screaming with all the strength her lungs could muster, a sobbing Pearlcatcher and somber Ridgeback both stood above her, trying desperately to comfort her, and the purple Fae stood between the two groups, looking frantically between them and clearly panicking.

"Myura, help us!" A large orange Snapper begged, pushing a heavy foot onto the Mirror's head and clamping his jaws shut. "The sedatives... they aren't working anymore! We can't hold him still!"

"S-she's dying... my niece, she's..." The armored, crystal-scaled Pearlcatcher whimpered, cupping the red Spiral's tear-streaked face ever so gently and sobbing. "You have to heal her, Myura... please, there must be something you can do!"

"I-I can't, Nauta... the Shade, it--" Myura said numbly. The crimson Ridgeback snapped his head down to look at her and bellowed over her voice:

"Don't you say it, Myura! Don't you dare say you can't help her! You can't let her die!!" He fell to his knees, whispering in a tiny, quivering voice, "I can't lose Twist, not after everything else that's happened..."

Myura broke down, laying down in the dirt and huddling into a shivering ball... the despair that swamped her as she panicked, thinking there was nothing she could to to help any of them, reached Smoke as well. Despite the pain that still throbbed along the Tundra's shoulder, Smoke stood up and trudged her way over to the dying Spiral; as Myura slowly looked up to look at her through giant, misty eyes, Smoke gestured towards the monstrous Mirror. He was somehow putting up a good fight against even the giant, heavy Snapper; Myura nodded, knowing she had to act fast, and finally put aside her panic to help them out.

Kneeling down next to Twist, Smoke could see massive puncture wounds were sunken into her right shoulder; that would explain the agony the Tundra had experienced coming into this room. That wasn't all, though, because pitch-black lines were quickly reaching out from the bite marks and beginning to encompass her whole body! Smoke quickly placed a paw over the wounds and, closing her eyes, began to funnel all of her magic into closing them up. Nauta and the Ridgeback marvelled in disbelief at not only the quickly vanishing bite wounds, but the receding lines of Shade corruption as well!

Soon, Twist's injuries had fully healed over, and a spindly thread of the Shade's darkness rose from the scar tissue in swirling patterns, into the air; Smoke grabbed it with a softly glowing paw and it evaporated into nothingness in her grip. Surely her father was wrong about her powers... those had been deep wounds, and she wasn't tired at all after healing them! Turning around to help the other dragons with that Mirror, she saw that Myura had already dealt with the problem; his body was limp on the floor, his head engulfed by a murky cloud of fog. It looked to be some kind of sleeping spell.

"That won't hold him for long..." Myura said softly, her voice tired, "...and the Shade inside of him has gotten too strong to keep him detained. He'll just break out again, and hurt someone else. I don't know what to do..."

"I know what to do." Growled the gruff voice of a burly Wildclaw, her hard eyes shadowed by the fur of her headdress. "We should just kill him and get this fiasco over with. The real Mojack is gone, and I'm getting tired of you having sentimental attachment to this shell of a dragon. He nearly killed Twist, Myura, and what were you going to do to stop him? To help us?"

"I... I..." Myura mumbled. Her tongue felt like it was made of lead, and she had no explanation to offer as the clan around her began to whisper uneasily to each other. Nauta and Twist, with their Ridgeback companion, departed from the room completely, each one of them shooting disappointed glares at their leader as they led Twist away from the angered crowd. The clan was falling apart... Smoke had to do something.

Her Steam Gyre cawed loudly, the word 'Wait!' wavering boldly in the air around their smoky feathers. The agitated dragons' attention was quickly drawn to Smoke, as she shuffled over to stand boldly next to Myura. 'I want to help' was the next phrase spelled by the misty hawk.

"Oh, and what can you do to help?" The Wildclaw from before asked coldly. Smoke pointed a claw at the unconscious Mirror sprawled out before them, and then pointed to herself, paw glowing softly to demonstrate what she meant. 'I think I can heal him' now hung in the air.

The Wildclaw scoffed at Smoke's message, but the orange Snapper from before came forward, leaning down to peer through her glasses at the Tundra with soft, despairing eyes. "Do you really think you can help him?" She whimpered, and Smoke nodded confidently. The whispering quickly built up again as Myura looked up at Smoke, her monotonous expression somehow conveying infinite gratitude and a spark of hope. Finally the clan turned to observe the Tundra again, and the Wildlclaw spoke reluctantly, saying;

"Alright, fine. But this is your only chance; do what you can to heal Mojack, and if it fails, we'll be putting him out of his misery tomorrow."


The procedure took the rest of the day to prepare for, and Smoke had to spend a good long time resting to make sure she'd have enough energy for the laborious healing process. Early the next morning, she stood uneasily before Mojack, watching him twist and snarl as the clan's dragons held tightly to his leather bonds. She took a few cautious steps towards him and stared nervously as he looked up at her; finding renewed rage at her nervous form, he tried desperately to snap at her with needle-like fangs through his muzzle. In the corner sat Myura, claws and throat glowing with sizzling Light magic; she wasn't just prepared for the worst, she was anticipating it... how comforting.

Smoke took in a shivering breath and finally placed her front paws on the top of Mojack's forehead, holding him down with all her might; as they began to glow with healing magic, he roared in pain and arced his back, trying desperately to escape. Past his twisting and writhing underneath her, Smoke also felt something... else under her paws. It pulsed with malevolence, seethed with hate. It called out to her in a thousand voices, many of them mocking her for her cowardice while a few others criticized her for abandoning her family. She could hear each one so clearly, and she couldn't help but take every berating to heart... unbeknownst to her, a massive Shade fragment was beginning to rise from Mojack's withered form, filling all of the empty space in the room that it could.

Tears began to stream down Smoke's face as she thought of her poor, delicate mother, and her father who had only ever wanted to keep her safe. Why had she left them behind? They didn't deserve this, all they ever did was love her... she almost succumbed to the guilt that wasn't her own as the Shade reached out its countless tendrils towards her quivering body, having finally chosen its next host. Fortunately, a powerful blast of Light from her Fae friend obliterated the creature and knocked Smoke out of her trance.

Of course, Shade energy isn't purged quite so easily; the shattered pieces quickly re-condensed, forming the creature's shadowy body again. It dove back towards Mojack's crumpled figure without a moment's hesitation, jaws opening wide to consume him; that was when Smoke forced a glowing paw out in front of it, cleaving through its torso. The two halves dissolved in midair, leaving not even a speck of darkness behind... as soon as it was out of the picture, Mojack began to stir.

His bonds were released in surprise and Myura didn't wait for a moment to rush into his arms; he held her gently, recognition flooding into his previously dead eyes as he beheld all of the familiar faces around him. There was a massive range of emotion for him to look at, and for Smoke to share; overwhelming joy, guilt, fear, and relief all hung thick in the air around them. Mojack could hardly form an understandable word through the harsh rasp of his voice, and his muscles had atrophied so much in the time he spent immobile and Shade-touched that he could barely stand, but that didn't stop him from smiling with unfathomable happiness at finally being himself again.

"Who saved me?" He struggled to choke out, giving the sobbing Myura a curious look.

"...she did." Myura said peacefully, gesturing to Smoke. Suddenly, she gasped; they had all been so caught up in the moment, nobody noticed that Smoke had run herself ragged defeating the Shade creature! Dozens of dragons all rushed over to her gasping form, checking her over in an attempt to find any wounds, any signs of Shade contamination. But there was nothing... nothing but her weariness after healing such a deep wound. After drawing such a massive Shade fragment out of a dragon.

Surrounded and comforted by the large clan, Smoke relaxed and let herself enter sleep again.


A few weeks had now passed since Mojack's healing. He was making a pretty decent recovery, though it was clear he would never be quite as physically strong as he once had been; certainly not as strong as what was expected of his breed. That didn't stop him from enjoying his second chance at life, though! He and Myura spent every moment they had together, whether it be eating, sleeping, strolling in the sunshine outside, listening to the crickets at night, helping other members of the clan with their daily activities and chores... somehow, they even made the simple action of breathing enjoyable for each other.

"Lightweaver help me..." Adonis, the abrasive Wildclaw from before, groaned with disgust as she watched Myura and Mojack flirt from across the den's breakfast table. "Those two were unbearable lovebirds before he almost died, but now? I think the actual air around them tastes like sap." Smoke merely put her face in her paws as if she was giggling, watching with amusement as the Fae began to spoon-feed soup broth to her sickly mate; Adonis pointed a clawed finger into her mouth and made gagging noises at the two of them, until she finally just got fed up with the show of affection and stormed back into her room.

Smoke had become quite comfortable and welcome in the clan after all this time, but now with their major conflict resolved, she was beginning to feel... bored. Without a purpose. She tried to occupy herself with the clan's daily activities, but that wasn't enough; soon, she realized that the itch in her claws and her strong desire for action was a sign that she needed to move on with her adventure. The conflicting thoughts roiling in her brain, tearing her between staying with what was basically her second family or seeing the world, was finally resolved when one morning, Myura violently shook her awake.

"Smoke. Smoke... Smoke," the Fae commanded in a loud, emotionless voice as she pushed against the Tundra's shoulder, "you need to get up. We got a message, from the Lightweaver herself. We have a huge favour to ask you."

Though Smoke had been tired and reluctant to rouse at first, she snapped awake at this urgent news. Staring down at Myura with questioning eyes, the tiny witch explained, "I was awoken this morning by none other than a Light Goblin, and in the familiar's pearl was a message from our radiant deity. She's heard of your Shade-purging powers, and she's sending us to the Hewn City so we can make an attempt at purifying it. You have to come with us."

Smoke couldn't believe what she was hearing; her powers were so impressive she had caught the attention of an elemental deity?! The Tundra nodded frantically, and at this, Myura's head crest fanned out in what Smoke had begun to recognize as a Fae smile. The news was soon relayed to the rest of the clan, and it was a mere matter of weeks before their lair had been picked clean of every valuable item it contained and totally abandoned. Every adult dragon carried a cart holding their families' belongings, many with their hatchlings excitedly riding within, and together they made the venture to the city of ruins.


The shadowy murk hanging in the air was thick and suffocating; the young, old, and sickly were all encouraged to remain on the city's outskirts until Myura and Smoke could handle the situation. The Tundra's paws were aglow with purifying light and Myura's throat radiated searing magic as the two burst through the malevolent fog, tearing through it like hot knives through butter. After hours of cleaving shadow and slicing murk, the two had successfully reclaimed a swath of collapsed pillars and part of a temple from the overbearing Shade... nothing very impressive, but the shadow was much stronger than anticipated.

The now homeless dragons set up a large camp in the reclaimed strip of miserable land, nestling in among the long-forgotten ruins and dead, sun-starved grass. Spirits were low among the clan in this frightening, darkened land so unlike their own, and with no more travellers coming through to help raise the mood. They had a great stroke of luck when two Imperials, a traveling magician and an ever-so-friendly infant, came to the camp seeking shelter, paying for their food with entertainment in the form of magic shows and story-telling. It was this wonderful company that kept Smoke sane as she and her Fae friend purified the Hewn City inch by inch.

Soon, Smoke had worn herself down to the bone again, and despite her resolve to make her friends proud she could barely even summon a spark of light from her paws. Myura could plainly see the damage their efforts were doing to the Tundra, and having reclaimed an entire temple to call their new home from the encroaching murk, decided to put an end to the mission. "You've already accomplished something phenomenal, Smoke. You've nothing more to prove," the Fae reassured Smoke at the campfire that night. "We have a temple to call home now, and you healed a dragon that's been drowning in Shade for months. That's more than enough for the Lightweaver. That's more than enough for me."

After a few days of recuperating and helping set up the temple for clan life, Smoke was finally ready to set out on her adventure again. She embraced Myura and Mojack in a tight hug that wished to hold them to her forever, and fondly waved goodbye to the rest of the clan. Before she left, however, her Fae friend presented her with a meek-looking cobalt Tundra, bearing an enigmatic bracelet along one of his paws; Smoke's fur bristled at the mere sight of it.

"Smoke, this is Coby. He needs your help," Myura spoke in an urgent tone, gesturing to the Tundra's bracelet. "This... 'bracelet,' if I can even call it that, is endowed with powerful magic beyond even my comprehension. It's supposedly there to summon him to a captor of his in a distant clan, whenever his assistance is needed. I've no way to remove it from him, but I was hoping you could do us one last favour and bring him with you..." and with that, her head frills slicked miserably. "I'm sorry, we've already asked so much of you, but he dearly needs this thing off of him."

Smoke shook her head reassuringly, and her Steam Gyre spelled "It's not a problem" in mist above her head. She beckoned Coby towards her with a slight nod of her head, and reluctantly, he padded along behind her. More excited for her future than ever, Smoke trekked away from the Hewn City, putting a major chapter of her life behind her and embracing the next.

Though of course, she was sure she'd be back to visit someday.



Coby had lots of questions for Smoke and she tried her best to answer them all in full, but there was a limit to her familiar's ability and speed.

They tried to undo the bracelet, purify it (while nervously coming up with plans and ways to escape if the process alerts Mercer) but nothing changed. The bracelet would not budge and it acted as a simple piece of plastic, and not a magical-imbued item.

Their travels took them across the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and the winds blew them into the Windswept Plateau. This clan was unknown to Coby, who already traversed through the Plateau once before, and for some reason, they seemed... hostile. While the two flew above the plains, the other dragons hissed at them, tugged at their wings to stop them mid-air and, in the end, forced the two to land and introduce themselves to the leader. The two kept close to each other at all times, Smoke acting like a protective mother would around her child.

The leader was a peculiar looking one. For one, she wasn't a Wind, but a Plague-native, but that wasn't that uncommon. She bore strange marks all over her body but Smoke approached her without fear. Yet, when she came close, she stumbled for a moment. Confused by this sudden yet momentary weakness, only when she glanced around, behind Queen, did she realize the reason for it. These dragons were afraid, some were in emotional pain, and it overwhelmed her for that brief moment. Not all of them were like that, of course, but from the few she saw, despite the stone-cold looks they collectively showed, there was no hiding their fear. The cause of it remained unknown.

Queen welcomed her and they had a long talk about Smoke, Coby, the nature of their travels and their origins. Smoke was smart enough not to reveal everything about them, like her regal origin or Coby's trouble, but once the fact she was a healer and how she would like to help was out in the open, there was a significant change in Queen's attitude. Her cold and distant demeanor softened a bit; perhaps she was merely looking to help her own clan?

But, upon being suggested to leave Coby behind, Smoke politely yet firmly refused the suggestion. If the hosting clan didn't like travelers, then they won't be getting any, despite how disappointed she felt upon realizing she won't be healing anyone's wounds here, be they physical or emotional. And she wasn't the only one; many faces in front of her couldn't hide what they felt by this glimmer of hope being taken away from them. 'We're leaving.' spelled the Gyre as she returned to Coby's side. Two dragons accompanied them without a word, by the Queen's orders.

It took this strange group just a couple of hours to reach the border. Coby crossed the invisible line without any trouble, but Smoke was stopped in her tracks by the two that followed them. "The Queen has one last message for you.", said the Skydancer. Unlike his stone-faced companion, this one seemed distressed, but only for a moment. As the wild looking Pearlcatcher suddenly jumped on Coby, knocking him down and pinning him to the ground, a silent chant came from the other one. Last thing Smoke saw was something similar to a sparkling dust being blown right into her eyes. Whatever it was, it caused her to frantically try and clean them with her front legs, while the sentence 'What have you done?!' kept repeating over and over. For all of a sudden, she couldn't see a thing! It sure was no ordinary dust.

Undisturbed, he kept on speaking in a monotone, cold voice: "You are hereby forbidden from leaving our territory, Tundra. You will cooperate with our clan, healing our members, warriors, hatchlings. You will stay with us for as long as we need your service. Only after we conclude your powers unnecessary will you be free to leave."
Panicked and afraid, Smoke wanted nothing more but to run away, as far away as she could from this clan, but blind and mute, she couldn't do anything but to keep rubbing her eyes in hope of regaining her eyesight. There were sounds of struggle coming to her ears but there was only her imagination to fill in the blanks.

Suddenly, shouting. "Jaxon! Something's wrong with this one!" "This one" could be no one else but Coby, Smoke presumed, but what was exactly happening?! Feeling helpless irritated and scared her beyond belief, but finally, either the effect wore off or all that rubbing did something, for her eyesight slowly returned and just in time.
631.png Sitting on the bracelet, coiling around Coby's front leg, was a smaller version of a centipede-like creature, known in the Sornieth world as a Corpse Cleaner. It made characteristic clicking sound while speaking, twitching its unsightly mandibles. "Beasts... Longneck... Magician. Kilara... Remember. Kill! 5 days..." As it finished the message it was supposed to deliver, the beast disappeared, leaving behind just an ordinary looking bracelet.

It proved distraction enough for Smoke to bolt towards Coby. The harsh slam his shoulder suffered startled him and soon enough, the two could only hear loud calls coming from the guards left behind, in the Wind territory. Whose territory they ran into, they did not yet know, but this time they're not about to reveal themselves as easily to others.

Somewhere along the way, Coby picked up a robe and started introducing himself as Smoke's sibling, by their mutual agreement. Smoke, on the other hand, wondered about all those poor dragons she couldn't save back in Queen's clan. How many more dragons will try to use her for her powers? She'd be more than happy to help, but not forcibly. Perhaps there was some truth to her family's words...

Still, looking at Coby, she wasn't willing to give up on him, if everyone else was. And she wasn't ready to give up on anyone needing her help along the way, either. She'll just have to be more careful from now on.


The pair managed to flee their way to the Southern Icefield where they were able to take up shelter in an Inn. What they had hoped to be a few days stay ended up in staying for months. The cave entrance to the Inn was closed off in a wall of Ice and all the residents were trapped. Recently, the wall melted enough to let the travelers out and everyone was hurried out of the Inn with packed bags. Most decided to take a visit home and Smoke decided to do the same, seperating from Coby trusting he would find his way back to his home lair.



Whatever warm welcome that Smoke expected from her family and friends was not what she received.

The place that Smoke had returned to was nothing like the village she had been born in, and she was greeted with only ruins.

Tears blurring her eyes, the Tundra crumpled to the ground in sorrow, her fur dragging in the dirt. Her father, who had only wanted to protect her, was gone, and her mother, her beautiful mother..

Her Steam Gyre swirled around her anxiously, almost as if it wanted to help but knew something more than Smoke did. It drifted slightly away from her, its steam pointing at something in the trees as it looked at her expectantly.

Smoke frowned. Her familiar never acted this way when she was upset.

Do you want me to... follow you?

It nodded.

Reluctantly, Smoke stood up, wiping away the tears in her eyes and brushing the dirt off her fur. Then, when she felt ready, she nodded for her familiar to continue.

They walked silently in the woods for a while, wandering into an area that Smoke had never even seen before. As she stared at the strange but oddly familiar buildings around her, the former princess realized that this was her home - only rebuilt!

Relieved, Smoke felt tears threatening to return again as she looked at the dragons her family had once looked after. Still, as they welcomed her again and told her the heartbreaking news of what had happened to much of her clan and her parents, there still seemed to be something wrong with them.

They all seemed to be... on edge.

Nobody truly trusted her, even after they found out she was one of the former rulers, as to her dismay almost all of the clan had been killed by the terrible Cobra.

She couldn't stand it. Everyone pretended they wanted her to stay, but she felt that deep down they were still afraid of her. So one night, when everyone was sleeping, she snuck out.

Perhaps that was what they wanted, in the end.

Inferni Spritus
This was a bad idea. This region dominated with sickness and decay was overwhelming with the pain and suffering of the sick, pestilent creatures that roamed this land. All around her she could feel it all at once from every angle even above and below her feet. She began to feel weak and lightheaded and soon felt faint. The world spun and she felt herself falling before everything went black .

She faded in and out of consciousness. The room somewhere she had not been when she had felt faint before passing out. Each time however; a male, seafoam colored, wildclaw stood by where she lay. Now as she awoke once again he was not by her side but she could hear talking nearby her bed. “What’s wrong with her?” A female voice asked “Well, medically not a thing. Now I have checked her for every infection known to this region and some of the others and there is not a thing wrong with her.” The male voice sounded irritable and perhaps over tired. “I think we should let her rest and maybe she can give us some clearer answers” the male voice added the female voice agreed “alright but as soon as she is awake and able to talk have Zelda come get me.

Days had passed and Zelda had summoned for the clan leader Karma a wildclaw female that was old and sick but somehow thrived on her infected blood. “Karma she is starting to wake up, and there is something else. A creature has come to be by her side and refuses to leave her side. Perhaps her familiar” stated Zelda . Karma nods and entered the clan infirmary. “It’s about time” the grouchy wildclaw huffed. “That thing won’t leave, am I running an infirmary or a zoo?” Karma looked at the steam gyre “Take it easy, it seems to be traveling with her” now to the Gyre “do you know what happened to her?” The gyre attempted to communicate what was wrong with smoke but it was going to be a long and somewhat frustrating process for both parties. Smoke needed to leave the scarred wasteland as soon as possible before all the pain and sickness around her here eventually killed her


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