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Personal Style


Brass Steampunk Vest
Classy Monocle
Shabby Spats




5.36 m
6.77 m
394.18 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Feb 03, 2017
(7 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Nocturne
EXP: 5087 / 11881





Playful Windsinger Puppet


"I smell.... garlic. Charred wood, fish. ..citrus, definitely lemon. Seems someone had their supper here not long ago, just a day or so."

Owners I've Had:
(enter your name & ID here)

(Home Lair)
♬ 138356

♬ 258383

♬ 204939

♬ 276945

♬ 270979

♬ 97657

♬ 199261

♬ 299770

♬ 154401

♬ 212075

♬ 214447

♬ 212075

♬ 3674

♬ 44542

♬ 12962

♬ 212075

♬ 44542

♬ 330262

♬ 45393

♬ ID

Uh-oh, looks like this nosy Nocturne wandered a little too far from his home lair (138356, username), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!

Iventory wrote:
7wv9OeJ.png Nightsky Fuiran Sparrow Skull Olive Sea Snake

Adventure Log:

DistractorRaptor ♬ 138356, The date appears to have been torn out...

This sensitive-nosed Nocturne can smell a squirrel a mile away. He keeps sniffling, and covers his nose when he talks. (He's never owned a toothbrush, and plants were never appealing in terms of meals.) Often accused of being the one who "dealt it."

Since he first opened his eyes, Vittervader was surrounded by those who looked like him: Olive Snakes, orange and blue, in every crevice of that sprawling burrow dug into the Zephyr Steppes. His playmates (incredibly tasty, he found) flicked their tongues in and out, and swarmed around the cauldrons that perfumed the entire burrow with the overwhelming scents of star jasmine and garden bulbs. To them, it was the scent of comfort; to him, it was the pungent odor that stained the very soil of the burrows. He slept outside, among the stars, with the clean, fresh air of the Windswept Plateau -- then one night, staring up at the clear night sky, he took off.

GrinningWolf24 #212075, 6/13/17

Love Potion #9 by The Searchers
It smelled like turpentine, it looked like Indian ink
I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink

Everyone seems to arrive in Namesong in practically the same manner: literally falling down one of the entrance holes to the massive underground burrow. It always comes as a slight shock to arrive there, whether purposefully seeking them out, or accidentally 'entering'. But once settled in, it is quite the interesting place to explore! An event, dubbed the 'Borrowed Time Program', had been put into place. Partially a rigorous training program for fighters, and partially a plea for help from the weakening clan, it acted as a sort of militia; a bolstering force to assist the clan in their mission. To keep a long story short.... he joined the Borrowed Time Program to try to help Namesong fight the Story Vortex, as well as to grow stronger and train. The clan recorded his time within the program, to better educate future travelers and clans of the danger.

When Vittervader first arrived in Namesong, he couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone. It was such a packed and bustling clan; he was bound to get picked on for his breath! But he couldn't help it! Eating olive sea snakes just made it smell funny.... While he was consumed with his thoughts, his uncanny sense of smell led him to Drink's brew station. The conversation that followed (with Vittervader covering his nose and mouth, as per the norm), quickly went in an unexpected direction. She offered Vittervader a concoction that would eradicate his bad breath, no plants or toothbrush required! This liquid 'mouth wash' seemed too good to be true, but the thought of not getting picked on.... it was too much to pass up. Timidly, he gulped down the small vial. Instantly, he felt... incredible! Powerful! He thanked the perplexed and worried tundra. He dashed off so quickly that he was out of earshot before he could hear her plea to return; that her vials had been mislabeled by a careless clanmate who had helped her move them around. He could do anything! Win any fight! Meet any challenge! A search to kill shade fragments? Pah! Let's do this!

Vinosa, Vittervader, Talus, and Mokairum signed up within a few days of each other, quickly being assigned as a team. Together, they started to sweep through the areas of the Training Fields and the Woodland Path to deal with and disperse any lingering pockets of the Story Vortex- a vile form of sentient shade magic.

Everything went smoothly until they found the first pocket in the Woodland Path- a corrupted herd of chargers overwhelmed them, crushing Vinosa beneath their hooves as Mo and Talus rushed to free her from the creatures. Badly injured, she was sent back to Namesong so that the doctors could save her. Though she recovered, she was not well enough to join them back in the field. For protection, Talus, Vittervader, and Mo continued as a trio. It continued in a decent fashion... until the forest fire. Trapped between the canopy and an angry group of centaurs, their only option was to create an escape. An escape that facilitated Vittervader to become near-fatally wounded.

Tazno #214447, 6/21/17

His wounds from participating in the Nuzlocke were too great; he passed on. He found himself in the Tangledwood Tenements, as his want to not abandon his team runs strong.

It took some time, but after spending quite a while within the mansion's walls, he realized that his bravado and want to fight had been falsely inspired by the mixture he had consumed. Freed from its influence in death, he realized that he felt sorely lacking now that he was not 'brave'. He was discontented with the inference that he was unable to be brave without outside tampering. With newfound conviction, he decided to go back to Sornieth. He would find just what bravery really was, so that he could know if he really possessed it or not. Once he found the answer, he knew that the next time he was faced with death, he could move on peacefully.

GrinningWolf24 #212075, 7/2/17

His eyes opened; his vision blurry and disjointed. The smells bombarded his nostrils- formaldehyde, rubbing alcohol, blood, decay, earth, linen, sweat, herbs- the list spiraled dizzyingly out of control as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Finally managing to focus his eyes, he glanced about the tightly packed room he was in. It appeared to be some sort of infirmery or medical room. Other than himself and the equipment stacked around the room, he was alone. Slowly, stiffly, he managed to sit up, working his joints and hopping off the low table he had been lying on.

It felt as if he hadn't moved in a long time. Cautiously, he padded out of the room, following the twisting hallways until he came across one of the minor bolt holes back to the surface. He scrabbled up it, and upon reaching the surface, he took off into the night air. He'd already learned more than enough about himself here, as well as about the dangers of this clan and its inhabitants. It was time to move on. Besides, he had a goal in mind: he wanted to find out what bravery really was.

ZenithNadir #44542, 7/13/2017

Vittervader stayed only briefly in the Suncircle Clan, but he enjoyed visiting the trading bazaar, especially in the early mornings when the merchants and travelers were arriving with their goods. The pungent smells of spices, hides, and incenses filled the air as the shopkeepers unpacked their wares, and as the cooking fires sprung to life the smell of delicately roasting fish made Vittervader's mouth water. He didn't normally eat fish, as a rule, but he couldn't resist taking a nibble of an alderwood-smoked loach - besides, he'd heard from the minstrels that bravery could be found in everyday situations, and what better chance to practice bravery than to take a bite out of a food he'd never eaten before? Culinary curiosity satisfied, Vittervader thanked the seller before moving onto another tent and stocking up on a selection of deliciously-flavored dried meats for his trip. He'd get other, more sensible provisions... but he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity for some good rabbit jerky.

Zikul #12962, 2017/8/10

As he took to the skies again, Vittervader decided to follow not the draconian maps, but those of nature itself. Sornieth was wide open beneath him, and what better way to learn of bravery than to dive into wilderness, and come in contact with cultures as far from that of dragonkind as one could get?

The first beastclan he made contact with regarded him with suspicion - birds with masks approached him with near-paranoia, and the meeting was anything but smooth. They laughed scornfully at him once he'd told them of his search - bravery? A dragon could never begin to understand what bravery was, their opinion dictated. Then, the wisewoman of the company slipped him a bottle and patted his paw knowingly.
"If you want to know bravery, you should drink this," she urged him, "it'll turn you into one of us - do this and then mingle around your kin, and you might get at least a small idea of what it means to be brave."

He thanked her for the bottle and left, pocketing the glass phial. Did he dare drink it? He wasn't sure what could happen, except perhaps another encounter with death - and from what he remembered of the first time, it hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience.

GrinningWolf24 #212075, 9/12/17

Vittervader couldn't quite place a claw on what had him returning to the Plague lands after so much hardship there. He couldn't say why he had the urge to return to a certain area near the edge where Wind and Water territories met with Plague. And he certainly couldn't determine why he had to seek out a specific hole in the dirt.

But he followed his wordless compulsions. Strong wingbeats carried him swiftly to the well-known area. Except that it was difficult to locate exactly where he was going. The landscape had changed drastically, torn by rifts and craters like some giant dragon had raked its claws across the land itself. Eventually he managed to spot a small grouping of tents approximately where he remembered Namesong to be. He descended- and wished he hadn't. The clan was in shambles; the den was destroyed. Dirty, matted fur and dulled eyes surrounded him. They were regrouping, yes, but they were far from whole.

The nocturne's nose was stuffed full of scents of sad sad death rot mold blood wet fur warm sad DEATH. He couldn't stand it! Instantly, he took off again, without so much as a hello to his former friends. Hot tears tracked down his face, shame coursing through his body so heavily that he could practically smell that too. But he couldn't face them like that. Call him a coward.

"Gah, you dumb dragon! You'll never be able to face anything if you keep running away!" He swiped an elbow across his face, trying to clear the snot and tears so that he could smell again. "..I- I think I'm getting close- I th-think I know what b-b-bravery-y is...." Tears renewd their gush, his body convulsing with sobs even as he flew. "..-a-and th-then I go and r-ruuuun off like th-that... I am such a-a-a STUPID DR-A-AGON..." Blinded visually by tears, and olfactorally by snot, he reached back towards his little traveling bag for a bandana. Claws swishing through things wildly, they clicked against something hard- something distinctly glass. His claws closed over the object, pulling it out.

Tearstained and blurry, he could just make out the vial the harpy clan had given him. Instantly a flare of anger burned up inside him, intense and fueled by self-loathing. Reaching a snap-decision, he ripped the cork out of the bottle with his teeth, spat it away to the ground below, and downed the contents in one go.

ZenithNadir #44542, 9/24/2017

The effect of the potion was almost immediate. No sooner had Vittervader swallowed the bottle's contents than his stomach began to churn. He cried out as prickly sensations covered his skin, but his cries turned to mute astonishment as feathers began to burst from his flesh.

The harpy had said that the potion would turn him into one of them. Was he becoming a harpy? How could this be happening? He needed to see his own reflection - and that meant he needed water. Fortunately, the Sea of a Thousand Currents wasn't far away.

Vittervader bolted for the sea, struggling to keep his balance as the potion continued to warp and shift his body mid-flight. His wings were almost completely covered in feathers now, and were heavier than he was used to. Feathers had begun sprouting from his tail as well, dragging him down.

When he finally arrived at the sea, he caught sight of his reflection in the water and gasped with astonishment. He wasn't a harpy - he had a crest of feathers where his horns used to be, and his broad wings were covered in sunset-orange feathers. His broad, feathered tail fanned out behind him in a cascade of blue and gold feathers.

I'm a Roc, he thought dizzily. A Nocturne-sized, blue-and-orange Roc.

The shock, added to the exertion of his flight and the draining effects of the potion, finally proved too much for Vittervader. He fell, and as the waters closed over his head, everything went black.
When Vittervader awoke, to his surprise, he wasn't floating in the middle of the sea. He was back in a clan he'd already visited - the Suncircle Clan.

A merchant and messenger of the clan, Vastatio, had been passing by when he saw Vittervader's still form floating near the shore. He'd picked the Nocturne-turned-Roc - Rocturne? - out of the water, intending to return with him to the Suncircle to show off his curious coloration, but the stench of transformation magic had made him pause. Vastatio wasn't a magician himself, but there were plenty of them in the Suncircle. Maybe someone back there could help Vittervader.

Once Vittervader managed to make his predicament understood (a time-consuming process, considering how hard it was to talk with a beak instead of lips), the magicians of the Suncircle concoted a second potion for him. "When you drink this, you'll return to your original shape," the head magician, Tyrith, assured him, "or at least as near as we can get you. But if you want to remain in this form for a time, you shouldn't suffer any additional ill effects. The choice is yours."

Vittervader considered. Was it better to remain in the shape of this fearsome creature, able to travel the skies with ease and feared by dragon and beastclan alike, for a while in his search to learn the meaning of courage? Or would it be better to return to his own form right away?

MusicForTheSoul #330262, 10/2/2017

Declining the offer, Vittervader left the Suncircle Clan in search of other answers. On the wing as he passed over the Windswept Plateau, something caught his ear. It was music and... celebrating? he thought to himself as he dove closer to the sound. Following the music in the wind, it lead him to a small clan seated around a cliff and all the residents looked to be having a party dedicated to the Starfall Celebration.

What harm can there be in a party? with that thought, he landed on a large circle platform seated against the edge of the cliff and padded over to the town square-type area that was circled around a large bonfire where everyone was celebrating and chatting to the music that pervaded the air. It seems there were several travelers here along with all sorts of other dragons and familiars seated around the fire.

He decided to settle himself by the fire away from the group a bit. Being alone didn't last very long as a very sporadic Coatl joined him and started chatting about becoming a guide for lost travelers like his mentor Ledas. They ended up becoming good friends despite Vittervader being part harpy. Everyone here was so nice and it honestly surprised the Nocturne how indifferent everyone could be to someone so different. He decided to stay for a few more days or aleast until the end of Starfall Celebration.

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