
High Priest of the Eleven
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Energy: 50
out of
Shadow icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Veilspun
Male Veilspun
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
Hibernating icon
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Bjorn


Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


1.25 m
1.08 m
1.95 kg


Primary Gene
Giraffe (Veilspun)
Giraffe (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Blend (Veilspun)
Blend (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Capsule (Veilspun)
Capsule (Veilspun)


Oct 20, 2016
(8 years)


Veilspun icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 10 Veilspun
EXP: 8 / 27676




  • none



Vili of Divinity

__ __
A dreamer full of lofty ideas and unhinged ideals; Vili is the results of divine beings meddling too much with a mortal mind. He is a vessel for the deities of Sornieth, their faithful mouthpiece, and he relays their divine wills when they command it.

Vili is a vessel slowly falling apart, sacrificing piece by piece of himself in servitude to the greater beings that take, take, take

Well. No one ever said it was kind on the body to be a vessel for divine forces, as Vili is, and it shows in the ragged edges that become more pronounced every year. He sees, he knows; his eyes belong to creatures beyond the mortal realms. The knowledge they give him was never meant to burden mortals.




High Priest of the Eleven
Hobby Craftsman
Caretaker of Átrunaðr

__ The years have addled Vili's mind to some extent, this is an undisputed fact, but even before he was a touch airheaded and dense. His smiles have turned sharper since then, less innocent and more feral; the will of the divine is a heavy burden to bear. It turns even the gentlest creature brittle and broken.

But whilst Vili may have turned a little more crass, the kindness he carries in his heart remains genuine and burning fiercely. He cares for the world around him so wholly it hurts.

This is why he has never regretted letting the divine meddle with his soul. They have used him, yes, and it has benefitted the souls around him; this makes it all worthwhile to Vili. He would fall on his sword without hesitation if it would benefit the community he has come to love. It is an all-consuming love, destructive and beautiful at once, and Vili wears it on his sleeve for all the world to see.

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» Spends his days off selling his various crafts at Cinder Post. Most of his life may be dedicated to faith, but he always makes time for artistry.

» Vili helped build the Hall of Átrunaðr, the place of worship in Valhall, and is the current caretaker of the Hall. He spends most of his time there.

» After the divines gifted him three White Ravens, Vili has found himself one of Valhall's most respected members.
__ When he hatched, he was nobody. A second son of unknown nobility. There was no destiny awaiting him, no foolish notion of importance; Vili was just Vili.

Vili was a Guardian with nothing more than the Search to look forward to. There was a silent expectation that would see him live a mediocre life, one he had no intention of challenging, and he'd grown rather content with his lot in life when it all changed at the drop of a hat.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

It all started with a whisper— it snaked through his veins, unknowable and incomprehensible, and Vili chased the sensation into the depths of his own being. This was his first brush with divinity. The whispers kept coming to him, following the wind and occupying his dreams. He learned to walk to the tune of the divine song one clumsy step at a time, abandoning his Search in favour of hunting down something so far beyond himself it was laughable, and the divine forces sent him on a wild chase throughout the world.

They twisted his flesh until he walked in the body of a Spiral, eyes wide and constantly itchy; they carved their patterns into his scales without considering the raw agony of having one's physical form reduced to the plaything of another. Vili suffered at the whims of the divine beings.

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Most do not understand, but Nótt does. Even before the gods pointed Vili in her direction he knew that she was remarkable, and he was quick to seek her out after she settled. And he was proven right, there was a remarkable dragon beneath the frightened visage. A dragon he wished to know better, a dragon he wished to help, and one that could help him in turn.

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__ 27883290.png Not all dragons can shoulder the burden of divinity. Most would crumble before it, or give in to the misery it often brought, but Vili persevered. He rose higher, did more, and embraced all the gods had given him.

The only thing he wanted was to be a worthy speaker for the gods. It was what he had been tasked with, what his soul was made for, and Vili dedicated his life to ensuring belief would not be forgotten. Dragons deserve to look upon the gods and feel their presence.
__ Though most would label him a dreamer, and not entirely wrongfully so, there is so much more to his hazy eyes and absent answers. He is infamous for his cryptic, bordering on nonsensical comments and musings, and he is seemingly incapable of answering a question directly.

And it can make him a difficult dragon to relate to, for his mind is always halfway with the gods. Gaining his full attention is nigh on an impossible feat.

For after wandering between the mortal plane and the Beyond so long, Vili struggles to tell the two apart, and he frequently speaks of things most would never be able to comprehend. Creatures and languages and places unknown; there is much to be heard for those truly able to listen.

But a life so full of servitude to the higher divinity was not kind on him or his psyche.

Humble and patient he may be, and Vili spends more time in a conversation rephrasing himself to be understood than anything, yet his mind is fracturing piece by piece. Confusion, loss of time, temporary amnesia-- one day his loyalty to the gods will be his end. A lot of his time not spent in the Hall is spent in Lyfjaberg with the healers. They do their best to keep him whole, loyal to him as he's always been to them, and sometimes it works.

Sometimes it doesn't.

Vili has clarity enough to know he is grateful to them all, and that Valhall is his home, and that is enough for him. He does his best for them, as he always has, and his voice is always there to guide them onwards through the increasingly scattered, rambled messages from the divine.

Perhaps, he sometimes thinks to himself, the gods will reward his service by saving him from the slow, dreadful fate of crumbling from within.

The fleeting thought never lingers more than a moment.

__ __
_______"i speak for the gods when they speak to me"

» Began his life as a Guardian before changing into a Spiral, and eventually being changed by the old gods into a Veilspun years later.
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Exalting Vili to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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